Survey On Street Dogs in Issues in Kerala

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Street dogs are usually poorly cared for and often carries of diseases and pathogen . Today
they have become a serious problem. Many peo[le especially children have been attacked. A
Survey was conducted to check the awareness of people regarding street dog issues. Trough
this survey it was found that people face so many problems . They need a solution for this
relevant issue.


Now a day street dogs are a common issues. Kerala is an animal friendly and pet loving state.
The relationship between street dogs and the human population in our cities is mostly
harmonious but the rabies is a major concern. Street dogs are a main vector of the deadly
disease , which make them unwanted members of Kerala society leading to in humane
means of dog control in most part part of Kerala. Over the past month more than 300 cases
of dogs bites have been registered in the state capital Trivandrum alone. Official records states
that over 40,000 people have been bitten by stray in the last eight months.

The open garbage dumps , or the overflowing garbage on road side is over run by stray dogs
who feed and breed around it. By widespread public outrange ,the state administration found
quick fix solution to control the fast exalting crisis by large scale calling aggressive stray dog in
the state.

Against to the enhance to examinate wondering street dogs animal archivist joint to convince
the government to reverse the stand. While public opinion in Kerala remains sharply divided
with those bitten by dogs, saying for blood and animal activities relaying in alarm and objective
analysis or a survey would help understand the situation better.
Need & Significance of the study

Street dog problem is a relevant issue .The public should be aware of this issue and they want
to know the safety measures and also need a solution

Statement of the problem

A Study on Street dog issues in Kerala.


 To know how the people are affected the problem’s caused by street dogs.
 To know about remedial measures taken by the authority towards this problem
 To know the opinion of people about the of mass killing of stray dog
 To understand whether people are aware of antivirus vaccination.
 To know whether the people are aware of Animal right activities.


Survey method was adopted for this study. Investigators have collected data from people from
Kottayam, Idukki, Kannur districts among our neighbours and friends. A Self constructed
Questionnaire was used for the study. Which included 23 questions.

Analysis and Interpretation of data

We conducted a survey on severe issue of street dogs in Kerala on the month of September
2015.the survey was mainly conducted in different parts of Kottayam ,Idukki,Kannur districts.
From this study it was revealed that about 82% of the people faced the problem of street dog
in their locality. But the sorrowing fact that about 21%of the sample were direct victims of the
street dog attacks.

The domestic animals of the 50%of the people in the sample were attacked severly by street
dogs.52%of them were the opinion that provocate human behavior was the major cause of
street dog attacks and the other 48%of the people strongly disagree with the statement.
64% of the people said that the government had to taken safety measures in their locality. But
36%of the people were not satisfied with the instead measures.

Eventhough 69% of the people disagree with the mass killing of street dogs in the name of
street dog attack. 31% of the people were in a strong decision of killing them.

For 6%of the people didn’t get awareness programme.40%of them are against the opinion of
Animal right activities.

27% of the people strongly support the contraception and fertility control method.
Eventhough 73% of the people disagree with the methods of controlling fertility many of
them were doughtful about the practicability of the method.

89% of the people had taken antirabies vaccination after the attack of stray dogs but 11% of
the people were in opinion that vaccination is required only when the attacked dog is rabbies

81% of the people strongly oppose te arrest of the people who kills the dog. They were in the
opinion that there is no other way rather than killing at the time of atatck.

29% of the people had noticed many of the people who threw their dogs or puppies to this
streets. They strongly point out this to be a major cause for the increase the number of street

60% of the people in the sample says that lower state of the society is more affected by this
problem 61%of the people in the sample were in the need of reformed animal protection laws.

75% of the people were in a strong belief that the heaps of waste in the open space is major
cause for the healthy survival of the street dogs.80% of the people were against media with
the way of presenting this social issue. They think that the media was making a great fuss
within the social issues .this was the main reason for the fear of dog is the minds of common
63% of the people set apart time for participating the canine welfare programmes. But the37%
didn’t found time to participate in such programmes.

82% % of the people believed that the rising issue of stray dog can be tckled with the united
activities of both government and general public.

71% of the people didn’t took timely vaccination for their pet dogs. Only 29% were awre about
the timely vaccination of the pets.

60% of the people were in the opinion that the name of stray dog is right and just 40% of the
people consider the arising allegation in the name of stray dogs a baseless and of no use.


The people of kerala are not insisting killing street dogs. They suggest that the government
should allocate proper shelter and domestic care for these stray dogs. Thus there will be a
reduction in the free ranging of dogs. The attitude of public is varying only because of the fear
of insecurity.

 › Opinion › Letters

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