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Name: Aneeza Rafique Roll no: 14

Submitted to mam shamona

Which approach of development in your opinion would be more

appropriate for Pakistan in order to bring social development? Give a
strong argument to support your view.
Modernization approach:
Basically modernization approach start from the Europe countries in
1950. It’s the model of the Europe countries. For the development its
important to change our view with the passage of time and towards the
modernization. We only comate with the develop countries when we
adopt the modern approach with this our development is effected. In this
approach two thinker are important and have these theoretical work
Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. They divided society in two
traditional and other is modern. When we don’t move from traditional to
modern then we don’t compote with the develop countries. So its
important to adopt the modern approach Pakistan is a traditional society
and its so difficult to move traditional to modern but for the
development our country its important to adopt this approach. In our
society unemployment , inequality and no education for the women. But
when follow the modern approach less employment and inequality
people know about our rights. People know about our needs and for the
complete of our needs then know about the important of the job.
Education is also important for women in our society. These all things
only do when we become a modern with this also effect on the
development of the Pakistan.
For example:
In traditional society no education for the women. But with the passage
of time we know about important of the education of the women we
change our thinking and agree on the education of the women. We know
play important role in the development of any country. So we give the
change of education for the women with this approach women work in
every field with men increase the development of our country.
The traditional society people don’t know about the technology. But
with approach we know about the technology and how technology effect
in the development of our country. we use technology in every field and
increase our development. We intract the development countries only
with the technology like internet , social media , is also technology with
this we communicate with develop countries for our purpose and also
know about the global world only with the technology.

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