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Financial fraud and terrorist financing

–International investment, Ponzi schemes & Hawala
The case of the Lebanese Madoff:
‘Salah Ezzedine’

10 acams today | December–February 2010


ssues attached to the ever-growing in August 2009. Notably, Hawala systems Eastern Europe and managed significant
threat of organized crime and terror- and underground banking activities real estate investments in Lebanon, as well
ism continues to be a focal point of appear to have played an important role in as major holdings in the blood diamond
discussion amongst the world’s political the scheme, highlighting the difficulties trade in West Africa. An article published
leaders and within international organi- attached to such unregulated markets. by STRATFOR Global Intelligence, which
zations. The 2009 G-8 meeting of justice claims that Ezzedine was involved in a
and home affairs ministers explored Salah Ezzedine number of often shady business enterprises
global strategies, noting the increasing A large-scale underground Ponzi in Lebanon, Eastern Europe and Africa,
link between terrorism and international scheme amounting to almost US$ 1.2 bil- noted that Ezzedine’s 35-40 percent return
organized crime1. At an INTERPOL con- lion emerged following the bankruptcy on investments were largely generated by
ference held in October 2009 the growing declaration of the Shiite entrepreneur illegal activities such as money laundering,
synergy between terrorism, drug traffick- Salah Ezzedine in August 2009. Investors drug trafficking and auto theft. Ezzedine
ing, money laundering and cybercrime in Ezzedine’s funds not only included also is well known amongst the local
was at the center of the discussions. wealthy clients in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, population for his philanthropic activities
These developments and realizations are Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, but in Southern Lebanon. His most prominent
interesting, given the recent case, which also terrorist and militia organizations. charitable activities include the construc-
emerged in Lebanon in September 2009 Bankers reportedly described the case as tion of a large mosque in the center of his
following the collapse of a business empire the biggest fraud of its kind that Lebanon hometown in Maaroub, and the devel-
run by the Lebanese businessman, Salah has ever seen, and media reports referred opment of a municipal stadium named
Ezzedine. Not only has this incident jeop- to Ezzedine as Lebanon’s Madoff. It should “Stadium of the Resistance and Liberation
ardized Hezbollah’s reputation amongst be noted, however, that comparatively, the Martyrs.” Through a travel business owned
its followers (see italicized text for further funds allegedly defrauded by Ezzedine are by Ezzedine he reportedly organizes pil-
details on Hezbollah), but it has unraveled only a fraction of the figures involved in grimages to Mecca and Medina.
a case which shows how terrorist activi- Madoff’s scheme. In-depth investigations
ties and international organized crime by the Lebanese law enforcement authori- Ezzedine’s Ponzi scheme
are inextricably woven together through ties are currently ongoing, and therefore Ezzedine raised funds for his invest-
sophisticated international financial crime many issues regarding the motivation and ment firm, promising Lebanese and other
networks, using investment vehicles and intentions attached to Ezzedine’s activities investors based in the Middle East up
‘state of the art’ investment techniques to remain unclear. Whether the bankruptcy to a 40 percent return on investment.
increase their financial standing. was purely the result of bad investments Interestingly, as reported in the Lebanese
The Ezzedine case is a further exam- in oil, metals and other raw materials, or Daily Star, Ezzedine invested large
ple of how the financial crisis, not only whether it was indeed embezzlement, amounts of money, estimated at hundreds
brought down mainstream investment are questions, being addressed by the of millions of dollars, without going
structures, but how it also broke up intri- investigators. Furthermore, whether this through the Lebanese banking system.
cate Ponzi schemes allegedly used for was a scheme set up and managed by one Many Muslims believe that banks
the purpose of terrorist financing. Some individual, namely Ezzedine, or whether pursue ‘un-Islamic’ investments, which
of the more prominent cases include the other untoward structures were involved is why many Lebanese Shia trusted and
U.S.-based Madoff and Stanford cases behind the scenes remains an unanswered invested in Ezzedine’s business. He alleg-
alongside a number of other multimillion- question. Some sources suggest that it edly made limited financial transactions
dollar Ponzi schemes. For further details might have been a security and financial via two Lebanese banks amounting to
on Ponzi Schemes and red flag indicators ‘ambush’ by foreign parties, possibly Israel. less than 2 percent of the funds investors
please view the article written by Amy Others, who are surprised that Ezzedine’s entrusted with him. Because the financial
Wotapka in this issue. Ponzi scheme unraveled so quickly, have losses from his investments appeared to
The following article, based on the questioned whether the role of the U.S. be less than the amount of cash he had
analysis of media, and expert reports and Treasury in combating money laundering received from investors questions were
comments, highlights how successful by terrorist parties might have played a raised regarding the whereabouts of the
businessmen have engaged with terrorist part in bringing down Ezzedine’s scheme. difference. The Lebanese Armed Forces
organizations seeking to manage and grow Alongside his asset management com- (LAF) were therefore engaged in the inves-
their investments, not only with the aim pany, al-Mustathmir, Ezzedine is known in tigation in order to collate intelligence on
of generating substantial returns on their Lebanon as the owner of the children’s TV money transfers and investments in sev-
personal investments, but also in order to channel Al-Hadi and of the major Beirut- eral countries, including Algeria, China,
support the organizations terrorist endeav- based publishing house Dar Al-Hadi, one Brazil and Morocco. A number of articles
ors. The case outlines how investment of Lebanon’s most prominent producers of noted that Ezzedine also had major busi-
activities of an apparent legal nature were Shiite religious books, which also publishes ness interests in oil and iron industries in
co-mingled with a series of illegal activi- books written by Hezbollah officials. The Eastern Europe, which following the drop
ties, ultimately resulting in the develop- New York Times amongst others reported in oil prices faced significant losses, led to
ment of a Ponzi scheme, which collapsed that Ezzedine owned factories throughout the toppling of his investment. Ezzedine

International organized crime is defined as those self-perpetuating associations of individuals who cooperate internationally for the purpose of obtaining

power, influence, monetary and commercial gains, wholly or in part by illegal means, while protecting their activities through a pattern of corruption
and violence. International organized criminals operate in hierarchies, clans, networks and cells. The crimes they commit vary as widely as their
organizational structures. — US Dept. of Justice, Overview of the Law Enforcement Strategy to Combat International Organised Crime — Quoted in The
Millennium Project — 2009 State of the Future. December–February 2010 | acams today 11


tried to make up for his losses by taking the financier's connections to Hezbollah is of particular relevance given Iran’s
money from Lebanese investors. It remains and because of his reputation as a pious, links to Hezbollah and the importance of
unclear exactly what Ezzedine did with respectable Shiite. Some media sources Hezbollah for Iran’s strategic operations
the money or where the funds are located. claim that Hezbollah did have business against Israel. The same article notes that
Fondsprofessionell claimed that Ezzedine dealings with Ezzedine and that the party the IRGC retains a strong influence over
also invested in metals, oil and other had invested up to US$ 4 million in his Hezbollah and notes that according to
raw materials in Africa and the Middle investment fund. According to an article some Hezbollah officials, their military
East. Lebanese banks allegedly claim not published in STRATFOR, Hezbollah decisions are made by IRGC commanders
to have invested in Ezzedine’s fund and immediately withdrew $500 million stationed in Lebanon.
therefore not to have been effected by the worth of investment from Ezzedine’s port- According to a Backgrounder piece pub-
bankruptcy. folio. They subsequently arrested him and lished by the Council on Foreign Relations,
coerced him into transferring his remain- analysts say the organization, with its
Links to Hezbollah ing financial assets to the group before control of strategic industries, commer-
According to YaLibnan, Ezzedine was turning him into the Lebanese authorities. cial services and black-market enterprises
a personal friend of some senior leaders of Either way, as pointed out by Dr. has evolved into one of the country's most
Hezbollah (see italicized text for further Matthew Levitt, Director of Terrorism influential domestic institutions. The arti-
details on Hezbollah). His radio station Studies at the Washington Institute cle concluded by noting that the U.S. State
and publishing business was named after for Near East Policy, it is known that Department has included Iran on its list of
Hadi Nasrallah, the son of Hezbollah’s Hezbollah generates funds through a range state sponsors of terrorism since 1984, and
general secretary, Hassan Nasrallah, who of criminal business activities, ranging the agency's most recent country assess-
from smuggling to fraud to drug trade and ment designated the IRGC (specifically its
diamond trade both within the Middle Quds force) a terrorist entity.
Businesses are East and internationally. And, although
it is not clear whether Ezzedine formed Using a combination of Hawala and banking
often used as a part of Hezbollah’s fundraising circles,
it would appear that this was an invest-
The FBI’s Terrorist Financing Operations
Section (TFOS) believes that terrorists and
conduits and ment which went wrong, and one might
raise the question whether Hezbollah is
criminals have reverted back to informal
channels due to the increased monitoring
as shields distancing themselves in order to protect
other streams of revenue generated from
and reporting requirements of the formal
financial system. As a result, such orga-
to disguise within the Ezzedine business empire or
from existing business structures used to
nizations rely on cash couriers, bulk cash
smuggling and the use of Hawalas. The
criminal activity launder funds.
This is therefore a good example of how
same paper claimed that the key vulner-
abilities continue to be wire transfers, cor-
important it is to understand the political respondent banking and fraud. It should
was killed during an attack against Israel. affiliations of businesses and their direc- be noted that fraud is more visible in 2009
It also is believed, that Ezzedine is indi- tors and owners when undertaking cus- than it was in 2001 and that the more
rectly related to a senior official within the tomer due diligence. Businesses are often specific vulnerability of Money Services
Hezbollah party. Many Hezbollah mem- used as conduits and as shields to dis- Businesses (MSB) being engaged by illegal
bers ranging from farmers and shopkeep- guise criminal activity or to provide ille- money remitters and/or Hawalas is greater.
ers to senior members within the party gal activity with a façade of legitimacy. The Ezzedine case is not the only exam-
placed great faith and large amounts of An article published in Time Magazine ple of how Hawala banking and regular
their savings in the hands of Ezzedine. reported that although Ezzedine’s con- banking have been used jointly to transfer
The collapse of Ezzedine’s empire also nections to Hezbollah remain unclear; funds. In August, Financial Crime Online
has affected the reputation of Hezbollah, an it is known that the organization does reported that three U.S.-based Yemeni
organization so highly regarded amongst rely on a network of businessmen and immigrants had, as part of a sting opera-
its followers for its excellent reputation for fundraisers like Ezzedine. Furthermore, tion, agreed to illegally transport funds
financial and political probity. Hezbollah Hezbollah’s alleged endeavor to become to what they thought were accounts con-
had the reputation of being incorruptible. independent from its main patron Iran, trolled by the Lebanese militant group,
Although Hezbollah has distanced itself has seen the organization expand into which has been classified as a terror-
from Ezzedine by denying any official such business networks. ist organization by U.S. officials, were
dealings with him, it was incidentally charged with money laundering, rather
Ezzedine’s close links with Hezbollah, Links to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard than terrorism-related counts. The opera-
which encouraged Shiite investors in Corps (IRGC) tion was set up following the analysis of
Southern Lebanon and Beirut to choose to According to the same article published some 300 Currency Transaction Reports
risk their savings. Many investors put their by STRATFOR, Ezzedine also managed (CTR). Their operation was apparently
trust in Ezzedine, principally because of the finances of IRGC officials. This also part Hawala and part of a regular financial

12 acams today | December–February 2010


transactions network. The accused were research and skilled analysis of publicly of social services, which operate schools,
not receiving enough funds to settle all available records and other sources, com- hospitals, and agricultural services for
positions created by the funds being sent bined with in-depth business and country thousands of Lebanese Shiites, and plays
abroad. Therefore, the suspects had to knowledge, should form an integral part of a significant force in Lebanese politics.
transfer a lot of money abroad to facilitate any enhanced due diligence process and It is regarded as a resistance movement
the transfers. They did so by using part of complement the more standard enhanced throughout much of the Arab and Muslim
the regular financial network. due diligence profiling activities, based on world. Many governments, including
Therefore, although informal banking the risk-based approach. Arab ones, have condemned actions by
systems appear to be the main vehicle Hezbollah while others have praised the
Hezbollah — Background
used for many terrorist financing activities party. Several western countries regard it in
According to an entry on Britannica
it seems that in many cases formal bank- whole or in part as a terrorist organization.
Online, Hizb Allah (“Party of God”), also
ing channels also are necessary. As such,
spelled Hezbullah, Hizbullah, Hizballah Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps
sharp monitoring systems can be helpful
or Hezballah, Hezbollah is a militia group — Background
tools to detect untoward transactions in
and political party that first emerged as Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
this comparatively small space.
a faction in Lebanon following the Israeli was founded in the aftermath of the 1979
Conclusion invasion in 1982. Islamic Revolution to defend the regime
Although Hawala seems to have been Shiite Muslims, traditionally the weak- against internal and external threats, but
the preferred route used by Ezzedine est religious group in Lebanon, first found has since expanded far beyond its original
and others, due in particular to the their voice in the moderate and largely mandate. Today the guard has evolved into
increased regulation of financial insti- secular Amal movement. Following the a socio, military, political and economic
tutions, those undertaking criminal Islamic Revolution in Shiite Iran in 1979 force with influence reaching deep into
activities are sometimes nonetheless, and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in Iran's power structure.
forced to use regulated financial chan- 1982, a group of Lebanese Shiite clerics
The Backgrounder article published by
nels not only for their illegal activities, formed Hezbollah with the goal of driv-
the Council on Foreign Relations, high-
but more importantly for their legitimate ing Israel from Lebanon and establishing
lights the links between Hezbollah and
streams of business. This underlines the an Islamic state there. Hezbollah was
the IRGC’s Quds force. Military analysts
importance of enhanced due diligence based in the predominately Shiite areas
allegedly claim that IRGC began deploying
and regular monitoring on high-risk cli- of the Biqaa Valley, southern Lebanon,
fighters (NPR) abroad during the Iran-Iraq
ents. Furthermore, aspects of political and southern Beirut. It coordinated its
war of 1980 to 1988, and thereby exporting
risk, which should form part of any risk efforts closely with Iran, from which it
the ideals of the revolution throughout the
assessment alongside the client, product acquired substantial logistical support,
Middle East. The Quds Force, a paramili-
and sector risk analysis are key. In the and drew its manpower largely from dis-
tary arm of the Revolutionary Guards with
case of Ezzedine not least of all as a result affected younger, more radical members
less than a thousand people, emerged
of Iran’s links to Hezbollah and the cur- of Amal. Throughout the 1980s Hezbollah
as the de facto external-affairs branch
rent geopolitical constellation, a political engaged in increasingly sophisticated
risk assessment if of the essence. attacks against Israel and fought in during the expansion. Its mandate was to
It is important to note, that it is not suffi- Lebanon’s civil war (1975–90), repeatedly conduct foreign-policy missions and forge
cient to collect a list of data in a standardized coming to blows with Amal. During this relationships with Shiite and Kurdish
know your customer (KYC) profiling form, time, Hezbollah allegedly engaged in ter- groups. A Quds unit was deployed to
and to check various sanction and black lists rorist attacks including kidnappings and Lebanon in 1982, where it helped in the
in order to effectively protect the financial car bombings, directed predominantly genesis of Hezbollah. Another unit was
system from being abused by highly skilled against Westerners (e.g. the 1983 U.S. sent to Bosnia to back Bosnian Muslims in
and sophisticated money laundering opera- Embassy bombing against the United their civil war in the early- and mid-1990s.
tions. Based on a risk assessment, in-depth States Embassy in Beirut), but also estab- More recently, some experts say, the
lished a comprehensive social services Quds Force has shipped weapons to the
network for its supporters. Lebanon-based Hezbollah, Gaza-based
Hezbollah was one of the few militia Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad,
Sharp monitoring groups not disarmed by the Syrians at the and is also supplying munitions to the
end of the civil war, and they continued Taliban in Afghanistan and Shiite militias
systems can be to fight a sustained guerrilla campaign in Iraq.
against Israel in southern Lebanon until
helpful tools to Israel’s withdrawal in 2000. Hezbollah Jennifer Hanley-Giersch, CAMS, director,
emerged as a leading political party in Business Risk Research Limited, Berlin,
detect untoward post-civil war Lebanon. Germany, Jennifer.hanley@business-risk-
According to an entry on Wikipedia,
transactions Hezbollah is now also a major provider December–February 2010 | acams today 13

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