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NAMA : Reza Saputra

NIM : E 281 19 115



MATA KULIAH : bahasa inggris

Reza : Badri, Will you go with me to the store tonight?

Badri : Alright I'm also out of work tonight

Reza : okay I'll pick you up at 8:00 a.m.

Badri : I will be waiting for you

Rahmi : nasri, will you help me harvest star fruit in my garden this morning?

Nasri : I'm sorry Rahmi this morning I had to go to my best friend's wedding in the next village

Rahmi : okay, maybe next time

Nasri : Yes, yes, sorry, Rahmi

Tri : ejang would you like to come to my birthday tonight?

Ejang : Alright I'll come

Tri : I'm waiting for your arrival

Ejang : okay

Nur : mat are you busy?

Mat yes why exactly nur

Nur : will you help me color my house

Mat : sorry nur I have a job now, and it seems a bit long

Nur : yes yes it's okay just continue your work

Gun : Ardian would you come to my wedding tomorrow?

Ardian : I will come, there is no way I did not come to my best friend's wedding

Gun : haha, ,,,, let me wait for your arrival tomorrow

Ardian : okay friend, I will come on time

Lena : Can you pick me up tomorrow!

Eja : yes I will pick you up at 7:00

Lena : Yes, thank you

Eja : santuy

Iyas : tomy do you have time for us on vacation this week?

Tomy : sorry iyas can't come with you this week, i have to help my dad sell

Iyas : Alright, friend, if you don't participate, it's okay, don't force yourself

Tomy : Yes, yes, tell my greetings to other friends

Jafar :Do you want to come with me to the west coast tomorrow?

Rua : yes I will go with you, I need to pay for my son's medical expenses

Jafar : Alright then, we will leave at 6:00 tomorrow

Rua : okay okay

Abah : tomorrow you come home tomorrow, something must be signed

Ejang : bah after I will come after evening prayers

Abah : I'm waiting for that

Ejang : yes bah ready

Andri : Reza did you come to tonight's party?

Reza : sorry Andri seems like I can't come tonight, there are college assignments that I have to

Andri : Alright then

Reza : yes yes

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