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Disney’s ‘Togo’ Review: The 1925 Serum Run

Togo, a filmed released by Disney in 2019, follows through a story inspired by the 1925 Serum

Run. A deadly diphtheria epidemic broke out in a small Alaskan town called Nome in 1925. In

order to save dying children, a team of sled dogs ran through 674 miles of ice and snow during a

dangerous snowstorm to carry an anti-toxin. The two most famously celebrated dogs were Togo

and Balto. Although Balto claimed most of the credit for saving the town, Togo’s journey was

the longest and dangerous.

In the film, William Dafoe stars as Leonhard Seppala, champion dog sled racer and owner of

Togo. The movie’s beginning starts with the dog sled travelling over breaking ice, and then

flashbacks into a memory upon first meeting Togo as a puppy. Seppala continues to show his

disregard for Togo, as the puppy seems out of place and incompetent. However, Seppala’s

feelings change as Togo is shown to prove himself as a lead sled dog.

The film plays with color, as flashbacks have a warm, soft coloring to signify a simpler, safer

time, and the present has a cold, blue coloring to demonstrate the snowstorm and uncertainty

lingering in the air.

As Disney offers favorable, cute puppy scenes, the same dog is shown as a strong,

impressionable, hardworking leader. Sympathy is built this way as I felt bad for Togo being

neglected as a puppy, but surprised and proud of Togo as he leads and supports his dog team

amongst the dangerous snowstorm.

And of course, just like every dog movie, I was left a sobbing mess during the film. The movie

does a good job with making the viewer emotional. With sick children and life-threatening

situations for the dogs all at once, Togo makes sure at least a few tears drop from your eye.
The cinematography is stunning- with snowy mountains, a frozen ocean, purely just snowy

landscapes everywhere. I like that such a serene environment can also be shown as intense in this


I definitely recommend heading over to Disney+ and watching this film if you’re in need of

something inspirational. Or, maybe if you enjoy dog-sledding movies- obviously Disney has

made a few. Personally, I felt as Togo is one of Disney’s best original films.

Information about the 1925 Serum Run:



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