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SI. No. Standard No. Name of the Standard

1. OISD-STD-1 Uj \Vork Perll1it SYStCl-'

2. OISD-STLJ-1 U6 Process design and opcr3tills philos,'phlCS on pressure r~l:dand disIXl.'iZi]


3. OISD-STD-1 U8 Recommended Practices on Oil Storage and Handling

4. OISD-STD-109 Process Design and Operating phiio50phies on blow dO\A.'!]an': sewer systeiTl

5. OISlJ-RP-11 U Recommended Practices on Static Elcctricit)

6. OISD-STD-ill Process design and operating philosophies on fired process n.:r.:ace

7. OISD-STD-112 Safe handling of air hydrocarbor. mixtures and pyrophoric substances

8. OISD-STD-I13 Classification of Area for electrical installation at Hydrocarbon and handling


9. OISD-STD-114 Hazardous Chemicals and their HandJ!ng

10. OISD-GDN-115 Guidelines for fire fighting equipment Jappliances in petroleum industry

11. OISD-STD-1I6 Fire Protection facilities for Petroleum Refineries and Oil/Gas Processing

12. OISD-STD-117 Fire Protection Facilities for Petroleum Depots and Terminals

13. OISD-STD-118 Layouts for Oil and Gas Installations Rev.!

14. OISD-STD-1I9 Inspection of Pumps Rev. I

15. OISD-STD-120 Inspection of Compressors

16. OISD-STD-121 Inspection of turbines and Diesel Engines

17. OISD-STD-122 Inspection of fans, blowers, gear boxes and agitators

18. OISD-RP-123 Inspection of rotating equipment components

19. OISD-RP-124 Predictive Maintenance Practices

20. OISD-RP-125 Inspection and Maintenance of Mechanical Seals

21. OlSD-RP-126 Specific maintenance practices for rotating equipment

22. OISD-STD-127 History recording of rotating equipment

23 OISD-STD-128 Inspection of un fired pressure vessels

SI. No. Standard No. Name of the Standard

24 OISD-STD-129 Inspection ofstoLage tanks

25 OISD-STD-130 inspection pipes, valves and ti:tlngs

2G OISDS"')-13[ Inspecti(JI~ ofBoiic'!"s

27 OISIJ-SiTJ-132 Inspection o[prcs:;ure relieving devices

2B OISD-SrD-133 Inspection of fired heaters

29. OISD-STD-134 Inspection of heat exchangers

30. OISD-STL1- 135

31. OISD-STIJ-137 Inspection of electrical equipment

32 OISD-STD-138 Inspection of cross country pipe] ints - Onshore

33. OISD-STD-139 Inspection of pipelines - Offshore

34. OISD-STD-140 Inspection of jetty pipelines

35. OISD-SID-141 Design and Construction requirements for cross country hydrocarbon

36. OISD-STD-142 Inspection of fire fighting equipment's and systems

37. OISD-STD-144 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Bottling Plant Operations

Yol.-I Design Philosophies

Yol.-ll Operating Practices
Vol.-JJl Inspection and Maintenance Practices
Yol.-IV Safety and Fire Protection

38. OlSD-GDN-145 Guidelines on Internal Safety Audits (Procedures and Checklist) Rev.!

39. OISD-RP-146 Preservation of ideal electrical equipment

40. OlSD-RP-147 Inspection & safe practices during electrical installations

41. OISD-RP-148 Inspection & safe practices during overhauling electrical equipment

42. OISD-RP-149 Design aspects for safety in electrical systems

43. OlSD-STD- ISO Design and Layout of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Mounded Storage Vessels

44. OISD-SID-151 Safety in Design, Fabrication and Fittings; Propane Tank Truck

45. OISD-STD- I 52 Safety instrumentation for process system in hydrocarbon lndusu;

46 OISD-STD- 153 Maintenance & inspection of safety instrument in hydrocarbo;c mdustry

--'------------~- .._------------- - ----------

SJ. ''o. Standard 1\0. ~amc of the Stand •.•rd

47 OISU-STD-154 Safety aspects in Ct:nnioi'.il! r.'ili!)ln~

4~ OISD-STIJ- I 55 Persunnel Prmccti\ c i':q~l:=)),:cn,

I'i'.n J \:on-respiratoD cq:.llpmCn
Pdn ]] Rcspi;J.cOfY Equipmcnl

49 OISD-GDN-]5(, fire Pro:cction J-"ac.lllics ~ixPor: Oil Ten~lir~a!s

50. O[SD-RP- [57 Recommended Pract;cc fo, l,2insportation of Bulk Petrolc~m Prod~cts

51. OISD-RP- I 5~ Recommended Practices on SlUragc 2,,,d Handling of Bulk Liquefld

Petroleum Gas

52 OISD-STD-159 LPG Tank Trucks - Requi,crr:ents of Safety on DesigrvFabrication and


53 OISD-STD-160 Protection to finings mounled on existing LPG tank trucks

54. OISD-STD- I6 I Rescue & relief operations involving tank truck accidents carrying LPG

55. OISD-STD-162 Safety in installations and maintenance of LPG Cylinder Manifold

56. OISD-STD- I 63 Process Control Room Safety

57. OISD-STD- I 64 Fire Proofing in Oil and Gas Industry

58. OISD-STD-165 Guidelines for Rescue and Relief Operations for POL Tank Truck

59. OISD-GDN-166 Guidelines for Occupational Health Monitoring in Oil and Gas Industry

60. OISD-STD-167 POL Tanklorry Design & Safety

61. OISD-GDN-168 Preparation of On-site Emergency Plan for the Marketing Locations

62. OISD-GDN-169 OISD Guidelines on Small LPG Bottling Plants (Design and Fire Protection

63. OISD-RP-170 Inspection, Maintenance, Repairs and Rehabilitation of foundations and


64. OISD-STD-I71 Preservation of Idle Static and Rotary Equipment

65. OISD-RP- I 73 Fire Protection Systems for Electrical Installations

66. OISD-STD- I 74 Well Control

07. OISD-STD-175 Cementing Operations

68. OISD-STD- I 76 Safety Training for Offshore Personnel

SI. No. St::wdard No. t\amc of the Standard
--- --- ..-----

69 O!SIJ-STO-I77 lnspt:ction and Maintenance of Thermal lnsu;<:Hior~

7() OISO-GOl'-178 Ci-uidcllnc.s on M:nagernem of Chsngc:

71 OISD-STD-179 Safety Requirements for Compress:un. Storage a~d Rc(·~'2:.inQ S:a',~':~~".s

for CNC; in Automotive secto)

72 OISD-STD-180 Lightning Protect:,oll.

T., OISD-STD- i 81 Geophysical Operations

74 OISD-STD-182 Recommended Safe Proccdu~es and Guidelines for WllrKover and \Vcl!
Stimulation Operation

75 OISO-STD-18} Logging Operations

76. OISD-GDN-184 Replacement of Personnel Protective Equipment and Life Saving appliances

77. OISD-STD-185 Wire line Operations

78. OISD-STD-186 Combine Operations

79. OISD-STD-187 Care & Use Of Wire Rope

80. OISD-STD-188 Corrosion Monitoring of Offshore & Onshore Pipelines

81. OISD-STO-189 Fire Fighting Equipment for Drilling rigs, Work over Rigs and Production

82. OISD-STD-190 Derrick Floor Operation (Offshore Drilling! Work over rig)

83. OISO-STD-191 Oil Field Explosives Safety

84. OISO-GDN-ln Safety Practice during Construction

85. OISO-STD-193 Gas Lift Operations and Maintenance

86. OISD-STD-194 Storage and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

87. OIS0-STD-195 Safety in Design, Operation, Inspection and Maintenance of Hydrocarbon Gas
Compressor Stations and Tenninals

88. OISD-GDN-196 Guidelines for seeking Environmental Clearance of Development Projects in

Petroleum Industry

89. OISD-GDN-197 Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment

90. OISD-GDN- 199 Guidelines for Environment Audits

91. OISO-GDN-200 Guidelines for Development of Contingency Plan for Oil Spi!l Response.

92 OISO-GDN-201 Guidelines for Environment Protection in Upstream Petroleurr. Sector (OnJand


I 51. No. St<ludard 1\0. Name of the Standard

()J OIS 0-GON-202 Inspection ofDrilJing and \\'orko\'c[ Rjg Masci Su~'-struc(urc

94 0ISO-GD1'-201 Operation, Mairtcnance and Inspecti'Jn of Hoisting Equipment

95. 0ISD-STO-204 Medical Requiremenls, Emergency Evacuation and Facilities

96 OISD-RP-205 Crane Operation, Maintenance and Testing (For ups'.rearr,j

97. 0ISO-GON-206 Guidelines on Safety Management System in Petroleurr. Industry

98. 0ISO-GON-207 Contractor Safety

99. 0ISO-STO-210 Storage, Handling and Refueling of Liquefied Petroleum Gas for Automotive

]OO.OISO - GON-2] 1 Safety in Petroleum Laboratories

101. 0]SO-GON-2]2 Guidelines on Environmental Audit (Internal) in DO\\TIstream Petroleum


102. OISO-GON-217 Formulation of Environment Management Plan for Drilling Operations

103. OISO -GON -2]8 Safe Rig-up and Rig-down of Drilling and Work-over Rigs

104. OISO -GON -219 Field Inspection, Handling and Testing of Casing Pipe and Tubing

O~::n=~4-~-:S~ -------~+pu::~:U;o~~
I O-I-S-O---ST-O--220-l~istribution ofP-i-pe-d-N-a-tu-ral
Put up for
Monitoring & control ofYOC Emissiuf. '.nd
Put up for
.' i .A p I' rova I

i LDAR Programme ---

I Approval
-- -
4 I OISO-STO-225 Storage, Handling & Dispensing at , Put up for 1

Pctroleum Retail Outlets


5 ! OISD-GDN-198 Guidelines on risk assessment of downstream I

oil industry units.
Guidelines for Fire Operators


L '

7 Cavern Storage of Petroleum Product I ~I


8 Guidelines for Emergency Response

Preparedness in E&P Industry I
9 Electrical Safety - Drilling Rigs !
10 Safe Operation & Maintenance of Sucker Rod
]1 Storage, Handling of Petroleum at Rural
Retail Outlets

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