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Portfolio Four

Name: Luisa Fernanda Cubillos Rodríguez

1. I will never forget the day that finds out that it was going to do


2. for this moment it already had four months of pregnancy

3. my belly kept on growing, my clothes were already small for her

4. Some months I had nausea toward many foods

5. And in other days many cravings

6. At seven months made me the ultrasound where we could not see

if it was a boy or a girl

7. We had to make the baby shower of white and yellow

8. We had many names but there was still the doubt of his sex

9. In the eighth month I could not already sleep because my belly was

very big.

10. That same month I got sick and I was hospitalized

11. on fourth of November they decided that he had to be born for its


12. and after those months of intrigue and questions I could see it for

the first time

13. ¡What a beautiful child God has given me!, were my words the at

Looking at it

14. And since seven years ago Cristhiam Daniel is the light of my life

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