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Schedule Risk Analysis

David T. Hulett, Ph.D.

Hulett & Associates, LLC
ICEAA / 2016

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 1

USAF Approach to Schedule Risk
“A Most Probable Schedule (MPS) will be prepared by
assessing the durations presented in the offeror’s MIPS
(this means estimating the longest, the shortest, and
the most likely duration for each task, activity, event,
and milestone) and preparing a network-based Monte
Carlo simulation in order to determine a schedule that
has a 90% probable completion date.”
Integrated Risk Management Guide,
Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), draft, 9 April 1994

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 2

Purpose of a Risk Analysis

 Promote the language of probability and use of its

mathematics in risk analysis
– Why do schedules overrun? Things do not go “according to plan”
 Examine elements of a project in detail, determining
relationships and formulating a model
 Most people are less able to comprehend the whole of the
problem than risk of the elements individually

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 3

Purpose of a Risk Analysis (continued)

 Risk analysis strategy

– Describe the risks at the level of the activity
– Use the schedule and Monte Carlo simulation to find the overall
project schedule risk
 The essence is a statement of the probability of program
Source: Risk Assessment Techniques,
Defense Systems Management College 1983

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 4

Overrun Risk is Not a New Issue

“Initial cost and schedule estimates for major projects have

invariably been over-optimistic. The risk that cost and
schedule constraints will not be met cannot be determined if
cost and schedule estimates are given in terms of single
points rather than distributions”

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 5

Overrun Risk is Not a New Issue

“A formal risk analysis is putting on the table those problems

and fears which heretofore were recognized but intentionally

Source: “Final Report,”

US Air Force Academy
Risk Analysis Study Team 1973

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 6

Some Reasons for Schedule Risk
 Fundamental uncertainty in the work
 Unrealistic baseline schedule
 Natural, geological causes
 Project complexity
 Scheduling abuses
 Relying on participants outside the organization
 Subcontractor late

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 7

Some Reasons for Schedule Risk

 Design changes
 Staffing Manufacturing problems
 Contracting problems
 Customer (government) not supportive
 Cannot get subcontractor under contract
William Cashman, “Why Schedules Slip…”
Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Master’s Thesis, 1995

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 8

Pitfalls in Relying on CPM

 CPM network scheduling is static, not dynamic

 Single-point activity durations known with certainty
 OK only if everything goes according to plan
There are no “facts” about the future
Lincoln Moses, Statistician and Administrator of Energy Information in the US DOE
1977 Annual Report to Congress

 CPM durations are really probabilistic assessments

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 9

Risk Analysis Answers
Many Questions that CPM cannot

 Since the inputs are uncertain, the results are

uncertain and we need to make statistical
 Can address questions CPM cannot
 The 3 promises
1. What is the likelihood of meeting schedule?
2. How much schedule contingency do we need to provide?
3. Where is there risk to the project schedule?

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 10

First check the Schedule: Apply GAO Best
Practice Scheduling to Agency Schedules
 Can use tools such as Acumen Fuse, Steelray or Oracle
Primavera Risk Analysis (Pertmaster) Schedule Check
Report to perform analysis
– Check the results of any third-party software against the schedule
in its native software – sometimes get incorrect results
 Always use native schedule and filter / sorting capabilities to
check third-party software results
– Can do this inside the schedule or copy to Excel for sorts and
report table creation

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 11
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 12
Why Conduct Monte Carlo Simulation
 It would help estimate our project if we had data on 5,000
projects exactly like our, just with different risks occurring
– Actual projects, normalized to show % overrun of the schedule
– We may not have such databases
 Monte Carlo simulation creates this database
– Uses our schedule
– Uses our risks
– Risks occur in different combinations, 5,000 times, recording the

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 13

Risk of an Individual Activity

 Simple activity duration estimates are risky

 Is this activity going to take 30 days? Are you sure?


Design Unit 1

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 14

Uniform and Triangular Distributions
Entire Plan : Duration Entire Plan : Duration
100% 240 100% 240

200 95% 239 95% 236

90% 238 90% 234

180 85% 237 85% 233

80% 235 80% 232

160 75% 234 75% 231

70% 233 70% 230

140 65% 231 65% 229

Cumulative Frequency

Cumulative Frequency
60% 230 60% 228
55% 229 55% 227

50% 227 200 50% 226
45% 226 45% 226

40% 225 40% 225

80 150
35% 224 35% 224

30% 222 30% 223

25% 221 100 25% 223

20% 220 20% 222


15% 218 15% 221

20 10% 217 10% 219

5% 216 5% 218

0 0% 215 0 0% 215
215 220 225 230 235 240 215 220 225 230 235 240
Distribution (start of interval) Distribution (start of interval)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 15

BetaPERT and Normal Distributions
Entire Plan : Duration Entire Plan : Duration
400 100% 240 100% 243

95% 234 95% 235

90% 232 400 90% 233

85% 231 85% 232

80% 230 350 80% 231

300 75% 229 75% 230

70% 228 70% 230

65% 228 65% 229

Cumulative Frequency

Cumulative Frequency
60% 227 60% 228
55% 226 55% 228

200 50% 226 50% 227

45% 225 200 45% 226

40% 224 40% 226

35% 223 150 35% 225

30% 223 30% 224

100 25% 222 25% 224

20% 221 20% 223

15% 220 15% 222

10% 219 10% 221

5% 218 5% 219

0 0% 215 0 0% 212
215 220 225 230 235 240 215 220 225 230 235 240
Distribution (start of interval) Distribution (start of interval)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 16 16

Risk Along a Contiguous Schedule Path

 Path risk is the combination of the risks of its activities

Design Build Test

Start Finish
Unit Unit Unit

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 17

Really Simple Schedule

 This schedule finishes on September 3

– 7-day weeks, like a model changeover, refinery turnaround

 If we can get into trouble with this simple schedule, we can get into
trouble with real project schedules

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 18

Add Duration Risk to the Schedule using
Triangular Distributions

This section features Primavera Risk Analysis, formerly Pertmaster,

owned by Oracle

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 19

Monte Carlo Simulation Results for Really
Simple Schedule
CPM date is not even the most likely – That’s about 9/13
Entire Plan : Finish Date
100% 19 Oct 11
95% 29 Sep 11

220 90% 25 Sep 11

85% 23 Sep 11
80% 21 Sep 11

75% 19 Sep 11
70% 18 Sep 11

160 65% 16 Sep 11

Cumulative Frequency
60% 15 Sep 11
55% 14 Sep 11

80% Target is
120 50% 13 Sep 11

45% 11 Sep 11


40% 10 Sep 11

35% 09 Sep 11
30% 07 Sep 11

60 25% 06 Sep 11

20% 05 Sep 11
15% 03 Sep 11

10% 01 Sep 11
5% 29 Aug 11

0 0% 17 Aug 11
29 Aug 11 18 Sep 11 08 Oct 11
Distribution (start of interval)

CPM date is about 16% Likely to be met

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 20
Risk at Merge Points:
The “Merge Bias”
 Many parallel paths merge in a real schedule
 Finish driven by the latest converging path
 Merge Bias has been understood for 40 years

Design Unit 1 Build Unit 1 Test Unit 1

Design Unit 2 Build Unit 2 Test Unit 2

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 21

This Schedule has Three Parallel Paths

Each path has exactly the same structure

CPM says this, too, finishes September 3

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 22

Evidence of the Merge Bias
Entire Plan : Finish Date
100% 20 Oct 11

Most Likely is now Sept 21 95% 04 Oct 11

90% 02 Oct 11

85% 29 Sep 11
80% 28 Sep 11

75% 26 Sep 11

70% 25 Sep 11
65% 24 Sep 11

percentile is

Cumulative Frequency
60% 23 Sep 11

55% 22 Sep 11

now Sept 28

150 50% 21 Sep 11

45% 20 Sep 11

40% 19 Sep 11

35% 18 Sep 11
30% 17 Sep 11

25% 16 Sep 11

20% 15 Sep 11
15% 13 Sep 11

10% 12 Sep 11

5% 09 Sep 11

0 0% 30 Aug 11
08 Sep 11 18 Sep 11 28 Sep 11 08 Oct 11 18 Oct 11

Likelihood of Sept 3 is < 1%

Distribution (start of interval)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 23

Evidence of Merge Bias (continued)
Distribution Analyzer
Evidence of the
Merge Bias @ P-80


Three Path Schedule

Cumulative Probability
One Path Schedule

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 24

What are the Highest Risk Activities?

 Monte Carlo simulation

– Activities on critical path in most iterations
 Path delaying the project may not be the critical path
identified by CPM
 This is “Schedule Critical” not necessarily Technically
– Combination of risk and low float (slack)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 25

What are the Highest Risk Activities?

Units 1 & 3 are Shorter and Not Risk Mitigated

“Critical” Unit 2 is Identified for Risk Mitigation

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 26
Criticality in Pertmaster
Three Path Project
Criticality Index: All tasks

000002 - Start 100%

000015 - Finish 100%

000004 - Design Unit 1 45%

000005 - Build Unit 1 45%

% of iterations on the critical path

000006 - Test Unit 1 45%
designates the path most likely to
000012 - Design Unit 3 40% delay the project (new definition of
000013 - Build Unit 3 40%
000014 - Test Unit 3 40%

000008 - Design Unit 2 19%

000009 - Build Unit 2 19%

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 27

Duration Sensitivity – Correlation Concept

Three Path Project

Duration Sensitivity: Entire Plan - All tasks

000006 - Test Unit 1 47%

000014 - Test Unit 3 42%

000004 - Design Unit 1 34%

000012 - Design Unit 3 29%

000005 - Build Unit 1 21%

000013 - Build Unit 3 18% Correlation coefficients not much

help to project management in
000008 - Design Unit 2 10%
making decisions
000010 - Test Unit 2 8%

000009 - Build Unit 2 6%

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 28

Cruciality = Criticality x Sensitivity

Three Path Project

Duration Cruciality: Entire Plan - All tasks

000006 - Test Unit 1 22%

000014 - Test Unit 3 17%

000004 - Design Unit 1 15%

000012 - Design Unit 3 12%

000005 - Build Unit 1 9%

000013 - Build Unit 3 7%

Helps eliminate the spurious

000008 - Design Unit 2 2%
correlation for activities that are not
000010 - Test Unit 2 2% frequently on the risk critical path
000009 - Build Unit 2 1%

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 29

What if We May Fail a Test or Inspection?
Probabilistic Branching

 Many projects have points where there is a possibility of

failure, a discontinuous event
 Have to model the likelihood of the failure and its
consequence for the schedule
 Called “Probabilistic Branching”

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 30

Model the Probabilistic Branch
 Typically do not include failure in schedule
– Include FIXIT and Retest with 0 duration to reserve the 9/3 date
 Enter ranges for the new activities if they occur

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 31

Typical Bi-Modal Result Distribution
Entire Plan : Finish Date
100% 02 Jan 12
95% 07 Dec 11

1000 90% 01 Dec 11

85% 26 Nov 11
“Shoulder” is at
70% for a 30%
80% 21 Nov 11

75% 16 Nov 11

likely risk
70% 20 Oct 11

65% 04 Oct 11

Cumulative Frequency
60% 30 Sep 11

55% 27 Sep 11

The 80% date falls


50% 25 Sep 11

500 45% 23 Sep 11

40% 21 Sep 11

35% 19 Sep 11
in the Failure Mode
30% 17 Sep 11
25% 16 Sep 11

20% 14 Sep 11
15% 12 Sep 11

10% 10 Sep 11

5% 07 Sep 11

0 0% 28 Aug 11
28 Sep 11 17 Nov 11 06 Jan 12
Distribution (start of interval)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 32

Effect of Mitigating The Risk of Test Failure on an
80% Company Distribution Analyzer


Cumulative Probability
If taking 10 Days Longer in Build reduces probability to
10%, can save 46 days for an 80th percentile company

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 33

Causes of Correlation
 Correlation between activity durations
– When two activities’ durations “move together”
– They are driven by a common risk driver
– Using Pearson correlation, not Spearman Rank Order

the- Art

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC Coding 34
Effect of Correlation

 Without correlation there is a lot of cancelling-out between

long and short durations in each iteration
– The result is for moderate uncertainty risk overall
 With correlation, long durations will occur together on an
iteration and reinforce each other as long durations are
added down the path
– Same for short durations
– There is reinforcing long-long and short-short so get higher-highs
and lower-lows

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 35

This Matrix shows High Correlation
 Correlation is usually shown in a Correlation Matrix like this
Design Build Test

Design 1.0 .9 .8

Build .9 1.0 .7

Test .8 .7 1.0

 Shows high correlation between all 3 activities

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 36

Install Correlation Coefficients between
Activity Durations

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 37

Effect of Correlation is to Increase the
Standard Deviation along the Path Distribution Analyzer


Not much 90%

change near Variation:5


the mean High correlation adds 70%

5 days at the P-80

Cumulative Probability

correlation 50%

subtracts 40%

5 days at 30%

the P-20


14 Aug 12 19 Aug 12 24 Aug 12 29 Aug 12 03 Sep 12 08 Sep 12 13 Sep 12 18 Sep 12 23 Sep 12 28 Sep 12 03 Oct 12 08 Oct 12 13 Oct 12 18 Oct 12 23 Oct 12

Not likely to be much help for real schedules that have parallel paths

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 38

This Matrix is Not Feasible

 Correlation Matrix may be infeasible

 Eigenvalue (determinant) test used to test feasibility
Design Code Test

Design 1.0 .9 .8

Code .9 1.0 .2

Test .8 .2 1.0

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 39

Software Performs
Eigenvalue Test And Alerts the User

This plans to adjust the

coefficients permanently so
we can see what they
should be to just pass the
Eigenvalue test.

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 40

Correlation Coefficients Change
before the Simulation

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 41

Gather Good Quality Risk Data

 3-point estimates of Impact (now used for uncertainty)

– Another method, the Risk Driver method, uses the probability that
the discrete risk will occur in addition to the impact range
– We combine uncertainty with discrete risks
 Credibility comes from quality risk data
 The benefits of collecting data about project risk
– Gain better understanding of the project
– Build stronger project teams
– Communicate better about project problems

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 42

Main Ideas about Risk Data

 Input data are gathered from people’s expert judgment

– There are often no company or industry data bases on risk
 Concepts of risk are usually new to the project participants
– Collecting “data” about the future should not be new to most
people who have put together a schedule
 Some are reluctant to participate -- uncomfortable
 Need corporate culture to be supportive
 Need time and budget for the risk analysis – make risk
understood as part of the team’s job, not an extra

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 43

Independent Data Collection Organization

 Consider making the risk analysis activity independent of

the project
Management Team

Risk Project Project

Analysis One Two

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 44

The Confidential Risk Interview

 Arrange for enough time to interview

– Usually take 2 hours per person
 Promise confidentiality – No information will be connected to the
individual interviewee
 Interviews give the team members focused discussion on risk
– Unlike the workshop where only one person can talk at a time
while the others are waiting to be heard
 They appreciate that the interviewer is interested in their ideas

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 45

The Risk Interview (continued)

 During the risk interview challenge interviewees’ risk ranges

– Risk is usually underestimated
 Ask open-ended questions to identify risks not necessarily
included in the Risk Register
– Some are the Unknown Unknowns that were not unknowable
– Some are the Unknown Knowns, that were known but not talked
about since they are adverse to the project or the company

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 46

Biases can Make Risk Data Collection

 Motivational bias
– Some people do not want to cooperate
– Others want to bias the results, usually so the project looks good.
They have their own agenda
 Cognitive bias
– Even people who want to respond accurately may find it difficult at
– Thinking about things going wrong is not easy

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 47

Sources of Motivational Bias

 Want the project to look good

 Not willing to jeopardize the project
 Unwilling to admit uncertainty or inability to do the job
 Afraid of telling people the estimates are not “solid”
 Identified with a specific number, result
 Afraid of “shoot the messenger” response

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 48

A Politically-Set Corporate Ceiling

Ceiling Amount

Risk Denied

Element Cost

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 49

Cognitive Bias in
Quantifying Project Risk
 Cognitive bias is common
– Even though you want to estimate the risk you find it hard
– People new to risk analysis are more likely to have this bias
– Most difficult to estimate pessimistic scenarios, failure

Underestimation of risk is quite common

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 50

Anchoring and Adjusting Bias

 “Anchor” on the baseline estimate

– This estimate has been carefully compiled, documented
– The anchor takes importance beyond its credibility
 “Adjust” the extreme ranges only slightly from the anchor
 People find it difficult to imagine values very far away from
the anchor estimate

See: A. Tversky and D. Kahneman, “Judgment under

Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases,” Science, Sept. 26, 1974

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 51

Anchoring and Adjusting Bias

Unbiased Range
Anchored on
Most Likely

Activity Duration

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 52

Use “Trigen” Function to Correct for
Underreporting of Extreme Ranges

Compare Triangle and Trigen (205,216,245)

10th 90th
5 Percentile Percentile


190 220 250

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 53

Unstated Assumptions Bias

Unspoken True High Range


High Range

Activity Duration

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 54

Availability Bias can Increase the
Perception of Project Risk

Original Distribution

Element Cost

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 55

Representative Bias can Increase Project
Risk – may need Correction for Priors
Revised Distribution
Distribution New

Bayesian statistics tell

how to combine priors
with new information
Activity Duration for a blended forecast

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 56

Limitations of the Traditional
3-point Estimate of Activity Duration

 Traditional schedule risk analysis starts with the activity that

is impacted by risks
 Estimates the 3-point estimate for optimistic, most likely and
pessimistic duration
– Creates a probability distribution for activity duration
– Performs Monte Carlo simulation
 This is the image of the risk on the objective, activity
– Which risks influence the duration are not carefully sorted
– Just “give me a +20%, -10%”
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 57
Some Problems with Traditional Approach

 Can tell which activities are crucial, but not directly which
risks are driving
 Makes poor use of the Risk Register that is usually available
 Cannot decompose the overall schedule risk into its
components BY RISK
– Ability to assign the risk to its specific risk drivers helps with
communication of risk causes and risk mitigation

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 58

Uncertainty, Estimating Error
and Estimating Bias

 Uncertainty, the inherent variability in project activities that

arise because people and organizations cannot do things
reliably on plan
 Estimating error – attaches to all types of estimates

 Estimating bias – estimates may be slanted, usually

toward shorter durations, to make desired project results

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 59

Inherent Variability is Similar to Common
Cause Variability
 Inherent variability is similar to “common cause variation”
described by Walter A. Shewhart and championed by W.
Edwards Deming in process control
 Common cause variability is a source of variation caused by
unknown factors that result in a steady but random distribution of
output around the average of the data
 Common cause variation is a measure of the process’s potential,
or how well the process can perform when special cause
variation is removed
 Common cause variation is also called random variation, noise,
non-controllable variation, within-group variation, or inherent
variation. Example: Many X’s with a small impact. cited February 6, 2015

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 60

Estimating Error (1)

 Estimating error is often attributed to a lack of information

concerning specific issues needed to make up a duration or
cost estimate for a WBS element
– We may not have specific vendor information until the vendors
bid. Vendor information is required for completed engineering
– Ultimately we do not necessarily have contractor bids
 Each of these sources of information can be helpful to
narrow the estimating error. Still, the estimates and even
contractor bids are uncertain

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 61

Estimating Error (2)
 The estimating range is often related to the “class” of
estimate, determined by the level of knowledge and the
method of estimating
 With less knowledge the “plus and minus” range would be
large, but as more information is known it may become
 Research shows that the actual range of uncertainty
around estimates is larger than recommended by
professional associations (including AACEI)
RISK.1027: Estimate Accuracy: Dealing with Reality)
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 62
Estimating Bias is Common for Schedule
and for Cost
“I want it NOW!”
 “Schedule pressure dooms more megaprojects than any other single
 Ambitious managers see early completion as ways for promotions. But,
every megaproject has an appropriate pace that becomes known early.
Pronouncements do not change this pace

“We need to shave 20 percent off that cost number!”

 Cost reduction task force is a counterproductive exercise
 May just reduce estimates, this is foolish
 Alternatively, may actually identify scope to come out, but the scope
needs to be added back in later, so only temporary reduction in cost
Edward W. Merrow, Industrial Megaprojects (Wiley, 2011)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 63

Ask Yourself these Questions
about the Duration Estimates
 Was there pressure put on the estimator or scheduler
– By prior expectations
– Statements by management or
– By the customer, or
– Was pressure for early finish implicit in the competitive process?
 How long would this scope of work take if no pressure for an
earlier date were brought to bear?
– Contractors often claim that the schedule would take longer without
pressure, “But, we can do it!”

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 64

Handling Estimating Bias

 When talking with project participants (management, team

leaders, SMEs) we often find that they do not believe the
values in the schedule
– Motivational bias and cognitive bias are present
 With a range represented by optimistic, most likely and
pessimistic values, these people present that the “most
likely” duration or cost is not the value in the schedule for
activities or estimate for cost elements
– Often the “most likely” multiplier is 1.05 or 1.1 or more, indicating
that the estimates are viewed as being 5%, 10% or more above
those in the project documents
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 65 65
Summary of Inherent Variability
and Estimating Error / Bias

 These sources of uncertainty have already occurred and are

“baked in the cake” of the schedule and cost estimate being
 They are 100% likely so they can be represented by a 3-
point estimate (min, most likely, max) of multiplicative
factors applied directly to activities’ durations
 Under-reporting may be corrected and 3-point estimates
may be correlated

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 66 66

Introducing the Gas Production Platform

Three year+ schedule costing $1.57 billion. Using Polaris®

© Booz
from 2016 Allen
& Associates, LLC 67 67
Applying Different Uncertainty Reference
Ranges to Categories of Tasks
Each category of activity may
have different levels of
uncertainty, called “reference

Five of the ranges have “most

likely” values that differ from the
durations in the schedule

Three (Engineering, Drilling and

HUC) use the Trigen function to
correct for suspected under-
reporting impact ranges

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 68

Risk on the Offshore Gas Production Platform -
Reference Range Uncertainties
With Uncertainty by category of task
• Inherent variability
• Estimating error
• Estimating bias

The CPM date is 20 March 2017

The P-80 date is 30 July 2017 for a

contingency just with Uncertainty of 4
+ months

This is very likely irreducible. It

represents the base that cannot be

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 69

Discrete Risks is Similar to
Special Cause Variation
 Unlike common cause variability, special cause
variation is caused by known factors that result in a
non-random distribution of output. Also referred to as
“exceptional” or “assignable” variation. Example: Few
X’s with big impact.
 Special cause variation is a shift in output caused by a
specific factor such as environmental conditions or
process input parameters. It can be accounted for
directly and potentially removed and is a measure of
process control. cited February 6, 2015)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 70

Introducing the Risk Driver Method for Causing
Additional Variation in the Simulation

Four risk drivers are specified. The first is a general risk about engineering productivity,
which may be under- or over-estimated, with 100% probability. It is applied to the two
Design activities

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 71

100% Likely Risk Driver’s
Effect on Design Duration
With a 100% likely risk the
probability distribution of the
activity’s duration looks like a
triangle. Not any different
from placing a triangle
directly on the activity

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 72

Risk Driver with
Risk at < 100% likelihood

With this risk, the Construction Contractor may or may not be familiar with the technology,
the probability is 40% and the risk impact if it happens is .9, 1.1 and 1.4. It is applied to the
two Build activities

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 73

With a 40% Likelihood, the “Spike” in the
Distribution Contains 60% of the Probability

Here is where the Risk

Driver method gets
interesting. It can create
distributions that reflect:
• Probability of occurring
• Impact if it does occur
Cannot represent these two
factors with simple
triangular distributions
applied to the durations

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 74

Risk Drivers Models
how Correlation Occurs

 Correlation can be caused by identifiable risks that are

assigned to two different activities
– If the risk occurs it occurs for each activity
– If the risk impact multiplier is X% it is X% for each activity
 We are not very good at estimating correlation coefficients,
so generating them within the simulation is a better
 There still may be correlations among uncertainty (3-point

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 75

Risk Drivers Generate Correlation between
Activities (1)

Risk 1: Probability 100% Impact .9, 1.05, 1.3

Activity 1 Activity 2

Correlation (Activity 1, Activity 2) = 100%

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 76

Risk Drivers Generate Correlation between
Activities (2)
But there is no such thing as 100% correlation! OK!
Risk 1: Probability 100% Impact .9, 1.05, 1.3

Activity 1 Activity 2

Uncertainty Not Correlated: .85, 1, 1.2

Adding uncorrelated uncertainty reduces

correlation (Activity 1, Activity 2) to 86%

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 77

Risk Drivers Generate Correlation between
Activities (3)

Risk 2: Probability 40% Risk 1: Probability 100% Risk 3: Probability 65%

Impact .9, 1.1, 1.4 Impact .9, 1.05, 1.3 Impact .9, 1.15, 1.5

Activity 1 Activity 2

Correlation (Activity 1, Activity 2) = 64% (without uncertainty)

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 78

Activities Can be Influenced
by More than One Risk Driver

An Organizational Risk has been added to the mix, assigned to all

activities in the Offshore Gas Production Platform schedule
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 79
Adding Risk Drivers
to Every Activity

With all risk Drivers

including the
Organizational Risk the
P-80 result is 25 January
2018, an additional 7

With Uncertainty the P-80

was 30 July2017

The scheduled date is 20

March 2017

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 80

Parallel and Series Risks
Multiplicative with Risk Drivers
If these two risks cannot be recovered from simultaneously, they
are entered in series

Risk 1 1.2 factor Risk 2 1.05 factor Use (1.2 x 1.05 = 1.26) Factor,
multiply the two

If recovery from two risks can be accomplished simultaneously,

they are entered in parallel

Risk 1 1.2 factor Use 1.2 Factor, the largest

Risk 2 1.05 factor factor only

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 81

Assign the Risks To Design 1 in Series
and to Design 2 in Parallel

Specify each risk in parallel for Design 2, Series for Design 1

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 82

Three Risk Drivers Applied to
One Activity In Series, To Another In Parallel
Risks in
Parallel on
Design 2

Risks in Series on Design 1

Risks in series often lead to very long durations, especially if there are many risks on the activity

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 83

Risk Prioritization Method

 Risks should be prioritized through the project schedule and

the Monte Carlo simulation method to inform the risk
mitigation exercise
 For management we need to identify those risks by “days
saved” if they were fully mitigated so management can do
 For management we should identify “days saved” at the
target level of certainty, say P-80

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 84

Two Approaches to Risk Prioritization
using Quantitative Methods

 Typical Tornado Diagram with Risks (not activities or paths)

as the arguments help to prioritize the risks
 However, with the structure of the schedule the Tornado
Diagram is instructive but not definitive
– The order of the risks’ importance can change when one is
removed, since that exposes other paths that were “risk slack
paths” before
 Tornado Diagrams are not reliable with risks that are not
100% likely

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 85

Tornado Highlighting Risks, Not Activities
or Paths
This special tornado diagram
focuses on the entire impact of the
risks, including their probability,
impact range and the activities to
which they are assigned

Still, it is based on correlation


It shows Drilling Risk as an

Opportunity, negatively correlated
with finish date.

Correct to focus on risks but still

measure is correlation
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 86
Benefits of the New
Risk Prioritization Approach
 Identify the level of uncertainty desired (P-80)
 Simulate the schedule as many times as there are risks
 Then Identify the risk that saves the most days when it is
 Focus on the risks at the P-80 level of certainty and
measure impact in “days saved”
– These are 3 good measures for management to use when
determining the mitigations that make sense

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 87

Iterative Approach to
Prioritizing the Risk
 Purpose: determine which risks contribute the most days at
the P-80 level
 Compute the Baseline with All Risks In
 Pass # 1: Simulate with each risk disabled in turn, recording
the P-80 date
– The risk with the earliest P-80 date is 1st priority
– Take it out for Iteration # 2
 Pass # 2: Simulate the remaining risks, disabling each in turn,
recording P-80, choose earliest. Take it out for Iteration # 3
 Etc.

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 88

Picture of Prioritized Risks
Selected by their Days Saved at P-80
Iterative Approach to Prioritizing Risks (Based on Days Saved at P-80)
Risk # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Offshore Coordinati
Priority Level Abusive Suppliers Fab Geology Problems may go to
design on during
(Iteration #) Bids Busy productivity unknown at HUC other
firm Installation
1 X X X X X X X 1
2 X X X 2 X X X
3 X 3 X X X X
4 X X X X 4
5 X 5 X X
6 X X 6
7 7 X
8 8

This is an example of the simulation strategy for a project with 8 risks. It requires 8 + 7 + 6
+….+1 or 36 separate simulations. This would take a long time by hand. At this point only
Polaris has automated the process.
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 89
Schedule Risk Tornado
with Risks Prioritized by Days Saved

Unlike typical activity tornado diagrams

showing activities and based on correlation
coefficients, this one is based on risk and is
calibrated in days saved and computed at
the P-80

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 90

Table Showing Risks’ Days Saved
Gas Platform-1 - Risk Prioritization (80%)
Risk UID Name
The organization has other priority projects so personnel and funding may
8 102
be unavailable
4 Fabrication yards may experience lower Productivity than planned 34
2 Engineering may be complicated by using offshore design firm 15
7 Fabrication and installation problems may be revealed during HUC 15
3 Suppliers of installed equipment may be busy 9
6 Installation may be delayed due to coordination problems 4
1 Bids may be Abusive leading to delayed approval 0
5 The subsea geological conditions may be different than expected -1
Uncertainty (inherent, estimating error / bias) 130

Target for Mitigations is 178 days, risk-by-risk. Uncertainty alone accounts for 130 days.
Total schedule contingency to ©P-80
2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC
is 308 days. 91 91
Risk Mitigation Workshop(s)

 This is a workshop with the project manager, deputy PM, team

leads, controls personnel, SMEs with experience
 Use the prioritized risk list
– Start at the top
– Working on risks lower on the priority list will not be effective. Those
risks are not important until the top risk is dealt with as much as
– Determined by the structure of the schedule and which paths are risk
critical – changes as risks are mitigated

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 92 92

Sample Risk Mitigation Entry
Risk: The organization has other priority projects so personnel and funding may be unavailable
Most P-80 Cost
Probability Low High P-80 Date
Likely ($ billions)

Pre-Mitigated parameters 65% 95% 105% 125% 1/22/2018 $2.13

Mitigation Establish this project as top priority - needs top management action and
Action commitment
Post -Mitigated parameters 15% 95% 100% 115% $1.99
Risk Owner: S. Smith Days saved
Date of
Within 1 month Results 94 $0.14
Risk Action Cost of
Risk is not completely
B. Blake mitigated. Cost saved is the reduction of cost contingency reserve$0.02
Owner: Mitigation
for schedule risk. For Net Cost Saved subtract the $20 million cost of mitigation

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 93 93

Compare the Baseline and One Risk
Mitigation Scenario – Finish Date

The high priority risk has been mitigated. The finish date moves to 20
October 2017 from 22 January 2018, about a 3-month improvement
© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 94
Partially Mitigate all Risks – Finish Date

All risks mitigated

Pre-mitigation results
One risk mitigated

Mitigating all risks (Here, just reducing the probability by half) moves the P-80 date
back to 10 August, 2017 for a total mitigation time of about 5 months.

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 95

Schedule Risk Analysis

David T. Hulett, Ph.D.

Hulett & Associates, LLC
ICEAA / 2016

© 2016 Hulett & Associates, LLC 96

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