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Guohua Wu

ABSTRACT: This article examines the role of product/brand type on Web site previsit intentions by framing Web site visits
according to the theory of planned behavior and applying the Rossiter-Percy grid to online advertising planning. The results show
that Web site previsit intentions differ among the four different product types (low vs. high involvement × informational vs.
transformational). Specifically, previsit intentions are higher for high involvement than for low involvement and for
transformational than for informational products. When a Web site visit occurs in certain circumstances, previsit intentions
relate positively to attitude toward the site, which partially mediates brand attitude changes for low involvement products and
fully mediates them for high involvement products. The author discusses implications for online advertising planning and
suggests some future research directions.

In the age of the Internet, any marketer can set up a Web site When an online user must deal with an intrusive invitation to
to take advantage of its enormous potential for marketing a site visit (e.g., pop-up or pop-under), he or she likely
products and services, provide customer support, or determines whether to click through within split seconds. For
communicate with diverse stakeholders (Watson, Zinkhan, example, a full-screen interstitial promoting a detergent brand
and Pitt 2000). One of the greatest benefits of the Internet (e.g., Tide) may prompt a user to dismiss it quickly as
involves harnessing its interactivity, which enables a user and a annoying, but if another full-screen interstitial promotes a
marketer to converse without losing mass marketing scale cruise brand (e.g., Carnival), he or she may wait patiently for it
economies (Deighton 1996). For example, to display or click on to the target site. The phenomenon
predicts that "markets are conversations" on the Internet, and exemplified in these examples presents some interesting
online marketers attempt to initiate conversations with their research questions: (1) Does product type play an important
target audience in various ways, ranging from static banners to role in influencing online consumers' previsit (i.e., pre-
animated banners to interstitials to pop-ups to pop-unders to exposure) intentions? and (2) Do previsit intentions influence
the recently invented video overlay ads. subsequent evaluations in terms of attitude toward the site and
attitude toward the brand if the visit occurs in certain
Such a variety of online advertising formats reflects online
circumstances? This article empirically addresses these two
marketers' consistent efforts to test online consumers' levels of
questions by framing Web site visits within the theory of
tolerance for commercial interruptions, which characterizes
planned behavior (Ajzen 1991) and applying the Rossiter-
the old one-way broadcast marketing paradigm. However, in
Percy (1987) grid to online advertising planning.
the new, two-way interactive marketing paradigm, the power
balance between consumers and marketers has tipped in favor BACKGROUND
of consumers, who have more and faster access to information
Site Previsit Intentions
than ever before (Urban 2005) and exert more control over
information flow (Ariely 2000). Consequently, their tolerance A site previsit is analogous to a "pre-exposure" in the
for commercial interruptions is low, as evidenced by the literature. Intention captures the motivational factors that
popular use of pop-up blockers. But that intolerance does not affect behavior and indicates how hard a person is willing to
mean they do not want any conversations with marketers. try or how much effort he or she will exert to perform the
Rather, they prefer to initiate the conversation and want to be behavior (Ajzen 1991). Therefore, site previsit intentions are
entertained and engaged on their own terms. The huge success similar to the concept of "pre-exposure motivation" (Putrevu
of search engine marketing by Google demonstrates online and Lord 2003), defined as an online consumer's likelihood of
consumers' efforts to seek out information from and visiting a Web site voluntarily or under volitional control.
interactions with online marketers. These intentions thus reflect the notion of an online consumer'

Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol 8 No 1 (Fall 2007), pp. 14‐22. 
© 2010 American Academy of Advertising, All rights reserved 
ISSN 1525‐2019 
15  Journal of Interactive Advertising  Fall 2007

readiness, interest, or desire to interact with a Web site information processing, whereas low involvement means that
(MacInnis, Moorman, and Jaworski 1991) or the degree to the audience regards the perceived risk in the brand choice
which she or he willingly seeks out desired and deliberate decision as low enough to try it first. The second dimension of
exposure (Cho 1999; Raman and Leckenby 1998) prior to the product type pertains to the purchase motive, whether
actual visit. Previsit intentions emphasize an important aspect informational or transformational. Informational motives are
of the "under volitional control" concept, meaning that an negatively reinforcing and can be satisfied by providing
online consumer can decide at will to visit or not visit a Web information about the product or brand, with a corresponding
site. Any activities or factors that inhibit this exercise will emotional state. They include problem removal (from anger to
likely decrease previsit intentions. For example, pop-up ads relief), problem avoidance (from fear to relaxation),
that disrupt the flow state in which online consumers are incomplete satisfaction (from disappointment to optimism),
engrossed during a task (Hoffman and Novak 1996) may mixed approach avoidance (from guilt to peace of mind), and
drastically reduce their previsit intentions, which in turn may normal depletion (from mild annoyance to convenience). In
create a feeling of reactance (Brehm and Brehm 1981). contrast, transformational motives are positively reinforcing
and promise to enhance the user by bringing about a
By definition, previsit intentions encapsulate the motivational
transformation in the brand user's sensory, mental, or social
forces that exist prior to a visit. For example, when prompted
state. They include sensory gratification (from dull to elated),
by a pop-up ad for Dove, an online consumer must decide
intellectual stimulation (from bored to excited), and social
quickly whether to visit the target site
approval (from apprehensive to flattered). Along these two
(, and the willingness to
dimensions, the Rossiter-Percy (1987) grid identifies four
visit at that very moment constitutes his or her previsit
types of products/brands: (1) low involvement and
intention, which is determined by several factors, such as the
informational (e.g., aspirin), (2) low involvement and
characteristics of the pop-up ad (e.g., interest, hedonism,
transformational (e.g., candy), (3) high involvement and
utilitarianism; Olney, Holbrook, and Batra 1991), the product
informational (e.g., insurance), and (4) high involvement and
type or category (i.e., soap), media publicity, or word of mouth
transformational (e.g., cars). Applying this classification of
about the brand. In this study, I examine product type
products or brands to the Web produces a corresponding
empirically as one of the factors driving previsit intentions.
categorization of four types of product or brand Web sites,
Product/Brand Type each of which resides in one of the four quadrants.
Consumer researchers recognize the effect of product or brand Figure 1. A Conceptual Framework for Planned Web Site
type on consumer purchasing and consumption behavior and Visit
have identified various ways to classify products according to
the situations in which the product, person, and environment
interact (Fennell 1978; Hirschman and Holbrook 1982; Park,
Jaworski, and MacInnis 1986; Rossiter and Percy 1987; Vaugh
1980, 1986). The literature reveals two major ways to
categorize products: (1) on one dimension, such as hedonic
versus utilitarian, or (2) on two dimensions, as in the FCB grid
(Vaugh 1980, 1986) (e.g., high vs. low involvement × think vs.
feel) or the Rossiter-Percy (1987) grid (e.g., high vs. low
involvement × informational vs. transformational). I choose
Rossiter and Percy's (1987) two-dimensional
conceptualization of product or brand type primarily because
of its conceptual rigor and operational usefulness for practical
Theory of Planned Web Site Visit
applications, as supported by Rossiter, Percy, and Donovan
(1991). The first dimension, involvement, is purely Figure 1 provides a conceptual framework for the current
dichotomous and defined as "perceived risk." High study, based on Ajzen's (1991) theory of planned behavior.
involvement means that a particular audience perceives the Attitude toward behavior refers to the degree to which a
brand choice as risky enough to deserve deep-level person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the
16  Journal of Interactive Advertising  Fall 2007

behavior in question. The evaluation is based on beliefs about time and cognitive energy on product or brand choice
the attitude object, each of which links behavior to certain situations that bear higher perceived risks. Thus, online
positively or negatively valued attributes. Likewise, online consumers are more likely pay voluntary visits to high-
consumers may hold positive or negative attitudes toward involvement Web sites than to low-involvement Web sites.
visiting a specific product or brand type Web site because they
H1b: Previsit intentions are higher for a high-involvement
associate the site visit with positive or negative expenditures of
product type than for a low-involvement product type.
time and effort. For example, most online consumers consider
visiting a detergent site such as a waste of attention In the same study, Yoon and Kim (2001) find that the Internet
and time but regard visiting as is more suited for "thinking" products, such as automobiles
worthwhile. and shampoos, than for "feeling" products, such as fast food
and luxury watches. Similarly, Dahlen and Bergendahl (2001)
Subjective norms refer to the social pressure to perform or not
indicate that click-through rates are higher for functional
perform a particular behavior. In this context, online
products than for expressive products, which suggests online
consumers' subjective norm regarding visiting a specific type
consumers are more likely to search for information about
of product Web site reflects what important others think of
functional, thinking, or informational products than for
that visit. To illustrate, someone who visits might be
information about expressive, feeling, or transformational
thought of as unimaginative or boring, whereas someone who
products. Hence,
visits might be regarded as fun or exciting.
H1c: Previsit intentions are higher for an informational
Perceived behavioral control refers to the ease or difficulty of
product than for a transformational product type.
performing or not performing the behavior of interest. With
regard to visiting a Web site, it is easy and simple for online The proposed framework for planned Web site visits predicts
consumers to decide whether to visit a particular Web site on that attitude toward visiting certain types of product or brand
the basis of an assessment of the opportunities and resources Web sites influences site previsit intentions, which in turn
available to them, such as time, energy, skills, and timing. But affects attitude toward the site and attitude toward the brand if
they also may perceive a loss of behavioral control because of the site visit occurs in certain circumstances. However, it
the presence of intrusive online ads, such as pop-ups, pop- remains unclear how previsit intentions influence attitude
unders, and interstitials. In particular, they may react very toward the site. Existing literature suggests two factors define a
negatively when they encounter intrusive ads that promote clear relationship between previsit intentions and attitude
routinely purchased products that are of low importance. toward the site when previsit intentions are low. First, online
consumers tend to have less tolerance for commercial
In response to this discussion about the role of product type in
interruptions and expect to be left alone, because they are
attitude toward visiting Web sites and the effects of subjective
focused on goal-directed or experiential-directed flow
norms and perceived behavioral control on previsit intentions,
activities (Novak, Hoffman, and Duhachek 2003). The
the following hypothesis emerges:
phenomena of so-called "banner blindness" (Benway 1999)
H1a: Previsit intentions differ among the four product and ad avoidance (Cho and Cheon, 2004) on the Internet
types (high vs. low involvement × informational confirm that online consumers concentrate so much on their
vs.transformational). tasks that anything irrelevant to the task at hand gets
selectively filtered. Second, when online consumers must deal
Yoon and Kim (2001), in their attempt to relate salient
with intrusive online marketing tactics, such as pop-up or rich
product characteristics to media choice, use four product
media ads, they likely perceive a loss of control or an intrusion
types: automobiles, luxury watches, shampoos, and fast food.
on the freedom of their private space online, which prompts a
They find that the Internet is more suited for high-
feeling of "reactance" (Brehm and Brehm 1981) that results in
involvement product types, such as automobiles and luxury
negative consequences for marketers (Edwards, Li, and Lee
watches, than for low-involvement products such as shampoos
2002). Empowered online consumers demand that marketers
and fast food. From a cost-benefit analysis perspective (Stigler
treat them as equal partners in a consumer-marketer
1961), because consumers search until their perceived
relationship. Hoffman, Novak, and Peralta (1999) argue that
marginal costs of search equal the perceived marginal benefits,
online marketers should develop profitable exchange
it makes sense that online consumers will spend their valuable
relationships with online consumers by allowing the balance of
17  Journal of Interactive Advertising  Fall 2007

power to shift toward more cooperative consumer-marketer and State Farm insurance in the high involvement,
interactions, which assumes that both consumers and informational quadrant.
marketers are willing and ready to interact. As a result, online
consumers who are less willing to interact voluntarily with
online marketers might react more negatively and hold a more One hundred fifteen students from the same university
unfavorable attitude toward the intended target Web site and volunteered to participate in the main study, which took place
the advertised brand than those who are more willing or ready in a computer lab, for extra credit. The participants' average
to do so. age was 22 years. Of the 115 participants, 37.4% (43) are men.
Approximately 73% work either part-time or full-time and
However, when someone has high previsit intentions, he or
work an average of 22 hours per week. More than 90% report
she also may have higher expectations and be more
that they felt comfortable or very comfortable performing
disappointed if the visit experience falls short of his or her
computer-related tasks, such as browsing the Web and
expectations; in turn, his or her attitude toward the site might
shopping on the Internet. They spend an average of 11.8 hours
be more negative as well. Thus,
per week on the Web. Fifty-seven percent said they have high-
H2a: If the site visit occurs in certain circumstances, an speed internet access (DSL or cable modem) at home.
online consumer displaying either low or high previsit
intentions has a more negative attitude toward the site
than an online consumer displaying medium previsit A PowerPoint presentation guided the participants in
intentions. browsing the four Web sites. To minimize order effects,
participants were randomly assigned to four different order
On the basis of the well-established mediating role of ad
sequences for the site browsing task. The participants received
attitude in brand attitude in traditional consumer research
extra credit as an incentive for them to visit these Web sites,
(MacKenzie and Lutz 1989; MacKenzie, Lutz, and Belch 1986)
regardless of their previsit intention levels. This procedure
and the validation and extension of MacKenzie, Lutz, and
simulates a real-world situation, in which online marketers
Belch's (1986) dual mediation model to the Internet context
often offer incentives to lure online consumers to a target site.
(Karson and Fisher 2005a, b),
The participants were told that the purpose of the study was to
H2b: Attitude toward the Web site (b) positively help understand how consumers processed information
influences brand attitude change and (c) mediates the online. After a Web site address appeared on the large screen,
influence of previsit intentions on brand attitude change. controlled from a LCD projector, the participants typed the
Web site address into an Internet Explorer browser and began
browsing for approximately 4 minutes. Then they stopped to
Stimulus Site Selection fill out a paper-and-pencil questionnaire. This process
repeated for the other three Web sites. Finally, they completed
In a pretest conducted to determine which stimulus Web sites
the demographics and Web usage portions of the
to use for the main study, 34 students in a consumer behavior
questionnaire. Finally, they were debriefed, thanked, and
class at a large public university in the United States
dismissed. Each session lasted 30 minutes. Over two weeks, 22
considered the Rossiter-Percy grid. The students received a
sessions took place, and 115 completed survey questionnaires
class assignment with the following instructions:
were collected.
Please list the first three brands that come to your mind for
each product category shown in each quadrant of the Rossiter- Measure
Percy grid. The study manipulates product type as a within-subjects
From the assignments turned in, I counted the mentions of variable, because each participant browsed all four Web sites.
each brand. The brand that received the highest number of The measure of previsit intention uses the statement: "How
likely would you be to visit this Web site if NOT for
mentions in each quadrant is selected, namely, Bayer aspirin
participating in the research study?" Participants responded on
from the low involvement, informational quadrant; Snickers
a five-point Likert-type scale, anchored at 1 "extremely
candy bar in the low involvement, transformational quadrant;
unlikely" and 5 "extremely likely." The measure of brand
Ford cars in the high involvement, transformational quadrant;
attitude change employs the statement: "In which way did your
18  Journal of Interactive Advertising  Fall 2007

visit to this Web site today affect your perception of the deteriorate with repeated exposures, whereas expressive
advertised brand?" (five-point Likert-type scale, 1 "very products enjoy increasing click-through rates with repeated
negatively" and 5 "very positively"). This newly developed exposures. Therefore, online consumers may be more likely to
measure captures the net impact of a site visit experience on click on transformational products than informational ones if
brand attitude. Because these measures are very the products or brands are already familiar to them.
straightforward and concrete, single-item measures are
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for the Three Key Variables in
adequate (Rossiter 2002). The attitude toward the Web site
the Study
measure relies on Chen and Wells's (1999) attitude toward the
site scale (α = .87; α = .92; α = .89; α = .85
The descriptive statistics in Table 1 refer to the three key
variables in this study: previsit intention, attitude toward the
site, and brand attitude change. The test of H1a uses a general
linear model (GLM) repeated-measures procedure. According
to H1a, previsit intentions differ among the four types of
To test H2a, the data collected from the four different stimulus
products; the significant results (F(3, 104) = 48.25, p < .001)
Web sites join to form a data set. Previsit intention therefore
support this claim. Participants are most likely to visit
gets recoded into a three-group categorical variable (i.e., low, (high involvement, transformational, mean [M] =
medium, and high). The results from an ANOVA analysis
3.19, standard deviation [SD] = 1.26) and least likely to visit
show that the three groups differ significantly on attitude (low involvement, informational, M = 1.62, SD =
toward the site (Mlow = 2.71, SD = .83; Mmedium = 3.58, SD
.91). However, the post-hoc analysis shows no differences
= .70; Mhigh = 4.23, SD = .62, F(431, 2) = 167.33, p < .001),
between (low involvement, transformational, M
but previsit intention has a consistent positive effect on
= 2.58, SD = 1.41) and (high involvement,
attitude toward the site across the three groups. Accordingly,
informational, M = 2.46, SD= 1.25) in terms of previsit
H2a receives only partial support, because the data do not
suggest that high previsit intention leads to higher
A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures serves to test H1b expectations, which causes a poor attitude toward the site.
and H1c. It indicates no signification interaction and two main
The tests of H2b and H2c employ a mediational analysis, using
effects. In support of H1b, which predicts previsit intentions
Baron and Kenny's (1986) framework for the four sites. The
are higher for high- than for low-involvement products, a data set encounters three regression models. The
main effect of involvement emerges (= 2.82, standard error
first regression uses previsit intention as the independent
[SE] = .08; Mlow involvement = 2.09, SE = .10, F(1,106) =
variable and attitude toward the site (Asite) as the dependent
44.77, p < .0001). H1c predicts higher previsit intentions for
variable. The effect of the independent variable significantly
informational than for transformational products. A main
explains the variance in the hypothesized Asite mediator (β =
effect of motive emerges (Minformational = 2.02, SE = .08;
.50, p < .0001), which suggests that Asite relates to previsit
Mtransformational = 2.89, SE = .10, F(1,106) = 60.06, p <
intention, whose effect it supposedly mediates. The second
.0001), but the direction is opposite to that hypothesized, in
regression model, with brand attitude change as the dependent
conflict with H1c. I pose three possible explanations. First, as
variable and the mediator (Asite) as the independent variable,
the Web matures, consumers may perceive it as a multimedia
indicates that Asite significantly accounts for the variance in
platform that can be more affectively involving for
brand attitude change (β = .64, p < .0001). Finally, the third
transformational products. Second, the participants are
model contains brand attitude change as the dependent
younger and thus may be more comfortable using the Web to
variable and previsit intention and attitude toward the site as
satisfy their hedonic needs, such as sensory gratification from
independent variables. The effect of previsit intention is not
transformational products. Third, the stimulus Web sites refer
significant (β = .59, p = .56) after controlling for the significant
to well-known brands, and as Dahlen (2002) notes, functional
effect of attitude toward the site (β = .62, p < .001). Similar
products have higher initial click-through rates that quickly
mediational analyses for the,, and
19  Journal of Interactive Advertising  Fall 2007 data sets produce the results featured in Table 2, toward high-involvement products but only indirect effects
which all support H2b and H2c. That is, previsit intentions (via attitude toward the site) on brand attitude change toward
have a significant impact on attitude toward the site, which in low-involvement products. This finding appears consistent
turn positively influences brand attitude change across four with the elaboration likelihood model predictions (Petty and
different product Web sites. However, regarding the mediating Caccioppo 1986). When online consumers display low previsit
role of attitude toward the site on brand attitude change, full intentions for low-involvement products, their limited
mediational effects emerge for low-involvement product types attention focuses on peripheral, non-product features and
( and, but only partial mediation feelings contained in the Web site, their brand information
appears to exist for high-involvement product types (Baron processing is low, and the effect of previsit intentions on brand
and Kenny 1986). Therefore, H2c is partially supported. attitude change operates through a peripheral route to
persuasion. In contrast, when online consumers display high
Table 2. The Mediating Effect of Attitude toward Site on
previsit intentions for high-involvement products, their strong
Brand Attitude Change
attention focuses on central, product-related features and
factual information, their brand information processing is
high, and their brand attitude change goes through a central
route to persuasion.
Practical Implications for Online Advertising Planning
Although this study only tests one product Web site in each of
the four quadrants in the Rossiter-Percy grid, it still provides
some initial empirical evidence in support of the usefulness of
the grid for online advertising planning. By recognizing the
differential levels of previsit intentions that online consumers
display for different product types and their potential impacts
on attitude toward the target site and brand attitude change,
online marketers can adopt the offline advertising tactics
discussed by Rossiter, Percy, and Donovan (1991) to develop
their online advertising objectives and strategies. For example,
DISCUSSION Rossiter, Percy, and Donovan (1991) recommend that
This study applies the Rossiter-Percy grid to online advertising marketers in the low involvement, informational quadrant
planning by empirically investigating the differential levels of should adopt a simple problem-solution format in an
Web site previsit intentions for four different product types emotional portrayal of extreme benefit claim(s), though it is
(high vs. low involvement × informational vs. not necessary for consumers to like the ad. In online terms,
transformational) and the subsequent impact on advertising this recommendation implies that intrusive advertising may be
effectiveness measures, such as attitude toward the site and used to boost low previsit intentions. But because online
brand attitude change. The results of this study thus have consumers have a lower tolerance for such interruptions, they
important implications for online advertising planning. react more negatively to the ad and ultimately to the brand.
The evidence from this study pertaining to suggests
The notion that product type influences previsit intentions is that it is not easy to overcome the effects of low previsit
intuitive and obvious, but little empirical research actually intentions on attitude toward the site or brand attitude
examines this relationship. For example, Putrevu and Lord change. Perhaps the participants believed their visit experience
(2003) develop four sets of propositions for the four different not worthwhile or had regrets about the visit. Thus, suggestive
product types in the FCB grid but just assume a relationship or seductive tactics should attempt to lure, rather than drive,
between product type and pre-exposure motivation. In them to a Web site visit. Original and entertaining ads or ads
contrast, this study explicitly tests the relationship between that offer incentives, such as a chance to win something in a
product type and previsit intentions. In addition, this study sweepstakes or accumulate reward points, may compel them
reveals that previsit intention has both direct and indirect to visit voluntarily. Again, it remains of paramount
effects (via attitude toward the site) on brand attitude change importance that online marketers in the low involvement,
20  Journal of Interactive Advertising  Fall 2007

informational quadrant respect online consumers by communication tactics, at least moderately, to entice visits to
minimizing their use of intrusive tactics and maximizing the their Web sites.
power of creativity in ads and Web sites.
In summary, the old broadcast model of driving consumers to
For products in the high involvement, transformational Web sites may not be equally effective for some product types
quadrant, Rossiter, Percy, and Donovan (1991) recommend and even be ineffective in others (e.g., low involvement,
enabling the target audience to identify personally with the informational quadrant). In online environments, marketers
emotions and lifestyles associated with product use, as should try harder to take a soft sell approach by wooing
portrayed in the ad. The evidence in relation to the consumers into a conversation. If markets are conversations,
data set proves this point; the participants showed the highest as heralded by, conversations are the bridges to
previsit intention, highest attitude toward the site, and most mutually beneficial relationships between brands and
positive brand attitude change. High previsit intentions for consumers-exactly what advertising and marketing
this product type clearly have overwhelmed any negative communications are all about.
perceptions associated with forced exposure. Thus, marketers
Limitation and Future Research Directions
of such products and services (e.g., vacations, fashion clothing)
should employ a wide range of online advertising tactics to The current study uses the theory of planned behavior as a
drive, seduce, or lure visitors to experience their consumption conceptual foundation and applies the Rossiter-Percy grid to
situations in the real world. online advertising planning. Some might question the link
between pre-exposure or previsit intentions and post-exposure
For products in the low involvement, transformational
attitude toward the site, because once the visit takes place,
quadrant, Rossiter, Percy, and Donovan (1991) recommend
previsit intentions are no longer relevant. Although this study
that the target audience should be able to see that the emotion
relies on the theory of planned behavior, the exact mechanism
portrayed in the ad is unique and authentic, and they must like
by which previsit intentions influence attitude toward the site
the ad. The evidence from the current study for
remains to be explored. For example, perhaps online
shows that the participants' previsit intentions are somewhat
consumers can experience regret and dissatisfaction, which
below neutral point, but their attitude toward the site is a little
would affect their site attitude negatively. Further research
higher than neutral; in particular, their brand attitude change
should investigate whether regret plays a mediating role in
is positive. These findings suggest that the participants must
previsit intention's impact on attitude toward the site and
have had a compelling experience on Online
attitude toward brand. In addition, product or brand type is
marketers in this quadrant should use an affect-laden
only one of the possible antecedents of previsit intentions;
approach to engage online consumers, and intrusive tactics
other factors such as the creative aspect of an online ad also
online are acceptable only if the emotional execution of the
should be investigated.
ads and Web sites is genuine and true. For example, Dove's
campaign for real beauty ( Three methodological weaknesses also mark this study. First,
connects with many women on a personal and emotional it tests only one product Web site from each of the four
level, elevating their previsit intentions for the soap brand. quadrants in the Rossiter-Percy grid. Second, the student
participants may find some of the stimulus product Web sites
Finally, for products in the high involvement, informational
less directly relevant. Third, this study took place in a
quadrant, the target audience must believe the benefit claims
laboratory setting and used extra credit as incentives to entice
because of an emotional portrayal, but they do not have to like
the participants to visit. Additional studies could adopt a field
the ad (Rossiter, Percy, and Donovan 1991). Evidence from
experimental approach, use real consumers and real
this study indicates that the participants' previsit intentions
incentives, and include more Web sites from each quadrant of
move below neutral point, but they hold a somewhat positive
the Rossiter-Percy grid.
attitude toward the site and somewhat positive brand attitude
change. Therefore, participants apparently did not react as REFERENCES
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involvement products (e.g., insurance, home renovation) thus
might use limited intrusive advertising and marketing
21  Journal of Interactive Advertising  Fall 2007

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Guohua Wu (Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin) is an
Assistant Professor of Communications at California State
University, Fullerton. His research interests focus on
examining the relationships among users' perceived
interactivity in a computer-mediated environment, attitude

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