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Computer Engineering
Duration: 3hrs. Max Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks: 35
Note: All questions are compulsory. Each question has three parts (a), (b) and (c). Attempt any two parts from
each question. Make suitable assumption wherever necessary.

Q1 (a) (i)What are the four categories of AI? Give one definition of each category. 10
(ii)Formulate the production rules and draw the state space for water-jug problem. Provide
step wise solution for water jug problem using defined set of production rules.
(b) (i) For the following problems mention the problem characteristics 10
8 puzzle , Water jug, chess
(ii)What are the requirements of good control strategy? Explain
(c) (i)What is a heuristic function? Design a heuristic function for Tic-Tac-Toe problem. 10
(ii) Explain production system and its various components.

Q2(a) (i)Give two examples each of a 3-argument predicate and computable predicate. Trace the 10
unification points in the predicates f(john,g(x,y)) andf(x,g(henry, wilson))
(ii)compare the following :
• Declarative and Procedural knowledge
• Forward and Backward reasoning
(b) (i)Explain the different issues in the knowledge representation. 10
(ii)Explain Means-Ends Analysis. Show how means-ends analysis could be used to solve the
problem of getting from one place to another. Assume that the available operators are walk,
drive, take the bus, take a cab, and fly.
(c) Solve the following crypt-arithmetic problem using constraint satisfaction: show all the steps 10
as search tree.)


Q3 (a) What are the steps for designing of a fuzzy control system? Suggest a design for a brake 10
system of a car on the inputs, outputs, fuzzy sets and rules.
(b) (i) Define the following terms: 10
a-cut, strong a-cut, Concentration, Dilation, Point fuzzification.
(ii)What do you understand by Skolem constant and Skolem function? What is meant by
(c) (i)Why does the search in game playing program always proceed forward from current 10
position rather than backward from a goal state?
(ii) What are the techniques for performing nonmonotonic reasoning? Explain with example.
Q4 (a) (i)Company ABC is a software development company. Three departments within the 10
company are Sales, Administration, and Programming. Joe is the manager of Programming.
Bill and Sue are programmers. Sue is married to Sam. Sam is an editor for Prentice Hall. They
have three children, and they live on Elm street. Sue wear glasses and is five feet four inches
(ii)Explain minimax search procedure. Is it depth first or breadth first search? Give reason.
(b) Explain the alpha-beta pruning search procedure. In this procedure which nodes would not 10
need to be examined? Explain with example.
(c) Develop a script with four scenes and three shots in each scene for situation -"John went to 10
library to get a book".

Q5(a) Draw the block diagram of an expert system. What are the stages in developing an expert 10
system? Illustrate various domains where the expert systems are needed.
(b) (i) Derive a parse tree for the sentence "Bill loves the bird" where the following rewrite rules 10
are used
S->NP VP, NP->N, NP->DET N, VP->V NP, DET->the , V->loves, N->bill/bird
(ii)Define Augmented transition network.

(c) How does an artificial neural network model the brain? Describe two major classes of 10
learning paradigms: supervised and unsupervised learning. What are the features that
distinguish these paradigms from each other?



Duration: 3 Hrs. Max Marks: 100

Minimum Marks: 35

Note: Attempt all the questions. Attempt any two parts of each question. All parts of
question must be solved at one place. Take the suitable assumption if necessary.

Ql (a) Explain "Rational Unified Process Is Architecture-Centric". 10

(b) What is the difference between Analysis and Design? Explain the analysis 10
and design workflow diagram.
(c) How can you verify software quality? Explain the various dimensions of 10
software quality.

Q2 (a) A company is manufacturing a new product and must coordinate several 10

departments. The Product starts out as a raw marketing idea that goes to
engineering. Engineering simulates the function of the product and
prepares a design. Manufacturing reviews the design and adjusts it to
conform to existing machinery. Engineering approves the revisions and
customer service then looks at the design - a good design must enable
ready repair. Engineering approves the customer service proposals and
ensures that the resulting design still meets the target functionality.
Construct Usecase diagram for this process. Write the specification for
any two Usecases.
(b) Why the package hierarchy should be acyclic. Explain some 10
characteristics of analysis mechanism.
(c) Differentiate between include and extend relationship with example. 10
Explain various components of Usecase diagram with example.

Q3 (a) Explain collaboration, Lifeline, Message, Parallel options in sequence 10

diagram with example.
(b) What are design and implementation mechanism? Draw the structural part 10
for persistent mechanism.
(c) A student object checks the availability of seats in a course. If available, it 10
sends a message to register. The course object checks for the prerequisites
first. Upon acceptance, the course object returns the message back to the
student object and at the same time informs the account object to bill the
student. The account object then communicates with the student to get the
payment for the course. Draw Sequence Diagram which shows a
successful course registration process.

Q4 (a) Prepare a class diagram for a graphical document editor that supports 10
grouping. Assume that a document consists of several sheets. Each sheet
contains drawing objects, including text, geometrical objects and groups.
A group is simply a set of drawing objects, possibly including other
groups. A group must contain at least two drawing objects. A drawing
object can be a direct member of at most one group. Geometrical objects
include circles, ellipses, rectangles, lines and squares.
(b) What is the purpose of Use-Case Design? What are the input artifacts and 10
resulting artifacts of Use-Case Design? What is meant by encapsulating
subsystem interactions? Why is it a good thing to do?
(c) Explain the following with example 10
a) Class visibility b) Generalization c) Interface d) Subsystem

Q5 (a) What is a node? Describe the two different "types" of nodes. How do you 10
model the Deployment View? What modeling elements and diagrams are
used for drawing the deployment view?
(b) What is the purpose of the Describe Distribution activity? Explain some 10
distribution pattern.
(c) How do you model the process View? What modeling elements and 10
diagrams are used? Describe the two strategies for mapping classes and
subsystems to processes?

Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Min pass Marks: 35
(i) There are FIVE questions. Each question carries three parts. Attempt
any TWO parts in each question. Assume suitable data wherever
(ii) All parts of the question must be done at same place.
Answers are required to the point and must be brief.

Q.1 (a) What are the pros and cons and limitations of wireless communication 10
mobile system as compared to wired communication system?
(b) What is Inter-symbol interference? Give a mechanism that is used for 10
overcoming problems arising due to inter-symbol interference.
(c) Why spread spectrum technology used in WLAN? Explain direct sequence 10
spread spectrum and Frequency hopping spread spectrum with a neat
block diagram.
Q.2 (a) If a signal to interference ratio of 15 db is required for satisfactory forward 10
channel performance of a cellular system. What is the frequency reuse
factor and cluster size that should be used for maximum capacity if the
path loss exponent is (a) n=4(b) n=3? Assume that there are six co-
channel cells in the first tier and all of them are at same distance from the
mobile. Use suitable Approximation,
(b) Explain by drawing a neat diagram of system architecture of the GSM 10
wireless system? Explain the function of each components
(c)i Explain the basic concept of multiple access schemes? Explain with brief 5
comparison FDIvIA, TDMA with suitable example?
ii What kind of multiple Access technology is suitable in a military adhoc 5
network environment? Explain.
Q.3 (a)i Explain the design goats of a MAC protocol for adhoc wireless network. 5
ii Why there is requirement of a back off timer in CSMA/CA mechanism? 5
(b)i What are the three intervals defined in DCF mechanism in IEEE802.11? 5
Define DFWMAC-DCF MAC protocol.
ii What is the purpose of using RTS/CTS mechanism? Explain.
(c)i How does slotted Aloha improve throughput compared with pure Aloha? 5
ii What is meant by the vulnerable period of a transmission? Explain. 5
Q.4 (a) What are the tasks performed by following components in mobile IP based 10
network: -
1 Foreign Agent
2 Care of Address
3 Home agent
4 Correspondent node
(b)i Explain J2ME architecture with suitable example in brief. 5
ii Define following term 5
3 Data broadcasting
(c) Briefly discuss the main goals of WAP? Explain the WAP model and the 10
WAP protocol stack? What is the functionality of the session layer in the
WAP stack? Explain.
Q.5 (a) Explain the Architecture of mobile database system. What is the main idea 10
behind deploying such system? Discuss its application with suitable
example in brief?
(b) Explain "ACID" properties in mobile transaction system? What are the 10
mobile transaction recovery protocols?
(c)i Explain one location dependent mobile transaction model. 5
ii How different types of queries are processed in mobile databases? 5


Duration: 3hrs. Max. Marks:100
Min. Marks:35
Note: Attempt all questions. Questions have internal choice.
Ql (a) Draw OSI and TCP/IP models of computer network. Which of the (10)
following tasks match with one or more layers of OSI model
(i) Establishes, manages and terminate sessions
(ii) Format and code conversion
(iii) ensures reliable transmission data stream
(iv) Providing Log-in and log-out procedure
(b) What is the maximum data rate achievable over a 6 Khz channel with (10)
signal to noise ratio 20dB. An uncompressed image is 1024 X 768
pixels with 3 bytes/pixel. How long does it take to transmit the image
over this channel.
(a) Define computer network. Explain the tasks performed at each layer of (10)
OSI model. Give three advantages of using client server system using
LAN over timesharing mainframe computer with multiple terminals
(b) Differentiate between circuit, packet and message switching techniques. (10)
What multiplexing technique used in Tl carrier system. Calculate the
maximum data rate of Tl carrier system.
Q2 (a) Write algorithm for 1 bit sliding window protocol. How GoBack N and (7)
Selective Repeat protocols improve over this protocol.
(b) What CRC code will be transmitted for a data bit stream 10011101 and (7)
generator polynomial x3 +1. Assume that third bit from left is inverted
during transmission. Show how this error is detected at receiver end.
(c) Construct frame for following data and framing method (6)
(i) Data: FLAG, A,B,FLAG,X,Y, FLAG using byte stuffing.
(ii) Data: 01111100000010101000001 using bit stuffing
(a) Explain pure and slotted Aloha protocols and derive expressions for (7)
throughput for these protocols.
(b) Explain the CRC error control method and show7 how this method (7)
detects single bit error, double bit errors, odd number of bit errors and
burst error.
(c) Find the Hamming code for data bits 1100101 assume odd parity. (6)
Q3 (a) Differentiate between p/1 persistent CSMA, non persistent CSMA and (7)
CSMA/CD protocols.
(b) Explain the IEEE 802.3 frame format. Give reasons for keeping (7)
minimum frame length of 64 bytes in this protocol.
(c) Differentiate between connection oriented and connectionless services. (6)
How does network layer implement connection oriented and
connectionless services?
(a) Explain any two collision free protocols. Compare their performance at (7)
low and high load condition.
(b) Flow collision is resolved using binary exponential back off method. (7)
Differentiate between the characteristics of switched, fast and Gigabit
Ethernet standard.
(c) Differentiate between (6)
(i) Adaptive and non adaptive routing (ii) Hub, switch, bridge and
Q4 (a) The network shown in figure use distance vector routing. The router D (10)
receives routing vectors from B:( 0,5,2,4,6): from C: (3,5,0,6,1); from
E: (4,2,6,8.0). The measured delays from router D to B,C,E are 6,3 and
5 respectively. What is the new routing table of D. Give both outgoing
line to use and expected delay.

(b)An organization is granted class B address of It wants to (10)

divide allocated address space in to 256 subnets.
(i) Find the subnet mask.
(ii) How many addresses per subnet possible
(iii) What will be the first subnet address.
(iv) If the packet contains destination address as find
the destination subnet id.
(a) Explain link state routing. How various tasks performed by a router (10)
implementing link state routing.
(b) The packet contains source IP address as (10)
(i) Express this IP address in to binary form.
(ii) Find the class and network address
(iii) How many maximum address are possible in this network
(iv) What is broadcast address with this network.
Q5 Attempt any four parts.
(a) The host receives UDP header dump in hexadecimal format as: 06 32 (5)
O O O D O O 1CE2 17
(i) Find the source and destination port number
(ii) find the total length of user datagram and length of data
b) Describe TCP header format and explain meaning of all fields. (5)
(c) What is the purpose of DNS system? Explain meaning of following (5)
contents of DNS database. 86340 IN CNAME 86340 IN A
(d) Describe the RFC 822 header fields of e-mail system. (5)
(e) Explain the role of POP3, IMAP and SMTP protocols in transfer of (5)
messages in a e-mail system.
Duration: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks: 35

Note: Every UNIT has one question having three parts (a), (b) and (c).
Attempt any two parts from every question. All question carry equal marks.

la. Why is machine learning important? Write the areas of Influence for 10
Machine Learning.
What is market basket analysis? How is it used? 5
(ii). Define the following:- 5
Concept Learning, Rote Learning
c. Consider the following sequence of positive and negative training 10
examples describing the concept "Japanese Economy Car." Each
training example describes an order of car, with each car described by
their Country of origin, Manufacturer (Honda Toyota, Chrysler), Color
(Blue, Green, Red, White), Decade, and Type (Economy, Sports).

Origin Manufacturer Color Decade Type
Japan Honda Blue 1980 Economy Positive
Japan Toyota Green 1970 Sports Negative
Japan Toyota Blue 1990 Economy Positive
USA Chrysler Red 1980 Economy Negative
Japan Honda White 1980 Economy Positive
Provide a hand trace of Candidate Elimination Algorithm learning from
the above training examples and hypothesis language . In particular,
show the specific and general boundaries of the version space after it
has processed the first training example , then the second training
example, etc.
What are the appropriate problem s for Decision Tree Learning? 5
(ii) Why prefer short hypotheses? 5
i). Which attribute is the best Classifier in the decision tree? Explain. 5
(ii) How can avoid the overfitting. 5
c. Write the ID3 Algorithm for Decision tree learning?
3 a. What is the mistake bound for the Find-S Algorithm? And Explain 10
Cross Validation
b(i). What is the error of hypothesis? 05
(ii) Explain PAC Learnablity? 05
c. Define Vapnik -Chervonenkis Dimension. And Illustrate Example. 10
4 a. Define the Natural Language Processing (NLP)? What are the different 10
Phases of NLP?
b(i). What is Hidden markov model? Write down the application of HMMs. 05
(ii) Explain the WSD? Write down the application of WSD. 05
c. What is the Support Vector Machine? And Also Explain maximum 10
margin classifier?
5 a. What is the Genetic Algorithm? Write the parameters of GA, 10
b. How many selection methods to select the best chromosomes? Explain 10
c. Suppose a genetic algorithm uses chromosomes of the form x = 10
with a fixed length of eight genes. Each gene can be any digit between 0
and 9. Let the fitness of individual x be calculated as:
f(x) = (a + b) - (c + d) + (e + f) - (g + h ) ,
and let the initial population consist of four individuals with the
following chromosomes:
xl-654 13532
x2 = 8 7 1 2 6 6 0 1
x3 = 2 3 9 2 1 2 8 5
x4 = 4 1 8 5 2 0 9 4
i) Evaluate the fitness of each individual, showing all your workings,
and arrange them in order with the fittest first and the least fit last.
IV B. E. Examination Deccmber'2013
Computer Engineering
4CO252: Enterprise Resource Planning
D u r a t i o n : 3 I Irs. M a x i m u m Marks: 100
M i n i m u m Pass Marks: 35
.Note: Attempt all questions & each question carries equal marks. Make s u i t a b l e
assumptions if necessary.
O. I (;i) Define System and Business System. Also, e x p l a i n how \ a r i o u s 10
stakeholders perceive business system.
(b) I low ERP can help in gaining strategic advantage to an organi/ation'.' 10
E x p l a i n with suitable example.
K) Define a n d compare MRP, M R P I I , E R P a n d E R P I I \ \ i t h s u i t a b l e 10

Q. 2 (a) E x p l a i n CRM and SCM? What is the importance of CRM and SCM in 10
(l» What is BPR'.' Why BPR is important in ERP implementation'.' E x p l a i n . 10
(c) How O L A P and Data M i n i n g technologies can be useful in ERP'.' Ml

Q. 3 CO What is Gap Analysis? Explain its objectives & importance. 10

(1)) Compare advantages and disadvantages of the following practices of E R P 10
s\m development:
i. Make ERP system with internal resources ( B u i l t - in)
ii. Tailor Made ERP solution
iii. Make ERP system with external resources
(c) Explain how Data preparation plays important role in ERP system 10

Q. -4 (a) E x p l a i n in detail, subsystems of Sales and Distribution Module. 10

(b) flow pre-purchasing activities are carried out in a standard M a t e r i a l 10
Management module? How ERP system facilitates this?
(c) What is the use and importance of Human Resource Module in standard 10
ERP system? Explain also various sub-modules of H u m a n Resource

<„>. 5 CO Compare ERP system of SAP and ORACLE on follow ing: in

• Evolution
• Business Benefits
• Capabilities
• Integration with external applications
(b) W h a t is the future of and challenges to ERP market in India'.' E x p l a i n . 10
(c) E x p l a i n the impact of technology and social system on the d e v e l o p m e n t 10
process of ERP system.
BE IV Year Examination December- 2013
Computer Engineering
4CO253: Network & Information Security

Duration: 3 Mrs. Max. Marks: 100

Min. Pass Marks: 35
(i) There are total FIVE questions. Each question carries three parts. Attempt
any TWO parts in each question,
(ii) All parts of the question must be done at same place.

Q.1 (a)i Differentiate between the terms by giving an example :- Cryptology, 5

Cryptography, Cryptanalysis
ii What is meant by security mechanism? Briefly define categories of it. 5
(b)i Explain playfair cipher by taking a suitable example. 5
ii How is cryptography possible with rotor machine? Explain.' 5
(c)i What are the two types of security attacks possible? Classify those two 5
types of attacks.
ii Explain the cryptanalysis of Polyalphabetic Cipher. 5
Q.2 (a)i Explain the principle reason behind origin of AES. 5
ii Show that the DES decryption is same as inverse of DES encryption. 5
(b)i Explain the cryptanalysis of Playfair cipher. 5
ii Explain the different evaluation criteria of AES. 5
(c) Differentiate between following:- 10
i Block cipher and Stream cipher
ii Diffusion and Confusion
iii Differential and linear cryptanalysis
iv SubBytes and SubWord
v Rijndael and AES
Q.3 (a)i Explain the difference between link and End-to-end Encryption. 5
ii Explain the different possible approaches to attack the RSA algorithm. 5
(b)i Explain Man-in-the -middle attack on Diffie-Hellman key exchange 5
ii How to achieve authentication and secrecy simultaneously using public key 5
cry ptosy tern.
(c)i What is meant by hash function? Explain basic uses of it.' 5
ii What is meant by message authentication code? Explain MAC code based 5
on DES cipher.
Q.4 (a)i What is meant by digital signature? Differentiate between DSA and RSA 5
approach for digital signature.
ii In case of PGP as a security scheme for Email, there is a requirement to 5
convert textual data into binary format and vice versa. Why is it so? Explain
in brief.
(b)i Why is there a requirement of SSL handshake protocol? Explain. 5
ii Explain the steps of payment gateway authorization in secure electronic 5
(c)i Explain a protocol that provide confidentiality & authentication service for 5
email & file storage application,
ii How replay attack is possible in case of valid signed message? How to 5
overcome it? Explain.
Q.5 (a)i Explain a fundamental tool for intrusion detection in brief. 5
ii What is meant by password management? Explain UNIX password 5
(b)i There is decoy system to lure attackers. What is the name given to such 5
decoy system? Explain in brief.
ii Explain some malicious software which runs independently on a node. 5
(c)i Explain digital immune system as an advanced anti-virus technique. 5
ii Explain the different configurations of firewall system. 5
Duration: 3 hrs. Max MarksrlOO
Min Pass Marks:35
Note:- Attempt all five questions.
Attempt any two parts from each question.
Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
Q1 (a) Explain the reasons that one should use XML for data transfer? 10
(b) Explain comments and processing instructions in XML with example? 10
(c) "A XML document must be well formed and valid both". Explain? 10

Q2(a) What are entities? What are there primary types? Give an example of 10
each primary type.
(b) Develop an XML schema for the following requirement:- 10
There are exactly two person elements in the document.
The person name starts with an upper case alphabetic character and may
optionally be followed by no more than nine lower alphabetic characters.
The age attribute is restricted by range 16-30.
The id attribute has exactly five characters with first two as alphabets and
remaining three as numbers.
The email of the person must contain @ and . characters.
(c) Explain the following tags with an example: 5+5
(a)<restriction> (b) <schema>
Q.3(a) Use XSLT to display the following output. 10
Student Detail:
Roll NO : abc0004
Name: ABC
Department: CS
Year: IV
(b) What is XPath? Explain Why XSLT has no side effects? 10
(c) Explain the following-sibling axis with example? 10

Q.4(a) Write the differences between Document object Model and Simple API 10
for XML?
(b) Consider the following XML file(Inventory.xml):-
<Animal animalClass="mammal">
<Name>Song Fang</Name>
<Species>Giant Panda</Species>
</Inventory> PTO
Use DOM Programming to do the following:-
(i)Retrieve <Name> and <Species> tag text content. 05
(ii)Replace the value of animalClass of the <Animal> tag to "abc". 05

(c) Consider the XML document below:- (Train.xml)

<car type = "Engine">
.. <color>Black</color>
<weight>512 tons </weight>
<length>60 feet</length>
Now using SAX programming print the following:- 10
Running train reader
Start of the train
Car: Engine
End of the train

Q.5(a) Why SOAP is important for application development? Write the syntax 10
rule for SOA?
(b) Explain the concept of ID and IDREF with an example? 10
(c) Write short notes on the following:-
(a) JAVA RMI (b) WSDL 5+5
IV B. E. Examination December'2013
Computer Engineering/ Information Technology
4CO255/4IT455: Cloud Computing

Duration: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 100

Minimum Pass Marks: 35
Note: Attempt all five questions. Answer any two parts of each question. Each question carries _
equal marks. Make suitable assumptions if necessary. Write answer(s) in the order of
questions asked.
Q. 1 (a) Define Cloud Computing. Also, compare Cloud Computing with Cluster and 10
Grid Computing on the basis of characteristic parameters and suitable
(b) With the help of examples differentiate between Cloud Computing deployment 10
(c) List and explain with example benefits and disadvantages of Cloud 10

Q. 2 (a) Explain and elaborate in context of Cloud Computing: 10

XaaS, or "<Something> as a Service "
(b) Explain the Cloud Computing cost model as below: 10
CostCLOUD = Z(UnitCostCLOUD x (Revenue - CostCLOUD))
(c) Explain following in the context of Cloud Computing: 10
• Data Centre
• Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
• Utility Computing
• Service Level Agreement

Q. 3 (a) Explain Compute Virtualization and the need for Compute Virtualization. 10
What is the role of VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor) in Compute
Virtualization? Also explain.
(b) Differentiate between Para Virtualization and Full Virtualization. Explain with 10
proper example.
(c) What is VMFS? Explain. 10

Q. 4 (a) What is VM theft? How it may affect Cloud Computing Services? Explain. 10
(b) Lists stake holders responsible for security in the different instances in various 10
service models.
(c) Explain the importance of Governance, Risk Assessment and Compliance 10
(GRC) in view of Cloud Computing.

Q. 5 (a) What are the various business/technical considerations for implementing a 10

backup solution, and how do these considerations impact the backup
(b) What is the purpose of performing operation backup, disaster recovery, and 10
(c) Explain with the example Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery 10
Time Objectives (RTO) in the context of Business Continuity.
Information Retrieval & Extraction
Duration: 3 hrs. Max Marks: 100
Min Pass Marks: 35

Note: Every UNIT has one question having three parts (a), (b) and (c).
Attempt any two parts from every question. All question carry equal marks.
Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
la. What are the Comparison between Databases and Information Retrieval? 10
b(i). What are the performance issues for Information retrieval? 5
(ii). Write the algorithm for the intersection of two postings lists . 5
c. Consider these documents: 10
Docl documents contain geospatial information
Doc2 extraction and use of geospatial information
Doc3 extraction geospatial references from documents
Draw the inverted index representation for this collection

2a. What are the data structures that help the search for terms in the vocabulary in 10
an inverted index ?
b(i). Write down the entries in the permuterm index dictionary that are generated by 05
the term mama,
(ii). What are the stop words? And what is the normalization? 05
c. Writedown the edit distance algorithm between two strings. And compute the 10
edit distance between intention and execution.
3 a. What are the differences between Blocked sort based indexing and Single pass 10
in memory indexing?
b(i). Explain the Distributed indexing for index construction. 05
(ii). What is index compression? And in which compression technique can we 05
achieved better compression ratio.
c. "Explain dictionary compression in details. 10
4 a. Consider the table of term frequencies for 3 documents denoted Docl, Doc2, 10
Doc3 in table below. Compute the tf-idf weights for the terms car, auto,
insurance, best, for each document, using the idf values in the table below .

idf Term frequency values(tf)

Docl Doc2 Doc3
Car 1.65 27 4 24
Auto 2.08 3 33 0
Insurance 1.62 0 33 29
best 1.5 14 0 17 P.T.O.
b(i). An IR system returns 8 relevant documents, and 10 nonrelevant documents. 05
There are a total of 20 relevant documents in the collection. What is the
precision of the system on this search, and what is its recall?
(ii). Define following terms: Relevance, Precision-Recall curve, Parametric index. 05
c(i). Define weighted zone scoring with an example? 05
(ii). What is Kappa and Marginal Statistic?
5a(i). When does relevance feedback work? 05
(ii). What is Pseudo relevance feedback? 05
b. What are the Global methods for query reformulation? Explain each. 10
c. Write down the comparison between Text-centric and. data-centric XML 10
4EI251, Control System Theory
Duration: 3 1 Irs Max Marks: 100
Min Marks : 35
Attempt all the questions.
(,) 1 A t t e m p t any two:
(a) F x p l a i n and derive i n i t i a l value theorem, Final Value theorem and Convolution theorem used in Laplace transform of
l i m e domain functions. (10)
(b) Fxplain the block diagram and How graph representation of a feedback control system. Determine the closed loop
transfer function of the system shown in the fig.; (10)

fe p.

i C(s)

n k. r, —>£

(O Kxplain following control systems with suitable example;

(i) Digital Control, ( i i ) Multivariable control, ( i i i ) Feedback control, ( i v ) Non linear control (10)
Q.2 Attempt any two:
Discuss the effect of negative feedback on the behavior of close loop control systems, against parameter variation, on
dynamic response and against external disturbing signals. (10)
Define various error constants and steady state errors for different type of systems. A unity feedback control system
w i t h forward path transfer function given by; (10)
„, , _ 20
^S' ~ s(s+2)(s2+2s±20)
Determine the steady state error of the system when the inputs arc (i) 5, ( i i ) 5t, ( i i i ) 3t 2 /2.
Fxplain the conditions where Routh criteria to determine stability of the system fails. Also discuss methods to solve
these difficulties. Determine the range of value of K for the system's stability whose characteristic equation is given
below: (10)
4 3 2
O.3 A t t e m p t any one:
(a) Sketch and describe the Bode plots showing the magnitude in db and phase angle in degrees as a function of log of
frequency for the system transfer function given by; (20)

s(s + 0.5)(s2 + 5 Ay+ 81) \d thus calculate the Gain margi

(b) Fxplain Nyquist Stability criterion. Draw and explain the Nyquist plots and thus comment on the stability of the u n i t )
feedback s5'stems governed by following open loop transfer functions; (20)

Q4 Attempt any one:

(a) Fxplain state space approach for the modern control system analysis. Obtain the transfer function using state space
approach for the R. L, C series circuit excited by supply V = Vm sin cut .
(b) Fxplain Controllable canonical. Observable Canonical and Jordan canonical forms with respect to state space modeling
of MIMO systems. Find Parallel decomposition of the transfer function given below; (20)
Y(s) _ (5+1)
(7(5) " (S+2)(S+3)(s + 5)
Q.5 A t t e m p t a n v one:
(a) Dr;m and explain the root locus curve on a simple graph paper for the system whose open loop transfer function is
g i v e n by; (20)
s(s+3)(s 2 + 2 5 + 2 )
(b) Fxpluin and derive expressions for (i) Lead compensator and (ii) Lag compensator. Also discuss their design steps. (20)


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