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Term project

Submitted by: Rana Muhammad Shoaib

Abdul Ghaffar
Mujahid Abbas
Zaka Ullah Kiani

Submitted to: Dr. Mohsin Butt

Submitted on: 01/01/2011

International Islamic University, Islamabad

Department of Technology Management

Table of Contents
2-Introducti on:...........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Problem statement .................................................................................................................3

2.2 Proposed Soluti on ...................................................................................................................4

2.1.1 Capital Requirement .......................................................................................................4

2.3 Scope...........................................................................................................................................5

3-Technical Detail......................................................................................................................5
3.1 Domain name............................................................................................................................5

3.2 Interface of the website .......................................................................................................5

3.3 System Requirement at client end ....................................................................................6

3.4 Functi onal Requirements: ....................................................................................................7

3.4.1 Permanent storage: ........................................................................................................7

3.4.2 Temporary storage: ........................................................................................................7

3.5 Development tools and Technologies used ....................................................................7

3.5.1 HTML & XHTML: ...............................................................................................................7

HTML and XHTML will be used for web page layout, interface and body of the
web pages.....................................................................................................................................7

3.5.2 CSS:......................................................................................................................................7

Makeover of the webpages regarding colors of fonts, alignments of the

elements will be done through CSS template. ..................................................................7

3.5.3 Database Management System: ..................................................................................7

3.5.4 PHP:.....................................................................................................................................7

3.5.5 JAVA Scripti ng Language: .............................................................................................8

4- Marketi ng Strategies ...........................................................................................................8

4.1 Segmentati on...........................................................................................................................8

4.1.1 Insti tuti ons ........................................................................................................................8

4.1.2 Individuals .........................................................................................................................8

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4.2 Adverti sing Strategy ...............................................................................................................8

4.1.1 Email ....................................................................................................................................8

4.1.2 Web adverti sement .........................................................................................................8

4.3 SWOT Analysis..........................................................................................................................9

4.3.1 Strengths............................................................................................................................9

4.3.2 Weaknesses.......................................................................................................................9

4.3.3 Opportuniti es ....................................................................................................................9

4.3.4 Threats................................................................................................................................9

5- Revenue Model......................................................................................................................9

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The people of Pakistan and people from abroad, who want to purchase
used cars will surely looking for a website, which can guide them regarding
the best suitable opti on in their parti cular area, what is the best car for them.
Our website “” will provide all these informati on by providing the
available used cars along with picture galleries. Target market of this business
will be the people from across Pakistan who are interested in buying used

2-Introducti on:

2.1 Problem statement

There is problem with the people of Pakistan that the Economical

Conditi on of people isn’t so good that they buy new cars. They are always
anxious about informati on about the available used cars so that they can plan
their budget accordingly.

There is no such system currently working in Pakistan which can provide

assistance to the people. Moreover there is no initi ati ve by the Government
of Pakistan to facilitate the people. Some individuals are running their own
business of used cars but it is not enough to meet the needs of the customers.

Typically the peoples used the diff erent manual means to fulfi ll such
requirement which are following

 Get assistance from family/ friends about the used cars, in most cases
they are misguided or forget the guidance because of bad
communicati onal approach.
 Customers have to manage each and everything e.g. their budget, their
ti me etc which is one of the real ti me hurdles and increase the physical
and psychological problem for them.

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 Customers are always conscious about the available opti ons whether
this will be wastage of ti me or the suitable for us.

2.2 Proposed Soluti on

We are providing a project of Electronic Commerce on the environment of

used cars market along with the bundle of faciliti es specifi cally design for the
visitors who need some assistance to buy used car.

When this system will identi fy the best possible opti on of the used car,
it will also mark the locati ons of Gas stati ons, hospitals, police stati ons,
restaurants and hotels, historical/important places which they might be
interested in to visit along with their picture gallery, franchise locati ons of
diff erent telecom companies, specify the telecom company’s coverage in
desti nati on locati on, local transport terminals, airports and railway stati ons.
This system will also display brief and comprehensive informati on about the
culture and environmental conditi ons of the target locati on.

2.1.1 Capital Requirement

We will develop the 75% porti on of this website by ourselves but we
will require diff erent developers for java scripti ng whose cost may increase
then 50,000/-. For domain registrati on and hosti ng we need 2,000/- initi ally.
So total investment may be 80 to 85 thousands PKR, including computers,
internet connecti on and soft ware.

2.3 Scope

By becoming a member, you can

 Search from a huge pool of used car/bike listings and contact sellers.
 Advertise your car for FREE and reach thousands of buyers!
 Research about brand new cars and motorcycles available in Pakistan.
 Discuss car related issues with other community members.

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3-Technical Detail

3.1 Domain name

Basically our project will operate as an online adverti sing market of

used cars of Pakistan, so ride4u will be more suitable with the directory of
.pk, because name itself clear the purpose and objecti ves of this project to
our customers.

We will purchase domain name from .pk @ Rs: 1,200/year and will host
our website on freewebhost.

3.2 Interface of the website

Our web system will provide them a complete soluti on with all respects
for such peoples. For example when a person visits our website he will see an
interface which will have a form panel on the left of the page having two
secti ons:

 Buying
 Selling

Now the person will enter the informati on whether to buy or sell the
car. There will be further radio butt ons in opti on secti on which will ask about
diff erent customized choices i.e: the tupe of the car, model, price, color etc.
Then there will be checkboxes regarding further faciliti es such as the contact
details of the buyer and seller.

Aft er that person will click on search butt on, next page will display
informati on in two secti ons in the middle of the page. One is regarding cost,
distance, ti me of travelling etc. Second one will display the map with
highlighted route calculated by the system. And when user will click on that
map, it will enlarge with zoom opti ons which will be displayed in separate
page along with bundle of check boxes like Weather, Service area,
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Hotels/restaurants. There will be also a checkbox regarding tourism spots.
These all categories will be only displayed if a person selects parti cular check
boxes and each place will be marked in the map with its represented icon.
For instance a wheel for services area, plane for airport, fork n spoon for
restaurant etc. At the end there will a print opti on, incase user wants to take
a printout of his fi ltered informati on and map.

3.3 System Requirement at client end

 Any Operati ng System: Because it will be the cross platf orm applicati on,
so it will be OS independent.
 Internet Connecti on
 Internet Browser

3.4 Functi onal Requirements:

3.4.1 Permanent storage:

 Used Cars Details
 Rout points
 Important locati ons regarding to the need of customers (e.g. hospitals,
fuel stati ons, guest houses and hotels, tourism sites )
 Customers data (e.g. permanent user and other customers who come for
adverti sement)

3.4.2 Temporary storage:

 Data modifi cati on, updati on and deleti on of the adverti sing customers.

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3.5 Development tools and Technologies used

3.5.1 HTML & XHTML:

HTML and XHTML will be used for web page layout, interface and body of the
web pages.

3.5.2 CSS:
Makeover of the webpages regarding colors of fonts, alignments of the
elements will be done through CSS template.

3.5.3 Database Management System:

My SQL will be used to store the maps and other informati on because its free
of cost DBMS.

3.5.4 PHP:
PHP will be used for taking inputs from user in forms and will be used to
create a bridge between database and html web pages. It will also be used for
calculati ons of costs and distances in miles or kilometers. PHP will also be
helpful in fetching only those ads from database, which is relevant to the
desti nati on places.
Feedback will also be taken from customers using PHP.

3.5.5 JAVA Scripti ng Language:

Java scripti ng language will be used for interacti ve navigati on menus and for
masking the maps with icons of locati ons selected by visitor. Java scripti ng
will also be used for checks such as verifying that the user has entered right
spelling about the place, place is valid in Pakistan etc.

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4- Marketi ng Strategies

4.1 Segmentati on

4.1.1 Institutions
Local car dealers who are running their own business can adverti se the
available car opti ons. Aucti on agencies can adverti se their cars. Bank leased
Cars are also available for adverti sing on our website.

4.1.2 Individuals
Users who use our website to get informati on, guidance about the used

4.2 Adverti sing Strategy

4.1.1 Email
We will send emails to diff erent insti tuti ons aft er collecti ng data from
Google regarding our targeted customers. We will off er them packages to
adverti se on our website.

4.1.2 Web adverti sement

We will follow the diff erent set of fashions for adverti sement. For
example we will adverti se on the most visited websites e.g: Facebook, twitt er,

4.3 SWOT Analysis

4.3.1 Strengths
As ride4u is a quite new idea in this region, so we have a monopolisti c
edge in Pakistan market.
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4.3.2 Weaknesses
Timeline is our weakness, means it’s very huge project. Getti ng data
and masking it over the website requires huge ti me and to get our website
fully functi onal, we require so many programmers which will increase our

4.3.3 Opportuniti es
It will be one of the popular websites in coming years because we will
be having monopoly in Pakistan market, so as compared to any other
competi tor who might want to enter in the market in upcoming year, we will
have edge.

4.3.4 Threats
Entering any competi tor in future will be a threat. Load shedding in
Pakistan is increasing, so its possibility that people get fed up if lead shedding
occurs during their browsing. So they might leave ride4u.

5- Revenue Model

We will make revenue by two means. One is by displaying ads of

diff erent telecom companies and diff erent Lubricant Companies.

For displaying ads, we will have diff erent packages for permanent and
daily based customers and they will be charged according to resoluti on of
their ads. For example there will be discount for our permanent customers on
monthly based package. Means if any insti tuti on wants his ad on our website
for whole of the month, we will provide him discount 5%. If he comes again
second ti me for one month period of ti me, he might get upto 10% discount.

There will be also psychological packages. For instance we are charging

1,000/month, we will charge 1600 if any person wants to get ad space for two
consecuti ve months.

6 – Competi tor’s Analysis:

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In this parti cular fi eld our competi tors will be:


Among all of the above menti oned competi tors, only Pakwheels is the most
recognized website nowadays. And it will be our competi tor at the initi al
stage. was formed in 2003 and has become the largest community based
automobile website in Pakistan with more than 100,000+ registered car and motorcycle enthusiasts.

7- Point Of Diff erenti ati on:

We will be competi ng at following edge:

1. We are off ering complete informati on about the available used cars
opti on
2. We are providing complete soluti on to the interested people
3. We are displaying maps of the citi es along with the prominent locati ons
in the citi es. E.g. Gas stati ons, Hospitals, Restaurants etc.

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