Theory of Accounts

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THEORY OF ACCOUNTS A.Y. 2015-2016 8.

The major elements of the income statement are

A. revenue, cost of goods sold, selling expenses, and general expense.
1. “The point of sale when goods are delivered or services are B. operating section, nonoperating section, discontinued operations
rendered, is the time at which revenue is to be recognized.” This and cumulative effect.
postulate is referred to as C. revenues, expenses, gains, and losses.
a. Historical cost b. Money measuring unit D. All of these.
c. Revenue recognition d. Fiscal period 9.Assets may be best defined as:
A. economic resources invested by the owners of a business
2. The Framework shall assist in promoting harmonization of B. tangible economic resources of value
regulations, accounting standards and procedures relating to the C. economic resources invested by the creditors of a business
presentation of financial statements by: D. probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a
A. Eliminating all alternative accounting treatments found in the particular entity as a result of past transactions or events
Philippine Accounting Standards
B. Providing a basis for reducing the number of alternative accounting 10 Which of the following statement is true?
treatments permitted by the Philippine Accounting Standards A. Trade accounts receivable are the only asset on which doubtful
C. Establishing a preferred or benchmark treatment among acceptable accounts expense can be incurred.
accounting treatments for a transaction, event or condition B. The sole justification for providing for doubtful accounts is
D. Allowing preparers of financial statements to apply different conservatism.
accounting treatments for similar transactions, events or condition C. Methods of estimating doubtful accounts expense based upon the
collectability of accounts receivable emphasize the income statement
3. A general journal rather than the balance sheet.
A. Is a chronological lists of transactions and other events, expressed D. Provision for bad debt losses on trade receivable is usually
in terms of debits and credits. included in computing the balance of “allowance for doubtful
B. contains one record for each of the asset, liability, equity, revenue, accounts”.
and expense accounts.
C. lists all the increases and decreases in each account in one place. 11. Liabilities and owners’ equity are similar in that
D. contains only adjusting entries. A. Both provide certain amounts of payments in the form of interest
and dividends respectively based upon written agreements.
4. Which of the following represents the best justification for B. Both provide specific timing of payments as a result of specific
valuing the inventories at lower of cost and net realizable value? maturity dates.
A. It is easier to keep track of market value that it is to keep track of C. Both creditors and stockholders are equity holders, although they
cost as market value is available from any supplier. have different rights with respect to income, risk, control, and
B. Cost loses its relevance for the determination of cost of goods liquidation.
sold if the cost of inventory has been incurred in an earlier accounting D. Both liabilities and owners’ equity are ranked equally when an
period. enterprise’s assets are distributed
C. The balance sheet valuation of inventory is most important
consideration in the preparation of financial statements. 12. A company changes from straight-line to an accelerated method of
D. The practice of writing inventories below cost to net realizable calculating depreciation, which will be similar to the method used for
value is consistent with the view that assets should not be carried in tax purposes. The entry to record this change should include a
excess of amount expected to be realizable from their sale or value. A. credit to Accumulated Depreciation.
B. debit to Retained Earnings in the amount of the difference on prior
5. Compensating balance agreement (choose the incorrect one) years.
A. Reduces the amount of cash available to the borrower. C. debit to Deferred Tax Asset.
B. Always involves legal restriction on the compensating cash D. credit to Deferred Tax Liability.
C. Increases the effective interest rate to the borrower. 13. An entity imported machinery to install in its new factory before
D. Should be disclosed in the notes to financial statements. year-end. However, due to circumstances beyond its control, the
machinery was delayed by a few months but reached the factory
6. Which is correct regarding physical concept of capital? premises before year-end. While this was happening, the entity learned
A. It is adopted by most entities in preparing their financial statements from the bank that it was being charged interest on the loan it had
B. Capital is synonymous to net assets or equity taken to fund the cost of the plant. What is the proper treatment of
C. It is adopted if the users of financial statements are primarily freight and interest expense under PAS 16?
concerned with the maintenance of nominal invested capital or the a. Both expenses should be capitalized
purchasing power of invested capital b. Interest may be capitalized but freight should be expressed
D. A profit is earned only if the physical capital productive capacity c. Freight charges should be capitalized but interest cannot be
of the entity at the end of the period exceeds the physical productive capitalized under these circumstances
capacity at the beginning of the period, after excluding any d. Both expenses should be expensed
transactions with owners.
14 Which of the following is not the basic purpose of the notes to
financial statements?
7. Which of the following methods of determining bad debt expense A. To present information about the basis of preparation of the FS
does not properly match expense and revenue? and the specific accounting policies selected and applied.
A. Charging bad debts with a percentage of sales under the allowance B. To disclose the information required by the PFRS that is not
method. presented elsewhere in FS.
B. Charging bad debts with an amount derived from a percentage of C. To provide additional information which is not presented on the
accounts receivable under the allowance method. face of FS but that is necessary for a pair presentation.
C. Charging bad debts with an amount derived from aging accounts D. To provide information about the financial position, financial
receivable under the allowance method. performance and cash flow of an entity that is useful to a wide range of
D. Charging bad debts as accounts are written off as uncollectible. users in making economic decision.
15. 24. Biological assets during the period of growth, A. A change in accounting estimate for which the financial statements
degeneration, production and procreation are measured initial for prior periods included for comparative purposes should be
recognition and every balance sheet at presented as previously reported.
A. cost B. A change in accounting principle for which the financial statements
B. replacement cost for prior periods included for comparative purposes should be
C. fair value presented as previously reported.
D. fair value less estimated point of sales C. A change in accounting estimate for which the financial statements
16. Which is incorrect concerning the recognition and measurement of for prior periods included for comparative purposes should be restated.
an intangible asset? D. A change in accounting principle for which the financial statements
a. If an intangible asset is acquired separately, the cost comprises its for prior periods included for comparative purposes should be restated.
purchase price, including import duties and taxes and any directly
attributable expenditure of preparing the asset for its intended use. 23. The estimated life of a building that has been depreciated 30 years
b. If an intangible asset is acquired in a business combination that is an of an originally estimated life of 50 years has been revised to a
acquisition, the cost is based on its fair value at the date of acquisition. remaining life of 10 years. Based on this information, the accountant
c. If an intangible asset is acquired free of charge or by way of should
government grant, the cost is equal to its fair value. A.Continue to depreciate the building over the original 50-year life
d. If payment for an intangible asset is deferred beyond normal credit B.Depreciate the remaining book value over the remaining life of the
terms, its cost is equal to the total payments over the credit period. asset
C.Adjust accumulated depreciation to its appropriate balance, through
17. The IASB encourages publicly traded entities to provide interim net income, based on a 40-year life, and then depreciate the adjusted
financial reports book value as though the estimated life had always been 40 years
A. At least at the end of the half-year end and within 60 days of the end of D.Adjust accumulated depreciation to its appropriate balance through
interim period retained earnings, based on a 40-year life, and then depreciate the
B. Within a month of the half-year end adjusted book value as though the estimated life had always been 40-
C. On a quarterly basis years
D. Whenever the entity wishes 24. Long lived properties items having no physical existence and
18. The Scandium Company is commencing a new construction whose value lies in the rights, privileges and advantages they accord to
project, which is to be financed by borrowing. The key dates are as follows: the owner; identifiable non-monetary assets without physical
15 May 20X8 Loan interest relating to the project starts to be incurred a. Fixed asset b. Intangible Assets c. Deferred Charges
3 June 20X8 Technical site planning commences d. Tangible Assets
12 June 20X8 Expenditures on the project start to be incurred
18 July 20X8 Construction work commences 25. When the effective-interest method is used to amortize bond
According to IAS23 Borrowing costs, from what date can Scandium premium or discount, the periodic amortization will
commence the capitalization of borrowing costs? A. increase if the bonds were issued at a discount.
a .15 May 20X8 b. 3 June 20X8 c.12 June 20X8 d.18 July 20X8 B. decrease if the bonds were issued at a premium.
C. increase if the bonds were issued at a premium.
19. In accordance with IAS7 Statement of cash flows, and treating it as D. increase if the bonds were issued at either a discount or a premium.
a nonrecurring event, which classification of the cash flow arising from
the proceeds from an earthquake disaster settlement would be most 26. Long-term debt that matures within one year and is to be converted
appropriate? (select one answer) into shares should be reported
A Cash flows from operating activities A. as a current liability.
B Cash flows from investing activities B. in a special section between liabilities and equity.
C Cash flows from financing activities C. as part current and part non-current.
D Does not appear in the cash flow statement D. as non-current.
27. Under PFRS deferred tax assets are recognized for
20. For a bond payable with a term of 20 years, originally issued at a I. Deductible temporary differences.
discount and outstanding for 10 years, the theoretically preferred II. Deductible permanent differences.
presentation in the statement of the financial position is the III. Operating loss carryforwards.
a. amount expected to be paid to the bondholders at bond maturity IV. Operating loss carrybacks.
b. face amount of the bonds less discount at the date of issue a. I, II, and III. b. I and III only. c. I and IV only.
c. bond maturity value less the unamortized discount when the d. II and III only.
compound interest method of unamortized is issued
d. face amount of the bonds 28. A major distinction between temporary and permanent differences
21. If, at the end of a period, a company erroneously excluded some A. permanent differences are not representative of acceptable
goods from its ending inventory and also erroneously did not record accounting practice.
the purchase of these goods in its accounting records, these errors B. temporary differences occur frequently, whereas permanent
would cause differences occur only once.
A. the ending inventory and retained earnings to be understated. C. once an item is determined to be a temporary difference, it
B. the ending inventory, cost of goods sold, and retained earnings to be maintains that status; however, a permanent difference can change in
understated. status with the passage of time.
C. no effect on net income, working capital, and retained earnings. D. temporary differences reverse themselves in subsequent accounting
D. cost of goods sold and net income to be understated. periods, whereas permanent differences do not reverse.

22. Filetto Company changed its method of pricing inventories from 29. QUANTUM Inc. leased a new machine having an expected useful
FIFO to LIFO. What type of accounting change does this life of 30 years from Carbide Co. Terms of the non-cancellable 25-
represent? year lease were that QUANTUM would gain title to the property upon
payment of a sum equal to the fair market value of the machine at the
termination of the lease. QUANTUM accounted for the lease as a
finance lease and recorded an asset and a liability in the finance investor’s share of the excess of fair market value over the book value
records. The asset recorded under this lease should properly be of depreciable assets at the date of the purchase should be reported in
amortized/depreciated over the investor’s income statement as part of:
a. 5 years (the period of actual ownership). A. other expense. B. depreciation expense. C. equity in
b. 22.5 years (the period of actual ownership). earnings of investee. D. amortization of goodwill.
c. 25 years (the term of the lease).
d. 30 years (the total asset life). 37. When bonds are acquired between interest payment dates, the price
paid for the bond is:
30. Which of the following is a correct statement of one of the criteria A. equal to the acquisition cost
for finance lease? B. increased by a charge for accrued interest to the date of purchase
a. The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lessor. C. decreased by a credit for accrued interest to the date of purchase
b. b. The lease contains a purchase option. D. equal to par value increased by a charge for accrued interest to the
c. The lease term is equal to or more than 75% of the estimated date of purchase
economic life of the leased property. investment in subsidiary, equity in earnings of subsidiary, dividend
d. The minimum lease payments (excluding executory costs) equals or revenue and retained earnings
exceeds 90% of the fair value of the leased property.
38. When stock dividends of different class are received
31. When computing basic earnings per share on ordinary shares, A. Cash is debited and dividend income is credited
dividends on cumulative, nonconvertible preference shares should be B. A new investment account is debited and the original investment is
a. deducted from net income only if the dividends were declared or credited
paid in the current period. C. A new investment account is debited and the dividend income is
b. added from net income regardless of whether the dividends were not credited
paid or declared in the period. D. No formal entry is made but only a memorandum
c. deducted from net income only if net income is greater than the
dividends. 39. 34. Which of the following statements is false?
d. deducted from net income regardless of whether the dividends were (a) When common stock subscriptions are sold for more than par
not paid or declared in the period. value, the excess of the selling price over par is recorded as an
adjustment to retained earnings.
32. Which statement is incorrect regarding events after balance sheet (b) Under the cost method, treasury stock is reported on the balance
date? sheet as an unallocated reduction of the total amount of stockholders’
a. Events after the balance sheet date that provide further evidence of equity, it is not reported in this manner under the par value method.
conditions that existed at the balance sheet date will require (c) The purchase of treasury stock reduces the number of outstanding
adjustments to the financial statements. shares, and if the treasury stock is subsequently resold, it is again
b. Events or conditions that arose after the balance sheet date does not classified as outstanding.
require adjustments to the financial statements. (d) Either common or preferred stock that has been reacquired by the
c. If an entity declares dividends after the balance sheet date, the entity issuing corporation can be classified as treasury stock.
shall recognize those dividends as a liability at the balance sheet date. 40. The characteristics of a derivative include (choose the incorrect
d. An entity shall not prepare its financial statements on a going one):
concern basis if management determines after the balance sheet date A. A derivative has no notional amount.
either that it intends to liquidate the entity or to cease trading, or that it B. The derivative is settled at a future date by a net cash payment.
has no realistic alternative but to do so.
C. The value of the derivative changes in response to the change in an
33.All of the following are characteristics of financial assets classified “underlying” variable.
as held to maturity, except: D. The derivative requires either no initial net investment or a little net
A. they have fixed or determinable payments and a fixed maturity. investment than would be required for other types of contracts that
B. the holder can recover substantially all of its investment unless have a similar response to changes in market factors.
there has been credit deterioration.
C. they are quoted in an active market. 41. It is an agreement whereby one party will receive a swap payment
D. the holder has demonstrated a positive intention and ability to hold from another party if the interest rate is more than the underlying
them to maturity. interest rate, and will make a swap payment to the other party if the
interest rate is lower than the underlying interest rate.
34. Which of the following is true? A. receive fixed interest rate swap
A. Trading securities can be classified as current or noncurrent B. receive variable, pay interest rate swap
depending on management’s intent. C. receive fixed, pay variable interest rate swap
B. Held to maturity securities shall not be classified as current under D. receive variable interest rate swap
any circumstance.
C. Trading securities shall not be classified as current under any 41. Which is incorrect concerning an option?
circumstance. A. A call option is the right to purchase an asset at a specified price
D. Available for sale securities can be classified as current or during a definite period at some future time.
noncurrent depending on management’s intent. B. A put option is the right to sell an asset at a specified price during a
definite period at some future time.
35. Which of the following does not exhibit significant influence by an C. An option is a right and not an obligation to purchase or sell an
investor in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee? asset.
A. participation in policy making process D. An option requires no payment.
B. material intercompany transactions
C. power to govern the financial and operating policy decisions of an 42. The following statements refer to the general concept of
enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its activities hyperinflation. Select the incorrect one.
D. technological dependency A. In the process of restatement, the first procedure is made by
36. An investor uses the equity method to account for its 30% applying a general price index.
investment in common stock of an investee. Amortization of the
B. Any revaluation surplus recognized previously shall be presented 51. If a business entity entered into certain related party transactions, it
on year-end reports would be required to disclose all of the following information except
C. Monetary items, whether assets or liability whose amounts are A. nature of the relationship between the parties to the transactions.
fixed, shall not be restated B. nature of any future transactions planned between the parties and the
D. The restated amount of plants, goodwill and other intangibles is terms involved.
reduced when it exceeds the recoverable amount. C. dollar amount of the transactions for each of the periods for which
an income state-ment is presented.
43. The deliberate non-disclosure by companies of all their debt in D. amounts due from or to related parties as of the date of each balance
order to make their financial position look stronger sheet presented.

a. Troubled debt restructuring b. Captive finance companies c. Off 52. Companies should disclose all of the following in interim reports
balance sheet financing d. Economic defeasance except
44.Theoretically, a bond payable should be reported at the present A. basic and diluted earnings per share.
value of the principal plus the present value of the interest discounted B. changes in accounting principles.
at the C. post-balance-sheet events.
a. stated interest rate for both the principal and interest D. seasonal revenue, cost, or expense
b. effective interest rate for both principal and interest
c. stated interest for principal and effective interest rate for interest 53. Of the following costs related to the development of natural
d. effective interest rate for principal and stated interest rate for interest resources, which one is not a part of depletion cost?
a.Acquisition cost of the natural resource deposit
45. Manila Company issued a note in exchange for cash solely. b.Exploration costs
Assuming that the items below differ in amount, the present value of c.Tangible equipment costs associated with machinery used to extract
the note at issuance is equal to the the natural resource
a. face amount d.Intangible development costs such as drilling costs, tunnels, and
b. face amount, discounted at the prevailing interest rate for similar shafts
c. proceeds received 54. The term "depreciable cost," or "depreciable base," as it is used in
d. proceeds received, discounted at prevailing interest rate accounting, refers to
46. Which of the following statements regarding Investment Property a.the total amount to be charged (debited) to expense over an asset's
is (are) true useful life.
I. An investment property shall be measured initially at its cost b.the cost of the asset less the related depreciation recorded to date.
II. Transaction cost shall be included in the initial measurement of c.the estimated market value of the asset at the end of its useful life.
investment property d.the acquisition cost of the asset.
III. With certain exceptions, an entity shall choose as its accounting
policy either the fair value model or the cost model and shall apply 55. Dominador Macatigbas is a farmer who owns land which borders
such policy to all its investment property on the right-of-way of the Northern Railroad. On August 10, 2015,due
a. I and II only b. I and III only c. II and III only to the admitted negligence of the Railroad, hay on the farm was set on
d. I, II and III fire and burned. Macatigbas had a dispute with the Railroad for several
years concerning the ownership of a small parcel of land. The
47 In the case of a nonmonetary grant, which of the following representative of the Railroad has offered to assign any rights which
accounting treatments is prescribed by PAS 20? the Railroad may have in the land to Macatigbas in exchange for a
A. Record the asset at replacement cost and the grant at a nominal release of his right to reimbursement for the loss he has sustained from
value. the fire. Macatigbas appears inclined to accept the Railroad's offer.
B. Record the grant at a value estimated by management. The Railroad's 2015 financial statements should include the following
C. Record both the grant and the asset at fair value of the related to the incident:
nonmonetary asset. a.recognition of a loss and creation of a liability for the value of the
D. Record only the asset at fair value; do not recognize the fair land.
value of the grant b.recognition of a loss only.
49. PAS 20, Government Grants provide two approaches to accounting c.creation of a liability only.
for government grants : d.disclosure in note form only.
(1) capitalization approach and (2) income approach. Arguments in
support of the income approach include the following except: 56. Titasen Corporation, a manufacturer of household paints, is
A. Government grants are considered earned through compliance with preparing annual financial statements at December 31, 2014. Because
the condition and meeting envisaged obligations of a recently proven health hazard in one of its paints, the government
B. Government grants are receipts from a source other than has clearly indicated its intention of having Titasen recall all cans of
shareholders or capital providers this paint sold in the last six months. The management of Lopez
C. Government grants represent an incentive provided by the estimates that this recall would cost P800,000. What accounting
government without related costs. recognition, if any, should be accorded this situation?
D. Government grants are considered as extension of fiscal policies a.No recognition
similar to income and other taxes b.Note disclosure only
50. Dolan Co. received merchandise on consignment. As of March 31, c.Operating expense of P800,000 and liability of P800,000
Dolan had recorded the transaction as a purchase and included the d.Appropriation of retained earnings of P800,000
goods in inventory. The effect of this on its financial statements for
March 31 would be 57. In a troubled debt restructuring in which the debt is continued with
A. no effect. modified terms and the carrying amount of the debt is less than the
B. net income was correct and current assets and current liabilities total future cash flows, the creditor should
were overstated. A. compute a new effective-interest rate.
C. net income, current assets, and current liabilities were overstated. B. not recognize a loss.
d. net income and current liabilities were overstated. C. calculate its loss using the historical effective rate of the loan.
D. calculate its loss using the current effective rate of the loan.
58. Theoretically, the costs of issuing bonds could be 67. Which of the following statements about property dividends is not
A. expensed when incurred. true?
B. reported as a reduction of the bond liability. A. A property dividend is usually in the form of securities of other
C. debited to a deferred charge account and amortized over the life of companies.
the bonds. B. A property dividend is also called a dividend in kind.
D. any of these. C. The accounting for a property dividend should be based on the
carrying value (book value) of the nonmonetary assets transferred.
59. When the effective-interest method is used to amortize bond D. All of these statements are true.
premium or discount, the periodic amortization will
A. increase if the bonds were issued at a discount. 68 Primer Swiss Corporation issued a 100% stock dividend of its
B. decrease if the bonds were issued at a premium. common stock which had a par value of P10 before and after the
C. increase if the bonds were issued at a premium. dividend. At what amount should retained earnings be capitalized for
D. increase if the bonds were issued at either a discount or a premium. the additional shares issued?
A. There should be no capitalization of retained earnings.
60. The rate of interest actually earned by bondholders is called the B. Par value
a. stated rate. b. yield rate. c. effective rate. d. C. Market value on the declaration date
effective, yield, or market rate. D. Market value on the payment date

61. Castelitte, Inc. issued bonds with a maturity amount of P200,000 69. The issuer of a 5% common stock dividend to common
and a maturity ten years from date of issue. If the bonds were issued at stockholders preferably should transfer from retained earnings to
a premium, this indicates that contributed capital an amount equal to the
A. the effective yield or market rate of interest exceeded the stated A. market value of the shares issued.
(nominal) rate. B. book value of the shares issued.
B. the nominal rate of interest exceeded the market rate. C. minimum legal requirements.
C. the market and nominal rates coincided. D. par or stated value of the shares issued.
D. no necessary relationship exists between the two rates.
70. Corporations issue convertible debt for two main reasons. One is
62. The printing costs and legal fees associated with the issuance of the desire to raise equity capital that, assuming conversion, will arise
bonds should when the original debt is converted. The other is
A. be expensed when incurred. A. the ease with which convertible debt is sold even if the company
B. be reported as a deduction from the face amount of bonds payable. has a poor credit rating.
C. be accumulated in a deferred charge account and amortized over the B. the fact that equity capital has issue costs that convertible debt does
life of the bonds. not.
D. not be reported as an expense until the period the bonds mature or C. that many corporations can obtain financing at lower rates.
are retired. D. that convertible bonds will always sell at a premium.
71. When convertible debt is retired by the issuer, any material
63. Stockholders of a business enterprise are said to be the residual difference between the cash acquisition price and the carrying amount
owners. The term residual owner means that shareholders of the debt should be
A. are entitled to a dividend every year in which the business earns a A. reflected currently in income, but not as an extraordinary item.
profit. B. reflected currently in income as an extraordinary item.
B. have the rights to specific assets of the business. C. treated as a prior period adjustment.
C. bear the ultimate risks and uncertainties and receive the benefits of D. treated as an adjustment of additional paid-in capital.
enterprise ownership.
D. can negotiate individual contracts on behalf of the enterprise. 72. The conversion of preferred stock into common requires that any
excess of the par value of the common shares issued over the carrying
64. A primary source of stockholders' equity is amount of the preferred being converted should be
A. income retained by the corporation. A. reflected currently in income, but not as an extraordinary item.
B. appropriated retained earnings. B. reflected currently in income as an extraordinary item.
C. contributions by stockholders. C. treated as a prior period adjustment.
D. both income retained by the corporation and contributions by D. treated as a direct reduction of retained earnings.
73. The payment to executives from a performance-type plan is never
65. Treasury shares are based on the
A. shares held as an investment by the treasurer of the corporation. A. market price of the common stock.
B. shares held as an investment of the corporation. B. return on assets (investment).
C. issued and outstanding shares. C. return on common stockholders' equity.
D. issued but not outstanding shares. D. sales.

66. The cumulative feature of preferred stock 74. A deferred tax liability is classified on the balance sheet as either a
A. limits the amount of cumulative dividends to the par value of the current or a noncurrent liability. The current amount of a deferred tax
preferred stock. liability should generally be
B. requires that dividends not paid in any year must be made up in a A. the net deferred tax consequences of temporary differences that will
later year before dividends are distributed to common shareholders. result in net taxable amounts during the next year.
C. means that the shareholder can accumulate preferred stock until it is B. totally eliminated from the financial statements if the amount is
equal to the par value of common stock at which time it can be related to a noncurrent asset.
converted into common stock. C. based on the classification of the related asset or liability for
D. enables a preferred stockholder to accumulate dividends until they financial reporting purposes.
equal the par value of the stock and receive the stock in place of the D. the total of all deferred tax consequences that are not expected to
cash dividends. reverse in the operating period or one year, whichever is greater.
C. If doing so eliminates or reduces an accounting mismatch
75. All of the following are procedures for the computation of deferred D. Where the business model approach is adopted
income taxes except to
A. identify the types and amounts of existing temporary differences. 83. Which is a requirement for a component to be classified as a
B. measure the total deferred tax liability for taxable temporary discontinued operation?
differences. A. The activities must cease permanently prior to the authorization of
C. measure the total deferred tax asset for deductible temporary issuance of financial statements by the management
differences and operating loss carrybacks. B. The component must have been a cash-generating unit (CGU) or a
D. All of these are procedures in computing deferred income taxes. group of CGU while being held for use
C. The asset must have been classified as held for sale in the previous
76. Interperiod income tax allocation causes financial statements
A. tax expense shown on the income statement to equal the amount of D. All of the above
income taxes payable for the current year plus or minus the change in
the deferred tax asset or liability balances for the year. 84. Animals related to recreational activities shall be accounted from
B. tax expense shown in the income statement to bear a normal what standard?
relation to the tax liability. A. IAS 41- Agriculture
C. tax liability shown in the balance sheet to bear a normal relation to B. IAS 40- Investment Property
the income before tax reported in the income statement. C. IAS 16- Property, Plant and Equipment
D. tax expense in the income statement to be presented with the D. Either IAS 41 or IAS 16
specific revenues causing the tax.
85. 5.A sale should not be recognized as revenue by the seller at the
77. At the December 31, 2007 balance sheet date, Garth Brooks time of sale if
Corporation reports an accrued receivable for financial reporting A. Payment was made by check
purposes but not for tax purposes. When this asset is recovered in B. The selling price is less than the normal selling price
2008, a future taxable amount will occur and C. The buyer has a right to return the product and the amount of
A. pretax financial income will exceed taxable income in 2008. future returns cannot be reasonably estimated
B. Garth will record a decrease in a deferred tax liability in 2008. D. Only a promise to receive cash was obtained though the items
C. total income tax expense for 2008 will exceed current tax expense have been delivered
for 2008.
D. Garth will record an increase in a deferred tax asset in 2008. 86. Which is not a purpose of the ASC framework?
a.To assist the ASC in developing accounting standards that represent
78. If the residual value of a leased asset is guaranteed by a third party generally accepted accounting principles in the Philippines.
A. it is treated by the lessee as no residual value. b.To assist the ASC in its review and adoption of existing International
B. the third party is also liable for any lease payments not paid by the Accounting Standards.
lessee. c.To assist auditors in forming an opinion as to whether financial
C. the net investment to be recovered by the lessor is reduced. statements conform with Philippine GAAP.
D. it is treated by the lessee as an additional payment and by the lessor d.To assist the Board of Accountancy in promulgating rules and
as realized at the end of the lease term. regulations affecting the practice of accountancy in the Philippines

79. A lessee with a capital lease containing a bargain purchase option 87. The financial statements most frequently provided include all of
should depreciate the leased asset over the the following except the
A. asset's remaining economic life. A. statement of financial position. B. income statement.
B. term of the lease. C. statement of cash flows. D. statement of retained
C. life of the asset or the term of the lease, whichever is shorter. earnings.
D. life of the asset or the term of the lease, whichever is longer.
88. All the following are differences between financial and managerial
80. A lessor with a sales-type lease involving an unguaranteed residual accounting in how accounting information is used except to
value available to the lessor at the end of the lease term will report A. plan and control company's operations.
sales revenue in the period of inception of the lease at which of the B. decide whether to invest in the company.
following amounts? C. evaluate borrowing capacity to determine the extent of a loan to
A. The minimum lease payments plus the unguaranteed residual value. grant.
B. The present value of the minimum lease payments. D. All the above.
C. The cost of the asset to the lessor, less the present value of any
unguaranteed residual value. 89. . Which of the following describes proper revenue recognition?
D. The present value of the minimum lease payments plus the present A. Goods shipped subject to installation and inspection are
value of the unguaranteed residual value. recognized as revenue only when the buyer accepts delivery, and only
when the inspection is complete.
81. Under what circumstances can the profit or loss on an equity B. Goods under bill and hold sales are recognized as revenue when
instrument carried at fair value be dealt with in other comprehensive there is an intention to acquire or manufacture the goods in time for
income? delivery.
A. When the profit or loss is capable of recycling C. Goods sold on approval when the buyer has negotiated a limited
B. When the equity investment is held for trading right of return are recognized as revenue when the shipment has been
C. When the equity investment is not held for trading formally accepted by the buyer of the goods have been delivered, even
D. When the equity investment is available for sale if the time period for rejection has elapsed.
D. In lay away sales under which the goods are delivered only when
82. Under what circumstances can an entity classify financial assets the buyer makes the final payment in a series of installments, revenue
that meet the amortized cost criteria as at FVPL? is recognized when the goods are delivered.
A. Where the instrument is held at maturity
B. Where the financial asset passes the contractual cash flow 90. The information provided by financial reporting pertains to
characteristics test
A. individual business enterprises, rather than to industries or an
economy as a whole or to members of society as consumers. 96. Why do companies provide trade discounts?
B. business industries, rather than to individual enterprises or an A. To avoid frequent changes in catalogs.
economy as a whole or to members of society as consumers. B. To induce prompt payment.
C. individual business enterprises, industries, and an economy as a C. To easily alter prices for different customers.
whole, rather than to members of society as consumers. D. Both a. and c.
D. an economy as a whole and to members of society as consumers,
rather than to individual enterprises or industries. 97. Reversing entries
A. Impact the income statement only.
91.A soundly developed conceptual framework of concepts and B. Impact the statement of financial position and the income statement.
objectives should C.Are not allowed under International Financial Reporting
A. increase financial statement users' understanding of and confidence Standards(PFRS).
in financial reporting. D. Change amounts reported in the financial statements of the
B. enhance comparability among companies' financial statements. preceding period.
C. allow new and emerging practical problems to be more quickly
solved. 98 If as a result of a change in intention or ability, it is no longer
D. all of these. appropriate to classify an investment as held to maturity, it shall be
reclassified as:
92.On the derecognition of an available for sale security: (a) available for sale and remeasured at fair value and the difference
(a) the difference between the consideration received and the between fair value and carrying amount shall be accounted for as
carrying amount shall be recognized in profit or loss component of equity.
(b) the difference between the consideration received and the (b) available for sale and remeasured at fair value and the difference
carrying amount shall be recognized as an adjustment of retained between fair value and carrying amount shall be accounted for as
earnings component of income.
(c) the difference between the sum of the consideration received and (c) trading and remeasured at fair value and the difference between
any cumulative gain or loss that has been recognized directly in equity fair value and carrying amount shall be included in profit or loss.
and the carrying amount shall be recognized in profit or loss (d) nonmarketable investment and its carrying amount is the initial
(d) the difference between the sum of the consideration received and cost.
any cumulative gain or loss that has been recognized directly in equity
and the carrying amount shall be included in retained earnings 99. For the composite method, the composite
93. This is a sum of money or other government resources set aside for a.rate is the total cost divided by the total annual depreciation.
the purpose of carrying cut specific activities or attaining certain b.rate is the total annual depreciation divided by the total depreciable
objectives in accordance with specific regulations, restrictions or cost.
limitations, and constitutes an independent fiscal and accounting is the total cost divided by the total annual depreciation.
entity. is the total depreciable cost divided by the total annual
A. Cash disbursement ceiling depreciation.
B. Appropriation
C. Fund 100. What is the difference between the past service costs and prior
D. Budget service costs?
A. past service costs refer to costs applicable to periods prior to a
94. Assets may suffer an impairment in value for a variety of reasons, particular data of actuarial valuation, and prior service costs refer to
but not likely as a result of: costs applicable to employee service prior to the inception of a pension
a. A corporate restructuring. plan
b. Slumping demand for uncompetitive products. B. past service costs refer to costs applicable to employee service prior
c. Significant increases in market share. to the inception on a pension plan, and prior service costs refer to costs
d. Obsolescence. applicable to periods prior to a particular data of actuarial valuation
C. past service costs refer to costs applicable to a pension plan for an
95. If in the rare circumstance that a reliable measure of fair value is employee who enters the plan after the inception of the plan in order to
no longer available, it becomes appropriate to carry a financial asset bring the employee benefits into line with the other participants in the
without a fixed maturity at cost, the fair value carrying amount of the plan, and prior service costs refer to changes in prior period pension
financial asset becomes the new cost basis and any previous gain or costs that are caused by a change in actuarial valuation
loss that has been recognized directly in equity shall: D. there is no difference between the two terns, and they may be used
(a) remain in equity until the financial asset is sold or otherwise interchangeably
disposed of
(b) be recognized in earnings immediately
(c) included in retained earnings -end of examination-
(d) be amortized over a reasonable period to profit or loss

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