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Nab Graphics & Social Media

Nab Graphics & Social Media

Ara Nab

Swan Valley High School

Mrs. Perez
8400 O’Hern Road
(989) 921-2401

Pages 11

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Nab Graphics & Social Media

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 3

Description of Proposed Business 3

Objectives of the Business 3

Proposed Business Strategies 3

Products and Services to be Provided 3

Management and Ownership of the Business 4

Marketing Analysis 4

SWOT Analysis 4

Financial Analysis 5

Supporting Documentation 5

Business Card Appendix A

Shipping Labels Appendix B

Letterhead Appendix C

Balance Sheet Appendix D

Projected Yearly Budget Appendix E

Income Statement Appendix F

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Nab Graphics & Social Media

Business Plan

Part I-Executive Summary

Does your small business have an old, bland logo? In today’s day and age, people want to
see vibrant and beautiful logos. The viewing of a logo is a person’s first impression of a
company. Businesses should want to make a lasting impression, by having a professional logo
created for them! As another service, we can manage your business’ social media page. Keeping
businesses up to date online and running an effective marketing plan via social media will
contribute to the growth of business.

Part II-Description of Proposed Business

Nab Graphics & Social Media is a business that revolutionizes small businesses. By
working directly with your company, we will get the logo and social media page of your desire.
With 24/7 support, we show you that your business matters to us. The idea came from a couple
of friends and myself who realized the lack of small businesses on the internet and how “old
school” some are run.

Part III- Objectives of the Business

Our objective at Nab Graphics & Social Media is to help small businesses market
themselves and gain more customers. Small businesses make cities and towns run, so we want to
empower them and bring more prominence in the area by using method other than word of

Part IV-Proposed Business Strategies

A short term goal for Nab Graphics & Social Media is to expand our staff so that we can
tend to more businesses. A long term goal for our store is to start working with promotion of
fortune 500 companies.

Part V- Products and Services to be Provided

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Products sold will be rebranding of a business with a logo. Once that is purchased, we
will offer our help to make media prominence for your business on many different social media
platforms by creating accounts and managing them to promote your business. Social media
service will cost extra at initial purchase, and will have a monthly cost after that.

Part VI-Management and Ownership of the Business

To start off the company, I will be working from 8 in the morning, until 5 at night during
the work-week. On weekends, I will periodically check up on events to make sure that each
company’s social media is up to date. Altogether, work weeks will be about 50 work hours. Two
employees will be hired at the start of my business, each will manage a certain department of the
company. The company will expand as the business grows.

Part VII-Marketing Analysis

Any small business that wants to grow their business in their respective town should
definitely consider adding Nab Graphics & Social Media to their payroll. The ease of knowing
your business is being micromanaged on social media provides a fantastic marketing tool and
plenty of extra exposure.

SWOT Analysis

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Nab Graphics & Social Media

Strengths​- Expertise in both divisions of the company, flexible price for new businesses

Weaknesses​- Shortage of employees at both divisions of company

Opportunities​- By Bringing in high level business employees, we have a large social web with
many connections to grow the customer’s business

Threats​- Other consultancies entering the marketplace, established companies growing in the

Part VIII- Financial Analysis

The income at Nab Graphics & Social Media is 484,250.00 dollars. Nab Graphics &
Design’s total expenses are 126,636.00 dollars. The stores total net income is 357,614.00. We
started out with 8,500 dollars and our major expenditures was buying the building and that was
worth 40,000 dollars.

Part IX-Supporting Documentation

Nab Graphics & Social Media is a great way to get your small business off of its feet! Hit
the ground running with a beautiful and vibrant new logo! Join our community, we promise you
will see improvement in your small business’ revenue and overall performance! We value your
success and want your success to be made easier by having us become a part of your team!

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Appendix A

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Appendix B

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Appendix C

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Appendix D

Appendix E

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Nab Graphics & Social Media

Appendix F

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