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Business strategy Assignment: 2

Company: Cinestar Cinema in DHA

TOPIC: Develop and discuss a EFE Matrix for the Company
of our own choiceB
Name: Registration no:
Umair Tariq L1F17BBAM0054

Ali butt L1F17BBAM0055

Bakhtawar Mina L1F15BBAM0154

Amna Sultan L1F15BBAM0193

Prof. Abdul
Weig Ratin
Number Factors ht g Score
EFE Matrix for Cinestar Cinema Complex in DHA
Weig Ratin Weighted
Key External Factors ht g Score
DHA is growing 10% annually in
1 population 0.25 3 0.75
Competitor (some Cinema in Lakshmi
2 Chowk) recently ceased Operations 0.2 3 0.6
Demand for going to Cinema growing
3 10% annually 0.1 2 0.2
Demand for Cable Movies and DVDs is
4 growing 10% annually 0.05 2 0.1
LUMS is installing an on-campus
5 movie Theater 0.15 3 0.45
6 Netflix share goes 28% up in 4 month 0.25 1 0.25

Total 1.00 2.35

Reason for choice of weights and rating

Opportunity section:
We have choose the assigned weight and rating for the opportunity section due to the
following reason

We have assign weight of 0.25 because the cinema is in DHA and people of
DHA has easy access to this cinema so people of DHA will prefer to go to
their nearby cinema
We have rated the response of DHA 3 because this cinema is doing quite
well to cash this opportunity.

 Competitor recently closed

We have assign weight of 0.20 because many of the cinema are closed in
Lakshmi Chowk so this Cinema have the opportunity to catch their
We have rated it 3 because the response of the cinema is quite well toward
this opportunity as this cinema is advertising heavily to catch this audience.
 Trend toward Cinema
The trend toward cinema is increasing at 10% annually so we have assigned
it weight of 0.10
We have rated it 2 because the response is average

We have choose the assigned weight and rating for the threat section due to the
following reason

 Demand for local cable and DVD

We have assign 0.05 weight because trend toward local TV cable and DVD is
increasing slowly so it is not a major threat for this cinema
The response of this cinema is average toward this threat.
 LUMS on Campus Movie Theater
The weight for this threat is 0.15 because most of the customer of this cinema are
the students of LUMS so this initiative of LUMS could be threat
The response for threat by the cinema is above average as they are providing
discount to the LUMS student.
 Netflix Share Goes Up
The subscriber of Netflix has increased by 28% in last 4 month thus can cut the
customer of this cinema so it is a major threat for this cinema so we have assign
weight of 0.25.
The response toward this threat is poor so we have rate 1 for their response

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