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Worksheet : 2 Name : ________________

Grade : IGCSE - I Date : ____/____/________

Teacher’s Signature : ____
Topic : Separating substances

Q.I) Answer the following Multiple choice questions.

1. The results of some tests on a colourless liquid X are shown.

1. Boiling point = 102 °C

2. Universal Indicator turns green

What is X?

A ethanol B hydrochloric acid C pure water D sodium chloride (salt) solution

2. Blue solid, X, is soluble in water.

Which method is used to obtain pure solid X from an aqueous solution?

A chromatography
B crystallisation
C filtration
D neutralisation

3. Ethanol is made by fermentation.

How is ethanol obtained from the fermentation mixture?

A chromatography
B crystallisation
C electrolysis
D fractional distillation

4. Alcohol and water are completely miscible. This means when mixed together they form only one liquid layer.
Which method is used to separate alcohol from water?

A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D precipitation

5. Which two methods can be used to separate a salt from its solution in water?

1. crystallisation
2. decanting
3. distillation
4. filtration

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 3 D 3 and 4 1
Q.II) Answer the following.

1. Describe how to separate the following. In each example, give a description of the procedure used and
explain why this method works.

(a) Copper powder from a mixture containing copper and zinc powders.

procedure ______________________________________________________________________________


explanation ____________________________________________________________________________



(b) Nitrogen from a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen.

procedure ______________________________________________________________________________


explanation ____________________________________________________________________________



(c) Glycine from a mixture of the two amino acids glycine and alanine. Glycine has the lower Rf value.

procedure ______________________________________________________________________________


explanation ____________________________________________________________________________



(d) Magnesium hydroxide from a mixture of magnesium hydroxide and zinc hydroxide.

procedure _____________________________________________________________________________


explanation _____________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________________________ 2
2. Crystals of sodium sulphate-10-water, Na2SO4.10H2O, are prepared by titration.




25.0 cm of sodium hydroxide (aq)
concentration 2.24 mol/dm3

(a) 25.0 cm of aqueous sodium hydroxide is pipetted into a conical flask.

A few drops of an indicator are added. Using a burette, dilute sulphuric acid is slowly added until the
indicator just changes colour. The volume of acid needed to neutralise the alkali is noted.

Suggest how you would continue the experiment to obtain pure, dry crystals of Na2SO4.10H2O.







3. An important aspect of chemistry is purity and methods of purification

(a) Give an example of subtance used in everyday life which must be pure.


______________________________________________________________________________________ 3
(b) A list of techniques used to separate mixtures is given below.

chromatography crystallisation diffusion evaporation filtration

fractional disillation simple distillation

(i) From the list, choose the most suitable technique to separate the following.

water from sea-water __________________________________________________________________

helium from a mixture of helium and methane ______________________________________________

ethanol from a mixture of ethanol and propanol _____________________________________________

iron filings from a mixture of iron filings and water ___________________________________________

a mixture of two amino acids, glycine and alanine ___________________________________________

(ii) Describe how you would obtain a pure sample of copper(II) sulfate-5-water crystals from a mixture of
copper(II) sulfate-5-water with copper(II) oxide using some of the techniques listed above.






4. List of techniques used to separate mixtures is given below.

filtration diffusion fractional distillation simple distillation crystallisation chromatography

From this list, choose the most suitable technique to separate the following mixtures. A technique may be
used once, more than once or not at all.

(a) butane from a mixture of propane and butane ______________________________________________

(b) oxygen from liquid air _________________________________________________________________

(c) water from aqueous magnesium sulfate ___________________________________________________

(d) potassium chloride from aqueous potassium chloride ________________________________________

(e) silver chloride from a mixture of silver chloride and water _____________________________________

(f) glucose from a mixture of glucose and maltose _____________________________________________

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