Causes of Failure of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan

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Causes of Failure of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan

Parliamentary Democracy:
The form of government in which the people elect the representatives of the
Parliament to make laws is called as the Parliamentary Democracy.

Causes of Failure:
The causes of failure of Parliamentary democracy in Pakistan are as follows:
The main cause of failure of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan in the
socio-political system. Ever since the formation of Pakistan, feudalism has been very
prevalent. Thus, feudalism led towards the tradition of inherited politics in the
nation. Feudalism and democracy cannot go hand in hand because they are very
opposite from each other. None of the rulers of Pakistan tried to abolish feudalism
which eventually led to the failure of Parliamentary Democracy.

In the early years of Pakistan, poverty was a norm. Feudalism and large
landownings further aggravated the situation. Due to the immense power and
control of the feudals over the general public, they were more inclined to support
the feudals instead of the democratic system, which ultimately lead to the failure of
parliamentary democracy.

Illiteracy is the major cause of failure of parliamentary democracy in Pakistan.
According to the census of 1998, only 45% of the people of Pakistan are literate. This
created a major problem for the national politicians, thus leading to the failure of
parliamentary democracy

4.Constitutional Problems:
The constitution of Pakistan only came into being after 9 years due to multiple
geo-political reasons. Sudden and unexpected events within the body politics of
Pakistan not only delayed the making of a constitution according to the needs and
ideology of the country but also thwarted the process shaping the opinion in favour
of democracy as a modern political necessity. The early constitutions were not
strong enough to provide enough protection to the democratic form of government,
which became a major cause of failure of Parliamentary Democracy.

5.Negative Role of Politicians:

The politicians of Pakistan played a very negative role in causing the failure of
parliamentary democracy. Several politicians like General Ayub Khan, General Zia-ul-
Haq and General Yahya Khan abrogated the constitution and imposed military coup
in the country. Several other politicians like Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Benazir
Bhutto made amendments in the constitution to achieve personal gains. The system
of Basic Democracies introduced a system of Presidential Dictatorship. Thus, the
negative role of politicians led to the failure of parliamentary democracy.\

6. Lack of Direct Elections:

The Direct General Elections were not held in the country until 1970. In
Parliamentary Democracy, it is really important to let the people choose their own
leader according to the need of the nation. This was not able to be achieved without
General Elections, thus causing the failure of Parliamentary Democracy.

7. Military Coup:
The Military Coup that were imposed in Pakistan were also a major cause of
failure of Parliamentary Democracy. Four Martial Laws have been imposed in the
country : October 1958, March 1969, July 1977, October 1999. The frequent military
interventions were a cause of major disruption to the democratic system of Pakistan.

8. Unfair Elections:
The second General Elections of Pakistan were held in 1977, which were far
from being fair. The politicians in power used their power for rigging of votes. Power
was used for attainment of more power. Ultimately, the people of the country came
out on the roads which further led to another military coup by General Zia-ul-Haq in
July 1977. Nevertheless, it ultimately led to the failure of Parliamentary Democracy

9. Corrupt Bureaucracy
Ever since the dawn of Pakistan, the bureaucracy has been an important part of
the government. However, with time the bureaucracy became corrupt. The abuse of
power became very common thus causing extreme instability in the country. Thus,
the corrupt bureaucracy ultimately caused the failure of parliamentary democracy.

10. Negative Role of Head of State:

According to parliamentary form of government, the head of state had no role
to play in politics. In Pakistan democratic era, between 1951 to 1956 is called weak
democratic period. Ghulam Mohammad and Iskindar Mirza were the head of the
state. These Heads of State violated their powers. They played a major role in
making the political parties and government weak. The action of Ghulam
Muhammad who dismissed the Prime Minister Khwaja- Nazim-ud-Din although he
had the vote of confidence in the assembly was another negative role by the head of

11. Weak political parties

Political parties play an important role in political system of any country. It also has
importance in democratic system. In Pakistan post independence period, Pakistan
Muslim League, Jamaat-i-Islami, Awami Muslim League and Pakistan National
Congress were the major parties in politics.
The major party in Pakistan movement was declined and the politicians of the
country only worked for self - interest and not for national purpose.

12. Institutional Imbalance:

From time of its very creation, Pakistan has been experiencing institutional
imbalance. Its roots go back to British period. Pakistan inherited administrative,
political and legal legacies of British period .From political and administrative legacies
point of view, Pakistan inherited high institutional imbalance characterized with
strong and organized civil and military bureaucracies, weak political institutions and
non-democratic political parties. As a result, it lacked strong, dynamic and
sustainable political institutions which could hold regular elections based on
universal franchise, could build trust of masses into democracy, could protect
democratic process against constitutional transgression and could provide a
conducive environment for democracy to flourish and could correspond to desires
and aspirations of masses.

Industries of Pakistan
The place where the entrepreneur and the labour through the machines and
tools convert the shape of raw material and natural resources in such a way that
their utility may increase to fulfill the need of the people and fetch maximum price in
the market

Main Industries of Pakistan:

The main industries of Pakistan are as follows
- Defence Industry
-Heavy Industry
-Small Scale Industry

Defence Industry:
The ordinance and allied military products producing factory which fulfills the
need of the defence sector is called as the defence industry.
It produces weapons, missiles and other war products
Example: The examples of defence industry in Pakistan are:
- Taxila Eng. Works : Produces missiles
- Kahuta Labs : Promotes nuclear programmes of Pakistan
- Fauji Foundation : Consists of retired army personnel that produce army uniforms
and other goods

Small Scale Industry:

The industry that employs 2 to 9 workers and produce different goods for
market on a small scale is called as small scale industry. In Pakistan, the largest
number of employees have been appointed in this industry.
-poultry farms
-dairy farm
-honey making industry
-sports goods industry
-fans and electric motors

Heavy Industry:
The large scale industry which produces goods on a large scale along with
machines and raw materials is called as heavy industry.
-Heavy Mechanical Complex
-Pakistan Steel Mill Karachi
-Heavy Electric Complex

Other Industries:
Other industries of Pakistan include:
- Cotton Textile Industry
-Woollen Textile Industry
-Cement Industry
-Sugar industry
-Automobile Industry

Factors of Industrial Progress in Pakistan

The ratio of industrial progress in Pakistan is 7.6% during the year 2000-2002.

Increase in National Income

Industrial progress increase the national income through exports and imports.

Raising Living Standard

The increase in national income and per capita income by industrial develpment
raises the living standard

Economic Stability
Industrial progress created economic stability in the country

Balance of Payment
The industrial progress improves the balance of payment in the country
Increase in Exports
The industrial progress also leads to the increase in exports

Development of agriculture
The industrial progress leads to the development of agriculture

Problems of Industry in Pakistan

The problems of industry in Pakistan are as follows:

Lack of Transportation and Communication

The Lack of transportation is a major problem in the industrial development.
Goods cannot be transported easily from one place to another

Expensive Means
The means of transportation and communication are very expensive in Pakistan,
thus causing a delay in industrial progress

Lack of Education
The people of Pakistan are largely illiterate due to lack of education. Thus, the
lack of education causes the delay in industrial progress

Focus on Agriculture
Pakistan has always been an agricultural country. Thus the country has always
focused on the development of agriculture sector. This has hindered the progress of
the industrial sector

Political Instability
The political instability in the country is another major cause of delay of
industrial progress.

Importance of Technical and Professional Education In

Technical Education:
Technical education is a term applied to schools, institutions,
and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences,
modern technologies.Technical education is the study of practical knowledge that
one gets from the combination of modern technology and science,creating the
innovative and skilled manpower for the betterment of a country. Technical
education is of great importance in development of a country,following this the
demand for technical education is increasing .
It includes training in trade, commerce, agriculture , medicine and engineering.

Professional Education:
The educational process or program that develops individuals to acquire special
competencies for professional practice.
It involves the preparation of graduates by university for specific professions
such as archivists, librarians, teachers, nurses, engineers and doctors.

The importance of technical and professional education are as follows:

1. Technological Development:
The technical and professional education are very important for the
technological development of the country. Technology is which we use for our ease
and comforts. Not only in our daily life but also in the research centre, in defensive
measures of a country, biological aspects etc. No nation could have technological
development unless it promotes technical and professional education.

2. Increase in Manpower:
Technical and professional education are very important to increase the
manpower in a country. This is because both the form of education provides trained
individuals for industries in any sector including defence and heavy industry. Thus,
the increase in manpower allows the increase in industrial development.

3. Industrial Development:
The technical education produces technicians for all type of industries. It is true
that the progress of a country much depend upon its Industrialization. Thus, through
technical and professional education, a country can develop its industry as well as

4. Increase in Employment:
Technical and professional education increase the chance of employment. In this
era of unemployment, only technical education can assure one of a job or source of
income in terms of technical skills and it can provide comfortable living. . Technical
hands cannot be unemployed. They help in very fields. On the other hand, technical
hands do not need to request others to give education makes people independent. If
they start their own business, they can provide job opportunities to other educated
people. Thus technical education helps us to alleviate the gravity of the problem of

5. Economic Progress:
The economic progress and development of the nation depends on technical
hands. If a country has more production of goods, it can feed its people easily.
Foreign currency can be earned by selling the extra production to other countries. If
a country does not own required technicians, it has to hire them from other
countries. They have to be paid more money as their salary. Through them, the
money goes away. By the result, the country cannot be developed.

6. Development of Country

                          Technical education plays the vital role for the development of a

country. Technicians are needed in the every field of construction. To make factories,
roads, bridges, canals, buildings, airports etc. needs technicians. If a country owns
sufficient technical hands, it undoubtedly accelerates the pace of development. In
order to produce electricity, to work in mines, to grow enough crops and vegetables
and so on we need different types of technicians.

7. Increase in Skilled Labour

Technical training makes people skilled so that they may be able to handle
machineries properly. Technical education make expert in certain domains of life.
There are certain jobs that cannot be performed well unless having technical

8. Self-Sufficiency:
The abundance of production is required to suffice the needs of growing
population. Fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and mechanized farming are quite
common and widespread. Since technical education provides the country with
technicians, there is an increase in the production of all the necessities and thus
improves self-sufficiency.

9. Eradication of Poverty;
Poverty in Pakistan is due to the lack of technical education. Our country is rich
in raw material resources, but we cannot derive their benefits because we lack in
technical education. We should, therefore establish more and more Technical
Institutions throughout the country . We should also popularize the idea of the
dignity of labour among our educated young men, using the services of Radio,
Television, Newspapers and Film Industry.

10. Agricultural Development;

Technical Education allows the agricultural development in the country. This is
because the technical education provides the necessary technicians and trained
individuals to improve the cultivation and promote agricultural development.

11. Increase in Foreign Exchange:

Technical education and professional education allows the increase in foreign
exchange in a country. This is mainly because a country can send its trained officials
to other countries.

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