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Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)

Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

Electronics Lab

Electronic Devices & Circuit Lab

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier

Name of Student: ……………………………………………………..

Roll No.: ……………………………………………………………….

Class Section: …………………………………………………………

Date of Experiment: ………………………………………………….

Report submitted on: …………………………………………………

Marks obtained: …………………………………

Instructor’s Signature: …………………………..

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|1

Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)
1. To perform DC and AC analysis of CE amplifier.
2. To determine input impedance (𝑍𝑖 ) and output impedance (𝑍𝑜 )
3. voltage gain (𝐴𝑣 ) and current gain (𝐴𝑖 ) for common emitter amplifier configuration

Background Information
Transistors are utilized for three main purposes: amplification, oscillation, and switching.
Amplification is commonly accomplished by electronic circuits called amplifiers, which
are used to increase signal power by increasing the voltage and/or current of the given
signal. A signal may be defined as a time-varying voltage representing some useful function
and performing some specific task.

In order to use a transistor as an amplifier, it is biased in its active region – and that too
close to the center of the DC load line, i.e. mid-point biased. This gives more room for the
output signal swing without taking the transistor in cut-off or saturation. In addition the
voltage gain for the amplifier is set to such a value that the amplified output signal should
not drive the transistor out of its active region at any point in time for the range of input
signals expected. As long as the amplifier works in the active region of the transistor, the
output signal has the same shape as that of the input, with the only difference in magnitude
and phase. For example, if the input signal is a sine wave with a frequency of 1 kHz, the
output will also be an amplified sine wave of 1 kHz. For these reasons these amplifiers are
also called Linear Amplifiers in contrast to Switching Amplifiers. As long as the amplitude
of the input signal is small, the amplifier will use only a small part of the load line, and the
operation of the amplifier will remain linear.

2.1 Common Emitter (CE) Amplifier (has both Current and Voltage Gain)

In the Common Emitter or grounded emitter configuration, the input signal is applied between
the base, while the output is taken from between the collector and the emitter as shown. This
type of configuration is the most commonly used circuit for transistor based amplifiers and
which represents the "normal" method of bipolar transistor connection.
The common emitter amplifier configuration produces the highest current and power gain of
all the three bipolar transistor configurations. This is mainly because the input impedance is
LOW as it is connected to a forward-biased PN-junction, while the output impedance is HIGH
as it is taken from a reverse-biased PN-junction. The common emitter configuration is an
inverting amplifier circuit. This means that the resulting output signal is 180° "out-of-phase"
with the input voltage signal.

2.2 Amplifier Characteristics

Following are some of the important characteristics of amplifier.

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|2

Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)
2.2.1 Input Impedance

The input impedance 𝒁𝒊 (some times referred to as input resistance 𝑅𝑖 ) of an amplifier is

defined as the impedance seen by the input signal. Thus it is the ratio of the input signal
voltage to the input current, i.e.
𝑹𝒊 =
2.2.2 Output Impedance

The output impedance 𝑅𝑖 of the amplifier is that seen looking from the load into the output
of the amplifier. Voltage Gain

2.2.3 Voltage Gain

The AC voltage gain (𝐴𝑣 ) is the ratio of the AC output voltage to the AC input voltage, i.e.
𝑨𝒗 =
2.2.4 Current Gain

The current gain (𝐴𝑖 ) is similarly defined as the ratio of the output Ac current to the input
current, i.e.
𝑨𝒊 =
2.2.5 Power Gain

Amplifier’s power gain (𝐴𝑖 ) is the ratio of output to input AC power, i.e.
𝑨𝒑 =

𝑽𝒊 𝟐 𝑽𝒐 𝟐
𝑷𝒊 = 𝑷𝒐 =
𝑹𝒊 𝑹𝒐
The power gain is also equal to the product of voltage and current gains, i.e.

𝑨𝒑 = 𝑨𝒗 𝑨𝒊

Sometimes power gains are defined in decibels (dB) as:

𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑮𝒂𝒊𝒏 (𝒅𝑩) = 𝟏𝟎 𝒍𝒐𝒈 ( )

Experimental Work
3.1 Equipment and Components Required

1. DC Power Supply
2. Oscilloscope
3. Function Generator
4. DMM
5. Breadboard

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|3

Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)
6. Transistor: 2𝑁3904
7. Resistors:
𝑪𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆

i. 330 Ω (1⁄4 𝑊) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

ii. 1.0 𝑘Ω (1⁄4 𝑊) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

iii. 2.2 𝑘Ω (1⁄4 𝑊) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

iv. 6.8 𝑘Ω (1⁄4 𝑊) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

v. 10 𝑘Ω (1⁄4 𝑊) ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

8. Potentiometer:
10 𝑘Ω
Connecting wires, etc.

1. Connect the circuit components as shown in Fig 3.2. After connecting the circuit
components apply 𝑉𝐶𝐶 and then set 𝑉𝐶𝐶 = 12 𝑉.
2. Now measure the Q-point values and note the values in Table 3.1.

VCC  12V

2 N 3904
R1 10 k RC 1 k

2N 3904

R2 2.2 k RE 330 
Fig 3.1 (Pin diagram)
Fig 3.2:__________________

3. Connect the circuit components as shown in Fig 3.3. Set potentiometer of 10𝑘 Ω at
minimum value of zero ohms. After connecting the circuit components apply 𝑉𝐶𝐶 and
then set 𝑉𝐶𝐶 = 12 𝑉.
4. Apply sinusoidal input (𝑓 = 1 𝑘𝐻𝑧) to the circuit.
5. Set the oscilloscope on dual mode. Measure the values on both of the channels at DC
coupling switch.
6. Apply CH1 across the sinusoidal input (function generator) and set sinusoidal
input 𝐕𝐢(𝐏−𝐏) = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐦𝐕 (𝟏𝐤𝐇𝐳). Now observe the signal displayed on CH2 (the
potentiometer is at zero ohm). Now reduce the signal of CH2 to its half value by
changing the value of potentiometer. At this point switch off the circuit and remove the
Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|4
Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)
potentiometer form the circuit (without disturbing its adjustment). Measure the
adjusted value of the potentiometer, this value will be the input resistance of the
amplifier. Note this value of input resistance 𝐑 𝐢 in Table 3.1.
VCC  12V

R1 10 k RC 1 k

10 F
2N 3904
10 k
Sinusoidal input
CH 1 V  100 mV (1 kHz ) CH 2
i ( P  P) R2 2.2 k RE 330 

Fig 3.3:____________________________

7. Now construct the set up of Fig 3.4.

8. Measure the value of output by CH2 as shown in the circuit diagram of Fig 3.4. Note
this value of output as:
𝑽𝒐 = ⋯ ⋯
VCC  12V

10 F
R1 10 k RC 1 k

10 F
2N 3904
CH 2

Sinusoidal input
CH 1
V  100 mV (1 kHz ) R2 2.2 k RE 330 
i ( P  P)

Fig 3.4:___________________________________

9. After constructing the set up of Fig 3.5 adjust the value of potentiometer to get half of
the value of output of step 8 across the potentiometer. At this point switch off the circuit
and remove the potentiometer form the circuit (without disturbing its adjustment).
Measure the adjusted value of the potentiometer, this value will be the output resistance
of the amplifier. Note this value of output resistance 𝑹𝒐 in Table 3.1.
VCC  12V

10 F
R1 10 k RC 1 k

10 F
2N 3904
10 k CH 2
Sinusoidal input
CH 1
V  100 mV (1 kHz ) R 2.2 k 330 
i ( P  P) 2 RE

Fig 3.5:_________________________________

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|5

Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)

1. Finally construct the set up of Fig 3.6.

2. Now perform the experiment as indicated in Table 3.1.
VCC  12V

10 F
R1 10 k RC 1k

10 F
2N 3904
10 k RL
CH 2
Sinusoidal input
CH 1 V  0.5  4 V (1 kHz )
i( P  P) R2 2.2 k RE 330 

Fig 3.6:________________________________

Common Emitter Amplifier

𝑽𝑪𝑬𝑸 = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 𝑰𝑪𝑸 = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 𝑹𝒊 = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 𝑹𝒐 = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

Signal Values Voltage Gain (𝐴𝑣 ) Input Output Current Power Gain
I/O Current Current Gain
Phase 𝑉𝑖 𝑉𝑜 𝐼𝑜
𝑉𝑖(𝑃−𝑃) 𝑉𝑜(𝑃−𝑃) Measured Calculated 𝐴𝑝 = 𝐴𝑣 𝐴𝑖
Diff. 𝐼𝑖 = 𝐼𝑜 = 𝐴𝑖 =
𝑉𝑜(𝑃−𝑃) −𝑅𝑜 ∥ 𝑅𝐿 𝑅𝑖 𝑅𝑜 𝐼𝑖
𝜃° 𝐴𝑣 = − 𝐴𝑣 =
(𝑉) (𝑉) 𝑉𝑖(𝑃−𝑃) 𝑟𝑒 + 𝑅𝐸 (𝑚𝐴) (𝑚𝐴) (Computed) (Computed)


Table 0.1:___________________________

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|6

Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)
PART-II: Transistor as a switch

As, transistor operates in saturation and cut off region during switching. Design
the following circuit on the board with square wave input and verify the output
on the oscilloscope then draw the output on the graph paper attached

Vin= square wave with frequency=1K

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|7

Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)
Home Task: (Simulation)
Verify the above tables on any Software (Proteus/Multism) and attached the designed circuit
with proper labelling (Name/Roll Number) with this report and also email your simulation
report before next lab.

Application Hint (Public Address System)

This system includes a magnetic microphone, a two-stage amplifier, a power amplifier, and
a speaker. This design is for the most basic public address system and is intended for limited
applications in small business for paging employees or making announcements. A block
diagram of the system is shown in Fig 4.1. The microphone input goes to the preamplifier,
which has an adjustable volume control. The output of the preamplifier goes to a power
amplifier that drives a horn speaker. A DC power supply provides the required DC voltage
for the circuit and is included as part of the system.

The schematic of the two-stage amplifier is shown in Fig 4.2. The first stage is a common
base amplifier, and the second stage is a common-emitter amplifier with the emitter
resistance consisting of a fixed resistor (𝑅8 ) and a variable resistor (𝑅9 ) for volume control.
The output of the amplifier will connect to a power amplifier to be added later in the
development process.

DC power sup ply

Audio preamplifier
Mic Power amplifier Spea ker
( 2  stage)

Fig 4.1:______________________________
VCC  12V

R7 4.7 k C5
R1 68 k R3 2.2 k R5 100 k
C2 C3
100 F
C1 1 2
1 F 1 F C4
R8 220 
R2 15 k 100 F R4 1 k R6 22 k R9
1k 100 F

Fig 4.2:____________________________________

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|8

Centre for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad
EE231L Electronic Devices and Circuits (4Th Semester)
Lab #10 Marks distribution


Task 50 points 30 points 20 points

Lab #10 Marks obtained

ER1 ER9 RR2 Total


Marks Details:

Marks obtained: …………………………………

Instructor’s Signature: …………………………..

Experiment No.10: Common Emitter Power Amplifier Page|9

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