Collocation For Leisure Activity

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Leisure time plays a pivotal role in physical and mental well-being of an individual.

people think that it should be properly planned since this helps in optimum utilization of
time. Others believe it should be randomly allocated so that people can explore diverse
activities and rejuvenate themselves. I agree with the former view.

Body Paragraph 1: (EXPLAIN view 1)

A well-planned schedule of leisure activities ensures efficient utilization of time. Firstly, a

person can benefit from a leisure activity only if sufficient energy is devoted to it for a long
period of time. For instance, parents these days prefer that their children should learn a
foreign language, a musical instrument or a professional sport during free time instead of
watching television or playing a game. This requires regular commitment and dedication
which are possible only through proper planning of leisure activities.

Body Paragraph 2: (EXPLAIN view 2)

On the flip side, leisure activities can be a source of creativity and rejuvenation only if they
are unplanned. Various studies have proved that leisure activities are meant to break the
cycle of monotony and organised work. If these activities are planned and organised to
achieve certain goals, they will never refresh themselves for greater productivity in work.
Some corporations such as Google have created play areas within their offices where
employees can do random activities to get a break from monotony of professional work.

Conclusion: (EXPLAIN your opinion)

In conclusion, I think a person should organise his leisure time to achieve better results.
Leisure time is not meant for rejuvenation; however, to carry out certain non-professional
and productive activities. An engineer, for instance, should plan about learning painting so
that he can develop his personality. Lack of planning will prevent this development.

Nowadays, people have become more organized and systematic and would
like to plan their leisure time activities before it execution. Some people argue
that planning is vital for the successful Implementation of any activity. Others
claim that unplanned activities are full of excitement and surprises that is very
difficult to achieve by plan work. I believe that planning play a pivotal role in
completion of an activity within budget and resources.

Firstly, investing in leisure time demands careful planning of resources and

timelines. Most of the people plan occasionally because of inflation and
exorbitant prices of goods and traveling. In addition to this one can enjoy and
explore more by planning. For example, during my college studies I planned
to visit hill stations with my college mated. Being as students we had minimal
funds available for the tour. But with excellent planning we end up our tour
with full of joy and happiness.

However, unplanned free time activities also have a charm in it. Youngsters
are more prevalent in exercising such activities because of its daring and
adventurous nature. For instance, adults in my city start their journey on
highway without knowing their destination that followed by a decision made
on run time which adds plenty of fun and surprise to their trip.

To sum up, I would like to say that planning is mandatory for achieving
required results. Therefore a large numbers of people planned and act
accordingly to get maximum pleasure. However, sometime unplanned
activities also provide you life changing experience.
Scheduling a leisure activity like seeing a movie or taking a coffee break can lead people to
actually enjoy the event less than if the same activities were unplanned, a new study has found.
However, roughly planning an event, but not giving a specific time, can lead to similar levels of
enjoyment as unplanned events, researchers found. “People associate schedules with work. We
want our leisure time to be free-flowing,” said Selin Malkoc, assistant professor at The Ohio State
University in the US. “Time is supposed to fly when you are having fun. Anything that limits and
constrains our leisure chips away at the enjoyment,” said Malkoc.
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Malkoc and Gabriela Tonietto, a doctoral student at Washington University in the US, analysed 13
separate studies that looked at how scheduling leisure activities affects the way we think about and
experience them. In one study, college students were given a calendar filled with classes and
extracurricular activities and asked to imagine that this was their actual schedule for the week.
Half of the participants were then asked to make plans to get frozen yogurt with a friend two days
in advance and add the activity to their calendar. The other half imagined running into a friend and
deciding to get frozen yogurt immediately.
Results showed that those who scheduled getting frozen yogurt with their friend rated the activity
as feeling more like a “commitment” and “chore” than those who imagined the impromptu get-
together. “Scheduling our fun activities leads them to take on qualities of work,” Malkoc said. The
effect is not just for hypothetical activities. In an online study, the researchers had people select an
entertaining YouTube video to watch.
The catch was that some got to watch their chosen video immediately. Others chose a specific date
and time to watch the video and put in on their calendar. Results showed that those who watched
the scheduled video enjoyed it less than those who watched it immediately. While people seem to
get less enjoyment out of precisely scheduled activities, they do not seem to mind if they are more
roughly scheduled.
In another study, the researchers set up a stand on a college campus where they gave out free
coffee and cookies for students studying for finals. Before setting up the stand, they handed out
tickets for students to pick up their coffee and cookies either at a specific time or during a two-hour
window. As they were enjoying their treat, the students filled out a short survey.
The results showed that those who had a specifically scheduled break enjoyed their time off less
than did those who only roughly scheduled the break. “If you schedule leisure activities only
roughly, the negative effects of scheduling disappear,” Malkoc said. One study showed that even
just setting a starting time for a fun activity is enough to make it less enjoyable

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