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Water is at the heart of sustainable development, and is essential for socio-economic

development, energy and food production, ecosystem integrity and human

survival. Water is also at the heart of the climate change adaptation process, as it plays
the role of link between society and the environment. 

Water is at the heart of sustainable development, and is essential for socio-economic

development, energy and food production, ecosystem integrity and human
survival. Water is also at the heart of the climate change adaptation process, as it plays
the role of link between society and the environment. 

On a human level, water cannot be viewed in isolation. Together, they are vital factors in
reducing the global burden of disease, as well as their money in improving health,
education and economic productivity of the population.

There are currently 2.3 billion people in the world who do not have sanitation facilities
such as a latrine. According to the WHO / UNICEF Joint Water and Sanitation
Monitoring Program , it is estimated that at least 1.8 billion people drink water that is not
protected from faeces. Many more drink their water through systems that lack adequate
protection against health risks. 

Dirty water and poor sanitation are the leading causes of child deaths. Childhood diarrhea
is closely linked to insufficient water supplies, inadequate sanitation, water contaminated
with communicable diseases, and poor hygiene practices. Diarrhea is estimated to kill 1.5
million children annually, most of them children under the age of five who live in
developing countries.

Every year, two international international events related to water and sanitation are
observed: World Water Day (22 March) and World Toilet Day (19 November). And
every day there is an awareness campaign to raise awareness of the world about the
issues related to it and draw attention to the slogan of the occasion, which inspires action.

Water is the basis in this life. Without it, there would be no life on earth. God Almighty
said: (And we made water from every living thing), and the percentage of water on the
surface of the earth constitutes about 75%, represented in all its sources, which is a
constant and does not change, The water was the most important since ancient times, it
is he who helped to form various civilizations, and because of securing its sources and
benefiting from it, conflicts and wars between countries arose. Volume 0%  
It is considered one of the safest elements, so that it is used in many industries, and it is
considered one of the best liquids used in cleaning operations, as it is considered one of
the most important means of transportation, through the use of boats, ships and others,
so the person travels through it to enjoy a journey that combines excitement and fear

There are water in nature in three states, which are liquid, gaseous, and solid. The liquid
state is represented in seas, rivers, lakes, oceans, and springs. As for the gas state, it is
represented by clouds or water droplets that are stuck in the air. As for the solid state, it
is represented by the snow in the frozen poles. North and South, and the water changes
from one state to another, which affects the general degree of the planet, as it has a very
important role in the balance of heat on the planet.

The sources from which water can be obtained vary, and the water represented in the
oceans and seas is one of the largest existing sources, but it is not suitable for drinking
and agriculture because it contains a quantity of salts and some other elements, but it is
very important in the process of navigation and maritime transport, and also contains a
large wealth Of fish of all kinds, and other sources are in the water of lakes and fresh
rivers and springs that are suitable for drinking and agriculture, and water is used in all
areas of life without exception, it is used in drinking, industry, agriculture and others.

Different water sources suffer from many problems represented in conflicts between
countries in order to control the different sources from them, and pollution that reaches
these sources is one of the biggest problems, so water pollution is by throwing many
solid and liquid wastes, or by throwing factory waste in them And, through the leakage of
wastewater from homes and factories, which kills the lives of fish in it, and threatens
many people who depend on rivers for drinking, and also greatly affects the crops
irrigated from these polluted sources.

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