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By William J. Murchison




































The first introduction was written before starting to write a chapter on rules-of-thumb for the Murchison Drilling Schools
Operational Manual. It was an introductory comment about the usefulness of about ten rules-of-thumb. However, after
starting to jot down a few rules-of-thumb about key drilling operations and practices two things were found wrong. One, a
single chapter would not do justice to rules about a subject as broad as drilling and; secondly, rules-of-thumb or rules
applying to certain drilling operations require more elaboration and examples than originally planned.

Rules-of-thumb have been handed down from one drilling boom to the next and it is difficult to know to whom the credit
should be given. Thanks go out to those that made good observations--took time to simplify the approach--and passed them
on down unselfishly. The rules-of-thumb in this book are mostly the result of those drilling people that laid the foundation
for the drilling industry we have today.

This book includes rules on: Mud; Tripping; Casing and Cementing; Volumes and Capacity; Hydraulics; Pressure; Strength
of Rope and Steel Cable; Centrifugal Pumps; BOP Accumulators: Kick Tolerance; Water Hammer Effect; Shales; Lost
Circulation; Diamond Bits; Directional Drilling; Stuck Pipe; Drill Stem Testing; Drill String Design; Logging; Gas Kicks;
Volume Building; Estimating Producing and Gas Plow Rate; Production Rules on Compressing Gas and Temperature Drop
Across A Pressure Regulator; Pipe Elongation Due to Temperature, Stretch and The Piston Effect; Temperature Conversion;
and Equipment Depreciation.

The book has many examples which simplify the use of the formulas and rules. You should be able to make quick
approximations and in many cases you may find that these ball-park numbers are better than the so-called accurate numbers.
Practically, everyone has a calculator, however, some calculations can be done in your head. These simplified rules are very
useful when a supervisor is on the rig floor or taking a report over the phone or radio.

In summary, you will find many time-tested guidelines that provide historical background experience collected by many
people over several years.

-1 -

A. Yield Point (YP) or Yield Value (YV)

In general YV is a measure of the attractive forces between clay particles and has the greatest influence on operating
practices while drilling.

1. Trip Margin (or Operating Mud Weight) sufficient to drill and trip pipe out of hole.

Rule: Divide the hydraulic diameter (diameter of hole minus diameter of pipe) times 11.7 into the
yield value. This number is the trip margin in pounds per gallon (ppg). This trip margin is
added to the mud weight required to balance formation pressure under static (non-
circulating or non-tripping) conditions.

Formula: T= (Yield Value) + MW

11.7(Dh - DP )

Where: T = The over balance (mud weight) required to

overcome swab and negative surge effect, ppg

Dh = Diameter of hole, in

DP = Diameter of drill pipe, in

Yield Value = 300 Reading minus PV lb/1OO ft2

Example: A 14.5 ppg MW is required to balance formation pressure. The mud has a yield value of
20. Calculate estimated MW to balance formation pressure while tripping pipe (to offset
swabbing/negative surge). Hole size is 8.5" and DP is 5".

= + 14.5 = 15 ppg
11.7 (8.5-5)

2. Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD)

The ECD is the effective mud weight on the formation due to the total effect of the mud weight plus the
friction loss in the annular space between the pipe and the hole while circulating.

Rule: For (ppg): Multiply the YV by 0.1 and divide the hydraulic diameter (diameter hole minus
diameter of pipe) into the number. Add this number to the mud weight to arrive at ECD.

For (pcf): Multiply the hydraulic diameter (diameter hole minus diameter of pipe) by 2 and
divide this number into the YV. Add this value to the mud weight to arrive at ECD.

Formula(s): ECD (ppg) = (YV x 0.1) + MW

(Dh - DP )

ECD (pcf) = 2 (Dh - DP ) + MW

Example: Calculate the estimated ECD if the 15 ppg mud has a YV of 20. The hole size is 8-1/2 inches and
the DP OD is S inches.

ECD = (20 x 0.1) + 15 = 15.57 ppg

(8.5 - 5)

3. Pressure loss in the annulus (rule-of-thumb version of Bingham plastic equation).

Rule: Multiply depth times YV and divide by the product of 225 times the hydraulic diameter (diameter
hole minus diameter pipe).

Formula: P = (Depth x YV)

ann 225 (Dh - DP )


(Depth x .052)

Example: Estimate the pressure loss in the annulus and the ECD. The MW is 15 ppg and the YV is 20. The
depth is 12,000 feet and the hole size is 8-1/2 inches with 5 inch DP.

ECD = 15 + 20 = 15.5 ppg

11.7 (8.5 - 5)

4. Other Facts and Rules-of-Thumb About Yield Value (YV)

a. YV (high side) = mud weight (ppg). Note: oil muds run higher yield values
b. YV is very temperature sensitive and therefore should be reported at same temperature each test so
that monitoring trends can be effective

-c. YV affects overbalance (trip margin) requirements

d. YV affects surge or swabbing
e. YV affects hole cleaning (balance flowrate (Q) and YV)

1) YV of 3-5 on big hole for drill chips

2) YV of 8-10 in 8-1/2 or smaller hole to help suppress turbulence
3) YV of spud mud should be 12 or higher
4) YV of hole sweep should be 12 or higher
5) YV of directional holes should be higher (use trial & error to establish)

-f. YV (lb/100ft2) = 6 300 reading minus plastic viscosity (on a Fann Viscometer)
g. YV in high weight muds gives a good trend on solids (along with PV or solids test)
h. YV units are lbs/100ft2 (same as gel strengths)
i. High yield values and gel strengths may be desired to prevent or minimize bridging, poor hole
cleaning, drag, high torque and to minimize barite settling. Low yield values and gel strengths,
however, provide better drill-ability, lower swab/surge pressures and facilitate better solids
separation with surface solids control equipment.
B. Plastic Viscosity (PV)
- In general the PV depends primarily on the solids content (size, type and concentration).

1. Plastic Viscosity High (PV) in Weighted Water-base Mud

Rule: PV = multiply MW (ppg) by 2 (to 2.5)

Formula: PV = MW x 2.5

Example: What would be the high side for the PV in a 15 ppg mud?

PV = 15 x 2.5 = 37.5 cps


2. Plastic Viscosity (PV) in Weighted Oil (or Oil Invert) Base Mud

Rule: PV = multiply MW (ppg) by 2.5 (to 4)

Formula: PV = MW x 4

Example: What would be the high side for PV in a 15 ppg mud?

PV = 15 x 4 = 60 cps high

3. Plastic Viscosity (PV) for Water Base Muds by Weight Ranges

Rule: Choose weight range and simply plug in MW (ppg) and complete the arithmetic.


a. Mud Weights Less Than 14 ppg

1) PV = (3.4 x MW) - 19 high

2) PVlow = (2 x MW) - 14

b. Mud Weights Greater Than 14 ppg but Less Than 17 ppg

1) PV = (5 x MW) - 40

2) Pvlow = (4.33 x MW) - 47

c. Mud Weights Greater Than 17 ppg but Less than 18.4 ppg

1) PV = (8.57 x MW) - 100


2) PVlow = (8.57 x MW) - 118

d. Mud Weights Greater Than 18.4 ppg

1) PV = (16.67 x MW) - 249


2) PVlow = (16.67 x MW) - 267

Example: Estimate high and low ranges for PV in:

a. 13 ppg mud: PV high = (3.4 x 13) - 19 = 25

PV low = (2 x 13) - 14 = 12

b. 15 ppg mud: PV high = (5 x 15) - 40 = 35

PV low = (4.33 x 15) - 47 = 18

4. Other Facts and and Rules-of-Thumb About Plastic Viscosity (PV)

a. PV should be kept low as possible by maintaining low solids (particularly minimizing fine solids <1
b. PV is very temperature sensitive and therefore should be reported at a standard temperature each time it is
tested. If temperature isn' t standardized the trend of PV, used to analyze hole problems, can:t be used.
c. PV(cps) = 600 Reading - 300 Reading on a Fann Viscometer.
d. PV is related to solids (type, size. and concentration).
e. PV has a tremendous influence on cut points in hydrocyclones and shaker screen capacity.
c. YV affects overbalance (trip margin) requirements
d. YV affects surge or swabbing
e. YV affects hole cleaning (balance flowrate (Q) and YV)

1) YV of 3-5 ok big hole for drill chips

2) YV of 8-10 in 8-1/2 or smaller hole to help suppress turbulence
3) YV of spud mud should be 12 or higher
4) YV of hole sweep should be 12 or higher
5) YV of directional holes should be higher (use trial & error to establish)

f. YV (lb/1OOft2) = 6 300 reading minus plastic viscosity (on a Fann Viscometer)

g. YV in high weight muds gives a good trend on solids (along with PV or solids test)
h. YV units are lbs/1O0ft2 (same as gel strengths)
i. High yield values and gel strengths may be desired to prevent or minimize bridging, poor hole
cleaning, drag, high torque and to minimize barite settling. Low yield values and gel strengths,
however, provide better drill-ability, lower swab/surge pressures and facilitate better solids
separation with surface solids control equipment.

C. Funnel Viscosity (FV)

The funnel viscosity is an easy test and is made by rig personnel. The FV can be an
early indicator of possible mud and hole problems. A change in the FV trend should
alert rig people to make further mud analyses to pinpoint the cause of the FV trend
change (or mud problem). A hole problem corresponding to a FV trend change can be
used the same way.

1. Funnel Viscosity (FV) Approximate Value

Rule: The FV is approximately four times the MW.

Formula: FV = 4 x MW

Example: What is the estimated FV for a 10 ppg mud?

FV = 4 x 10 = 40 sec/qt.

2. Funnel Viscosity to Serve As Base For LCM Pill

Rule: Add 25 to the viscosity of water (26 sec/qt) to get minimum viscosity for LCM base.

Formula: FV min = 26 sec/qt + 25 = 51 sec/qt

Example: Is a 60 sec/qt PV enough to suspend and tie-up LCM in a pill?

Yes, because 60 sec/qt > 51 sec/qt. However, the thicker (more viscous) the base is the
better the pill is as long as the pump can handle it. Less plugging of dc?s and bit nozzles
take place when viscous mud is used for the LCM base. LCM should be mixed fresh into
the base mud just prior to pumping the pill.

3. The funnel viscosity will be approximately the apparent viscosity plus the viscosity of water.
(Apparent viscosity is the 600 rpm reading divided by 2 on a Fann Viscometer.)

Rule: Add the apparent viscosity to the viscosity of water to obtain the FV within 2 to 3 sec/qt.

Reading åt 600
Formula: FV = 26 sec/qt + 2

Example: What is the estimated FV if the apparent viscosity is 15 cps.

FV = 26 + 15 = 41 sec/qt.

D. Apparent Viscosity (AV)

The apparent viscosity is an indicator of the total effect of solids and attractive forces within a mud and is very much
like the funnel viscosity.

1. AV = 600 reading (on Pann Viscosmeter) divided by 2.

2. AV LCM base = minimum of 25 cps for LCM base

3. AV = Reacts much like the FV. That is to say that it can show mud changes but won1t tell why the mud
viscosity has changed. By looking at the PV, YV, Gels, W.L., and the mud chemistry the reason (or cause)
for change can be pinpointed.

E. Solids
A general rule is to keep solids as low as possible. Keep commercial solids (bentonite) and drill solids at a proper
ratio. Solid can be better analyzed if the mud MBT (Methylene Blue Test) is known. The MBT shows the bentonitic
type solids. By knowing the type mud and all the retort analysis a breakdown of fine and coarse solids can be made.
Fine solids (solids less than one micron) are twelve times more detrimental to rate of penetration than coarse solids
and consequently should be kept at the required minimum to give colloidal properties. The drill solids and
bentonite ratio (ds/b) should be kept at approximately 2 to 1 (2:1).

1. Optimum Percent Solids (Low Density Solids)

Rule: Multiply the mud weight (ppg) by 7.5 and add the correction for oil by multiplying percent
oil volume by 0.1. Subtract the correction for salt. The salt correction can be estimated by
multiplying ppm CL by 0.61 and dividing by 10,000. Subtract 62.5 from the corrected
total value.

Formula: Vol percent Solids (LDS) = [(7.5 x MW) +(0.1 x vol. % oil) ]- [(0.61 x PPM CL)/1000] - 62.5

Example: What is the estimated percent solids corrected for oil and salt. Given: MW = 9.0; CL =
20,000 ppm; Oil = 5%

% LDS = [(7.5 x 9.0) + (0.1 x 5)] – [(0.61 x 20000 )/10000] - 62.5 = 4.3 %

2. Optimum Percent Solids (Weighted Mud)

Rule: Subtract 6 from MW (ppg) and multiply by 3.2.

Formula: OPT Percent Solids = (MW-6) x 3.2 (for weighted mud)

Example: What is optimum percent solids in a 15 ppg mud.

OPT Percent Solids = (15-6) x 3.2 = 28.8%

3. Rough Estimate For Percent Solids by Volume in Weighted Mud

Rule: Multiply MW (ppg) by 2

Formula: Percent Sol (weighted) = MW x 2

Example: Estimate percent solids in a 15 ppg mud.

% Sol = 15 x 2 = 30%

4. Drill Solids and Bentonite Ratio

Rule: Subtract the MBT from the total low density solids
to get drill solids. Divide the MBT (bentonitic type solids) into drill solids.

Formula: ds = TS - MBT

ds/b = ds

Example: What is the ds/b ratio. Given: MW = 9.5; MBT = 14; Total low density solids = 80 ppb
ds = 80 - 14 = 66 ppb

ds/b = 66 /14 = 4.7 : 1 (Ideal is 2:1)

5. Analyze the effect of solids on rate of penetration (ROP) comparing a control well with a planned

a. Rule: calculate fine solids on control well:

Mud Types (General) Factors

Dispersed Mud = Factor of 0.8

Gel + H2O = Factor of 0.13
Gel + 1120 + Polymer = Factor of 0.06

Fines are solids less than one micron.

Coarses are solids greater than one micron.
To get fines multiply MBT by factor (based on mud type).
Total solids = drill solids + colloidal solids + inert solids.
Fine solids = MBT x factor
coarse solids = total solids - fines.

b. Calculate coarse solids on control well . Subtract fine solids from total solids.

c. Calculate fines and coarses on proposed well.

d. Plug in fines and coarses into the ROP formula for the control and proposed well (formula below) to calculate
change in drillability (ROP).


ROP = ROP x { [1 - ( 0.0133 F2 + 0.00114 C2 )] / [1 - ( 0.0133 F1 + 0.00114 C1 )] }

M2 M1

Fines = MBT x Factor

Coarses = Total Solids - Fines

Where: ROP = ROP on proposed well


ROP = ROP on control well


F2 = Fine solids (<1 micron) on proposed well

F1 = Fine solids (< 1 micron) on control well

C2 = Coarse solids (>1 micron) on proposed well

C1 = Coarse solids (>1 micron) on control well

MBT = Methylene Blue Test

Example: Calculate the change in formation drillability (ROP increase or decrease)


Control Well:

ROP = 20 ft/hr
MBTMi = 15 lb/bbl
Solids = 79 lb/bbl
MW = 9.5 ppg
Mud Type = Dispersed

Proposed Well Mud Properties'

ROP =?
MBTM2 = 12 lb/bbl
Solids = 45 lb/bbl
Mud Type = Polymer (non-dispersed)

1) Fines (F1) = 15 x 0.8 (disp. mud factor) = 12

2) Coarses (C1) = 79 - 12 = 67 ppb
3) Fines (F2) = 12 x 0.06 (polymer) = 0.72 ppb
4) Coarses (C2) = 45 - 0.72 = 44.28 ppb

5) ROP = 20 x 1 - (0.0133 x 0.72 + 0.00114 x 44.28)

M2 1 - (0.0133 x 12 + 0.00114 x 67)

= 24.6 ft/hr

Formula: For percent ROP reduction compared with water:

% ROP Reduction = 100 (0.0133 x Fines + 0.00114 x Coarses)

6. Analyze solids control equipment (and system) to ascertain it is doing an efficient job. By keeping
up with water additions and by monitoring mud out and mud in, any break down in the solids
control system can be detected in the early stages.

Rule: Evaluate hydrocyclone desilters by calculating:

(1) GPM underflow
(2) barrels per day treated by bank of hydrocyclones
(3) pounds of solids dumped (discharged from underflow) per day;
(4) the amount of mud that would be required to be dumped (jetted)
to equate to solids discharged with hydrocyclones. Note: This
analysis is simple and can be made more than once during a day
to establish a trend comparison.
The required data is: GPM underflow rate; underflow mud weight; and feed
mud mud weight.


(1) Calculate GPM underflow (discharge) rate. This can be done by measuring the seconds for one quart of
discharge from one cyclone and multiply times the number of cyclones in the system.

GPM = (sec/qt)(number of cyclones)/15

(2) Calculate the barrels per day underflow (discharge).

BPD - (GPM)(34.29)

(3) Calculate the pounds of solids discharged by hydrocyclones.

Solids (lbs) = (BPD)(68.30)(MWu -8.34)


(4) Calculate the volume of mud that would have to be dumped to equate to solids discharged by

Volume (bbl) (Solids Discharged)(21 .66~MWP)

Mud Equivalent (9O9.72)(MWP~8 .34)

Where: GPM = Total discharge from hydrocyclone

system (gallons per minute)

Sec/qt = Discharge from one hydrocyclone measured into a viscosity cup

(seconds per quart)

No. of hydrocyclones = Total number of hydrocyclones

BPD = Barrels per day of volume discharged from hydrocyclones

Solids (lbs)
Discharged = Pounds of solids discharged per day through hydrocyclones

Volume (bbl)
Mud Equivalent = The volume of mud that would be required to be
dumped to equal to solids dumped

MWu = Mud weight of underflow discharge, ppg

MW P = Mud weight of feed mud (system mud), ppg

F. Mud Weight (Density)

Rule: Maintain mud weight high enough to support the walls of the hole for hole stability. Maintain mud
weight high enough to avoid influx of formation fluids that cause mud contamination, corrosion,
kicks or blowouts.
Rule: Maintain mud weight low enough to permit faster drilling, avoid lost circulation, and minimize
differential pressure sticking.

Rule: Approximately one barrel of volume is gained in the mud tanks when 15 sacks of barite is mixed
(100 lb sack). The specific gravity of barite is approximately 4.25 and this equates to approximately
1500 lbs per barrel.

G. Water Loss (Filtration)

Rule: Remember that low filtrate may be desired to minimize

tight hole caused by thick filter cake, differential pressure sticking and formation productivity
damage. However, high filtrate will minimize chip hold-down and provide better drillability. This
is particularly true if fine solids (<1 micron) are minimized by running lower MBT's.

H. Shale Hydration and Dispersion

Rule: In surface or intermediate hole dispersion of clay and shale solids may be desired in water-based
muds for easier control of mud viscosity, gel strengths and filtration without having to add
commercial solids. However, inhibition of shale swelling and prevention of dispersion of cuttings
by inhibition or encapsulation is desired for borehole stability, low mud maintenance costs, and
protection against formation productivity damage. The time to drill a section (open hole exposure)
and problems associated with shale hydration, such as heaving shale, influence the mud program.
As a general rule short exposure (less than 7 days) won:t cause many associated drilling problems
to dispersion and shale hydration. On the other hand, longer exposure to dispersion and shale
hydration can cause severe hole enlargement, poor cement jobs, hole cleaning problems and stuck
pipe. Area knowledge is very important in the planning and optimization process.

Ideally, drilling people would like to keep bottom hole hydrostatic pressure constant during the trip out (POH) and the trip
in (RIH). However, this is impossible from the operational standpoint because of swab and surge pressures. Most of the
tripping rules-of-thumb are closely associated with maintaining a safe hydrostatic overbalance that neither causes a kick nor
lost circulation.

A. Pulling Out of Hole

1. Slug Mud Weight
Rule: Slug mud weight is generally one ppg higher than the hole mud weight with the objective
being to unbalance the DP/annulus U-tube by enough to pull dry pipe. The condition of the
mud, related to drill solids, and/or the mud weight range could influence the drilling man to
accept less than one pound per gallon. For example, if the mud weight was greater than 18
ppg or the mud had high solids a 0.5 ppg slug mud weight would be acceptable. The length
(or volume) would be double if the slug mud weight was 0.5 ppg compared to 1.0 ppg.

Example: The mud weighs 10 ppg; a slug MW of 11 ppg is desired to unbalance the U-tube by two
stands (188 feet of top DP).

Example: The mud weighs 18.0 ppg; a slug MW of 18.5 ppg is desired to unbalance the U-tube by
one stand (94 feet of top DP).

2. Dry Pipe Versus Wet Pipe

When tripping the pipe out of the hole the mud level falls in the annulus because metal volume is being removed from the
hole. Pressure is lost because the fluid level is down and consequently the hydrostatic pressure is lower. The following rule
assumes the driller is not circulating across the wellhead:

Rule: Pulling wet pipe (no slug) causes approximately four times more pressure loss, per increment of pipe, than
pulling dry pipe (good slug).

Formula: Dry Pipe Pressure Loss =

Wet Pipe Pressure Loss =

Example' Calculate pressure loss if five stands (94 ft/std) are POH. The casing size is 9-5/8 with 0.0732 bbl/ft volume
capacity; the mud is 15 ppg; the DP is 5", 19.5 ppf, XH, Grade "S" with an adjusted weight of 22.5 ppf and
a capacity of 0.0170 bbl/ft.

Difference: Wet pipe AP = 192 psi = 4.2 times more pressure loss
Dry pipe AP 46 psi

3. Metal Displacement

When pipe is pulled out of the hole or run in the hole volume of pipe metal has to be considered in the trip plan.

Rule Divide the adjusted weight of pipe (tool joints, collars, etc. taken into consideration for adjusted wt)
by 2748 (weight of steel in pounds per barrel).

Formula: bbl/ft (metal disp.) = Adjusted wt pipe (lb/ft)

2748 (lb/bbl)

Where: Adjusted weight = approximate weight of tube plus the upsets (tool joints) taken from RP7G (pages

Example: Calculate the metal displacement in barrels per foot for 5", 19.5, XH, Grade "S" DP. The adjusted
weight (approx. wt.) from page 18 of RP7G is 22.6 lb/ft.

bbl/ft = 22.6 lb/ft = 0.0082 bbl/ft

2748 lb/bbl

For five stands:

Volume (bbl) = 5 std x 94 ft x 0.0082 bbl/ft

= 3.85 bbl per 5 stands

POH = hole would require this volume.

RIH = hole should give up this volume.

4. Trip Margin

A trip margin is required when pulling out of the hole (P0H) because of negative surge and swabbing.

Rule: (Refer to II A 1.0)

Formula: MWT = Yield Point + MW bal

(ppg) 11.7 (Dh - Dp)
Where: MWT = Mud weight that includes trip margin

MWbal = Mud weight to balance formation pressure but has no overbalance

Yield Point = Mud property (300 reading (F) - PV)

Dh = Diameter of hole

Dp = Diameter of pipe

On Trips When you cannot put a volume of drilling fluid into the hole equal to the displacement of the pipe
being removed without gaining fluid

After Trips Trip gas or water or oil cut drilling fluids or a combination

SWABBING MUST BE DETECTED EARLY BECAUSE the more formation fluid allowed to enter, the more
sever the kick.

The only way to detect swabbing in its early stages is to accurately measure the amount of drilling fluid pumped in the
hole to replace the drill pipe being removed from the hole.

5. Tripping in Top Hole With Low Pressure Overbalance or Pulling Wet Pipe

Rule: When working with small pressure overbalances or when pulling wet pipe mud should be circulated across
the wellhead (out of trip tank and return to trip tank).

Formula: Length of pipe that can be POH for the overbalance (trip margin) in the mud hydrostatic.

L= overbalance (psi)
pressure loss per foot of pipe (Xpsi/ft)


Overbalance = Formation pressure-hydrostatic pressure Mud Gradient = MW (ppg) x .052, in psi/ft

psi/ft = (mud gradient)(met disyl)

(dry) (cas vol-met. displ)

psi/ft = (mud gradient)(met displ. + pipe cap.)

(wet) cas. vol. (met. displ. + pipe cap)
Note: Pipe capacity: see Chapter VI, Section D.

Example: Calculate the length of pipe that could be POH (without circ across WH) if a 9.0 ppg mud was being used in
a normally pressured formation (0.465 psi/ft). The depth is 2,000 feet. DP is 5", 19.5 ppf, XH, "E", (pulled

APob = 2000 (9 x .052) - 0.465 x 2000

= 6 psi overbalance

Met. Displ bbl/ft = 22.9 lb/ft = 0.0076 bbl/ft

2748 lb/bbl

psi/ft dry = (9 x 0.052 ) x 0.00 76 = 0.05422 psi/ft

0.0732 – 0.0076

L= 6 = 110 ft

If more than 110 feet (a little more than 1 stand) of pipe is POH before filling hole a loss of hole stability will
result. This could include bridges (hole sloughing), stuck pipe, tight hole which require back reaming and
possibly a flow.

B. Running Pipe In Hole

1. Surge Pressure
When induced lost circulation is analyzed closely, it is found to be closely associated with pipe movement
and tripping practices a big percent of the time. By closely monitoring a metal displacement schedule,
formation break down from surge can be caught in the early stages.

When pipe is moved (up or down) surge and swab pressures develop. Velocity rate (fluid flow) is usually
calculated to evaluate laminar or turbulent flow profiles and then pressure loss is calculated. Surge pressure
can be approximated with the following rule-of-thumb formula (results are usually a little low).

Casing and cementing, whether it be a primary or a secondary job, requires special emphasis be placed on planning. The
planning periods are' :
1) items to plan and look at before reaching casing point
2) items to plan and look at after reaching casing point
3) items to plan and look at while running casing
4) items to plan and look at while circulating on bottom prior to cementing
5) items to plan and look at while implementing the cement plan; and
6) items that have to be looked at when secondary cementing (plugs, squeezes and etc.) are required. All
check list items and the list varies from one area of the world to another area. Some of the following
rules-of-thumb may be of use in implementing the various phases.

A. Circulating Time Before Cementing (Phase 4)

This is one of the most critical phases of the cementing operation.


1. Circulate long enough to stabilize hole trends such as drag, torque (if rotating), possible losses and etc.;

2. Circulate long enough to clean hole;

3. Circulate long enough to cool hole (this will minimize a lot of flash setting because cement may not be
designed for a long-static buildup temperature);

4. Circulate at least the casing volume times 1-1/2; and

5. Circulate at rate the cement will be mixed and displaced with to evaluate this rate.


Circulating Volume to circ. = 1.5 (Casing Cap. x Casing Length)

Circulating rate = (ann. vel. while drlg.) x (ann vol.)

Circulating time = Volume to Circ (bbl)

Circulating Rate (bbl/min)

Note: Casing Capacity in bbl/ft

Annular Volume of open hole in bbl/ft
Example: How long should we circulate and at what rate? Given: Hole size - 12-3/4 inches; casing size 9-5/8,
47 lb/ft; mud 13 ppg depth 12,000 feet; drag when pipe was first on bottom and reciprocated was
50,000 lbs AW over hook load;

annular velocity (while drilling before running casing) was 150 ft/min; no abnormal temperature is expected; and by
circulating with 1.5 times the casing volume the hole temperature should be cool enough.

circ. vol = (0.0732 bbl/ft x 12,000 ft) 1.5 = 1318 barrels

circ. rate = (150 ft/min) x (12.75**2 – 9.625**2) = 10 bbl /min


circ. Time = 1318 bbl = 132 minutes

10 bbl/min

Answer: Circulate approximately 2-1/2 hours at 10 bpm.

B. Influencing Factors or Why Casing Strings Are Run

Running casing at exactly the correct time requires the wmidas touch" or a lot of "area experience." However, when
casing is run and cemented (properly) at the right place, future drilling operations are greatly simplified. Lost
circulation is the number one drilling problem in the world and much of the L.C. in abnormal pressure zones results
from poor casing seat selection, setting casing off bottom or getting poor cement jobs that do not isolate casing
shoe-annulus from open hole below.

Rule: Some of the rules-of-thumb governing when to run casing are:

1. Set casing every time mud weight changes 1- 1.5 ppg (this is formation pressure equated to MW).

2. Set casing if kick tolerance is less than 1.0 ppg (this is kick intensity--how much MW increase could it tolerate
without lost circulation). This rule is greatly influenced by kick size (kick tolerance is greater for a 10 bbl kick than
for a 30 bbl kick).

3. Government regulations (i.e., MMS and COGLA). For example, COGLA wants 25% of hole to be cased at all
times. The MMS influences surface casing setting depth.

4. Set casing before hole stability in open hole deteriorates. (For example, it would be impractical to have 25 day
drilling program to reach casing point if a 15 day shale was exposed.)


AMW change = (MW form. Equiv. – MW hole (or last csg point)

If AMW > 1.5 Run Casing

Run Casing = Kick tolerance < 1 ppg (evaluate several kick sizes, refer to Chp. XIV)


AMW change = the change in mud weight caused by increasing or decreasing formation pressure

MW form. equiv. = formation pressure is expresed as an equivalent mud weight, i.e.: FP / (0.052 x TVD)

MW hole = mud weight at last casing shoe or before change in formation pressure, ppg

kick tolerance = the maximum kick MW that can be tolerated based on leak off test at previous casing shoe

Example: Pressure is increasing. Shale densities, d' exponents, and resistivity measurement indicate the mud weight
equivalent of the formation is 16 ppg. The last casing was set in a 14 ppg environment, and the MW is now
15 ppg in the hole. Would you run casing based on the 1-1/2 ppg rule?

Answer Look at L.0.T. at last shoe and evaluate kick tolerance for several kick sizes based on maximum
allowable pressure (calculated from leak-off-test). The old 1-1/2 ppg rule was used mostly before
we started testing shoes as we do today. Kick tolerance will be discussed in Section XIV.

C. Mix Water For Cement

The cement quality is very much dependent on the cement being mixed at the correct weight. Too much water
affects compressive strengths; too little water affects pumpability; excessive water causes cement to have high
porosity and permeability; free water causes pockets, hot spots and corrosion.

Rule: Base mix water requirements on neat cement plus the water required for the admixes (gel, etc). Use
cement weight as control on correct mix water being added.

Water requirements for neat cement:

Class Gal/Sack Slurry Density

'A' or 'B' 5.2 15.6 ppg

'G 5.0 15.8 ppg
H 4.3 16.4 ppg

D. Contact Time

Spacers are used to move mud out of the casing annulus, in front of cement, to minimize cement contamination and
improve bonding. Much discussion has been given to cement placement technique (turbulent versus plug flow).
The objective of placement technique is to minimize contamination, channeling and lost circulation, and to
maximize bonding and fill (correct cement top). With these objectives in mind I endorse the following approach'
place the spacer in turbulence but keep the cement at same annular velocity used while drilling.

Rule: Contact time is the time that the preflush spacer in turbulent flow is in contact with a critical
formation. Normally seven to ten minutes contact time is required (750-1000 feet). Remember that
the spacer must be compatible at the mud interface, which many times may require what two
separate spacers be used, such as when using an oil mud.

Pump Output (BPM) = Ann Vel (ft/min) x Ann Vol (bbl/ft) (mix and displacement rate)

Spacer Fluid (to give required contact time) (bbl) = Contact Time (min) x Mix Rate (bbl/min)

Example: How much spacer fluid is required to give a 7 minute contact time? The mud in the hole is 9.5 ppg
and the spacer is water. How much overbalance is lost from spacer if cement weight is ignored?
The mix rate to give correct ann. vel. and put spacer in turbulence is 10 bpm. Ann Vol = 0.0679

Spacer Volume = 7 min x 10 bbl/min (bbl)

= 70 bbl required to give seven minute "Contact Time"

AP(H20 vs. Mud) = (MWh - MWp) 0.052 x length spacer

= (9.5 - 8.33) 0.052 x 0.0679 = 63 psi

E. Cement Plugs Leaving Cementing Head

Plan plug dropping!? The correct use of cement plugs can make the difference between
the success or failure of a cement job. The correct implementation of cement plug
program ranks in the top ten of items that affect the overall cement job.
Rule' Make sure you plan' the loading of the plug(s); who will drop the plugs; how the plug will be dropped
(shutting down? on the run?); how you will know if the plug has left the cementing head (radioactive nail
and Geiger counter? Other telltale indicators?); what pressure strokes or volume you will have when the
plug is about to land in float or baffle collar and; how much extra volume or pump strokes you will pump if
the plug doesn’t land.


Vol. to Bump Plug = Length of Casing to landing place (ft) x Casing Capacity (bbl/ft)

Strokes to Bump Plug with Rig Pump = Volume to bump plug (bbl)
pump output (bbl/stk)

Pressure to Land Plug

AP mud vs cmt = (cement wt - mud wt) .052 x (calc. Lcmt)

AP mud vs cmt Calc. pressure to land plug (u-tube
pressure). If circ. pressure at displacement rate is recorded prior to the cement job
a dynamic pressure can be used (circ press + utube press).

Calc. L cmt = Length of cement that is planned behind casing (minus FS to shoe length if calcu-
lating bottom or one stage).

Est. Top of Cement (Dtc) from "Pmud vs cmt

If AP is less than pre-calculated pressure

Dtc = Est. Top of Cmt + APmud vs cit

AG mud vs cit

If AP is greater than pro-calculated pressure

Dtc = Est. Top of Cmt - APmud vs cmt

AGmud vs cmt

Where: Dtc = Depth of Top of Cement behind Casing

AG = (wt. of cmt - wt. of mud) .052 (ppg)

Examyle: Calculate the volume of mud and the pressure to land the top plug on the first stage: Given:
Casing size 9-5/8", 47 lb/ft; shoe a 12,000 ft; FC a 11,920 ft; DV collar a 6000 feet; mud wt - 9.5
ppg; cement wt - 15.4 ppg; cement calculated to reach DV at 6000 feet; pump out put checked to be
0.095 bbl/stroke.

Vol. to bump plug = 11,920 (ft) x 0.0732 (bbl/ft) = 872.5 bbl

Strokes to bump plug = 872.5 bbl = 9185 strokes

0.095 bbl/stk

APmud vs cmt = (12,000 - 6000) - 80) x (15.4 - 9.5) .052) (ft) = 1816 psi (u-tube)

Note: If 800 psi circ press a disp rate had been prerecorded, the dynamic pressure just
prior to landing the plug would have been 2600 psi + (1816 + 800).

Example: If the pressure to land the plug (above example) had been 200 psi low what would the estimated top
of the cement be on the first stage?

Dtc = 6000 feet + 200 psi

(15.4 - 9.5) .052

= 6652 ft +
F. Compressibility Volume When Testing Casing
The casing pressure test should be plotted (volume vs. pressure) as part of the drill out procedure.This
mpressibility plot can be utilized when measuring the leak off vs.
formation capability test below the casing. Interpretation of the
leak off test is greatly enhanced if compressibility is preplotted.

Rule: In water base muds it requires about 1% of casing volume (or volume being compressed) to reach 3000 psi.
Oil is about twice as compressible as water and therefore the compressible volume can be estimated by
multiplying the water based mud volume times the oil percent factor (i.e., 10 percent oil = 1.10 as factor).


Compressibility Volume For Waterbased Mud (Vcw, bbl ) = (pres applied a surface)(vol. being compressed)

Compressibility Volume For Mud With Oil (Vco, bbl) = Vcw [1.0 + (percent oil/100)]

Example' How much volume would it take to pressure up to 2000 psi on 9-5/8", 47 lb/ft casing? Assume no drill
string is in the casing (open casing above a FC a 11,920).

(2000 psi) (11,920 x 0.0732)

Vcw =

= 5.82 (say 6.0 bbl)

Example: If the example above had the same data except that the mud was a invert oil emulsion with 70% oil, what
would the Vco (compressibility volume) be?

Vco = 5.82 x (1.0 + 70/100) = 9.9 bbl

G. Safe Water Spacer For A Balanced Kick-off Plug

Kick-off plugs should have good compressibility to successfully achieve the plug objectives. Contamination of
plug, with mud, will limit its compressibility (and usefulness). Water can act as a spacer fluid ahead and behind the
plug (balanced).
Rule: The length of water that can be safely utilized should be based on overbalance (hydrostatic). The
amount of overbalance that can be sacrificed and the difference between the weights of mud and
water will determine the length (and volume) of water spacer.


L = allowable overbalance
water spacer (mud wt - 8.34) 0.052

Volume water ahead = (L water spacer ft) (ann vol next to setting string and hole bbl/ft)

Volume water behind = (L water spacer ft )(setting string capacity bbl/ft)

Example: How many feet of water spacer (Lwater ) can be used on this kick off plug. Given: hole size 8-3/4
(caliper); dp (setting string) - 4-1/2; dp cap - 0.0142 bbl/ft; mud - 14 ppg; overbalance - 200 psi;
overbalance that is allowable - 100 psi.

L water spacer = 100 psi = 340 ft

(14 - 8.34) .052

Volume water ahead = (340 feet) ( (8.75**2 - 4 .5**2)) = 18.6 bbl


Volume water behind (To balance water ahead) = (340 ft)(0.0142 bbl/ft) = 4.828 bbl

H. Things That Help Avoid Contamination of Kick off plug

As previously discussed the number one associated problem with kick off plugs is mud contamination.

Rule' Utilize techniques and equipment to minimize contaminating.

1. Use a mixing sub on bottom of setting string. Do not use open ended pipe. A culled joint
of drill pipe (with a good connection) can be orange-peeled on bottom and slotted. This
sub can also be utilized for lost circulation plugs or pills.

2. Use a bypass off of surface cementing head. This bypass is kept closed until cement starts
out of setting string or until u-tube reverses from having positive pressure to negative
pressure (u-tubing). The bypass is then opened and the plug u-tubed into place by keeping
setting string full of displacement fluid. When the plug balances fluid will then come out
the bypass line. This keeps you from over-displacing and contaminating the plug. This
step is the real key to minimizing contamination of cement plug.

3. Use viscous pills or dirty plugs to support off bottom cement plugs. Off-bottom plugs want
to shift positions or migrate and this shifting causes contamination. Make sure viscous pill
has a high yield value (yield point). A dirty plug is a few sacks of cement (10 to 15 sacks)
that are displaced without any spacer. Cement contaminates and flocculates the mud. Pull
the pipe a few feet above the dirty plug and set a proper balanced plug.

- 32 -

Vol. F.P. x (Mud wt-fluid wt) .052 Surface Pressure =

setting string (cap. setting string)(bbl/ft)

(~P surf~

Where: ~P surf = U-Tube Pressure caused by different weight fluids, psi

-Vol F.P. = Volume of fluid being pumped (i.e., 1120, cement, etc.) in barrels

Fluid wt. = Weight of fluid being pumped, ppg

Cementing Head

-323 ~MThx

A ~surf


Example: What would the positive u-tube pressure be on the setting string if the setting string had the lead 1120,
cement and tail-in water. Given: 4-1/2 setting string (0.0142
bbl/ft); mud wt. - 14 ppg; cement wt - 16 ppg; lead 1120 -
18.6 bbl; cement - 22.3 bbl of tail-in water - 4.8 bbl.

Lead Water Cement Tail-in Water

APsurf = A~(14-8.33)O.052 + x22~3(14~16).052 + Th½(14~8.33).052

0.0142 0.0142 0.0142

=323 psi (AP surface pressure resulting from length of all fluids in setting string (3218 feet))
- 33 -
I. Cement For First Cement Plug In A Lost Circulation Zone

When setting a cement plug for the first time in a zone for lost circulation, it is very easy to underdesign the quantity of
cement needed. This will be a costly error because of rig time and material cost.

Rule' Until more knowledge about a zone is learned, a good rule-of-thumb is the volume of cement the setting
string will hold at the point of setting (bottom of setting string).


Cement Required Length of setting x vol. of setting

(cu ft) string (ft) string cu ft/ft

Example: How many Cu ft of cement is required for the first plug in this zone if the bottom of the setting string is
placed at 6000 feet. Given' setting string is 5", 19.5 lb/ft, XH, Grade "E" (0.0983 cu ft/ft)


Cement Required = 6000 ft x 0.0983 cu ft/ft

(cu ft)

590 cu ft

If yield (cu ft/sk) was 2.7 cu ft/sk (L.C. cmt)

Sacks = 590 cu ft + 2.7 cu ft/sk

219 sacks
- 34 -
If mix 1120 (gal/sk) was 7.0 gal/sk

Mix 1120 = (219 sacks x 7.0 gal/sk) + 42 gal/bbl

= 36.5 bbl of mix 1120

Note' If mix 1120 is used as guide to mixing so many sacks out of a big cement bin, it is
very important to mix cement at its correct design weight.

J. Testing Liner and Squeezing Liner if Flow is Observed

It is a difficult task to isolate gas with a liner. Many techniques have been tried (and some work part of the
time) but liner-lap leaks is still one of the most prevalent gas-cap problems. I recommend a high quality
cement (batch-mixed if possible) and a long~r liner lap (t500 feet). Some operators cement the liner with a
combination primary-secondary squeeze approach. With this approach the liner is cemented partially (60-
75%) using conventional techniques and with a modified RTTS (Champ tool) the liner is squeezed after the
primary job is completed.

Rule: When testing a liner top use a reverse test and evaluate whether the liner top will flow into
test string. Simulate a lower mud weight (approximately what the liner top will be exposed
to) by using a RTTS (or similar tool). If squeezing is necessary use a high quality (low
water-loss) cement and use a walking squeeze approach. Hesitation methods can be very

W Formula:

M M = (Mud Wt - Test MW Equivalent)Depth of Liner Top

M L (M\id Wt - 8.33)



L = Water to simulate some equivalent mud wt.

1120 at top of liner (in test string).

Note: If top of liner is given as TVD (directional well) the measured depth
can be calculated

¼ by dividing TVD by cosine of avg. drift angle.

Mud Weight = Mud weight in hole, ppg

Depth of Liner Top = Peet (convert to measured depth to arrive at volume calculated)

- 35 -
APcheck : (~20x0 . 052x8.33) + (Depth Liner-L1120 )MW x .052

Equiv MW check : APcheck x 19.23

Depth Liner

Example' The hole contains 18.0 ppg mud and the top of the liner is 15,000 feet. How much water is
required to be circulated into test string to simulate 13.0 ppg (te.t equivalent mud weight)?
(wD and MD same.)

L = (18 - 13) 15,000

1120 (18 - 8.33)

- 7,756 feet

Note' If the 15,000 foot depth was the TV,D (directional well) with an average angle
of 250, the measured depth for volume calculations would have been 16,551
feet or, 15,000/COS 250. If the length of 1120 calculated (7756 feet) had been
at the same avg. angle (250), the length of 1120 would be 8558 ft., or
7,756/COS 250.

• APcheck (7,756x0.052x8.33) + (15,000-7,756)18 x .052

10,140 psi

Equiv. 1IWcheck = 10,140 x 19.23


= 13 ppg
- 36 -

Ceaent can be lixed with sand and gravel to build a pad with the following rule..

Rule: For a ratio of 1:2:4 •ix, one cubic yard of blend can be designed with the following formulas.

Cement = = 6.28 bags of cement

Sand = 6.28 x 2 x 0.035 = 0.44 cu yd of sand

- 1200 lb sand

Gravel = 6.28 x 4 x 0.035 = 0.88 cu yd of gravel = 1800 lb gravel

Inches to Yards = inches

36 in/yd

Feet to Yards = feet

3 ft/yd

cu ft to cu yd = cu ft x 0.0370
cu ft

Example: How many cu yards of cement blend (cmt, sand and gravel) is needed to build a tool-pad
with dimensions of 20 ft x 10 ft x 4 inches thick?
(L) (W) (D)

4 in 20 ft 10 ft
Method 1 cu yd = ~36 in/yd )x(3 ft/yd )x(3 f~/y~)

= 2.47 cu yd

4 in _____
Method 2 cu yd = ~12 in/ft x 20 ft x 10 ft)0.0370 cuyd
Cu ft

= 2.47 cu yd

Requ ire.ent S
Cement: 6.28 bags x 2.47 = 15.5 sacks
Sand: 0.44 cu yd x 2.47 = 1.09 cu yd (2964 lbs)
Gravel: 0.88 cu yd x 2.47 = 2.17 cu yd (4446 lbs)

- 37 -

Volume and capacity calculations make up a high percentage of all rig calculations. The following rules-of-thuab
will siaplify some of the arithmetic and the numbers (results) are generally acceptable.

A. Open Hole Volume

The rule-of-thumb gives approximately 3% more volume than the more precise method. Most open hole is a little
out-of-gauge which makes the method acceptable.



BBL/1OOO Ft= (D)2


1000 BBLS.


(Cdp X Ldp) + (Cdc + Ldc)

T= P x 5PM


C Capacity of Drilipipe (bbl/ft)

CdP = Capacity of Drilloollars (bbl/ft)
Ldc = Length of Drillpipe (feet)
LdP = Length of Drillcollars (feet)
P = Pump Output bbls/stroke
5PM = Strokes Per Minute

Rule: Square the hole size (inches) and divide by 1000 to convert to barrels per foot. Multiply by
length (feet) to get barrels.

- 38 -

V OH - (Diameter of Hole)2 x Length (ft)


Where' V OH = Volume of open hole, barrels Diameter of hole given in inches.

Example: What is estimated volume of 1000 feet of 12-1/4 inch hole?

V OH = (12.25)2 x 1000 1000

= 150 barrels

B. Annular Volume in Open Hole

The rule-of-thumb will give about 3% more annular volume.

I 1 ft.


Annulus with Open Hole.

Rule: Square the hole size (inches) and subtract the square of the pipe size (inches). Divide by 1000 and
multiply by length of hole section (feet).

- 39 -

(Dh2 - D 2) x Length (ft)

Ann. Vol0~ = 1000

Where: Dh and D = Diameter of hole and diameter of pipe in

open hole, inches

Example: What is estimated volume of 1000 feet of annulus if Dh =

12-1/4 inches and D = 5 inches?

(12.252 - 52) ~ 1000

VOH = 1000

- 125 bbl

C. Volume of Vertical Cylindrical Tank

This formula gives accurate results for a cylindrical tank (vertical). Note: Do not use for horizonal cylindrical tank
(refer to Murchison Oper. Drlg. Manual - Rig Math Chapter for horizontal tank calculation).

Rule: Square the diameter of the tank (feet) and multiply by factor 0.14. The results are in barrels per


Vol cyl.tank (Tank diameter)2 0.14 (ft)


Example: How much water is in the tank if the diameter measures 12 feet and the height of fluid is 12 feet?

Vol (bbl) = (12)2 0.14 x 12 ft

= 242 bbl

D. Capacity of Pipe

This formula does not take into consideration tool joints and therefore over estimates the volume by
approximately 1 .0%t
- 40 -

1 Area Calculations Formulae




A =0.7854 D2


A = 0.7854 [OD)2 (ID)2]

(depending on what grade drillpipe is being calculated because high

grade tool joints have smaller ID1s).

Rule: Square the ID of the pipe (inches) and either multiply by

0.097 to get bbl/100 ft or by 0.545 to get cu ft/100 ft.


cap (bbl/100 ft) = (ID of pipe)2 0.097

cap (cu ft/100 ft) = (ID of pipe)2 0.545

Example: What is the volume per 100 feet if the ID of pipe is

4.276 inches?

capacity (bbl/100 ft) = (4.276)2 0.097

= 1.77

capacity (cu ft/100 ft) = (4.276)2 0.545

= 9.96

Note: The exact volume for 5, 19.5, XH drillpipe is:

Grade E = 0.017464 bbl/ft Grade X = 0.017268 bbl/ft Grade G = 0.017176 bbl/ft Grade S =
0.017010 bbl/ft

- 41 -
E. Capacity of Annulus Between Concentric Pine Strings

The foriula does not take into consideration upsets (tool joints) and therefore will be off between 0.5%
and 2%.

Rule: Square the ID (inches) of outer string and subtract the square of the OD (inches) of inner
string. Multiply the IDOf results by either the factor 0.097 for bbl/100 ft or by ~Outer~ the
factor 0.545 for cuft/100 ft. String

Formula' % //

cap (bbl/100 ft) = (D12 - D22) 0.097

cap (cuft/100 ft) = (D12 - D22) 0.545 7

Where' D1 = ID of outer string, inches KY

D2 = OD of inner string, inches



Example: What is the annular capacity per 100 ft if the outside
string is 4-1/2, 10.5 IbIft (ID = 4.052 inches) and inner
string is 2-3/8 (OD = 2.375 inches)?

cap (bbl/100 ft) = (4.0522 - 2.3752) 0.097

= 1.046

cap (cuft'100 ft) = (4.0522 - 2.3752) 0.545

= 5.87

F. Capacity of Annulus, Two Inner Strings in Casing

There is no allowance made for couplings and therefore calculations Day be off between 0.5% to 2%.

Rule: Square the ID (inches) of the outer string and subtract the ODTs (inches) of inner strings. Multiply
the results by either 0.097 to get bbl/100 ft or 0.545 to get cuft/100 ft.

cap (bbl/100 ft) = (D12 - D22 - D32) 0.097

cap (cuft/100 ft) = (D12 - D22 - D32) 0.545

Where: D1 = ID of outer string of pipe, inches

D2 = OD of inner string of pipe, inches

D3 = OD of second inner string of pipe, inches

- 42 -
Example: What is the annular capacity per 100 feet if the outside casing is 7, 29 lb/ft (ID = 6.184) and inner strings
are - 2.375 inches OD?

cap (bbl/100 ft) = (6.1842 - 2.3752 - 2.3752) 0.097

= 2.62

cap (cuft/100 ft) = (6.1842 - 2.3752 - 2.3752) 0.545

= 14.70

- 43 -

Optimization in the drilling business is often defined as "collapsing the learning curvew which leans you post appraise data
from one or two wells and then drill the 3rd and remaining wells much cheaper. Optimization could, therefore, be defined
as cutting cost. The order of optimization with reference to cutting cost is: 1) optimize mud; 2) optimize hydraulics; 3)
optimize bit selection; and 4) optimize weight on bit and RPM's. Mud and hydraulic optimization, however, make the big
money difference.

A. Optimum hydraulics is the proper balance of the hydraulic elements that will adequately clean the hole below the
bit, clean the bit and clean the bore hole above the bit with minimum horsepower. The balance of the hydraulic
elements is influenced by: 1) lost circulation (ECD effect); 2) hole stability (turbulent erosion); 3) bit cleaning
(cross flow); 4) cleaning hole below bit (jet velocity) and cleaning the bore hole above bit (Ann. Velocity-Flowrate-
yield value-and flow profile).

Rule: Balance flowrate between 24 gpm and 75 gpm (for optimum bit weight between 25-50 gpm/inch)
per inch of bit size. Jet velocity is influenced by formation drillability and mud overbalance chip
hold down. The greater the overbalance the higher the jet velocity has to be to help free up the chip
that is being differentially held down below the bit. The jet velocity range is usually between 250
and 450 ft/sec.


G/B = 4B + 5

G = 4B2 + SB

Gmin = 12.72 (B)1~~7

v 0.01 + 0.002 (ROP)

Where: G/B = GPM/inch bit diameter

G - GPM (flowrate), gpm

Gmin - For flowrate sensitive bits (PDC, etc)

Ref. 1: World Oil, Review of Low Solids Mud Control Gives New Insights, D. B. Anderson and Jack Estes.

- 44 -
B : Bit diameter, inches

J = Jet velocity, ft/sec


ROP = Pentration rate, ft/hr

Example: What is the gpm/inch range; the flowrate recommended; and recoinmended jet velocity, to
minimize chip hold down, bit balling and give adequate hole cleaning? Given: 12-1/4"
bit; ROP 40 ft/hr.

G/B = 4(12.25) + 5

= 54 gpm/inch

G = 4(12.25)2 + 5(12.25)

= 662gp.

J - 40
v 0.01 + 0.002(40)

= 444 ft/sec

B. Hydraulic Guidelines

Hydraulics can be optimized by concentrating on four main guidelines. The four are: flowrate; jet horsepower;
percent of horsepower at bit; and jet velocity.

Rules: The following guidelines are based on running optiium bit weight.

Rule 1: Maintain flowrate 30-50 gpm/in of bit diameter. The following ROP ranges are
general guidelines for flowrates required.

ROP Ranges

Range 1 - over 50 ft/hr, 50 gpm/in

Range 2 - 25 to 50 ft/hr, 40 to 50 gpm/in
Range 3 - 15 to 25 ft/hr, 38 to 45 gpm/in
Range 4 - 10 to 15 ft/hr, 35 to 40 gpm/in
Range 5 - 5 to 10 ft/hr, 30 to 39 gpm/in

Rule 2: Maintain jet horsepower 2-1/2 to 5 HHP/in2 (hydraulic horsepower per sqin of
bit area). The rule is based on the square root of the rate of penetration. In big
hole (12-1/4 and greater size) the HHP/in2 could be allowed to go slightly
above 5.0 (up to 6.5) if drillability is good (above 25 ft/hr).

- 45 -
Rule 3: Design hydraulics so that 50 to 65% of available
pump pressure is across the bit jet nozzles.
If optimized at midrange (55 to 60) the driller
has lore flexibility with flowrate as influenced
by formation drillability ECD, and other
drilling operational factors.

Rule 4: Maintain jet velocity between 350 and 450

ft/sec. Do not drop below 250 ft/sec. ROP and
chip hold down influence optimum jet velocity
as discussed in Section VII A.


Flowrate (Q) = (gpm/in range) x Bit OD

HHP/in2 = VR.0.P. (no higher than 6.5)


HHP/in = 1346(Bit OD)2

Pbit x 100

bit - Psurf

P surf =Pbit +P

P5y5~~1 = System pressure losses

(surface connections, drill string and

annulus - from book/slide rule/etc.)

P - 1346(Bit 0D)2~ROP
bitp1an Q

P bit actual (J1 + J2 + J + etc.)2
2 2 2

Average Jet Size = 3.536 (~o~ ~~~t~0~5)

Jet V~lO~itYactua1 = (J12 + J22 + J32 + etc.)
P5y5~~1 - (MW)9(209)Q01~06 {~~~~5'6"~ + (Dh~Dp )(Dh12~Dp2)1~0'1

- 46 -

Q = Flowrate (gpm)

HH/in2 = Hydraulic horsepower per sqin of bit area

R.0.P. = Rate of penetration

Pbit = Pressure loss through bit nozzles

P surf = Pressure required at surface

J1, J2, etc. = Numerator only (i.e., 15/32 = 15, 12/32 = 12)

MW = Mud weight (lb/gal)

Pb itplan = Pressure on bit calculated when planning, psi

Pbitactual = Pressure at bit calculated after selecting bit nozzles.

L = Length (ft)

PID = Pipe inside diameter (in)

Dh = Diameter of hole (in)

D = Outside diameter of pipe (in)


Example: Plan and evaluate the basic four hydraulic elements. Given: bit size = 12-1/4"; ROP = 25 ft/hr; MW = 10
ppg; no. of jets = 3.

Q = 45 gpm/in x 12-1/4"

- 551 gpm

HHP/in2 = ':"25

= 5.0

P = 1152 psi (from hydraulic book tables system

for drill string and hole configura

Pb = 1346(12.25)2~25
it 551

= 1832 psi

- 47 -
Jet Size = 3.536 (5351 (181302)e~S)C~S

13.02 (13) use 3 size 13/32 jets

Pbit = (156.482)(551)2(10)
132 + 132 + 132)2 actual

= 1848 nsi (actual pressure a bit after sizing nozzles)

Psurf = 1152(system) + 1848(bit)

= 3000 psi

= 1848 x 100
bit 3000

= 61.6%

HllP/i2 = (551)(1848)
~actual 1346(12.25)2

= 5.04

Jet Vel = (418.3)(551)

(132 + 132 + 132)

- 454 ft/sec

Opt inizat ion Checks:

1. Flowrate = 551/12~25 = 45 gpm/in

(30 - 50) opt. range

2. HH/in2 = 5.0 (OK)

(2.5 - 5) opt. range

3. %Pbit = 61.6% (OK)

(50 - 65%) opt. range

4. Jet Vel = 454 ft/sec (OK)

(350 - 450) opt. range

- 48 -
C. Horsepower at Surface and Bit

Optimum horsepower requirements are based on hole size and rate of penetration.

Rule: For input horsepower at surface, multiply 10 times the square of hole size (ten "D" rule). For
hydraulic horsepower at bit, take the square root of the rate of penetration.


HHPsurf = 10(Bit Size)2

HHP/in2 = VR.O.P.

Example: Calculate the required surface horsepower the rig should have available (influencing rig
selection). Calculate hydraulic horsepower needed a bit if ROP is 20 ft/hr:

llllPsurf = 10(12.25)2

= 1500

HllP/in2 = ~2O

= 4.5

D. Rough Neck Formula

The number one drilling parameter trend to monitor and evaluate potential hole stability problems with is the
pressure and pump stroke relationship.

Rule: When pump strokes are doubled the pump pressure will quadruple. This is because pressure
loss inside a drill string increases as an exponential function of the pumping rate.


P2 = P1 (sSP~~M;) 2


P2 = Pump pressure after changing pump stokes to new

level (SPM2 - either up or down).

P1 = Pump pressure that is associated with SPM1 (original

pump pressure and strokes).

- 49 -
SPM1 = Stroke per minute original (P1 assoc. with 5PM1) 5PM2 = New pump strokes (P2

assoc. with 5PM2)

Example 1: The pump pressure (P1) was 2500 psi with 80 strokes
per minute (SPM1). What would the pressure be if
the pump strokes are raised to 85 (SPM2)?

P2 = 2500 85 2

= 2822 psi

Example 2: In the same example if the hole loaded up with

formation cuttings and 5PM2 dropped to 78 and the
pressure remained at 2500 psi, how many psi can be
attributed to the cuttings?

P2 = 2500 78 2


= 2377 psi


AP = 2500 - 2377 psi

= 123 psi due to cuttings

E. Effect of Pipe Size on Hydraulics

Because pressure loss inside a drilling string increases as an exponential function of the pumping rate, it is
very important to choose drill string equipment with large bores. If this guideline is violated the hydraulic
horsepower will be mostly lost before it reaches the bit nozzles.

Rule: The pressure loss in drillpipe and drill collars changes inversely proportional to the change of
bore diameter raised to the 4.82f power.


= (IIDD of larger pipe ~,S2 D of smaller

P 2 = ~ 1 D2 C

- 50 -


P2 = Pressure loss with small pipe (psi)

P1 = Pressure loss with large pipe (psi)

D1 = Large diameter pipe (inch)

D2 = Small diameter pipe (inch)

Examnle: How much greater pressure loss does 4-1/2, 16.6 (ID-3.826) have compared to 5, 19.5 (ID-4.276)?
Pressure loss with 5" dp = 25 psi/1000 ft.

= 4.276 ~~C2
greater 3.826

= 1.71 (The 4-1/2 drillpipe would lose 1.71 times more pressure loss
than the 5 inch drillpipe.)

P2 = 25 (34;82~766)~~12 = 43 Psi

F. Effect of Mud Weight and Plastic Viscosity on Hydraulics

Pressure losses increase as the mud weight and plastic viscosity go up. Consequently it is important to maintain the
mud weight and plastic viscosity at operationally safe low levels.

Rule: The pressure loss is directly proportional to the mud weight. Divide new mud weight by old mud
weight and multiply this number by the pressure loss measured (or calculated) with old mud weight.


Pressure Loss MW = (P~~~t5h~r;;wLiO5S)(~)

corr 1

(Pressure L MW C. 14
Pressure Lossp~ = MW oss~PV
corr corr


Pressure.Loss = Pressure loss corrected for mud

corr weight change
- 51 -
Pressure Loss PV = Pressure loss corrected for plastic
corr viscosity (usually done in weighted

MW1 = Mud weight (original) corresponding to pressure loss

either all measured or calculated.

MW2 = New mud weight. The pressure loss MW will

correspond to this mud wt. corr

MW = The mud weight that the mud had when the plastic
viscosity was measured.

Exainle: Correct the pressure loss in the system for Mud weight changes and plastic viscosity. Given:
Pressure loss with MW1 = 1000 psi; MW1 = 13 ppg; PV (with MW1) = 25 cps; new MW (MW2)
= 14 ppg.

Pressure Loss MW = (1000 psi)-14

corr 13

1077 nsi

Pressure Loss PV = 1077 psi

corr (2135)D~1~
- 1180 psi

G. Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD)

The equivalent circulating density (ECD) is the effective mud weight on the formation due to the total effect of
the mud weight plus the friction loss in the annular space between the pipe and the hole while circulating.

Rule: The simplified version of the Binghei plastic equation gives a quick ECD estimate. Multiply yield
value times 0.1 and divide by the hydraulic diameter (hole size minus pipe size). Add the results
to the mud weight (lb/gal).


ECD = MW + 0.1 x YV
Dh -D

L x YV
PLAnn = 225(Dh -D)
Lx YV L x PV V
PLAnn = 225(Dh - D ) + lSOO(Dh - D )2
p p

- 52 -
ECD~q~~~ = MW + PLAnn
(0.052 x Depth)


ECD = Equivalent circulating density

PLAnn = Pressure loss in annulus

MW = Mud weight (ppg)

Y,V, = Yield value (on Yield Point) lb/100 ft2

Dh = Diameter of hole

PV = Plastic Viscosity

D = Diameter of pipe

L = Length (feet)

v = Annular velocity, feet per sec.

Example: Compare the estimated ECD with the formulas given.

Given: MW = 16.0 ppg; PV = 45; YV = 25; Flowrate = 330 gpm; Ann. Vel = 2.85 ft/sec; Ann. Vel
4.5 ft/sec; DP LendP= 12,000 ft; DC Len = 70~Cft; DC OD = 6-1/2 inches; DP OD = 5 inches.

ECD = 16 + 0.1 x 25 = 16.7 ppg (8.5 - 5)

PL = 12,700 x 25 = 403 psi

Ann 225(8-1/2 - 5)

ECD = 16 + 403 = 16.6

equiv 12,700 x .052
PL - 12,000 x 25 + 12,000 x 45 x 2.85 = 465
Ann 225(8-1/2 - 5) 1500(8.5 - 5)2

700 x 25 700 x 45 x 4.5

PLAnn~c - 225(8-1/2 - 6.5) + 1500(8.5 - 6.5)1 63

Total PLAnn = 528

- 53 -
ECD = 16 + 528 = 16.8 ppg
equiv 12,700 x .052

Summary Comparison With 3 Methods : 16.7, 16.6, and 16.8

H. Optimum Annular Velocity (From Fullerton)

Optimum annular velocity is influenced by mud weight and hole size.

Rule: Divide the product of mud weight times hole diameter into 11,800 to get annular velocity in feet per


Ann. Vel. - 11,800

(ft/min) (MW x Dh)


Ann Vel = Optimum annular velocity in ft/min (by Fullerton)

MW = Mud weight (lb/gal)

Dh = Diameter of hole, inches

Example: What would the recommended annular velocity be for the

12-1/4 inch hole section with the following mud weights:

Case 1 :9~5 ppg/12-1/4 hole;

Case 2= 11.5 ppg'12-1~4 hole;
Case 3= 9.5 ppg/8-1/2 hole?

Ann Vel (Case 1) = (12.25 x 9.5) = 101 ft/min

Ann Vel (Case 2) = = 84 ft/min
(12.25 x 11.5)

Ann Vel (Case 3) = 11,800 = 146 ft/min

(8.5 x 9.5)

- 54 -

The basic hydrostatic formula to calculate pressure is used constantly in the drilling business. The
formula is rearranged to also calculate mud weight and even depth. Before introducing the rule a few
concepts will make the formula clear.

Concepts' Two concepts will be introduced:

97.24lbs Weight of a column of fluid and;

Pressure in a column of fluid and pressure gradient.

Consider a 13 ppg mud. How much does 1 ft3 of this mud weigh?

1 ft 1 cu ft MDI = 13 ppg = (13) (7.48) pcf

ift = 97.24 pcf = 97.24

1b'cu ft

ift Note' 1 Cu ft = 7.48 gal

1 bbl = 42 gal
1 cu It = 144 sq in

Now consider 5000 such blocks stacked vertically.

Total weight = (97.24) (5000)


5000 ft 486,200 Ibs

Now, what is the pressure, in psi, at the bottom of a 5000 ft stack of 1 cu ft cubes?

Total weight = 486,200 lb

Base area = 12 x 12 sq ins = 144 sq in

- 55 -

P (psi) = 486,200 lb = 3376 psi

144 in2

Now, how much does 1 in3 of 13 ppg mud weigh?

MW = 97.24 = 0.05627 lb/cu in


How many 1 inch cubes stacked up make 5000 ft?

Number = (5000) (12) = 60,000 cubes

Total weight = (60,000)(0.05627) = 3376 lbs.


Now, what is the pressure in psi at the bottom of this mud column?
Base area = 1 sq in and weighted above = 3376 lbs


P = 3376 lb = 3376 psi

1 sq in

From this we see that, although the cross-sectional area of the mud columns are different, the pressure at the
bottom of the columns is the same! The pressure at any point in a mud column depends only on the true
vertical depth (~ID), not on the area or the shape of the column.

- 56 -
___________ - Oft
O psi

___________ ______ ________ lOOOft

676 psi

13 ppg I3ppg I3ppg

___________ __________ _____ 3000ft

2028 psi

___________ ____ 5000ft

3376 psi

It turns out that we have a simple formula that will predict the pressure at any depth. It is'

PSI = 0.052 (MW) (ft.)

0.052 gal x lb x ft - lb
The units are = - = psi
ft sqin gal sqin


PSI = (0.052) (13 ppg) (3000 ft) = 2028 psi

Know this formula! You will use it all the time. With the above formula we can find the pressure at any depth

PSI = (0.052) (13 ppg) (ft) valid for 13 ppg mud constant term

You need only to compute the constant term once. It is:

(0.052) (13) = 0.676 psi/ft

This number is special and is called the pressure gradient for

13 ppg mud. It tells us how much the mud pressure changes for each foot of depth, so:

- 57 -

Oft Opsi

~ P 0.676 psi

ift 0.676 psi

~ P 0.676 psi

2ft 1.352 psi

~ P 0.676 psi
3 ft 2.028 psi

~ P- 0.676 psi
4ft 2.704 psi ~ P 0.676 psi

S ft 3.38 psi

5000 ft M}3376 psi

Rule: To help remember the basic formula to calculate

pressure multiply the number of weeks in a year by
the mud weight in pounds per gallon. Multiply this
product by true vertical depth in thousands of feet.


PSI = MW x (No. of weeks in a year) x TVD


PSI = Pressure at some depth

MW = Mud weight in pounds per gallon

TVD = True vertical depth, in thousands of feet

No. of weeks in year = 52

Note' The 0.052 units are arrived at this way:

7.48 gal/cu ft - 7.48 gal sg ft

144 sq in/sq ft cu ft 144 sq in

= 0.052 ft~~l
sq in

- 58 -
Example: What is the hydrostatic head (pressure) at 5000 feet if the hole contains 13 ppg mud?

PSI = 13 x 52 x 5

= 3380 psi

- 59 -

The approximate strength of steel cable can be estimated in tons by the following rule.

Rule: 1. Change line diameter to eights.

2. Square the numerator.
3. Divide by the denominator.
4. Read the answer in tons.

Example' What is the approximate strength of 3/4 inch steel cable?

1. Diameter = -3inch = 6 inch

4 8

2. 62 - 36
8 8

3. 36 + S = 4.5

4. Answer = 4.5 tons

Ref. 2: Production Rules of Thumb Notebook, World Oil, Gulf Publishing Co. - 1967.

- 60 -

The approximate strength of manila rope can be •stimated in pounds by the following rule.

Rule: The working strength of manila rope is approximately equal to 900 times the diameter squared.
If rope diameter is greater than 2 inches, a factor lower than 900 should be used. In working with
heavier rigging, accepted hand~ooks should be used to find safe working strength.


Working Strength = 900 x D2


D = Diameter of rope, inches

Exaaple: What is the estiaated working strength of 1/2 inch manila rope?

Working strength = 900 x (0.5)2 = 225 lbs

Ref. 3: Production Rules of Thumb Notebook, World Oil, Gulf Publishing Co. - 1967.

- 61 -

When line pipe is made up (screwed together), there is a loss in length at each joint. This make-up loss can be
calculated by the following rule.

Rule: For pipe sizes 3-inches in diameter and larger, which have standard 8-threads per inch, the
following formulas may be used to determine pipe make-up loss.


Correction in percentage = 0.57 + (0.04) D

Correction in feet per mile = 30.1 + (2.11) D

Correction in inches per 1000 feet = 68.4 + (4.80) D

Where: D = Nominal diameter in inches

Note: These rules ( are adequate for standard weight pipe. However, there is some
variation in

larger sizes of pipe and for extra heavy and very light weight tubes.

Exuple: How much extra pipe should be ordered to make up for screw loss in a 5 inch rig water

= 0.57 + 0.04 x 5 = 0.77% ft/mile = 30.1 + 2.11 x 5 = 40.65 ft/mile

inches/1000 ft = 68.4 + 4.8 x 5 = 92.4 ins/1000 ft

Ref. 4: Production Rules of Thumb Notebook, World Oil, Gulf Publishing Co. - 1967.

- 62 -

The main factors influencing rating of centrifugal pumps are impeller diameter and operating RPM's. These two
variables influence head (in feet), output capacity (in GPM) and horsepower. Some of the rules are listed below.


A. Head in feet varies in proportion to the square of the speed (RPM's). The higher the speed, the higher the
head. Head in feet varies in proportion to the square of impeller diameter. The bigger the diameter, the
higher the head in feet.

B. Capacity (GPM) varies in direct proportion to the speed. The higher the speed, the higher the capacity.
Capacity varies in direct proportion to impeller diameter.

C. Horsepower varies in proportion to the cube of impeller diameter. Horsepower varies in proportion to
the cube of the speed.


Head2 (ft) = Head1 (~R~~M; ) 2

Head2 (ft) = Head1 (ADD1)2

GPM2 = GPM1 (R~~~M:)

GPM2 = GPM1 (ADDl)

HP2 = HP1 (ADDl)3

Ref. 5: Production Rules-of-Thumb Notebook, World Oil, Gulf Publishing Co. - 1967.

- 63 -
RPM, '
HP, = HP1 RPM1

= 75 ft x 0.052 x MW (ppg)


Head2 = Calculate new feet of head wi either RPM or impeller

diameter changed

GPM2 = Calculate new capacity (GPM) with change in RPM or

impeller diameter change

HP2 = Calculate new HP with change in RPM's or impeller

diameter change

Phdl - The pressure on the hydrocyclone manifold if the

yrocycone head is kept constant at 75 feet

Example 1: Calculate: the change in Head (Head2); change in

capacity (GPM,); change in horsepower (HP2). Given:
HP1 = 25; GPM1 = 400; Head1 = 170 feet; D1 = 7 inch;
RPM1 = 1450. Changes: D2 = 8 in.; RPM, = 1750.

Head2 = 170 1750 2


= 248 ft (if only RPM's are changed)

Head, = 170 (87)2

= 222 ft (if only impeller diameter is changed)

GPM, = 400 (1~~75s~)

= 483gpm (if only RPM's are changed)

GPM, = 400 (~87)

= 457gpm (if only impeller diameter is changed)

HP, = 25 (87)3

= 37.3 (if only impeller diameter is changed)

- 64 -
HP, = 25

= 44 (if only RPM's are changed)

Example 2: How much pressure should you have on the hydrocyclone if 9.5 ppg mud is being used?

P = 75 ft x 0.052 x 9.5

= 37 psi

- 65 -

Usable hydraulic fluid, to operate the blow out preventer equipment, is affected by accumulator pressure and
nitrogen precharge. The following rules apply to sizing accumulator (volume required for nitrogen and hydraulic fluid)
and for running a quick check on average nitrogen

precharge of system (without having to drain hydraulic fluid back into accumulator storage reservoir and individually
check each bottle, which is time consuming).

Rule 1: If the nitrogen precharge is at the correct (recommended) precharge multiply the sizing factor (see below)
times the fluid required to operate a specified number of BOP functions to arrive at required total
accumulator volume.

Accumulator Recommended Accumulator
Operating Precharge Useable Size
Pressure Pressure Fluid Factorx

1500 750 1/8 8

2000 1000 1/3 3
3000 1000 1/2 2

XBased on minimum discharge pressure of 1200 psi.

1000 1200 3000


Bottle Bottle Bottle

at at Fully
Precharge Minimum Pressured
Discharge Up

Rule 2: A quick check can be made on the average nitrogen precharge of the complete BOP accumulator
system with the following steps:

Note: Pipe out of the hole and blind ram closed and locked.

1. Read accumulator pressure (i.e., 3000 psi).

2. Close off hydraulic line going to air and electric accumulator pumps.

- 66 -
3. Pick up test joint and position in BOP's. Operate one or more of BOP functions (i.e., closed hydril and
opened Type F valve).
4. Read new manifold pressure (now drawdown because of operating BOPE, i.e., 1800 psi.
5. Calculate fluid required to operate BOP functions (i.e., 29.94 gal).
6. Calculate average nitrogen precharge of accumulator system.


APrcue:usularteor Discharge
VT =Vd x Nitrogen ~~Accum _ Minimum 1

(gal) Precharge Press. Disch. )

VT =Vd x 2

P - (Vol. Removed)(Starting Accum. Press.)(Final Accum. Press.)

a (psi) (V )(Starting - Final Accum. Pressure)


VT = Total hydraulic fluid and nitrogen to base accumulator volume sizing on

Vd = Volume required to operate BOPE that accumulator sizing will be based on

Accum. Press. = Pressure rating of accumulator system (or operating pressure)

Nitrogen Precharge = Should be 1000 psi for 2000 and 3000 psi
system. It should be 750 psi for a 1500 psi accumulator system

Minimum Discharge
Pressure = This is the recommended minimum discharge pressure to base design on (200 psi above
nitrogen precharge)

P = The average nitrogen precharge in system (cal-

culated after operating BOPE and measuring


Example 1: Calculate the required accumulator system if the design was based on operating the
following BOPE and having 50% SF; 3000 psi accumulator.

- 67 -

BOPE Close Open

1, Hydril, GK, 13-5/8, 10,000 psi (bag) 29.35 20.96

2, CIW, Type "U", 13-5/8, 10,000 psi (ram) 11.6 10.90
1, CIW, Type "F", 4", 10,000 psi (hydv.) 0.59 0.59

50% Reserve 37
Total (Hydraulic Fluid) 111 gal

V = (111 gal)(3000 P5~)( 1200

T 1000 psi 3000 - 1200

= (111 gal)(2)x

= 222 gal (nitrogen + hydraulic fluid)

XNote: The sizing factor comes from the pressure side of the above equation.

Example 2: Using the above accumulator system (222 gal~ 3000 psi). Calculate the average nitrogen
precharge in the system after the system had been in use several days. Given: (from steps in
Rule 2): drawdown pressure = 1800 psi after removing 29.94 gal of hydraulic fluid
(operated hydril and Type F choke valve).

Pa = (~2~9~~9~4~~)o(300oO0~)~(~1~~0~)

=607 psi (average nitrogen precharge in accumulator system)

Note: This system should have 1000 psi nitrogen p~echarge, and this lower precharge pressure lowers the
amount of usable fluid that is available to operate the BOPE. To find out which bottle(s) are low in nitro-
gen precharge the hydraulic fluid has to be drained back into accumulator storage reservoir and each
bottle checked with a pressure gauge. Use clean nitrogen to pressure the bottles back to 1000 psi.

- 68 -

By utilizing known rig data and a series of formulas (in which part are rules-of-thumb) kick tolerance can be calculated for
several "what-if" situations. A leakoff test sometimes leads to false security unless the size kick is considered. Kick size
greatly affects control capability and in fact it is the number one limitation to control capability. The

size kick a drilling crew allows is a direct reflection of motivation and well control awareness of rig personnel and places
a high priority on rig-selection. When kick tolerance, based on a realistic kick size, is calculated to be below one pound per
gallon (1 ppg) an operator may consider running casing to prevent lost circulation (the greatest associated problem to well

Rule: To evaluate kick tolerance choose two or three hypothetical (realistic) pit gains and: calculate DC annular
volume (formulas); evaluate whether the kick is large enough to cover the drill collars and part of the drill
pipe or not -- after
making this determination use either formula 7 or formula 6 to calculate length of influx; calculate
estimated shut in casing pressure (formula S); calculate maximum allowable pressure (formula 1); calculate
bottom hole pressure maximum allowable (formula 2); calculate bottom hole pressure maximum mud
weight equivalent (formula 3); and calculate kick tolerance (formula 4). Make decision about the safety of
drilling operation related to well control (taking a kick that would break the formation down somewhere in
open hole).


1. Max Allo Press = (L.O.T. - MW) .052 x Shoe TVD

2. BHP Max = (TVD - Len InFx)(.052)(MW) + (Max Allo P) + (Length Influx x 0.1)

3. BHP MWE = BHP Max

TWI) x .052

4. Kick Tolerance = BHPMWE - MW

S. DC Ann Vol. = (Bit Size' - DCOD2) DC Len


6 Len Ifl = (Pit Gain - Ann (dc) Vol) 1000

~~dp Ann (Bit Size' - DPOD') + DC Len

7. Len Inflx Ann - (Pit Gain) 1000

dc (Bit Size' - DCOD2)

- 69 -
8. SICP = SIDPP + Len Influx (Mudgrad - Influx Grad)

9. Equiv MW Shoe = Hole MW + SICP

0.052 x Shoe TVD

10. Shoe Pressure = Form Press - (Hydrostatic Pressure below Shoe)

Note: Hyd. Pressure is made up of Orig. Mud, Influx Fluid, and sometimes kill weight mud. Infux Gradient as-
sumed to be 0.1 psi/ft (gas).


Max Allo Press = Maximum allowable pressure

L.O.T. = Leak off test mud weight

MW = Mud weight (ppg) in hole

Shoe WI) = True vertical depth of shoe

BHP Max = Bottom hole pressure maximum (a partial

step in kick tolerance calculation)

WI) = True vertical depth (TD)

Len Infl = Length of influx

Max Allo P = Maximum allowable pressure based on leak off test at shoe

BHP MWE = Bottom hole pressure mud weight equivalent

(partial calculation in kick tolerance

Kick Tolerance = The maximum kick intensity (kill wt.) that can be taken for the size (pit gain) kick and the
L.0.T. calculated

DC Ann Vol = Drill collar annular volume

Bit Size = Bit outside diameter in inches

DC Size = Drill collar OD

DC Len = Drill collar length

Len Inflx Ann = Length of influx in drill pipe and dc

dp annulus
Len Inflxdc Ann = Length of influx in drill collar annulus

- 70 -
SICP = Shut in casing pressure

Mud Grad = Mud gradient (MW x 0.052)

Infux Grad = Influx gradient (assumed to be 0.1 psi/ft)

Equiv. MW Shoe = Equivalent mud weight at shoe based on shut in casing pressure

Shoe Pressure = Pressure applied to a casing shoe

Form Press = Formation pressure (hydrostatic pressure +


Example 1: Calculate the kick tolerance for a 26 barrel kick.

Given: Bit OD - S.5 inches

DC OD - 6.5 inches
DP OD - 5.0 inches
DC Len - 720 feet
Pit Gain - 26 barrels
TVD Shoe - 8,000 feet
TVD TD - 12,500 feet
MW Hole - 14 ppg
MW L.O.T. - 16.7 ppg
SIDPP - 650 psi

DC Ann Vol = (8.52 - 6.52)(720)


= 21.60 bbl

Size Kick = 26 bbl; therefore part of the kick is above drill collars

Len Inflx - (26 - 21.6) 1000

dp Ann (8.52 - 5.02) + 720

= 813 feet

SICP = 650 psi + 813 (14 x .052 - 0.1)

- 1161 psi

Equiv. MW Shoe = 14 + 1161 psi

(0.052 x 8000)

= 16.8 ppg

- 71 -
Max Allo Press = (16.7 - 14) .052 x sooo ft

= 1123 psi

BHP Max = (12'500813)(O.O5)(MW)+(1123)+(813x0.1)

- 9713 psi

BHP MWE = 9713

12,500 x .052

- 14.9 ppg

Kick Tolerance = 14.9 - 14

= O.9ppg

Comparing a 10 bbl kick with the above 26 bbl kick.

Size Length Maximum BHP BHP Kick

Kick Influx SICD SIDPP Allowable Max. MWE Tolerance

10 333 826 650 1123 10,014 15.4 1.4

26 813 1161 650 1123 9,713 14.9 0.9

Note: A 10 bbl kick could be taken but a 26 bbl would probably break the shoe down.
- 72 -
Max Allo Press = (16.7 - 14) .052 x sooo ft

= 1123 psi

BHP Max = (12'5008l3)(O.O5)(MW)+(1123)+(813x0.1)

- 9713 psi

BHP MWE = 9713

12,500 x .052

- 14.9 ppg

Kick Tolerance = 14.9 - 14

= O.9ppg

Comparing a 10 bbl kick with the above 26 bbl kick.

Size Length Maximum BHP BHP Kick

Kick Influx SICD SIDPP Allowable Max. MWE Tolerance

10 333 826 650 1123 10,014 15.4 1.4

26 813 1161 650 1123 9,713 14.9 0.9

Note: A 10 bbl kick could be taken but a 26 bbl would probably break the shoe down.
- 72 -

A well that is flowing with great intensity (high flowrate) can cause high hammer force which may damage BOPE or
wellhead. However, most kicks, that are detected early and that are not too much underbalanced (<1.5 ppg kick intensity)
will have only minimum hammer effect on equipment. The once recommended soft closure to minimize the water hammer
effect, has lost some of its popularity and many operators are recommending hard closures to minimize kick size. Kick size
has the greatest effect on kick control capability. The maximum rate of closure to prevent most of the hammer effect
depends on how fast the closure pressure~wave travels through the mud and the well depth. If the speed of sound in mud
is taken to be 1000 ft/sec then the round trip time for the closure pressure wave is:

Time (sec) - 2 x Measured Depth = 20 sec in the example below 1000

If the well is closed in (less than 20 seconds) then the chance for a severe hammer is high. For shallow kicks this time is
greatly reduced.

Rule: Calculate the hammer pressure utilizing the annular velocity and mud weight and multiply this times the
cross-sectional area of pressure exposure.


~~hammer = ~2?72 )(Annular Velocity)(VMW)

AFhammer = (APhammer )(BOP Size2-DPOD2)(0.7854)


APhammer & AFhammer = Pressure and force created from

rapid closure in a water base
mud. (Note: oil muds are more
compressible and therefore have
less hammer effect.)

Ann. Vel = Annular velocity in feet per minute

MW = Mud weight (PPG)

BOP Size = ID of BOP:s (inches)

DPOD = Drillpipe outside diameter (inches)

- 73 -


Bring Kick to a "Halt" Gradually

to Prevent Shocking Formation and BOPE


BOPE Diameter - 13-5/8

Hole Size - 8-1/2" below 9-5/8 casing 47 lb/ft
Drilipipe Diameter = 5"
Ann Cap Around dp = .049 bbl/ft
MW - 13 ppg
Flow Rate = 20 bbl/minute
Well Depth - 10,000 feet
Annular Velocity = 20 bbl/min = 408.2 fpm


Hammer = 1 (408.2) V13 = 541 psi



Hammer = 541 (.7854)(13.6252-52) = 68,256 Ibs

This hammer force will be exerted on the wellhead for a few seconds.

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