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It’s unhealth for parents to push their children- It can really damage them

I am agree with this statement, that when parents punished their children, It really can demage
and also children will be closed in on itself because can form fear for everything.
Also, If parents will be severe with their children,than causes metal problems, because children
see in life more physical and mental violence. Research doctors recommended for parents to
educate their children in another method, for example to explain that if you want to be in
success,you need to work for yourself. If children have some talent also parents can demonstrate
in same example with famous people… dancer, musician, author, chef, that this people work
more for their ability, to be better in his/her talent, and to be famous in different concert or
famous chef in the world.
However, parent do not have sever character to put their children to do homework or to go to
circle dance, music, or adder because children wiil be hate what he/she doing. Therefore here is
parent that forced their children to became or to have carrer what they want but not what they
want to be their children. This fact can destroyed future life of children, because they wiil be go
in work that he/she hate. This is case effect why so many people isn’t happy with their job, or
have stressful in his/ her work every day. This people/ man can’t be happy in their life or worse
to take example of their parents and to be also severe, and to punish their children . This is one of
global problem what children run away from home or their end their days, because parents can’t
understand this children or help with problems wich have in their soul. Children are afraid of
their parents and can’t be open with them. So children would rather do these things than talk.
This is fact of destruction of relationship with parent and children. Good advice for parents and
future parents it’s more simple to be friend and more polite with their children than to be as an
enemy. Yes there re cases when children don’t listen you, but try to clarily by word of mouth not
by beating. Or read psychological book on how to educate children without using pushing.

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