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Vowels(vauăls) and consonants (cansănănț)

Articles come before a noun

A noun is a person a place a thing

Before most nouns u have to use an article

There are exceptions

When u use a an the

When we speak, when we write

AN -singular noun, before a vowel – a,e,I, o,u

A – in general = replace it with any (oricare / orice)

I want A muffin – you can t choose specifically what muffin you want

THE – specific – that (acel/acela) – YOU CHOOSE – opposite to A

- Second time you speak about the same noun . I bought fruit. The fruit tastes good
- The speaker and the listener know which noun u re talking about – the school ,
- 1% of the countries :

Example> an appleu an eye, an icecream,

Vowel sound – hour h silent -> an hour


It is used to name a SPECIFIC or individual person, place thing. Proper nouns begin with a capital letter
ample: John , London (landăn) - Londra, Pluto, France (freans)

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