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Cemenr and Concrete Composites 19 (1997) 285-294

0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved

Mechanical Properties and Frost Resistance of

Silica Fume Concrete
B. B. Sabir
School of the Built Environment, The University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 lDL, UK

(Received 6 November 1996; accepted 18 March 1997)

Abstract system characteristics1-3, ice formation and

pore structure4-8, freeze-thaw tests with and
Freeze-thaw tests were cam’ed out on air- without de-icing salts2p6,7,p and chemical struc-
entrained and non-air-entrained concrete prisms ture”-‘*.
containing different dosages of condensed silica Although concrete with high strength may be
fume (CSF). Six concrete mixes were made incor- produced using CSF13, the enhanced strength
porating 0, 5 and 10% CSF as partial cannot always guarantee adequate performance
replacements for OPC. The performance of the against freezing and thawing. Several studies,
concrete prisms exposed to 210 cycles of freezing including that by Sorenson’, indicated that air
and thawing was assessed from weight, length, entrainment is necessary to ensure good freeze-
resonance frequency and pulse velocity measure- thaw resistance of CSF concrete. Furthermore,
ments of the test specimens before and after the response of CSF concrete to the number of
freezing and thawing. Tests were also conducted to freezing and thawing cycles may be different in
determine the compressive and flexural strengths that, at a given low number of cycles, the deteri-
and the static modulus of elasticity. Although the oration may be marginal, but deterioration may
control concrete gave better durability factors accelerate later. It has been suggestedi that
(92%) than those obtained for the CSF concrete test specimens should be subjected to more
(SS%), the physical appearance of the CSF cycles of freezing and thawing than normally
prisms exhibited less scaling. 0 1997 Elsevier prescribed.
Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Earlier work by the authorI showed that
exposure to 35 cycles of freezing and thawing
Keywords: Silica fume, concrete, durability, results in only slight reductions in the durability
freeze-thaw tests. factors of CSF concrete as compared to those
of the control concrete. Furthermore, it was
reported15 that there was no noticeable differ-
INTRODUCTION ence in the physical appearance of the CSF and
control concrete specimens. This paper reports
In recent years, many workers have shown con- the results of exposure to 210 freeze-thaw
siderable interest in research aimed at energy cycles. The control concrete mix was that
conservation in the concrete industry. This is usually adopted for in-situ paving. The OPC in
partly being accomplished by the use of less the control mix was partially replaced by up to
energy intensive cementitious materials such as 10% CSF. The performance of the concretes
fly ash, slags, condensed silica fume (CSF) and was assessed from measurements of weight,
more recently metakaolin. The need for more length, resonant frequency and pulse velocity
durable concrete in particular with improved carried out at weekly intervals. At the termina-
resistance to freeze-thaw exposure has resulted tion of the freeze-thaw tests, the prism
in a number of investigations on CSF concrete. specimens were subjected to flexural strength
These investigations included studies of air pore tests. The broken portions of the prisms were
286 B. B. Sabir

Table 1. Physical properties and chemical composition lhble 3. Physical properties of aggregates
of cement (OPC) and condensed silica fume (CSF)
Coarse Fine
OPC CSF aggregate aggregate
Physical properties Relative density 2.65 2.70
Particle size (mm) 15 0.15 (SSD)*
Surface area (m*ikg) 350-390 15 000-20 000 Water absorption (percentage of 0.34 2.26
Bulk density (kg/m- ) 1300-1400 200-300 dry mass)
Specific gravity 3.14 2.2
Composition (%) *SSD, saturated surface dry.
Silicon dioxide (Si02) 20.9 92.0
Ferric oxide (Fe20,) 2.2 1.2
Aluminium oxide (Al,O,) 4.5 0.7
Calcium oxide (CaO) 64.0 0.2 physical properties and chemical composition of
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2.3 0.2
Sodium oxide (Na,O) and
the CSF particles are given in Table 1.
0.88 2.0
pottasium oxide (K,O) A polymeric sulphonate-based dark liquid
Loss on ignition - superplasticizer was employed in the CSF mixes
Insoluble residue t!l*; -
to compensate for the water demand of the
Sulphuric anhydride (SO,) 312
CSF. The super-plasticizer (Cormix SPl) does
not contain chlorides and has a specific gravity
of 1.14 at 20°C.
then tested for compressive strength by the Cormix AEl air-entraining agent, a dark
equivalent cube method. brown liquid, was employed in some of the mix-
tures. This is a neutralized wood resin with no
chloride content and conforms to ASTM desig-
EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS nation C260 and BS 5075: part II: 1983 for air
entraining admixtures. Its specific gravity is
Materials 1.034.

The cement was OPC complying with BS12: Definitions

1989. The physical properties and chemical
composition of the OPC are given in Table 1. In all the mixtures incorporating CSF, the
The fine aggregate was natural sea-dredged water/binder ratio (w/b) is based on the total
sand from the Bristol Channel. The sieve analy- cementitious materials, i.e. OPC+CSF solids. In
sis showed that the sand complied with grades calculating w/b, allowance was made for the
C and M of BS 882: 1983. The grading and water included in the CSF slurry. The CSF con-
physical properties are given in Tables 2 and 3, tent is defined as the mass ratio of CSF solids
respectively. to the OPC particles employed in the control
Twenty-millimetre maximum size crushed mixture (without CSF), expressed as a percent-
limestone supplied by a local quarry was used as age.
the coarse aggregate. The grading and physical
properties are given in Tables 2 and 3, respec- Mix details
The CSF was supplied in a slurry form; the Several trial mixes were made in order to
mass ratio of CSF solids to water was 1:l. The achieve the required slump (50 mm) and air
content (5+1 l/2 %). CSF has a high water
demand, and to compensate for the loss in
Table 2. Grading of fine and coarse aggregates slump, a superplasticizer was used in all the
mixtures containing CSF. The quantities used in
Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate
the control mixture were as follows: cement,
Sieve size Percentage Sieve size Percentage 330 kg/m3; water, 165 kg/m3; fine aggregate,
(mm) retained km) retained
724 kg/m3; coarse aggregate, 1181 kg/m3. A total
10 29.8 5mm
of six mixtures were prepared; three of the mix-
93.4 2.36 mm :4
2.36 98.9 1.18 mm 21:8 tures contained air-entraining agent at a dosage
600 mm 50.2 of 40 ml for every 50 kg of blend (OPC+CSF).
300 mm 89.9 The CSF mixtures were formulated on the basis
150 mm 99.8
of the control concrete with OPC replacements
Silica fume concrete 287

by CSF of 5% and 10%. Table 4 gives the samples were prepared for water absorption
details of the mixtures employed in the present tests.
The fresh concrete was subjected to slump,
Reeze-thaw exposure
compaction factor and air content tests in
accordance with BS 1881: 1983 Parts 102, 103
The freeze-thaw chamber used in this investiga-
and 106, respectively, and the results are shown
tion consists of refrigerating and heating
in Table 5. It is seen that increasing CSF con-
equipment, which produces continuous freeze-
tent led to reductions in the air content. This
thaw cycles with chamber temperatures in the
may be explained by the filler effect due to the
range of +2O*C. The measured temperatures in
very small particle size of CSF, being 100 times
the specimens during a full cycle changed from
smaller than OPC particles.
- 13°C to +12”C. Figure 1 depicts typical tem-
perature profiles in both the chamber and the
Specimen preparation and testing
samples over a 24 h period. Each specimen was
placed in galvanized steel containers and sur-
From each mixture, six lOO-mm cubes; three of
rounded by water at all times while in the
which were tested for compressive strength tests
freeze-thaw apparatus.
at 7 days and 28 days, three cylinders (150 mm
diameter x 300 mm long) for 28 days for elastic
modulus tests and two 100 mm x 100 mm x 500 Dynamic modulus of elasticity
mm long prisms for the freeze-thaw tests were
prepared. All the samples were cast in steel Frost damage in concrete is commonly assessed
moulds. The specimens were left to cure for on the basis of the change in the modulus of
24 h and were then demoulded and cured in elasticity. The modulus of elasticity of concrete
water at 20°C. The prism specimens were cured may be determined by dynamic as well as static
for 28 days before being subjected to freezing compression tests. The dynamic methods
and thawing cycling. Additional 100 mm cube employ ultrasonic velocity and mechanical reso-

Table 4. Mix proportions

Mix Cement CSF SlUrIJJ AEl SPl Water
no. klm3) (%) Cklm”) (mllm3) (llm3) Wm3)
1 330.0 0 0 164.9

: 330.0
313.7 x 3: 2: 0
1.13 164.9
4 313.7 : 33 26: 1.13 147.6
5 297.2 10 2: 0 1.34 131.1
6 297.2 10 264 1.34 131.1
Coarse aggregate: 1181 kg/m3; fine aggregate: 724 kg/m3.

Table 5. Properties of fresh concrete

Mix CSF Slump Compaction Air
FZO. (So) (mm) factor content
1 0 35-40 0.80-0.85 5.9

: : 40-50
60-80 0.91-0.95
0.83-0.87 :.;
4 5 70-90 0.93-0.97 513
5 10 40-60 0X3-0.91 3.7
6 10 50-70 0.90-0.93 4.2
288 B. B. Sabir

30 I I I I
*Ambient Temperature
+Temperature inside specimen



-20 1

0 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Time (h)
Fig. 1. Typical temperature profile over a full cycle of freezing and thawing.

nant frequency tests. Both these tests were details of which were given in Ref. 15. In this
employed in the present investigation. procedure, the specimens are subjected to
freezing and thawing in water. The method is
Ultrasonic pulse velocity not intended to provide a quantitative measure
of the length of service that may be expected
In this test, the concrete samples are subjected from a specific type of concrete but is recom-
to compression or shear wave pulses. Compres- mended as being adequate for use in
sion pulses of ultrasound with frequencies determining the effects of variations in the for-
around 150 kHz were passed through the prisms mulations of the concrete on its resistance to
by means of transmitting and receiving trans- freezing and thawing.
ducers. The travel time of the pulse through the The durability factor (DF) is determined
specimen was obtained using electronic cir- from the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity
cuitry. using the following expression:
DF = E,NIM, (1)
Fundamental longitudinal vibration
where E, is the relative dynamic modulus of
Immediately after the specified curing period, elasticity at N cycles (as a percentage); N is the
the prisms were tested for the fundamental lon- number of cycles at which E, reaches the speci-
gitudinal frequency in accordance with BS 1881: fied minimum value for discontinuing the test
Part 209: 1990. The method is based on the or the specified number of cycles at which the
principle that the resonance frequency of a con- exposure is to be terminated, whichever is the
crete beam depends on the velocity of smaller; and M is the specified number of cycles
compression waves propagating through it. This at which the exposure is to be terminated.
measurement was carried out, with the prisms The relative dynamic modulus of elasticity E,
in a thawed condition, at intervals of seven is determined from
cycles of freezing and thawing.
E,, = (nlln)* x 100, (2)
Durability factors where E,, is the relative dynamic modulus of
elasticity after c cycles of freezing and thawing
The freeze-thaw tests were conducted in (as a percentage); nl is the fundamental fre-
accordance with procedure A of ASTM C666, quency after c cycles of freezing and thawing;
Silica fume concrete 289

and n is the fundamental frequency before ment. These results show that CSF leads to
freezing and thawing. The above calculation significant increase in the 7-day and 28-day
for the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity is compressive strengths of both the air-entrained
based on the assumption that the weight and and non-air-entrained samples.
dimensions of the specimen remain constant The second role played by CSF is that in
throughout the test. This is clearly not true, and altering the matrix structure of the concrete.
the E, values thus determined can be con- Because of their extremely small particle size,
sidered adequate only for comparison between the CSF particles occupy the voids between the
concretes of different formulations. cement grains, acting as a filler, reducing the
porosity of the bulk cement matrix and resulting
Water absorption tests in a densified structure.
The flexural strength development of CSF
Initial surface absorption tests were conducted concrete is similar to that for compressive
in accordance with BS 1881: Part 5: 1970. The strength. Carette and Malhotra’, for example,
specimens used were loo-mm cubes, and the found that the flexural strength at 28 days was
tests were conducted after 28 days’ curing in higher than that of the control concrete. The
water at 20°C. Before testing, the specimens present work shows an improvement in the flex-
were dried in a well-ventilated oven at 110°C ural strengths for both the air-entrained and
for 24 h. The specimens were then placed in an non-air-entrained samples (see Table 6).
air-tight cooling cabinet until tested. The rate of The influence of CSF on the modulus of elas-
flow of water into the concrete was determined ticity of concrete is not yet fully established, and
at lo-min, 30-min, l-h and 2-h intervals. the limited results available to-date are contra-
dictory. For example, Sellevold’6 found that
CSF did not influence the modulus of elasticity
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of concrete. Galeota et al. l7 concluded that the
modulus of elasticity of normal-weight concrete
Mechanical properties increased with increasing CSF content. They
reported that the increase was smaller for light-
It is now well known that 5-10% OPC replace- weight concrete. More recently, Sabir13 found
ments by CSF enhances the strength of that the modulus of elasticity for concretes with
concrete. Even higher dosages of CSF may be strengths in the range 70-90 MPa (CSF con-
employed if suitable water-reducing agents are tents up to 16%) was only slightly increased
used13. CSF improves the concrete in two ways. with increasing compressive strength. It was also
First, due to its high pozzolanicity, it contributes found that marked reductions in the modulus of
to the hydration reaction between OPC and elasticity occurred as the compressive strength
water by reacting with the calcium hydroxide to increased beyond 90 MPa with CSF contents
produce additional calcium silicate hydrate gel greater than 16%. Alfes18 also reported reduc-
leading to enhancement in strength. This reac- tions in the modulus of elasticity of high
tion is now well understood, and the results strength concrete when 20% and 30% CSF con-
presented in Table 6 provide further evidence tents were used. The addition of CSF to
on the role played by CSF in strength develop- concrete reduces the porosity of the cement

Table 6. Mechanical properties

Mix no. Compressive strength (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Modulus of
elasticity (GPa)

7 days 28 days After 210 28 days after 210 28 days

cycles cycles

: 43.4
41.3 58.2
62.5 54.4
50.1 5.8
6.6 5.7 33.5
3 47.1 71.2 63.1 6.9 z.: 32.7
4 46.0 65.9 51.8 7.0 6:0 31.1
5 51.5 76.4 66.9 7.2 5.7 35.6
6 48.1 73.5 64.5 7.0 5.9 33.8
290 B. B. Sabir

matrix, including that in the transition (inter- small when the cement content was more than
facial) zone between aggregate and hydrated 400 kg/m3.
cement paste. This results in a more effective Permeability tests on CSF concrete have also
composite action where the aggregate’s con- been made on samples cored from existing
tribution to the overall modulus of elasticity is structures. Magge22, for example, measured the
greater. In general, therefore, as with normal permeability of samples cut from structures of
concrete, i.e. without CSF, an increase in the age varying between 3 and 9years. He found
compressive strength of CSF concrete is accom- that the permeability increased with increasing
panied by a smaller increase in the modulus of wate-binder ratio and that for equal strengths,
elasticity. The limited data available to date for concretes containing CSF resulted in a signifi-
normal strength CSF concrete, including those cantly reduced permeability.
shown in Table 6, support this. The general findings indicate that for low
levels of CSF (5-10%) and at low concrete
F’reeze-thaw resistance strength levels (up to 40 MPa), the CSF is more
efficient in acting as a filler than as a pozzo-
One of the first studies on the permeability of lan23. Figure 2 gives the results of the water
CSF concrete was that conducted by Markes- absorption tests carried out in the present
tad19. Replacement of 20% of the cement by study. It was found that the air-entrained speci-
CSF was found to result in a completely imper- mens did not behave significantly differently to
meable concrete in which the water-binder ratio the other specimens, and that reduced absorp-
was 0.89. JohanssonzO found that a 10% cement tion was obtained with the CSF concrete. The
replacement by CSF results in a 50% reduction reduction in the absorption of the concrete with
in the concrete’s permeability. Although a 20% CSF was about 30-35% of that obtained for the
cement replacement resulted in a further reduc- control concrete. This reduction is somewhat
tion in the permeability, this was substantially lower than that observed by other workers14 for
less than double that obtained with 10% CSF. normal strength concrete and may be related to
Gjorv” reported that the water permeability the level of strength developed and cement con-
was greatly reduced when CSF was added to tent used.
lean concrete mixtures. He also reported that The frost resistance of concrete is greatly
the effect of CSF on the water permeability was influenced by the water absorption capacity and

4 ~ + 1O%CSF _

0 60

Time (minutes)
Fig. 2. Water absorption.
Silica fume concrete 291

pore structure. In general, the addition of CSF vided that the water-binder ratio is low enough
results in pore refinement and increased water- (0.3) and the CSF content is high enough (10%
tightness of the cement matrix. The reduction or more). CSF concrete may respond differently
of water penetration rate improves the dura- to freezing and thawing, as compared with nor-
bility of CSF concrete to frost attack. The mal concrete, in that the deterioration may be
refinement of the pore structure, however, leads marginal at a low number of cycles, but may
to reduced permeability of the hydrated cement accelerate later. It has been suggestedI that
paste and can lead to retarded moisture migra- CSF concrete should be subjected to more
tion through the cement matrix. This can lead cycles of freezing and thawing than normally
to build-up of internal hydraulic pressure, which prescribed.
causes cracking in the concrete. The pore The prism specimens tested here were sub-
refinement due to CSF is also likely to result in jected to a total of 210 freezing and thawing
the small voids being saturated leading to a cycles. The tests were started after curing the
reduction in the freeze-thaw resistance. specimens in water at 20°C for 28 days. After
Several investigations have been carried out completion of the freeze-thaw tests, the prisms
on the durability of CSF concrete exposed to were tested for flexural strength. The equivalent
freezing and thawing and, although consider- cube test (BS 1881: Part 119: 1983) was then
able data are now available on this subject, used to determine the compressive strength of
some of the findings have been inconclusive the concretes. Table 6 gives the results for the
and, indeed at times, contradictory. This is not flexural and compressive strengths. It can be
surprising in view of the number of factors that seen that the exposure to freezing and thawing
have considerable influence on the performance results in considerable reductions (lo-20%) in
of the concrete with respect to frost action. the values obtained at 28 days.
These include cement content, CSF replace- The relative dynamic modulus of elasticity
ment levels, water-binder ratio, and whether or was determined at weekly intervals by measur-
not water-reducing and air-entrainment admix- ing the resonance frequency of the prisms in the
tures are employed. Furthermore, curing thawed condition. These were used in eqn (1)
conditions and age and moisture states24 of the to determine the durability factors. Figure 3
concrete at the time of exposure are important shows the durability factors as a function of the
considerations. The difficulties associated with number of freeze-thaw cycles. The durability
the diversity of the parameters and conditions factors for the control concrete (without CSF)
involved are compounded by the lack of agree- throughout the test were above 92% with the
ment on the method and media of testing and air-entrained specimens showing slightly higher
the duration of exposure to freezing and thaw- values. The CSF concretes, however, gave con-
ing. In the main, the studies have been siderably reduced factors over those obtained
conducted following procedures suggested by for the control concrete. Furthermore, the air
ASTM and RILEM standards. These standards entrained in the CSF concrete appears to have
have been continuously revised, and there are a detrimental effect on the frost resistance. This
currently two RILEM draft recommenda- is in contradiction to the normally observed
tions25’26 for freeze-thaw resistance testing of behaviour, but on closer examination of the
concrete. results, it was found that this effect is a reversal
Despite the above difficulties, the evidence so of what is observed at the earlier stages of
far suggests that at low water-binder ratios exposure to freezing and thawing. To clarify this
(0.25-0.3) and low cement replacement levels point, the results for the durability factors up to
(5-10%) CSF has a beneficial effect on frost 42 cycles of freezing and thawing are replotted
resistance giving small reductions in the dura- in Fig. 4. It can be seen that, over this range,
bility factors (~90) with increasing CSF air-entrainment leads to improved resistance in
content14’27. Higher CSF contents (20-30%) all the specimens, i.e. with or without CSF,
have detrimental effects over the range of although reduced factors were obtained for the
water-binder ratios 0.35-0.552,28. Air entrain- CSF concretes. It is also interesting to note
ment is generally found to be beneficial in CSF that, during early exposure, reductions in the
concrete29, but there is evidence5T9,30 to suggest durability factors are obtained with increasing
that it is possible to produce CSF concrete that CSF contents. This overall behaviour corre-
is frost-resistant without air-entrainment, pro- sponds to that normally observed for CSF
292 B. B. Sabir

%0% CSF
+ lO%CSF
* 1 O%CSF+AEl

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Number of freezing and thawing cycles

Fig. 3. Durability factors up to 210 cycles.

concrete which has traditionally been subjected suggest that higher CSF contents may be bene-
to a relatively small number of cycles (30-40)“. ficial for long-term frost resistance.
The results obtained in the present study indi- Measurements of weights, lengths and pulse
cate that longer exposure to freezing and velocities were carried out before exposure and
thawing leads to significant internal damage to after 42 and 210 cycles. These results, together
the extent that air-entrainment results in a dele- with the durability factors, are shown in
terious effect in the long term. The results also Tables 7 and 8. It can be seen that up to 42

%0% CSF
H +5%CSF+AEl 1 )

20 30 40 50

Number of freezing and thawing cycles

Fig. 4. Durability factors up to 42 cycles.
Silica fume concrete 293

Table 7. Summary of test results after 42 cycles of freez- (2) The influence of CSF on the static mod-
ing and thawing
ulus of elasticity is not fully understood.
Mix no. Percentage change Durability Although the available data for normal
factor (70)
strength concrete point to a small
Weight Length Pulse increase in the modulus with increasing
velocity compressive strength, at higher strengths
and higher CSF contents, the observed
: - 0.59
0.57 0.06
0.07 --1.15
1.07 98.5
98.8 relationships are contradictory. CSF
3 -0.40 0.06 -0.98 96.8
4 -0.36 0.08 -0.92 97.0
affects the porosity of the hydrated
5 -0.32 0.10 -0.87 96.0 cement paste in a major way. At the
6 - 0.29 0.13 -0.81 96.5 lower CSF contents, the porosity is
reduced, but there are indications13 that
at higher CSF contents ( > lo%), there is
an increase in porosity. The porosity at
the aggregate-paste interface affects the
Table 8. Summary of test results after 210 cycles of composite action between the aggregates
freezing and thawing and hydrated cement paste. The develop-
Mix no. Percentage change Durability ment of the composite action may also be
factor (70) affected by the possibility3*‘4 that, in CSF
Weight Length Pulse
concrete, this interface is small compared
velocity with that in normal concrete. These
factors, which clearly influence the mod-
: -3.54
-5.36 0.56
0.26 --3.42
2.25 92.1
92.3 ulus of elasticity of the concrete, need
3 - 0.69 0.05 -3.47 86.4 further study through microscopic
4 - 1.89 0.42 -3.26 85.3
5 -0.64 0.10 - 4.24 87.5
examination and porosity measurements.
6 - 1.25 0.34 -3.32 85.4 (3) Exposure to 210 cycles of freezing and
thawing leads to reductions of lo-20% in
the compressive and flexural strengths.
cycles of freezing and thawing (Table 7) The higher reductions are generally
increasing CSF content leads to improvements obtained in the concretes containing
in the weight loss and pulse velocity reduction. CSF.
Little expansion generally takes place, and this (4) The incorporation of CSF in concrete
is found to increase with increasing CSF con- leads to reduced durability factors over
tent. Table 8 shows that long-term exposure those obtained for the control concrete.
leads to a significant loss in weight and that On examination of the external surfaces
CSF remains to be beneficial in this respect. of the specimens, however, the CSF con-
There is also an increase in the expansion of crete showed considerably less scaling
the specimens and considerable reduction in the than the control concrete.
pulse velocities. This is in line with the reduc- (5) During the short term (up to 42 cycles)
tions obtained in the relative dynamic modulus CSF reduces the weight loss and the rate
of elasticity, which resulted in the observed of reduction in the pulse velocity.
reductions in the durability factors. Although little expansion takes place, this
is found to increase with increasing CSF.
(6) Significant loss in weight takes place
during extended exposure to freezing and
CONCLUSIONS thawing, but CSF remains to be bene-
ficial in this respect. The loss in weight is
The work described in the present investigation accompanied by an increase in expansion.
gives rise to the following conclusions: (7) Long term exposure leads to significant
reductions in the pulse velocities, indicat-
(1) The employment of CSF (510%) in con- ing considerable internal damage. This
crete leads to improved compressive and deterioration is also reflected by the
flexural strengths irrespective of whether observed reductions in the relative
or not air-entraining additives are used. dynamic moduli of elasticity.
B. B. Sabir

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