I Really Hope You Got The Job. I'm Sorry I Didn't Manage To See You Before I Left Home Last

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1. (You / come) Are you coming tonight?
2. (He / eat) Does he eat rice every day?
3. I (work) I am working at the moment.
4. (He / come) Does he come to London often?
5. He (play) He is playing tennis now.
6. (You / come) Are you coming to the cinema later?
7. They (not / come) They aren’t coming to the party tomorrow.
8. He (not / play) He isn’t playing golf now.
9. (You / play) Are you playing tennis this Sunday?
10. They (go) They go to a restaurant every Saturday.


1. He was sleeping (sleep) when the doorbell rang (ring).

2. We were eating (eat) dinner at 8pm last night (we started eating at 7:30).
3. Yesterday I went (go) to the post office, bought (buy) some fruit at the supermarket and read (read) a
book in the park in the afternoon.
4. We were watching (watch) TV when we heard (hear) a loud noise.
5. Julie was (be) in the garden when Laurence arrived (arrive).
6. A: What were you doing (you / do) at 3pm yesterday? B: I am cleaning (clean) my house.
7. Last year I visited (visit) Paris and Rome.
8. They were having (have) dinner when the police came (come) to the door.
9. He was working (work) in the garden when he found (find) the money.
10. Laura was studying (study) at 11pm last night.


1.Have they arrived (they / arrive) already?

2. Lucy has run (run) 2000 metres today.
3. I have been cleaning (clean) all morning – I’m fed up!
4. How long have you known (you / know) Simon?
5. I have been driking(drink) more water lately, and I feel better.
6. Sorry about the mess! I have been baking (bake).
7. How many times have you taken (you / take) this exam?
8. He has eaten (eat) six bars of chocolate today!
9. Julie has cooked (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat!
10. The students have finished (finish) their exams. They’re very happy.

4. Read the email and put sentences a–f in the correct place in the text.

Dear Alex
How are you?       a    I really hope you got the job. I’m sorry I didn’t manage to see you before I left home last
week, but there was so much to do and suddenly it was departure day. To be honest, I still can’t quite
believe I’m here, sitting in an internet café on the other side of the world.
The journey here was an adventure in itself. My flight was supposed to be at 8:00 in the morning which
meant I had to be at the airport at 6:00, but even at that time there were long queues for the check-in. It was
crazy, there were people everywhere. 1        f  The airline company organised the accommodation and it was
very luxurious, but I just wanted to get here. Anyway, after another day’s travelling I got here, but … you’ve
guessed … my luggage wasn’t on the same flight, so I had to buy some basics like a toothbrush and
So, not quite the best start to this trip of a lifetime, but luckily my suitcase arrived the next day and now, here
I am. Sydney, Australia. 2      c  I’ve seen so many pictures of the Opera House and the bridge and now I can
go and see them whenever I want. 3      b    I went swimming for the first time yesterday, but the waves were
a bit too big for me!
As I’m going to be here for three months, I’m intending to go on a few excursions so I get to see more of the
country. I think my first trip will be to Ayers Rock. I’d like to take the train from Adelaide to Alice Springs
although it would be much quicker to fly. 4    e     
I didn’t bring my laptop with me, so once I’m on the road I won’t be able to write that often, but please write
to me and tell me what everyone’s doing and I’ll write back when I can. I’ll try and send some photos as well
if I can work out how to use my new camera!
Kate xx

a How did the interview go?

b I’ve only been here a week, but I’ve already seen a lot of the sights and, of course, I’ve been to Bondi
Beach to watch the surfers.
c I’m staying with my aunt and uncle who live very near the harbour.
d Give everyone my love and write back soon.
e At least on the train I’ll get some idea of just how big the country is.
f Finally we took off at 10:30, but that meant I missed my connecting flight and had to stay in a hotel

5. A narrative
Write a story entitled A day I’ll never forget. You can use these prompts to help you:
• Where did the experience take place and what were the circumstances?
• Who were the main people involved?
• What were the main events?
• How did you feel?
• What happened in the end?
Write 120–180 words.

Story A day I will never forget

This story was happening when I have 10 years old. I remember this year because in 2004 I broke my arm,
and my therapist doctor recomanded me and my parent to go at the pool or at sea. Therefore this day was
starting. My parents were choosing to go at sea, and in summer 2004 I first time seen the waves of the sea
and beach around the sea. I remember, how happy girl was in this circumstances. I was so happy and
fascinated of this beautiful atmosphere. I was looking forward to diving into the transparent and clean water.

I that year I were having many trips in forest, monastery and church. I visited so many interestig places in
this city with my family that I can’t forgot that beautiful place like a paradise. I remember that in this year I
firt time I took a broat trip near the beach, where first time I was swimming with special equipment with
oxygen, and I seen a coral sea, and diffenr species of fish.

In the end of this holiday I was going to family in restaurant and were eating traditional food, and we took
photo around the beach, at the sea, in the city, e.g

I will never forgen my fist 10 days at the sea with my family.

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