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12/17/2019 Planning < Services | SumProduct are experts in Excel Training: Financial Modelling, Strategic Data Modelling, Model

g, Model Auditing, Plannin…


Home ServicesPlanning

Not Just for the Here and Now

Business planning requires optimising scarce resources, not just now but in the short, medium and long-
term too. Are you maximising your bang for buck when it comes to the cash investments, assets used, staff
SumProduct can assist with budgeting and forecasting – key tools in the planning process.
Time and again businesses have failed because:
Management has reacted rather than been proactive
Cash wasn’t controlled before it controlled the businesses
Profitable businesses expanded too rapidly with insufficient cash (“overtrading”)
Budgets were inadequately prepared
Forecasts were not developed accurately enough.
SumProduct has the experience and expertise to develop the tools required to avoid these pitfalls and
develop a successful business / operational plan. We can assist with:
Preparing forecasts key stakeholders (managers, staff, customers, shareholders) will buy into
Understand the nature of your key costs (variable, fixed, stepped) and how it affects the operating
leverage of your business
Assist with allocating costs appropriately (e.g. Activity Based Management, Avoided Costs, Standard
Agree the key outputs for business measurement and identify the critical success factors
Assess your capital structure, determine your cost of capital and implement appropriate investment
appraisal techniques
Perform ratio analysis, Balanced Scorecards and other dashboard metrics in order to interpret key
risks facing your business. 1/3
12/17/2019 Planning < Services | SumProduct are experts in Excel Training: Financial Modelling, Strategic Data Modelling, Model Auditing, Plannin…

Contact us for a health check on your business today. 2/3
12/17/2019 Planning < Services | SumProduct are experts in Excel Training: Financial Modelling, Strategic Data Modelling, Model Auditing, Plannin… 3/3

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