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Original Paper

Received: October 8, 2000

Gynecol Obstet Invest 2002;53:1–5
Accepted after revision: July 12, 2001

A Diminished Intrapartum Amniotic Fluid Index

Is a Predictive Marker of Possible Adverse
Neonatal Outcome when Associated with
Prolonged Labor
Noriyoshi Kawasaki a Hiroshi Nishimura a Toshihiro Yoshimura b
Hitoshi Okamura b
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a Shimonoseki Kosei Hospital, Shimonoseki, and
b Kumamoto University School of Medicine, Kumamoto, Japan

Key Words incidence of an adverse neonatal outcome was 23.5% in

Amniotic fluid index W Intrapartum amniotic fluid W Labor cases in whom the duration of labor was longer than 8 h
duration W Adverse neonatal outcome which was significantly higher than in cases in whom the
duration of labor was 8 h or less (2.8%; p ! 0.01). In
group B, the incidence of an adverse neonatal outcome
Abstract was similar in the two subgroups. Conclusions: The risk
Objective: To determine whether a diminished intrapar- of an adverse neonatal outcome is higher in patients
tum amniotic fluid volume represents a risk of adverse with diminished amniotic fluid volume if labor is pro-
neonatal outcome when it occurs in conjunction with longed. Consequently, determination of the iAFI could be
prolonged labor. Methods: The intrapartum amniotic a useful admission test.
fluid index (iAFI) was measured in 242 parturients over Copyright © 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

35 weeks of gestation during 1st-stage labor, and the

umbilical artery blood gas was analyzed at delivery. The
subjects were divided into group A (n = 99), having a Introduction
diminished amniotic fluid volume (iAFI ^8.0 cm) and
group B (n = 143), having a normal amniotic fluid volume Fetal admission tests were developed to screen partu-
(iAFI 8.1–20.0 cm), and selected antenatal, delivery, and rients for significant risks of such adverse peripartum out-
neonatal variables were compared. In addition, the two comes as cesarean section for presumed fetal distress, low
groups were subdivided according to the duration of Apgar scores, and neonatal acidosis [1–4]. The use of
labor. Statistical analysis was performed using indepen- these tests could improve patient triage, utilization of
dent Student’s t test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square labor and delivery resources, and the timeliness of inter-
analysis, and Fisher’s exact test where appropriate. p ! ventions for compromised fetuses. Intrapartum assess-
0.05 was considered significant. Results: The patient ment of the amniotic fluid index (AFI) had been consid-
characteristics and pregnancy outcomes were similar in ered the ideal admission test because, regardless of the
groups A and B, as were the incidences of an umbilical cause of oligohydramnios, an AFI ^5.0 cm in early labor
artery blood pH ! 7.20 and/or an Apgar score ! 7 was associated with a poor perinatal outcome [1–5]. More
(group A 9.5%, group B 10.1%). In group A, however, the recently, however, the associations between an intrapar-

© 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel Noriyoshi Kawasaki, MD

ABC 0378–7346/02/0531–0001$18.50/0 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 Shimonoseki Kosei Hospital, Kamishinchi 3-3-8
E-Mail Accessible online at: Shimonoseki 750-0061 (Japan) Tel. +81 832 31 5811, Fax +81 832 23 3077, E-Mail - 2/3/2020 5:03:47 PM
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Table 1. Descriptive variables of women
undergoing intrapartum amniotic fluid Variable AFI p
assessment ^8 cm (n = 99) 8–20 cm (n = 143)

Age, years 27.8B4.2 27.9B4.5 NS

Gravidity, median (range) 1 (1–6) 2 (1–5) NS
Parity, median (range) 0 (0–4) 0 (0–4) NS
Gestational age, weeks 39.5B1.1 39.5B1.1 NS
Amniotic fluid index, cm 6.1B1.5 12.0B2.7 ! 0.01

Table 2. Delivery outcome variables in

women undergoing intrapartum amniotic Variable AFI p
fluid assessment ^8 cm (n = 99) 8–20 cm (n = 143)

Duration of labor, h 7.45B5.13 8.44B6.34 NS

Delivery route, %
Vaginal spontaneous 64.6 71.3 NS
augmentation 16.2 14.7 NS
vacuum extractor 17.2 10.5 NS
Cesarean section 2.0 2.8 NS

Table 3. Neonatal outcome variables from

pregnancies undergoing intrapartum Variable AFI p
amniotic fluid assessment ^8 cm (n = 99) 8–20 cm (n = 143)

Birth weight, g 3,023B313 3,106B364 NS

! 2,500 g, % 3.0 4.2 NS
Apgar score, median (range)
1 min 9 (7–10) 9 (4–10) NS
! 7, % 0 1.3 NS
5 min 9 (8–10) 9 (7–10) NS
! 7, % 0 0 NS
Umbilical artery blood pH 7.296B0.075 7.295B0.078 NS
! 7.20, % 9.1 9.8 NS

tum AFI (iAFI) ^5.0 cm and intrapartum complications tured membrane were included in the study, but those with multife-
have been disputed [6, 7]. We, therefore, considered tal gestations, or having an elective cesarean section, those in whom
delivery was imminent, those with polyhydramnios (AFI 1 20 cm),
whether assessing the iAFI in the context of the duration
chronic hypertension, preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus, and intrauter-
of labor would be more predictive of adverse perinatal ine growth restriction, or those in whom no AFI or UmA blood gas
outcomes. analysis was performed because of staff unavailability were ex-
The AFI was determined with a linear 3.5-MHz transducer on a
Sonovista SL (Mochida Pharmaceuticals, Tokyo, Japan) using the
Patients and Methods four-quadrant AFI technique [8]. All AFI determinations were per-
formed on admission, when the patients were in the first stage of
Patients delivering at the Shimonoseki Kosei Hospital between labor. At delivery, the umbilical cord was clamped at two places, and
May 1, 1996, and December 31, 1999, in whom an iAFI was deter- an UmA blood sample was obtained in a preheparinized syringe and
mined and an umbilical artery (UmA) blood gas analysis was per- placed on ice. All blood gas analyses were done within 30 min of
formed, were entered into the study (n = 242). Patients with a rup- delivery.

2 Gynecol Obstet Invest 2002;53:1–5 Kawasaki/Nishimura/Yoshimura/Okamura - 2/3/2020 5:03:47 PM
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Fig. 1. Distribution of the duration of labor and the intrapartum AFI. Open squares represent the cases with good
neonatal outcomes (UmA pH 67.20 and 1-min Apgar score 67) and closed symbols represent the cases with adverse
neonatal outcomes: $ = UmA pH ! 7.20 and 1-min Apgar score 67; j = UmA pH ! 7.20 and 1-min Apgar score ! 7;
d = UmA pH 67.20 and 1-min Apgar score ! 7.

The patients were divided into two groups: group A patients (n = Results
99) exhibited iAFIs ^8.0 cm and included 20 oligohydramnios
patients (iAFI ^5.0 cm) and 79 borderline oligohydramnios patients
Groups A and B were similar with respect to maternal
(iAFI 5.1–8.0 cm) and were designated as having diminished am-
niotic fluid: group B patients (n = 143) exhibited iAFIs 8.1–20.0 cm age, gravidity, parity and gestational age (table 1). As
and were designated as having normal amniotic fluid. Group A was shown in table 2, duration of labor and route of delivery
compared with group B with respect to the following data abstracted were also similar in the two groups.
from each patient’s medical record: maternal age, gravidity, parity, The mean birth weights in group A and B were similar,
gestational age, duration of labor, delivery route, neonatal birth
as were the incidences of adverse neonatal outcomes,
weight, pH in the UmA, and Apgar score at 1 or 5 min after birth.
Labor onset was defined as that time when regular painful contrac- defined as UmA pH !7.20 and/or Apgar score !7
tions began, occurring every 10 min, leading to cervical change. This (group A 9.5%, group B 10.1%). The median Apgar scores
time was determined by patient history. at 1 and 5 min were similar in the two groups, and there
Statistical analyses were performed with an independent Student were no differences in the incidences of low 1- or 5-min
t test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi-square analysis, and Fisher’s exact
Apgar scores. The mean pH in the UmA and the inci-
test where appropriate. p ! 0.05 was considered significant. Contin-
uous data are reported as mean values B SD and nonparametric data dence of the lower UmA pH (!7.20) were also similar (ta-
as a median and range. ble 3). All infants with low UmA pH and/or a low 1-min

Intrapartum AFI, Duration of Labor, and Gynecol Obstet Invest 2002;53:1–5 3

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Table 4. Incidence of adverse neonatal outcomes from pregnancies The clinical appeal of the AFI is that oligohydramnios
undergoing intrapartum amniotic fluid assessment (AFI ^5.0 cm) is associated with significantly higher inci-
dences of abnormal fetal heart rate tracings, cesarean sec-
AFI Duration of labor p
tion for fetal distress, and low 1- and 5-min Apgar scores
^8 h 18 h [3, 5]. Recently, however, some investigators have been
unable to confirm that an iAFI ^5.0 cm is the critical val-
^8 cm 2.8% (2/68) 23.5% (7/31) ! 0.01
8–20 cm 6.5% (6/89) 16.4% (9/54) NS ue associated with a significant risk of abdominal delivery
for fetal distress [4]. By contrast, Jeng et al. [10] reported
that an AFI !8.0 cm was associated with a significant risk
of abnormal fetal heart rate tracings and emergency cesar-
ean section for fetal distress, and in a separate study,
Apgar score (!7) soon improved, and the 5-min Apgar Grubb and Paul [11] found that an iAFI !2 cm was pre-
scores were all 7 or more. dictive of similar adverse outcomes. The reason for the
Duration of labor, iAFI, and neonatal outcome are disparity among these findings is that the critical value for
shown in figure 1 and table 4. When the groups were the amniotic fluid volume associated with adverse out-
divided into two subgroups each, the incidence of an comes was empirically chosen, and the outcome may vary
adverse neonatal outcome was 23.5% among patients in among clinicians in different practices.
group A with a labor duration 18 h which was significant- Our study population was at low risk, with few cases
ly higher than among group A patients with a labor dura- (8.7%) of oligohydramnios (iAFI !5.0 cm). Nonetheless,
tion ^8 h (2.8%, p ! 0.01). On the other hand, the dura- we still had a 6.3% incidence of adverse neonatal out-
tion of labor had no significant effect on the incidence of comes. The placental hemodynamic alterations result in
adverse neonatal outcomes among patients in group B, fetal heart rate abnormalities and hypoxia [12]. The best
though the incidence tended to be higher among patients evidence of intrapartum fetal hypoxia at birth, however,
with a labor duration 18 h (16.4 vs. 6.5%, NS). Six cases is considered to be the UmA acid-base status rather than
of emergent cesarean section were included in the sub- abnormal fetal heart rate patterns [13]. For these reasons,
group with a labor duration 18 h; the decision to perform we included borderline oligohydramnios (iAFI !8.0 cm)
a cesarean section was made after 18 h of labor. The indi- in our analysis, and we used a low pH in the UmA or low
cations for cesarean section were malrotation (n = 3) and Apgar scores, not cesarean section rate, for the evaluation
fetal distress (n = 3), and in each case abdominal delivery of the perinatal outcome.
prevented the development of an adverse neonatal out- We found that the incidence of adverse neonatal out-
come. comes could not be predicted by iAFI alone which is con-
sistent with the findings of Chauhan et al. [14]. However,
in the cases where patients exhibiting low iAFI also expe-
Discussion rienced prolonged labor, the incidence of the adverse neo-
natal outcomes was significantly higher than in the nor-
Because up to 20% of antepartum low-risk patients mal iAFI group. One possible explanation could be that,
develop complications during labor, separation of the when there is less fluid around the fetus, the reduction in
high- and low-risk patients during the intrapartum period cushioning normally provided by the fluid may have
is important. Fetal admission tests were, therefore, devel- increased the degree of compression of the fetal head or
oped to screen parturients for significant risks of such umbilical cord. If this situation is prolonged, compensato-
adverse peripartum outcomes as cesarean section for pre- ry mechanisms may eventually fail, even in fetuses doing
sumed fetal distress, low Apgar scores, and neonatal aci- well otherwise. Alternatively, decreased amniotic fluid
dosis [1–4]. In this regard, the AFI was described by Phe- may be a sign of chronic fetal hypoxia that only becomes
lan et al. [8] as a semiquantitative means of assessing apparent after prolonged labor stress. However, it should
amniotic fluid volume during pregnancy. As ultrasound is be mentioned also that, in patients with labor duration
becoming increasingly available in labor and delivery 18 h, the incidence of adverse neonatal outcomes was not
units, its utilization for screening intrapartum patients is different between patients with iAFI !8 cm and 8–20 cm.
now certainly feasible; indeed, determination of the AFI And 1 case with low UmA pH and low Apgar score was
is a simple and rapid procedure that does not require found in the group with normal iAFI (9 cm) and pro-
extensive training [9]. longed labor (fig. 1).

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The critical duration of labor was seen at 8 h which is In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate
generally considered the mean duration of labor of multi- that the risk of adverse neonatal outcomes in patients
paras [15]. The purpose of this study was not to determine with diminished iAFI increases when labor is prolonged.
the critical labor duration with respect to iAFI, as a pro- Consequently, measurement of the iAFI should be a use-
spective study would be more appropriate for the pur- ful admission test.


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