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The Rosetta Stone

The rosetta stone a great discovery for humanity, thanks to this ancient stone
carved in three languages in 196 B.C. It was possible to translate the hieroglyphs
of the ancient Egyptian empire, this stone is a fragment of an ancient Egyptian
monument from the year 196 B.C.
Its name arises because this stone was moved through different places until it
ended up as part of a building in the city of Rosetta (current city of Rashid,
Egypt), where it was discovered in 1799 by a soldier named Pierre-François
bouchard during the campaign of conquest. Of Napoleon in Egypt.
A curious fact is that after 2 years the French would be defeated and looted by the
British Army, this caused the stone to be exposed in the British Museum in the city
of London. (Place where it remains and can currently be visited)
The rosetta stone has 3 different types of scriptures (from top to bottom:
Egyptian hieroglyphs, Hieratics and Greeks) this was the key that allowed the
linguists and interpreters of the time to decipher the Egyptian pictograms which
were completely deciphered in the year 1822 by philologist and Egyptologist Jean-
François Champollion
Another curious fact is that the value of this stone is made up of a small portion of
carved black basalt (114 · 72 · 27 cm and 729 kg) which is found in the
multilingualism of its text.

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