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October ​20, 2019

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great honor that I write this letter of recommendation for a student of mine, Jake Bradbury. Jake
has been enrolled at Garza Independence High School since 2018 and has worked fastidiously to receive the
majority of his course credits with a goal of graduating May 2019. Our curriculum at Garza Independence
High School is completely self-paced. This means that students are responsible for meeting the curriculum
requirements of each course.

Jake was enrolled in my honors Robotics and Physics courses at Garza. His task in robotics was to work
on the driving system of the robot. He and his partner came up with one of the most creative systems I have
seen in my 12 years of coaching/teaching robotics. The goal was to make the robot drive onto the floor tiles
and be able to climb three plastic platforms without getting stuck. They came up with a clever system
where on the outside of the robot was wheels and about four inches internally to the robot were treads to
easily traverse the platforms. The creativity, dedication, engineering and hard work Jake put into the design
was phenomenal. Unfortunately, this design did not work as intended, but that did not stop Jake from
coming up with another idea that would eventually be put onto the final robot design.

While in robotics, Jake befriended several of my really shy students. He is such an honest, thoughtful,
genuine, and approachable person that my other students had no problem opening up to him. Jake is one of
those students that others are naturally drawn to, he has a great sense of humor and is very dedicated to his
friends. I have observed him going above and beyond to make sure a friend of is is doing ok when they are
having a tough time in life.

Jake’s integrity played a major role in his relationships and school work. He can communicate and ask
for help whenever he needs, going as far as providing help for other students as well when they hit a tough
bump on the road. Jake is currently in Physics B and was helping one of my students get through a couple
of their pre-AP assignments. This student had every ability to do the assignments, but with Jake assisting
her occasionally and boosting her confidence she was able to complete the assignment faster with greater

I highly recommend Jake Bradbury for anything he may pursue. Jake is one of those people that will
succeed in anything he pursues because he is talented in everything. He is creative, great at problem
solving, kind, considerate, and highly intelligent. Please do not hesitate to call me for any further
information you might need.


Nicole Howard
Garza Independence High School Facilitator
1600 Chicon Street, Austin, TX. 78702 ♦ Phone: 512-414-8600 ♦ Fax: 512-414-8610

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