Rs-485 Moco Instructions

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Description: The Animeo RS-485 motor controller is an intelligent motor controller designed to allow digital
control of up to four standard Somfy motors. Catalog numbers: AC - 1860158, DC - 1860159.

Features: In addition to RS-485 serial control, the Animeo RS-485 motor controller allows motor control
through any of the methods below.

Dry contact: Manually operate motors through a low voltage switch

*RTS control: Allows control via any Somfy RTS transmitter or RTS interface
*IR control: Allows control via the Somfy 8 channel IR transmitter

* IR and RTS modules sold separately

Main Power +
24V DC -
Next MoCo +

Master Switch / Dry Contact

RS-485 in/out

Master control to next MoCo

Individual Switch / RS-485 in/out
dry contact control

Main Power
110V AC

Next MoCo

Master Switch / Dry Contact

RS-485 in/out

Master control to next MoCo

Individual Switch / RS-485 in/out
dry contact control
Installation: Ensure each motor controller is mounted and secured as outlined in the instructions included with the
controller. Mounting options are wall mount or din rail mount.

Motor Connections - it is important to follow the same wiring configuration for each motor. For example, if AC motor
controllers are being used the connections should be as follows. Green/earth ground should connect to the green PE
terminal. The neutral wire should connect to the blue N terminal. Directional wires should connect to the grey terminal with
the up and down arrows.

Additionally, wiring DC motors to the motor controller should follow the same method.

Once all motors are connected and input power is applied, it is necessary to test the motor direction. There are two
ways this can be done:

1) Carefully connect the common, up, and down directions of an Animeo switch to the corresponding inputs on the low
voltage terminal block. Verify that pressing the up direction moves the shade UP, while the down button moves the
shade DOWN.

2) Using a wire jumper on the low voltage terminal block input, use a wire jumper to “jump” the common “C” terminal to
the up and down terminals. Verify each direction moves the shade to its appropriate end limit.

*If pressing the up button or initiating a dry contact moves the shade in the down direction, first verify the Animeo
switch is properly connected to the appropriate terminals. If this is correct, reverse the motor’s directional wires
associated with the switch input which is being tested. Note: It is highly recommended to disconnect power prior
to changing any wire configuration.

After the controllers have been properly mounted, wired, and motor directions tested refer to page 13 of the Animeo IB+
Motor Controller instruction booklet (provided) to configure the controller to the desired end product. Note: Failure to set
the correct end product may result in erratic operation. See also MoCo Positioning Key Modes.

Setup : Required components for programming.

1) PC with available serial or usb port

2) RS-232 to RS-485 convertor
3) RS485 ILT3 Programming Software

Prior to programming it is required to install the necessary software along with any drivers that may be required for the
serial device. Once the hardware and software is installed successfully it is imperative the communication parameters are
set to the following. These settings can be accessed in the Device Manager on the pc.

Bits Per Second: 4800

Data Bits: 8
Parity: Odd
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None

Connect the + and - terminals from the RS-232 to RS-485 converter to the RS-485 terminal block,
located on the far right side on the controller. The + line should connect to one of the A terminals,
while the - line should connect to one of the B terminals. Since both A and B terminals are internally
connected to each other, either terminal connection is allowed.

Programming: Open the RS485 ILT3 Programming Software. On the top left hand side of the program choose the com
port in which your serial device is connected to, then click the Open button to open the selected com port.

Note: the Open button should now say Close.

The programming screen should now look like this:

Motor Controller Addressing: The first step in programming is to locate the node id. The
8 digit ID located on the top of the motor controller, illustrated right. The last 6 digits of this
is the MoCo base address in decimal. Note, communication must be done with the hexadecimal
conversion of this address. To find the hexadecimal equivalent open the calculator on your pc.
Choose view and make sure calculator is set to scientific (Figure 1). With the decimal check box
selected enter in the last 6 digits of the ID located on the motor controller. To obtain the
hexadecimal (hex) equivalent simply select the “hex” check mark and the ID will now be displayed
in hex (Figure 2).

Figure 1 Figure 2

Note, the ID displayed in Figure 2 has 5 digits instead of 6. Zero’s are not displayed in the first digit location. When
entering this ID into the programming software, enter 06DA6B.
Alternatively, the hex ID can also be read from the motor controller. With only one motor controller connected to your pc
click the Broadcast check box and make sure the General settings tab is selected. Directly under the General settings tab
is the Motor Base Address (HEX) box. Click the check box that states Set Base Address. Now click the GET button. The
Motor Base Address box should have filled in with the base address. Note the base address read in software should be
the same address calculated. If trying to read an ID with multiple motor controllers connected the ID returned will be invalid.

Deselect the Broadcast and Set Base Address check boxes. Notice that the base address is also located in the MoCo
Base Address box.

If after clicking the Get Address button nothing appears reverse the wiring configuration on the RS-232 to RS-485
converter and try again.

Explanation of Base Address and Individual Motor Addresses:

Take note in the command box, top right, there is one sent command and four receive commands. Bytes 4-6 are the
individual motor addresses. The breakdown of theseaddresses are as follows:

06DA6B = Base Address, master control of all 4 motor controller outputs

06DA6C = Motor 1 Address
06DA6D = Motor 2 Address
06DA6E = Motor 3 Address
06DA6F = Motor 4 Address

Alternatively, one can determine the individual motor addresses by simply adding one to the base address for motor 1,
add 2 to the base address for motor 2, and so fourth. This pattern remains the same for all other Animeo RS-485 motor

MoCo Channels: Selection of channel 1, channel 2, channel 3 or channel 4 indicates which channel the programmer is
controlling and/or programming.

General Settings: Within the general settings window the base address can be read, group addresses read and
programmed, node labels entered to describe the location or type of window treatment, and motor locked at current
position or either end limits.
Programming Group Addresses:
Assigning group addresses allows any number of motors connected to multiple motor controllers to respond from the
same command. A group address may comprise motors/motor controllers from an entire facade, floor, building or motor
controllers from a single office. Each channel can be programmed with up to 16 group addresses.

To program a group address for channel 1, ensure channel 1 is selected under MoCo channels. From the Group Address
(HEX) field select the group address from the drop down menu in which to program. In the text box directly to the right,
enter the 3 byte (6 digit) hex (0-9, A-F) address. To program this to the motor controller click the Set button. The group
address can be programmed to any of the 16 group address locations (0-15).

Similarly, to program group address for channel 2, ensure the channel 2 is selected under MoCo channels and follow the
same process.

To read an address, choose the group address from the drop down menu and click the Get button. The group address
should appear in the text box directly to the right.

Node Label: This field allows the programmer to assign up to a 32 digit label to the associated channel. This could indicate
a room number or office number.

Lock Status: Locking an individual channel or group prevent those motors from responding to any bus line commands that
of which are at a priority level below the lock status. For example, locking a conference room shades at the lower position
with a priority level greater the default value will prevent any switches outside the conference room from operating the

Once the lock command is selected choose a priority value between 0-255. If a priority value of 5 is chosen, an unlock
command with a priority value greater or equal to 5 must be sent in order to return the individual channel or group back to
normal operating conditions.
MoCo Orders: MoCo AC/DC, this
sections allows the programmer to
set the run times of each shade, tilt
and speed tilt if applicable.

Backlash setting enables venetian

blinds to travel to the lower limit and
reverse slats so that slats are

For a run time of 30 seconds, enter

300. For a run time of 16 seconds,
enter 160.

Run time Tilt. Only used for venetian

blinds. Enter the tilt time from slats
close to close.

Speed Move and Speed Tilt not

applicable on AC motors.

The following fields are not

applicable: MoCo DCE, DC Mode
Used, End Limit Switch Used, Slat
Shake Use, Tension Release Use,
and Reference Count.

Local Enabled enables or disables the

use of local switching.

MoCo Positioning: Motor Position

sends channels to an Intermediate
Positions (IP).

Control: allows manual up, stop, down

control of the selected channel or

Motor IP: Set or read intermediate


Key Modes: Set the motor controller

end product.

Channel Links: Set the switch input

control options.

Realign and Set to Default not used.

Not Implemented MoCo functions and

Raw Data not applicable.
RTS & IR Modules: These modules are easily inserted into the top of the motor controller. To insert an RTS or IR module
it may be necessary to first remove the two protective covers which enclose the wire connections of the motor and switch
sides of the control. Next, remove the module cover. Once removed you will see a black socket with contacts. Insert the
IR or RTS module so that the contacts line up with the contact on the socket inside the control. Take caution to insert the
module fully so that the top of the module is flush with the top of the controller.

For RTS & IR Module programming and operation refer to the instructions included with each device.

Integration with Home Automation or Building Automation Systems:

The Animeo RS-485 motor controller family easily integrates into any system with RS-232 or RS-485 capabilities. RS-232
systems will require and RS-232 to RS-485 adaptor.

When integrating with third party systems it may be necessary to generate the hexadecimal command strings to input into
the master controller. The “Command String Calculator” can be found on the Somfy website,
Click OEMs/Fabricators/Dealers - Click here to go to the Trade - Configuration software.

Choose Group Address and display all commands. Enter the group address or ID and click calculate.

**NOTE: When programming accessory devices for control the inverted group address must be used in the
command. Accessory devices include the programmable smart switches, IP Interface and any automation systems.

For example, group address or ID: EDCBA9

Determine inverted address by subtracting the address or ID from FFFFFF.


123456 is the group address in which must be used to operate the programmed group of EDCBA9.
To determine the inverted address use the pc calculator set to scientific mode
Quick Programming Reference Guide:

1) Install software and USB to RS-485 device on pc

2) Set communication port settings for USB to RS-485 device
3) Locate motor controller ID and convert to hexadecimal -OR- read the ID via programming software
4) Program run times and group addresses
5) Program intermediate positions if necessary


RTS Module - 1860105

IR Module - 1860098
IP Interface - 1810850
Programmable Switch 3 button - 1810827
Programmable Switch 6 button - 1810828
USB to RS-485 convertor - 9015260
RS-485 Repeater - 1810816
Animeo Decora Single Switch - 1800432 (White)
Animeo Decora Single Switch - 1800064 (Ivory)
Animeo Decora Dual Switch - 1800074 (White)
Animeo Decora Dual Switch - 1800075 (Ivory)
DIN Rail - 9011975 (14”)
*Bus Power Supply - 1822111

*Required if programmable switches in use

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