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1. Define the differences between parody, pastiche and satire.

A parody is when one text copies another for comedy, whereas satire is the mocking of
people’s stupidity or vices through the use of humour, or irony, and pastiche is one text
referencing another in an attempt to pay homage.

2. Find an example of an advert that uses parody to communicate meaning.

Family guy does Shaw shank redemption part 1&2


In this episode the creators of this show used this parody to point out clichés and provide a
more child friendly version of the actual movie.

3. Find an example of an advert that uses pastiche to communicate meaning.

Teen Titans vs. Teen Titans Go

In this TV movie/ special the original show teen titans was cancelled after 5 seasons and
never had a proper ending and many fans of the show over the years have displayed sadness
towards the end of the series and the creators of the show noticed and since they rebooted
the series with teen titans go they thought they should address the original show and they
decided to make this movie to show the fans of the series they hear them and care about
their opinions and the series.

4. What is meant by the following types of persuasive techniques: pathos, logos and ethos?

Pathos: a quality that evokes pity or sadness.

Logos: The persuasive technique of logos relates to logic and reasoning. This

appeal means citing facts and statistics, citing authorities on the subject, and making logical

Ethos: The persuasive technique of ethos relates to ethics. For the ethical appeal, writers or
speakers want to convince the audience that they are a credible source. Audiences listen to
and believe people whom they believe are ethical. Some authors are experts in their topic,
so they have credibility all ready.

5. Identify the 12 different types of adverts as outlined by Donald Gunn.

The Demo / demonstration: advert purpose is quite self-explanatory as it is

explained within the title. These adverts demonstrate the products capabilities and
benefits; they aim to introduce customers to the products in hope of persuading
them to purchase the items.
Show the Problem: Focuses on problems some people face in their everyday lives
and then the product is introduced as the remedy. The adverts are created to be
relatable to the targeted group making it highly effective as it surpasses their
Symbolise the Problem: Similar to the previous type of advert it illustrates the
product to be the solver of all problems. However the problem is symbolised
through an analogy or exaggerated graphic.
Comparison: These types of adverts compare their products to other competitors in
the same field with bestselling products. In these adverts the company’s product is
presented to be superior.
Exemplary Story: An advert which displays a narrative in which the product is
deemed to be necessary. In Gunn’s own words “A situation where you’d use [the
product] and be very glad for it.
Benefit Causes Story: Adverts like such withdraw the benefits of a product and
create a story around it (usually quite exaggerated). The tends to be less
concentration on the product itself and is generally revealed at the end of the
Testimonial: These adverts commence with a softer approach. Usually involves a
kind friend or neighbour telling another friend about the benefits of a product and
how it is has a great impact on them.
On-going Character/Celebrity: Adverts like such are very common; they are likely to
use celebrities in order to build a strong brand identity. Consumers are more likely
to buy into a product that their favourite celebrity is associated with. The audience is
also subconsciously becoming aware of the product.
Symbolise the Benefit: Similar to type 3, adverts that fall into this category
symbolise the product advantage. This is demonstrated through symbols, analogies
or exaggerated graphics.
Associated User Imagery: This genre of advert is likely to use characters that are
best associated with their products. For example using a masculine built man for a
aftershave commercial or an “overly beautiful” woman for a cosmetic advert. These
types of adverts are mostly used for beauty and cosmetics companies. They target a
wide audience by telling them that they too can look like the socially constructed
depiction of the “ideal” man or woman with their product. Even though it is
unrealistic transition, these types of adverts happen to be highly successful for
companies within the beauty industry.
Unique Selling Point: It is mandatory that adverts like such focus on something that
makes the product unique (USP) and different compared to competing products.
Parody/Borrowed Content: Adverts in this field refer to TV Shows, films or even
other adverts. This is pursued to create a sense of familiarity allowing the audience
to remain engaged as the parody is usually based off content that was majorly
popular in the past. At times when adverts replicate other adverts it is in spite to
mock them.

6. Find examples of adverts that illustrate 5 of Gunn’s advert types.

Amazon Alexa Commercial 2019

This adverts illustrates on-going character/celebrity and demo as it shows how alexa works and has a
lot of celebrities in it.
New Pond's Acne Clear
This advert illustrates show the problem as it shows the produce as a remedy.
Duracell Race Advert
This ad shows comparison between different battery companies.
Chevy Commercial
This ad shows exemplary story as she needs a car to see her dog
Starbucks- Eye of the Tiger
This ad shows symbolise the benfit as the drink gives him the energy to go through the day.

7. How effective are these 5 different types of adverts?

The alexa ad was effective as it showed how the product was used but it also had celebrities
from David Attenborough to JB Smooth; the use of the wide range of celebrities will draw in
attention from people of different niches.

The new ponds advert was effective by how they showed the direct effect of their skin care
product through the skin paws and by doing this it makes the product seem like the absolute
best of its kind.

The Duracell ad was effective by demonstrating how it can hold up to other battery brands
by using the race as an analogy. This is important as it helps them prove that their batteries
are the best.

The chevy commercial has the story of a woman who wanted to see family and could with
the car, this creates sentimental vibes as this can compel viewers to buy this car for family
road trips.

This ad shows that the Starbucks drink is great for giving energy to you when needed
whether to start the day or anything else it was showed giving the guy the energy he needed
and this reaches out to those people who are as energetic in the mornings which is a large
group of people who drink things like coffee so they will buy this drink as well.

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