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RULE: In torts, the liability is created by

- R.A. No. 386 “Civil Code of the Philippines” law; hence, it arises when the parties have no
- Effective: August 30, 1950 pre-existing contractual relation.

LAW – is a rule of action, just and obligatory, EXCEPTION: Air France v. Carrascoso, G.R. No.
promulgated by competent authority, of common L-21438, September 28, 1966 – where "the act
observance and benefit. that breaks the contract may be also a tort."

OBLIGATION – is a juridical necessity to give, DUTIES OF AN OBLIGOR IN REAL

to do or not to do. OBLIGATION (TO GIVE):
1. To preserve or take care of the thing, before
1. CIVIL – give a right of action to compel their STANDARDS OF CARE:
performance. A. Law
ELEMENTS: B. Stipulation
1. Active Subject – Obligee/Creditor C. Diligence of a good father of a family
2. Passive Subject – Obligor/Debtor (Ordinary)
3. Object or Prestation – Subject matter 2. To deliver the thing, including its fruits
4. Efficient Cause – Vinculum juris/Legal tie 3. To deliver the accessions and accessories, if
2. NATURAL – not being based on positive law determinate thing
but on equity and natural law, do not grant a
right of action to enforce their performance, DUTIES OF AN OBLIGOR IN POSITIVE
but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, PERSONAL OBLIGATION (TO DO):
they authorize the retention of what has been v REMEDIES OF AN OBLIGEE: Art. 1167
delivered or rendered by reason thereof.
v Articles 1423-1430 of the Civil Code. DUTIES OF AN OBLIGOR IN NEGATIVE
1. Law (Ex Lege)
2. Contract – is a meeting of minds between KINDS OF DELIVERY:
two persons whereby one binds himself with A. Actual – there is physical transfer of the
respect to the other to give something or to thing from hand to hand.
render some service. B. Constructive
3. Quasi-Contracts – is a juridical relation that 1. Execution of public instrument
arises from certain lawful, voluntary and 2. Traditio symbolica – what is delivered is
unilateral acts to the end that no one shall be not the thing itself but a representation
unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense thereof, like the keys of a house.
of another. 3. Traditio longa manu (Long-hand delivery)
(2) PRINCIPAL KINDS: – delivery by mere consent or by poiting
A. Negotiorum Gestio – when a person out the thing.
voluntary takes charge of another’s 4. Traditio brevi manu (Short-hand delivery)
abandoned business or property without – when a possessor of a thing not as an
the owner’s authority where owner becomes the possessor of a thing
reimbursement must be made for as an owner.
necessary and useful expenses. 5. Traditio constitutum possessorium – when
B. Solution Indebiti – Something is received a possessor of a thing as an owner retains
when there is no right to demand it, and it possession no longer as an owner, but in
was unduly delivered thru mistake, the some other capacity, like that of a tenant.
recipient has the duty to return it.
v Articles 2142-2175 of the Civil Code KINDS OF THING:
4. Delicts/Crimes – Every person criminally 1. Determinate/Specific – when the object is
liable shall also be civilly liable. (Art. 100, particularly designated or physically
Revised Penal Code) segregated from all others of the same class
CIVIL LIABILITY ARISING FROM CRIME: 2. Indeterminate/Generic – when the object
1. Restitution is designated merely by its class or genus
2. Reparation without any particular designation or physical
3. Indemnification segregation
5. Quasi-Delicts/Torts/Culpa Aquiliana – is
that fault or negligence where a person KINDS OF FRUITS:
causes damage to another in the absence of a 1. Natural – Spontaneous product of the soil,
contractual relation between the parties. and the young and other products of animals
ELEMENTS: 2. Industrial – Those produced by lands of any
1. Fault or negligence of the defendant kind through cultivation or labor
2. Damage or injury suffered by the plaintiff 3. Civil – result of a juridical relation of the
3. Direct relation / proximate causation parties, like the rents of a building between a
4. No pre-existing contractual relation lessor and lessee, and the interest of a loan
v Articles 2176-2194 of the Civil Code between a debtor and creditor

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1. Personal/Jus in personam – power 1. Mora solvendi – delay on the part of the
demandable by one person over a definite debtor/obligor
passive subject (i.e., debtor); this is simply A. Ex Re – delay in obligations “to give”
the right to demand; a creditor’s personal B. Ex Persona – delay in obligations “to do”
right over the fruits of a thing accrues from 2. Mora accipiende – delay on the part of the
the time the obligation to deliver it arises. creditor/obligee
2. Real/Jus in re – power over a specific thing 3. Compensatio morae – delay on the part of
which is binding against the whole world; this both parties in reciprocal obligations
is equivalent to ownership; a creditor’s
personal right over the fruits of a thing GEN. RULE: No demand, no delay.
accrues from the moment of actual delivery. EXCEPTIONS:
1. Law
ACCESSIONS – those produced by the thing 2. Stipulation
which is the object of the obligation, as well as 3. When the nature of the obligation manifests
those which are naturally or artificially attached that time is of the essence
thereto; like the fruits, and those built, planted, 4. When demand would be useless
and sown on a parcel of land.
ACCESSORIES – those things which have for 1. Causal Fraud (dolo causante) – this is the
their object the embellishment, use or fraud in the constitution of an obligation; this
preservation of another thing which is more is employed in order to secure the consent of
important and to which they are not incorporated party to enter into contract; the proper
or attached; like the stereo of a car and tools of a remedy is annulment due to vitiated consent.
machine. 2. Incidental Fraud (dolo incidente) – this is
the fraud in the performance of an obligation;
KINDS OF DAMAGES: (MENTAL) this is employed after the perfection of
1. MORAL – include physical suffering, mental contract; the proper remedy is to claim
anguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched damages.
reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock,
social humiliation, and similar injury. KINDS OF CULPA/NEGLIGENCE BASED ON
VINDICTIVE – intended to serve as a 1. Culpa contractual – negligence in the
deterrent to serious wrongdoings and as a performance of the contract
vindication of undue sufferings and wanton 2. Culpa criminal – negligence resulting from
invasion of the rights of an injured or a criminal act
punishment for those guilty of outrageous 3. Culpa aquiliana – negligence which is
conduct. independent of contract and without criminal
3. NOMINAL – adjudicated in order that a right intent
of the plaintiff, which has been violated or
invaded by the defendant, may be vindicated DEGREE OF CULPA UNDER THE ROMAN LAW:
or recognized, and not for the purpose of 1. Culpa lata – grave/gross negligence
indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss suffered 2. Culpa levis – ordinary negligence
by him. 3. Culpa levissima – slight negligence
nominal but less than compensatory FORTUITOUS EVENTS – those events which
damages, which may be recovered when the could not be foreseen, or which though foreseen
court finds that some pecuniary loss has been were inevitable.
suffered but its amount can not, from the
nature of the case, be proved with certainty. KINDS OF FORTUITOUS EVENTS:
5. ACTUAL/COMPENSATORY – are those 1. Acts of God / Fortuitous Events Proper /
recoverable because of pecuniary loss in Caso Fortuito – those which are absolutely
business, trade, property, profession, job or independent of human intervention, like the
occupation. natural calamities such as typhoons and
6. LIQUIDATED – are those that the parties earthquakes
agree to be paid in case of a breach. No proof 2. Acts of Man / Force Majeure / Fuerza
of loss is necessary in order that such Mayor – those that arise from legitimate or
liquidated damages may be recovered. illegitimate acts of persons other than the
obligor, like war, strikes, and robbery
2. Fraud (dolo) 1. Independent of human will, or at least of
3. Negligence (culpa) debtor’s will
4. Contravention of the tenor of the obligation 2. Could not be foreseen, or if foreseen is

2 CEMI2020
3. Of such character as to render it impossible PERIOD CONDITION
for the debtor to comply with his obligation in As to time
a normal manner Refers only to the May also refer to a past
4. Debtor must be free from any participation in, future event unknown to the
or aggravation of, the injury to the creditor; parties
that is, there is no concurrent negligence on As to fulfillment
debtor’s part Necessarily comes May or may not happen
As to influence on obligation
GEN. RULE: When the event is fortuitous, the Exerts an influence Exerts an influence
obligation is extinguished. upon the time when upon the very
EXCEPTIONS: the obligation shall be existence of the
1. Law demandable or obligation; Causes an
2. Stipulation extinguished obligation to arise or to
3. Nature of the obligation requires assumption cease
of risk As to retroactivity of effects
4. When the thing to be delivered is Does not have Has
indeterminate or generic because of the retroactive effects
principle GENUS NUNQUAM PERIT – unless there is
“Generic thing never perishes.” agreement to the
1. Pure – demandable at once because it is no
1. Suspensive – the happening of which gives
subject to any condition and does not have
rise to an obligation
any period.
2. Resolutory – the happening of which
2. Conditional – one where the demandability
extinguishes rights already existing
or extinguishment depends on an uncertain 3. Potestative – one which depends upon the
event or contingency.
will of one of the parties
3. With a Period/Term – one which has a
4. Casual – one which depends upon the will of
certain length of time which determines the a third person or chance
effectivity or extinguishment of obligations.
5. Mixed – one which partly depends upon the
4. Alternative – one where out of the two or
will of one of the parties and partly upon the
more prestations which may be given, only
will of a third person or chance
one is due. In short, there are several things
6. Divisible – when it can be performed in parts
due but the delivery of one is sufficient to
7. Indivisible – when it must be performed as a
extinguish the obligation.
5. Facultative – when only one prestation has
8. Possible – when it can be fulfilled
been agreed upon, but the obligor may render 9. Impossible – when it cannot be fulfilled
another in substitution.
10. Positive – when it consists of an act
6. Joint – one where the whole liability is to be
11. Negative – when it consists of an omission
paid or fulfilled proportionately by the
different debtors and/or is to be demanded
also proportionately by the different creditors.
1. When the condition is potestative on the part
7. Solidary – one where each one of the
of the creditor, it is valid, be it suspensive or
debtors is bound to render compliance of the
entire obligation and/or each one of the
2. When it is resolutory and potestative on the
creditors has a right to demand entire
part of the creditor, it is valid.
compliance of the prestation.
3. When it is suspensive and potestative on the
8. Divisible – one which is capable of division or part of the creditor, it is void.
partial performance.
4. When the condition is to do an
9. Indivisible – once which must be performed
impossible/illegal thing, both the obligation
as a whole or entirely. and condition are void.
10. With a penal clause – one where there is an
5. When the condition is not to do an illegal
accessory undertaking to assume greater
thing, both the obligation and condition are
liability in case of breach.
6. When the condition is not to do an impossible
thing, simple disregard the condition but the
1. When it is a pure obligation
obligation remains and becomes pure.
2. When it has a resolutory condition
3. When it has a resolutory (in diem) period
– When the obligor voluntarily prevents the
fulfillment of the condition, it is deemed fulfilled.
1. It must refer to the 1. Future & uncertain
future. 2. Past but unknown
2. It must be certain. 3. Must be possible of
3. It must be possible. performance

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IMPROVEMENT: two or more debtors, or two or more creditors,
1. Loss without the fault of debtor – obligation is but they are named alternatively. This situation is
extinguished not covered by the Civil Code but many authors
2. Loss through the fault of debtor – damages in Civil Law believed that the rule on solidary
3. Deterioration without the fault of debtor – obligation must apply.
impairment borne by creditor
4. Deterioration through the fault of debtor – PRESUMPTION: Joint
creditor to choose between fulfilment and
rescission, with damages in both cases CONSEQUENCES:
5. Improvement by nature or time – inure to the 1. The debt shall be divided into as many
benefit of the creditor shares as there are creditors or debtors.
6. Improvement at the expense of debtor – he 2. The creditors or the debtors will be
shall have no other right than that of a considered distinct from one another, but
usufructuary for purposes of bringing the action, the
Rules of Court governing the multiplicity
KINDS OF PERIOD/TERM: of suits will apply.
1. Suspensive (Ex Die) – obligation becomes 3. When one is insolvent, the others are not
demandable upon arrival of the day certain. liable for his share.
2. Resolutory (In Diem) – obligation is
demandable at once, although it is terminated EXCEPTION: Solidary, if –
upon the arrival of the day certain. 1. Law requires solidarity
3. Legal – granted by law 2. Stipulated by the parties
4. Conventional – stipulated by the parties 3. Nature of the obligation requires solidarity
5. Judicial – fixed by the courts
6. Definite – period or time is known WHEN LAW REQUIRES SOLIDARITY:
beforehand 1. All partners are liable solidarily with the
7. Indefinite – period is certain to come partnership if the act complained of arises
although not known beforehand from crime or quasi-delict.
2. In agency, if two or more persons have
WHEN DEBTOR LOSES THE BENEFIT OF THE appointed an agent for a common
PERIOD/TERM – means that the term of the transaction, they shall be solidarily liable to
obligation is extinguished, hence, the obligation the agent for all the consequences of the
becomes demandable and there is no need to agency.
wait for the period to come. Ø The responsibility of two or more agents,
v Art. 1198 of the Civil Code even though they have been appointed
simultaneously, is not solidary, if solidarity
has not been expressly stipulated.
ALTERNATIVE FACULTATIVE 3. The responsibility of two or more persons who
Various things are due, Only one thing is are liable for quasi-delict is solidary.
but the giving of one is principally due, and 4. The responsibility of two or more payees,
sufficient. that it is that one which when there has been payment of what is not
generally is given, but due, is solidary.
the other (the 5. Devisees and legatees
substitute) may be 6. Bailees in commodatum
given to render
payment or fulfilment MUTUAL AGENCY RULE – Each one of the
easy. solidary creditors may do whatever may be useful
If one of the If the principal to the others, but not anything which may be
prestations is illegal, obligation is illegal or prejudicial to the latter.
the others may be valid void, there is no
and the obligation necessity of giving the WHAT DETERMINES DIVISIBILITY OR
remains. substitute. The nullity INDIVISIBILITY / KINDS:
of the principal carries 1. Law (Legal)
with it the nullity of the 2. Intention of the parties (Conventional)
accessory or substitute. 3. Character of the prestation (Natural/Absolute)
If it is impossible to If it is impossible to
give all except one, give the principal, the INDIVISIBLE:
that last one must still substitute does not 1. To give a definite thing
be given. have to be given; if it is 2. Those which are not susceptible of partial
impossible to give the performance
substitute, the principal
must still be given. DIVISIBLE:
The right to choose The right of choice is 1. When the object of the obligation is the
may be given, either to given only to the execution of a certain number of days of work
debtor or creditor. debtor. 2. Accomplishment of work by metrical units
3. When the purpose of the obligation is to pay a
certain amount in installment

4 CEMI2020
- The object or prestation is indivisible, not OBLIGATION
susceptible of division; while the tie between Payment in lieu of the Power to make the
the parties is joint, that is, liable only to a principal obligation is substitution is absolute
proportionate share. only by express
EFFECTS OF NON-COMPLIANCE Right to demand the Creditor can never
1. If anyone refuses or cannot comply with his principal obligation and demand the
obligation, the same is converted into the penalty may be performance of both
monetary obligation as the basis of given to creditor obligations
2. The debtors who may have been ready to PRINCIPAL MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF
fulfill their promises shall not contribute to the OBLIGATIONS:
indemnity beyond the corresponding portion 1. Payment or performance – means not only
of the price of the thing or of the value of the delivery of money but also the performance in
service in which the obligation consists. any other manner of an obligation.
3. If the division is impossible, the right of 2. Loss of the thing due – refers to the
creditors may be prejudiced only by their impossibility of performance subsequent to
collective acts, and the debt can be enforced the execution of the contract. There is loss
only by proceeding against all the debtors. If when a thing perishes, goes out of commerce,
one of the latter should be insolvent, the or disappears in such a way that its existence
others shall not be liable for his share. is unknown.
3. Condonation or remission – is that act of
SOLIDARITY INDIVISIBILITY liberality whereby the creditor condones or
Refers to the tie Refers to the object of forgives the obligation of the debtor. It is the
between the parties the obligation gratuitous abandonment by the creditor of his
Needs at least two Exists even if there is right.
debtors or creditors only one debtor and 4. Confusion or merger of rights – takes
only one creditor place when the characters of the debtor and
Fault of one is fault of Fault of one is not the the creditor are merged in the same person.
all fault of the others It is the meeting in one person of the qualities
of creditor and debtor with respect to the
PRINCIPLE OF “QUANTUM MERUIT” – literally same obligation.
means “as much as he deserves”. This allows 5. Compensation – takes place when two
recovery of the reasonable value of the work persons in their own rights are creditors and
done regardless of any agreement as to value. debtors of each other. It is the
This is applicable only in divisible obligation extinguishment to the concurrent amount of
because in indivisible obligation, partial the debts of two persons who, in their own
performance is equivalent to non-performance. rights are debtors and creditors of each other.
Also called abbreviated or simplified payment.
KINDS OF PENAL CLAUSE: 6. Novation – is the extinction of an obligation
1. Subsidiary/Alternative – only the penalty through the creation of a new one which
is demandable in case of non-compliance. substitutes the old one.
2. Joint/Cumulative – both the principal
contract and penal clause can be enforced. OTHER CAUSES OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF
PENALTY ALTERNATIVE 1. Annulment – is a remedy provided by law for
OBLIGATION the declaration of inefficacy of a contract
There is only one Two or more based on a defect or vice of consent in one of
prestation due, only obligations are due, the the contracting parties.
when this is not delivery of one is 2. Rescission – is a remedy provided by law to
performed that the sufficient to extinguish the contracting parties or sometimes to third
penal clause is the obligation persons in order to secure reparation for the
demandable damages caused to them by a valid contract.
The impossibility of The impossibility of 3. Prescription – is a mode to extinguish
performing the performing the obligations by the lapse of time.
principal obligation principal obligations, 4. Compromise – is a contract whereby the
extinguishes also the without the debtor’s parties, by making reciprocal concessions,
penalty fault, still leaves the avoid a litigation or put an end to one already
other subsisting commenced.
Debtor cannot choose Debtor can choose 5. Fulfilment of resolutory condition
to pay the penalty to which prestation to 6. Arrival of resolutory period
relieve himself of the fulfill 7. Death of a party in personal obligations
principal obligation, 8. Fortuitous Event
unless such right is 9. Mutual desistance
granted to him

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REQUISITES OF PAYMENT: obligation, there shall be no right to recover the
1. It must be complete. same from the obligee who has spent or
EXCEPTIONS: consumed it in good faith. (Art. 1247)
A. Substantial performance in good faith
B. Acceptance with knowledge of its TO WHOM PAYMENT MUST BE MADE
incompleteness and without protest 1. Creditor
C. When partial payment is allowed 2. Successor in interest
i) When there is an express stipulation 3. Person authorized to receive payment
ii) When the debt is in part liquidated
iii) When the obligation is subject to GEN. RULE: Payment to third person is not valid.
different terms or periods or conditions EXCEPTIONS WHEN PAYMENT TO THIRD
iv) When work is to be done by parts PERSON IS VALID:
v) Payment of the share of a debtor in a 1. When third person is authorized to receive it
joint obligation 2. When payment to third person has redounded
2. It must be the prestation as agreed upon. to the benefit of the creditor
3. It must due and demandable. 3. When third person is in possession of the
4. If it is money, it must be in legal tender. credit and payment was in good faith


debtor can compel the creditor to accept in GEN. RULE: not valid
payment of a debt when tendered for the right EXCEPTIONS:
amount. 1. He kept the thing paid, or
2. He is benefited by the payment
Sec.52, RA 7653 & BSP Circ.537, s. 2009:
A. For denominations of 1-peso, 5-peso and 10- WHERE TO PAY OR PLACE OF PAYMENT:
peso coins – up to Php1,000. 1. At the place agreed upon
B. For denominations of 1-cent, 5-cents, 10- 2. If none,
cent, and 25-cent coins. – up to Php100. a. Indeterminate object – domicile of the
COMMERCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CHECKS, b. Determinate object – location of the thing
PROMISSORY NOTES, BILLS OF EXCHANGE) at the time of the constitution of the
Ø Not legal tender; creditor cannot be obligation.
compelled to accept; and even if accepted,
will only produce the effects of payment SPECIAL MODES OF PAYMENT:
when: 1. Dation in payment / Adjudication or
1. Encashed dacion en pago – is payment in kind; this
2. Impaired through creditor’s fault happens when property is alienated to the
3. Creditor had previously promised that he creditor in satisfaction of debt in money
would accept a check 2. Application of payment – is the designation
of the debt to which should be applied a
WHO SHOULD PAY OR THE PERSONS FROM payment made by a debtor who owes several
WHOM CREDITOR MUST ACCEPT PAYMENT debts in favor of the same creditor.
1. Debtor Ø Not really a special form of payment.
2. Person who has an interest in an obligation 3. Payment by cession – is the process by
3. Person stipulated in the contract to make which a debtor transfers all the properties not
payment subject to execution in favor of his creditors
so that the latter may sell them and apply the
EFFECT OF PAYMENT BY THIRD PERSON proceeds to their credits.
1. With the knowledge and consent of the debtor 4. Tender and consignation – Tender is the
(Art. 1236, 2nd paragraph) act, on the part of debtor, of offering to the
Ø Full reimbursement with subrogation creditor the thing or amount due; while
2. Without the knowledge or against the will of Consignation is the act of depositing the thing
the debtor (Art. 1237) or amount due with the proper court when
Ø Beneficial reimbursement, no subrogation the creditor does not desire or cannot receive
3. With no intention of being reimbursed (Art. it, after complying with the formalities
1238) required by law.
Ø deemed a donation which requires
acceptance; if debtor does not agree, DATION SALE
payment shall nevertheless be valid to the There is a pre-existing debt None
creditor who accepted it Obligation is extinguished Gives rise to an
PAYMENT BY AN INCAPACITATED PERSON Lesser freedom in Greater freedom
GEN. RULE: not valid determining the price
EXCEPTION: When a minor between eighteen Giving of the object in lieu Payment of the
and twenty-one years of age, who has entered of the obligation in money price will as a rule,
into a contract without the consent of the parent will totally or partially extinguish totally
or guardian, voluntarily pays a sum of money or extinguish the obligation the obligation
delivers a fungible thing in fulfillment of the

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4. When two or more persons claim the
CESSION DATION same right to collect;
Generally affects all Does not 5. When the title of the obligation has been
properties of the debtor lost.
Requires that there be One creditor is
more than one creditor sufficient KINDS OF LOSS:
Requires complete or May take place even 1. Physical – when a thing perishes
partial insolvency of during the solvency of 2. Legal – goes out of commerce
the debtor the debtor 3. Civil – thing disappears in a such way that its
Does not transfer Does, upon delivery existence is unknown.
1. Only one debtor and only one creditor 1. When debtor is in default
2. Two or more debts of the same kind 2. When debtor promised to deliver the same
3. All of the debts must be due thing to two or more persons who do not
4. Payment is not sufficient to extinguish all the have the same interest
debts 3. When obligation arises from crime
4. When payee in solutio indebiti is in bad faith
1. The right belongs to the debtor. REQUISITES OF CONDONATION/REMISSION:
2. The creditor shall designate in the receipt. 1. There must be an agreement
3. The most onerous debt. 2. Parties must be capacitated to give consent
4. If same burden, proportionately. and must actually consent
3. There must be a subject matter
REQUISITES OF CESSION: 4. Cause or consideration must be liberality or
1. More than one debt generosity
2. More than one creditor 5. Obligation must be demandable at the time of
3. Complete or partial insolvency on the part of remission
the debtor 6. Remission must not be inofficious
4. Abandonment of all properties of the debtor
except those exempt from execution KINDS OF CONDONATION/REMISSION:
1. Total – the entire debt is remitted
REQUISITES OF TENDER: 2. Partial – only a portion of the debt is
1. Must be made in legal tender or lawful remitted
currency 3. Inter vivos – takes effect during the lifetime
2. Must include whatever interest is due of the creditor-donor
3. Must be unconditional 4. Mortis causa – takes effect after the death
4. Obligation must already be due of the creditor-donor
5. Express/formal – if inter vivos, the
REQUISITES OF CONSIGNATION: formalities of a donation are required; if
1. Existence of a valid debt which is due mortis causa, those of a will
2. Tender of payment by DR and refusal by CR 6. Implied/tacit – conduct is sufficient; no
to accept without justifiable cause formality is required
3. Previous notice of consignation to persons
interested in the fulfillment of the obligation REQUISITES FOR CONFUSION/MERGER:
4. Actual consignation of the thing or sum due 1. It should take place between the principal
5. Subsequent notice of consignation made to debtor and creditor
the interested parties 2. It must be clear and definite
3. Obligation involved must be the same or
EFFECTS: identical
A. Tender without consignation does not
extinguish the obligation. KINDS OF COMPENSATION:
B. GEN. RULE: Consignation without tender 1. Total – same amount
does not extinguish the obligation. 2. Partial – not equal
EXCEPTIONS WHEN CONSIGNATION 3. Legal – by operation of law
PAYMENT: i) That each one of the obligors be bound
1. When the creditor is absent or unknown, principally, and that he be at the same
or does not appear at the place of time a principal creditor of the other;
payment; ii) That both debts consist in a sum of
2. When he is incapacitated to receive the money, or if the things due are
payment at the time it is due; consumable, they be of the same kind,
3. When, without just cause, he refuses to and also of the same quality if the latter
give a receipt; has been stated;
iii) That the two debts be due;

CEMI2020 7
iv) That they be liquidated and demandable; EXPROMISION DELEGACION
v) That over neither of them there be any That which takes place One which takes place
retention or controversy, commenced by when a third person on when the creditor
third persons and communicated in due his own initiative and accepts a third person
time to the debtor. without the knowledge to take the place of the
4. Facultative – one party can claim or against the will of debtor at the instance
compensation, the other cannot the original debtor of the latter.
5. Conventional – by agreement of the parties assumes the obligation.
6. Judicial – decreed by the court, in case REQUISITES: REQUISITES:
where there is counterclaim 1. The initiative of 1. The initiative of
payment comes payment comes
INSTANCES WHEN LEGAL COMPENSATION from the third from the debtor
CANNOT TAKE PLACE: person 2. The original debtor,
1. when one of the debts arises from a 2. The consent of the creditor and third
depositum creditor and new person or the new
2. when one of the debts arises from the debtor is required debtor must
obligations of a depositary or of a bailee in 3. The obligation of consent
commodatum the old debtor is 3. The obligation of
3. when one of the debts arises from a claim of absolutely the old debtor is
support extinguished generally
4. when one of the debts consists in civil liability extinguished
arising from a penal offense If the substitution is The insolvency of the
without the knowledge new debtor, who has
COMPENSATION CONFUSION/MERGER or against the will of been proposed by the
There must be two There is only one the debtor, the new original debtor and
persons who are person in whom is debtor's insolvency or accepted by the
mutually debtor and merged the qualities of non-fulfillment of the creditor, shall not
creditor to each other creditor and debtor obligations shall not revive the action of the
There must be two There can only be one give rise to any liability latter against the
persons involved on the part of the original obligor, except
original debtor. when said insolvency
REQUISITES OF NOVATION: was already existing
1. Previous valid obligation. and of public
2. Capacity and intention of the parties to knowledge, or known
modify or extinguish the obligation. to the debtor, when the
3. The modification or extinguishment of the delegated his debt.
4. The creation of a new, valid obligation. SUBROGATION – is the transfer to a third
person of all the rights appertaining to the
EFFECT IF NEW OBLIGATION IS VOID: creditor, including the right to proceed against
Ø the original one shall subsist, unless the the guarantor, possessor of mortgages, subject
parties intended that the former relation to any legal provision or any modification that
should be extinguished in any event. may be agreed upon.


Ø The novation is void if the original obligation 1. CONVENTIONAL/VOLUNTARY – takes
was void, except when annulment may be place by the agreement of the original
claimed only by the debtor or when creditor, the third person substituting the
ratification validates acts which are voidable. original creditor, and the debtor.
2. LEGAL – takes place by operation of law and
EFFECT IF SUBJECT TO A CONDITION: is presumed in the following cases:
Ø If the original obligation was subject to a a. When a creditor pays another creditor who
suspensive or resolutory condition, the new is preferred, even without the debtor's
obligation shall be under the same condition, knowledge;
unless it is otherwise stipulated. b. When a third person, not interested in the
obligation, pays with the express or tacit
KINDS OF NOVATION: approval of the debtor;
1. Express – declared in an unequivocal term. c. When, even without the knowledge of the
2. Implied – both obligations are incompatible debtor, a person interested in the
with each other. fulfillment of the obligation pays, without
3. Personal/subjective – person of the debtor prejudice to the effects of confusion as to
is substituted or the rights of the creditor is the latter's share.
4. Real/objective – change of the object or
principal condition.
5. Mixed – change of the parties and object or
principal condition.

8 CEMI2020

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