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The Seal of the Spirit

Eph. 1:3-14

We enter into a new year. Always time for resolutions... or resolving not to resolve... whatever
the case may be in our lives.

As we enter into the new year there is such a refreshing reminder from this passage in
Ephesians. We are reminded of the power of the Trinity.

Father, Son, Spirit. All are active in this passage.

The Father lavishes the Kingdom on us. We are found IN CHRIST. We also have the seal of the
Holy Spirit as a down payment.

Life in the Trinity is vital. It’s why we share that belief in something like the Creed. The Creed
is found in your bulletin insert. (Hopefully I will have it on the powerpoint as well.)

As a reminder of who we are as the Church of Jesus Christ, I would like us to stand and say this
creed together. Remind ourselves of the basics of faith. Let’s set the compass on true north right


One thing you will notice in this creed is just how little is said concerning the Holy Spirit. Later
on the Church will develop the Nicene Creed. It doesn’t get much more developed there.

From early on the Church has not quite known how to handle the Spirit. “It” or “he”? How does
the Spirit fit in this picture?

The work of the Spirit is vital. Paul says here the Spirit is the seal. It is the deposit
guaranteeing our inheritance! That’s a fairly powerful statement.

I want us to explore the power of the Spirit in our lives as Paul opens this world to us in
Ephesians. I want us to try and see this through the eyes of the Ephesians as a people. Their
context. Their memory. Their experience.

We get so confused in the Church as to the role of the Spirit, we sometimes move away from
the text itself to try and define what the text is saying! For example, the “seal” of the Spirit very
early in Church history becomes the symbol of baptism.

Yet, that may not be what Paul is referring to in this passage. The Ephesians have history.
There is a history THEY have with the work of the Spirit, so wouldn’t Paul be referring to their

1 The Seal of the Spirit

The context is Acts 19. We’ve explored this passage before. It is without doubt one of my
favorite passages of Scripture. Paul comes to Ephesus, preaches the gospel, baptizes them, lays
hands on them and they receive the baptism of the Spirit... and it all starts with TWELVE. Small
number. Huge impact. From that small beginning the entire region is impacted by the gospel.

These people KNEW the power of the Spirit. They had experience.

Paul reminds them of the significance of the work of the Spirit. This is what blows me away.
The seal of the Spirit is only a DOWN PAYMENT on the things to come. Our inheritance is so much
richer. As Ephesians, that is mind blowing.

The “down payment” of the Spirit impacted their region. The “down payment” of the Spirit
caused a RIOT in the city! The “down payment” of the Spirit caused people to be healed and demons
to flee!

That’s some down payment!

Today I want us to open up to the promise of the Father. Today I want us to see the promise
that is ours and ASK for a fuller revelation in our own lives of what this down payment really means
in our lives today.

I constantly talk about the VASTNESS of the Kingdom of God. We are invited to step into that
VASTNESS. We don’t really get that at times. If we could get the scope of the DOWN PAYMENT,
maybe we could let this blow our minds a little more!


1. The seal of the Spirit

The seal was legal protection. It was the stamp of ownership. In the ancient world it was also
protection. If you wore that seal, or a symbol of that seal, you declared who owned you. The ancient
world also had the awareness of spiritual power. Ephesians demonstrates this. In chapter 6 Paul
shows this awareness.

v. 12 -- For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms.

The seal was protection against the spirits that raged around them. These people knew that
power. They had the temple of Artemis in their city. One of the great wonders of the ancient
world. Regional bank. People brought money there so the goddess Artemis would protect their
investment. Temple cults were dominant in the city.

2 The Seal of the Spirit

To be sealed with something meant you had protection against other gods. The seal of the
Spirit was protection. They knew this experience.

When Paul had come to town and laid hands on the first 12 and they received the baptism of the

The work of the Spirit in their lives demonstrated the ownership of God. They had protection
against other gods in that city. It wasn’t some amulet purchased through a shaman. They had the
WORK of the Spirit in their lives.

We don’t emphasize the spiritual forces around us. We’re western. We’re civilized!

Just NOT acknowledging doesn’t take away their existence!

“Some say there is a devil. Some say there isn’t a devil. Either way, he doesn’t care!” (Walter

There is an enemy who wants to lay claim to you. There are bondages he brings on trying to keep
you trapped. We may not see them as spiritual powers, but that is exactly what they are and we
need to recognize we need the seal of the Spirit! We need the work of the Spirit in our lives,
demonstrating Kingdom power, setting us free!

It’s not some amulet. It’s not some sign of the cross alone. It is the tangible WORK of the
Spirit. We need that seal in our lives. we need to RECOGNIZE that seal in our lives.

2. The down payment.

The down payment is powerful.

The Temple of Artemis was not just a powerful symbol. It was a spiritual stronghold. It held a
region captive.

Paul came to town, the gospel was preached and the Spirit was given. Things changed.

When the presence of Jesus comes, THINGS CHANGE.

Think of this “down payment” in terms of the Ephesians. Bound in darkness, just 12 people are
baptized in the Spirit. Out of that time comes this flow of power. People are healed and demons are
cast out just by garments coming FROM Paul. He doesn’t have to go to people!

The repentance is so deep, people are bringing their old bondages and burning them. They are
burning MONEY! It was valuable stuff!

3 The Seal of the Spirit

The power of the Spirit is so extensive it impacts the trinket economy attached to the temple.


We need to be blown away by the VASTNESS of the Kingdom of God. We need to get our minds
turned toward the things of heaven to see what this means.

Economic shifts. Money isn’t spent on activities that brings spiritual bondage anymore. It is
invested in the life of the Kingdom. The poor are taken care of. The sick are recovering, and some
in SUPERNATURAL ways! We quit looking to selfish gain and all of a sudden, this “new economy”

Disease starts to diminish. Crime goes down. People start caring for one another.

Radical shifts.

And it’s all only a DOWN PAYMENT. It’s not the fullness of the Kingdom!

What can you dream of for this city? What can you ask God for in 2011 for your life, the life of
this church, and the life of this city?

No matter WHAT you dream, and no matter WHAT the Spirit accomplishes... it’s only a DOWN

Can we begin to see the VASTNESS OF THE KINGDOM here? Is there any way we can let this
begin to sink in?

The nature of the Kingdom is to ASK.

No matter WHAT we do in the power of the Spirit... it just doesn’t begin to tap into the
resources of the Kingdom... so ASK.

And it doesn’t need to exhaust us!

Think of this. If it’s us... we’re exhausted. If it’s God... well, it’s like Paul. People just bringing
items to touch him while he’s working...

Friends... we NEED the power of the Spirit in our lives! We need this down payment!

My heart goes out!

I think of Brenna’s heart for the youth. I think of the homeless teens and what the Spirit is
stirring in her to DO SOMETHING.

4 The Seal of the Spirit

No matter what, Brenna... whatever the Spirit empowers you to do this year... it’s only a DOWN
PAYMENT. It can be incredibly awesome. It can change the lives of families so homelessness
ENDS... and it’s only a DOWN PAYMENT of what the Kingdom of God could REALLY do in our lives!

I think of Betty and Terri and the prayer ministry. The call of God to pray over people and
watch chains fall off.

Betty and Terri, you could pray for people EVERY DAY and watch the Spirit set them free
EVERY DAY... and it’s just a DOWN PAYMENT!

I think of the ethnic groups still around that STILL need the witness of the gospel. We can
begin to see them come into this place and worship God... and it’s only a DOWN PAYMENT.

I think of the addicts all around us and we could see 5 or 10 people set free every week... and
it’s only a DOWN PAYMENT of the vastness of the Kingdom.

Families restored.

Finances restored.

Jobs given.

Bodies healed.


The power of the Spirit is REAL.

You need to recognize that power. You need to recognize the WORK of the Spirit.

ASK for the renewing presence of the Spirit. ASK for a fresh baptism of the Spirit. Don’t poke
around at it! Don’t treat it like wet paint! Put a little finger on it and see...

ASK! Dive in!

We’re going to take communion, but I want it to be MORE than that today. I want it to be a
time of ASKING.

Partake of communion... but then spend some time around these altars. ASK for the Spirit. ASK
for the power. ASK for the seal of the Spirit to be made REAL in your life! Don’t dabble. ASK!

5 The Seal of the Spirit

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