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Saraswati Vidya Niketan

Ramnavmi End of Term Examination

English Two
Name: ____________________________ Date:

Class: Form 2____ Time: 2 hrs



1. I don’t understand what he sees in this.

2. Phyllis’s suggestion that we go through the Blue Ridge Mountain was a good one.
3. James is wondering what Wednesday’s lineup is going to be.
4. Our intention is that we be able to visit the tower on our way through Paris.
5. Why you decided to switch careers this late in the game is hard to comprehend.
6. Hugh says he has no idea where he is going to sleep.
7. Whether Sarah goes to college is a concern of mine.
8. That we leave before five in the morning was her idea, not his.
9. You should know where your watch is.
10. The commendation goes to whoever accomplishes the task in a timely manner.

Identify Clauses and Phrases. Read each sentence below. If the underlined group
of words is a phrase, write P. If it is a clause, write C.

1. If you have solved that puzzle, here's a harder one. _____

2. Walking toward the old house, Joan met no one. _____
3. The box on the table contains Jack's birthday present. _____
4. Do you know what is in the box? _____
5. We saw the old woman climbing the stairs. _____
6. Nodding to me casually, the principal went into his office. _____
7. When Amy saw her father, she rushed up to him. _____
8. We saw the old woman as she climbed the stairs. _____
9. After listening to the teacher's directions, the class began to take the test. _____
10. This is the record that I sent for. _____
11. Smiling cheerfully, Kim walked down the hall. _____
12. If you can spare the time, let's go to the movie tonight. _____
13. Standing down the hall, Mr. Sims looked neither right nor left. _____
14. When I came home, I found my brother there ahead of me. _____
15. Opening the mail, Mrs. Harris found three bills. _____
16. After they had fought the cold in January, the Millers went south in February. _____
17. If you like Nantucket, you will love Washington Island. _____
18. There goes the ambulance, hurrying to the hospital _____
19. Be quiet until the buzzer sounds. _____
20. Standing in the rain at the parade, Fred got drenched.
Add the ending punctuation marks and tell what kind of sentences these are: a
Statement, a question, a command or an exclamation.

( 1 ) There is no way I am going to let you get a tattoo__________________________

( 2 ) The lion has escaped from its cage _____________________________________

( 3 ) Did the door lock behind you _______________________________________

( 4 ) The book with the long ribbon is open on the desk ________________________

( 5 ) Turn off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth _______________________

( 6 ) Which sentence is a command?

a. Everyone went home because there was no more pizza
b. Upgrade the operating system on all of the classroom computers
c. Jesse played chess every weekend

( 7 ) Which sentence is an exclamation?

a. This picture shows the kids at the zoo
b. The ship raised its sails and headed out of the harbor
c. There is black smoke coming from the chemistry lab

( 8 ) Which sentence is a statement?

a. Brandon is drawing a picture of a horse
b. Pick up some more milk when you pass by the store
c. Do you want sugar in your coffee

Choose the type of each sentence.

( 9 ) Mr. Foster drove quickly across town
(a) A statement (b.) a question (c) a command (d.) an exclamation

(10) The computer just ate my term paper

( a.) a statement (b.) a question (c.) a command (d.) an exclamation


1. She sitted at the table by the window.

2. Judy rent a movie to watch with her friend.

3. Sue go with Sam to the store. ___________________________________________________

4. Robbie and Rachel eats in the restaurant.

5. Tracy and Terry likes to solve puzzles.
6. Jack and Jill bringed a new pile of water.
7. In a battlefield, two soldiers fights to conquer each other’s kingdom.

8. All students competes for the prizes.

9. Many people considers coffee as a stimulant.
10. Pat finish her project early. ___________________________________________________

Identify the verb that correctly agrees with the subject in each sentence.

1. Most of this soccer equipment (belong, belongs) to the township.

2. The delivery of milk (arrive, arrives) each morning at six o'clock.
3. Peanut butter and jelly (is, are) my favorite lunch.
4. The students (walk, walks) quickly to get to class on time.
5. Several pieces of lawn furniture (need, needs) to be replaced.
6. Drama Club (meet, meets) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at three o'clock.
7. Mr. and Mrs. Jones (commute, commutes) to the city by train.
8. The big oak tree in the front yard (shade, shades) our front porch most of the day.
9. Sue or Jill (is, are) likely to be voted this year's prom queen.
Nothing ever (seem, seems) to bother him.
11. Neither of us (has / have) to pay the fine.

12. The twins and their parents (travel / travels) together.

13. Nobody (believe / believes) your alibi.

14. America and Russia (is / are) the most powerful nations.

15. “Safe” and “out” (is / are) two calls in baseball.

16. Neither of them (dance / dances) to disco music.

17. Each (serve / serves) a different purpose.

18. The hammer as well as the saw (make / makes) work easier.

19. Jacques (was / were) working for his uncle last year.
20. Our team (play / plays) hard every night.


1. The dead trees and peeling paint, along with the broken windows and flapping shutters,
__________ everyone believe that evil spirits haunt the deserted Sinclair house.
A. made B. has made C. makes D. make

2. Where __________ the earrings that I left by the bathroom sink? Oh no! That stupid cat
has swatted them down the drain again!
A. was B. were C. is D. are

3. Neither of those sharks circling your boogie board __________ hungry enough to bite.
A. looks B. look C. looked D. had looked

4. One hundred and fifty gallons __________ the amount of liquid the average living room
rug can absorb. Rachel discovered this fact after taking a long shower when the curtain
wasn't tucked inside the tub.
A. is B. are C. was D. were

5. Agnes never loses a single possession. Everyone knows what belongs to her, for each
pen, pencil, and paperclip __________ a tiny flag attached with Agnes' full name on it.
A. will have B. has C. have D. had

6. Asteroids and comets slamming into Earth __________ Marge; she tries to remain under
the protective cover of her roof as much as possible.
A. worries B. worry C. worried D. used to worry

7. Someone—perhaps Emmanuel or Paul—__________ the right wine to serve with

earthworm lasagna.
A. knew B. will know C. knows D. know

8. These scissors __________ so dull that I'm not sure you could slice butter with them!
A. is B. are C. has been D. had been

9. Physics __________ proven to be Jerry's easiest subject this semester. He brings Carol,
the lab assistant, an oatmeal-raisin cookie, and, as his reward, she finishes his report.
A. has B. have C. had D. will have

10. The good jewelry Dad gave Sara for graduation __________ more than the cheap
leather wallet that David got as his reward for finishing high school.
A. costs B. cost C. will cost D. had cost

Add the correct punctuation to the following:

1. She was in charge of registration name tags and room assignments

2. Jacob ran his fingers through his short curly hair

3. Gemma stop it cried Jane

4. I found that students seemed to ignore punctuation spelling and grammar

5. Lastly don't forget that punctuation can change the meaning of your stories

6. Even though I m sick I ll go to work

7. If I agreed with you we d both be wrong

8. Joe s assignments include science math and running laps at the track

9. Good morning Sue greeted Jen

10. Did he say Good morning Mr. Jones


1. my family wants to go to disneyland in florida for our next vacation.


2. when i was young i used to love reading all the eric carle books.

3. my favorite eric carle book used to be brown bear, brown bear.


4. i don’t like toothpaste and i have tried crest and colgate and even aquafresh.

5. my brother would eat campbell’s tomato soup every day for lunch!

6. every morning with his coffee, my dad reads the financial post newspaper.

7. my teacher miss kelly told us that the biggest dinosaur was the diplodocus.

8. i have always wanted to go to the louvre museum in paris.


9. i love going to orchard mall because it has my favorite toy store called toys r us.
10. jenny got a new nokia phone.

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