Oversigt Over Anerkendte Statikere

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Opdateret 28-09-2012

Oversigt over anerkendte statikere:

Bemærk: Oplysningerne om den anerkendte statikers firma er firmaets navn og adresse på tidspunktet for tildeling af anerkendelse
eller seneste fornyelse af anerkendelsen.

Name Allan Vestbo Almbjerg
Company Allan Almbjerg Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma F.R.I.
Address Vitus Berings Plads 1, 2., 8700 Horsens
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1981
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-10-1996/ 17-06-2008/ 17-06-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1996:003

Name Bente Møller Andersen

Company Brøns Ingeniørfirma ApS
Address Damvej 12, 6780 Skærbæk
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1986
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 26-03-2001/ 25-04-2011/ 25-04-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2001:001

Name Peter Andersen

Company Rambøll A/S
Address Poulsgade 8, 7400 Herning
Education CivilIngeniør
Year of education 1997
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 20-05-2003/ 17-06-2008/ 17-06-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2003:001

Name Jens Peter Arnung

Company A/S Erik Smidth
Address Klosterrisvej 7, 2100 København Ø
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1963
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-09-1985 / 25-04-2011/ 25-04-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1985:002
Name Jørgen Bach
Company Grontmij Carl Bro A/S
Address Vævervej 7, 8800 Viborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1980
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-01-1997/ 08-11-2012/ 08-11-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1997:001

Name Jens Bagge

Company Grontmij Carl Bro A/S
Address Granskoven 8, 2600 Glostrup
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1988
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 21-05-1996/ 21-08-2012/21-08-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1996:001

Name Knud Bay

Company Lemming & Eriksson Rådgivende Ingeniører a.s FRI
Address Bag Haverne 20 Postboks 9, 4600 Køge
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1969
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 25-11-1977/ 08-06-2010/ 08-06-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1977:002

Name Jens Buchardt

Company Aksel V. Jensen A/S
Address Teglgården 1, 3400 Hillerød
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1963
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 23-09-1986/ 02-12-2008/ 10-02-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1986:001

Name Michael Bülow

Company Dominia A/S
Address Studiestræde 50, 1554 København V
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1994
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 08-09-2004/ 08-09-2009/ 08-09-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2004:005

Name Anders Christensen
Company Anders Christensen ApS
Address Lyngby Hovedgade 44, 2800 Lyngby
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1965
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 25-11-1976/ 21-08-2012/21-08-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1976:001
Name Jørn Juul Christensen
Company Frits Nielsen & J. Juul Christensen A/S
Address Øster Havnevej 4, 6700 Esbjerg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1964
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 19-12-1973/ 07-11-2011 /07-11-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1973:003

Name Lars Krog Christensen

Company Rambøll Danmark
Address Hannemanns Allé 53, 2300 København S
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1995
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 13-06-2012/ 13-06-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2012:001

Name Jørgen Clausen

Company Jens-Peter Madsen ApS Rådgivende Ingeniører
Address Stenløse Center 95, 3660 Stenløse
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1987
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 10-09-1992/ 22-04-2008/ 22-04-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1992:004

Name Uta Danielsen
Company Spæncom A/S, Nordjysk Spændbeton
Address Letvadvej 37-43, 9200 Aalborg SV
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1974
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 10-08-1992/ 17-06-2008/ 17-06-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1992:003

Name Torkil Duer

Company Vagn Duer, Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma A/S
Address Kongevejen 377, 2840 Holte
Education CivilIngeniør
Year of education 1974
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 05-03-1999/ 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1999:001

Name Thomas Pedersen Enevoldsen
Company Moe & Brødsgaard A/S
Address Åboulevarden 22, 8000 Århus C
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 2000
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 18-01-2010/ 18-01-2010/ 18-01-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2010:001
Name Lene Fischer
Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 2,, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1982
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-06-2006/ 07-06-2011 / 07-06-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2006:001

Name Michael Fogh

Address Teknikerbyen 34, 2830 Virum
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1994
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-06-2006/ 07-06-2011/ 07-06-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2006:002

Name Jesper Gath
Address Teknikerbyen 34, 2830 Virum
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1979
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 22-11-1996/07-11-2011/07-11-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1996:004

Name Gert Gronemann

Company Hansen, Carlsen & Frølund A/S Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma
Address Hørkær 16, 2730 Herlev
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1979
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 01-10-1991/ 08-09-2009/ 08-09-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1991:002

Name Gert Aage Hansen
Company MT Højgaard A/S
Address Knud Højgaards Vej 9, 2860 Søborg
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1972
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 20-06-1988/ 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1988:001
Name N. Berndt Hansen
Company Dominia AS, Rågivende Ingeniører
Address Studiestræde 50, 1554 København V
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1970
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-04-1992/ 22-04-2008/ 22-04-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1992:002

Name Peder R. Hansen

Address Skanderborgvej 190, 8260 Viby J
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1975
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-04-2004/ 12-06-2009/ 12-06-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2004:002

Name Søren Hansen

Company Rambøll Danmark A/S
Address Englandsgade 25, 5100 Odense C
Education Diplomingeniør
Year of education 1997
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2008:004

Name Knud Christensen Hedegaard

Company Hedegaard Rådgivende Ingeniører ApS
Address Milbakvej 81, 9381 Sulsted
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1977
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 23-09-1986/ 30-01-2012/30-01-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1986:002

Name Niels Jørgen Holm

Company Rambøll A/S
Address Teknikerbyen 31, 2830 Virum
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1980
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 29-06-2001/ 25-04-2011/ 25-04-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2001:004

Name Aase Hou

Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 15, 2800 Lyngby
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1979
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 06-09-1989/ 17-03-2010/ 17-03-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1989:004
Name Per Häckert
Company Rambøll
Address Teknikerbyen 31, 2830 Virum
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1987
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 12-07-1999/ 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1999:002

Name Bjarne Ibsen
Company ISC A/S
Address Gl. Aalborgvej 4, 8800 Viborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1989
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 17-04-2004/ 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2004:004

Name Niels Ulrik Ingholt

Company Ingholt Consult ApS
Address Chr. X's Alle 168, 2800 Lyngby
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1965
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 25-01-1973/ 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1973:001

Name Peter Bruun Islev

Company Skude & Jacobsen A/S
Address Næstvedvej 1, 4760 Vordingborg
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1972
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 01-07-1987/ 09-09-2008/ 09-09-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1987:001

Name Bjarne Gorm Jensen
Company Orbicon A/S
Address Bøgeskovvej 6, 3490 Kvistgård
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1969
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 17-03-1977/ 27-10-2009/ 27-10-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1977:001

Name Brian Jensen

Company Olsen & Jensen Rågivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Nansensgade 22, 4200 Slagelse
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1973
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 08-10-1979/ 09-02-2011/09-02-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1979:001
Name Erik Vadstrup Jensen
Company Søren Jensen A/S
Address Åboulevarden 70, 8000 Århus C
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1965
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 27-03-1969/ 27-10-2009/ 27-10-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1969:001

Name Jesper Frøbert Jensen

Address Teknikerbyen 34, 2830 Virum
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1977
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 28-06-1988 / 25-04-2011 / 25-04-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1988:002

Name Kaj Jensen

Company COWI A/S
Address Jens Chr. Skous Vej 9, 8000 Århus C
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1979
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 10-07-1996/ 30-01-2012/30-01-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1996:002

Name Tonny Jespersen

Company Jørgen Nielsen, Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Lille Kongensgade 34, 1074 København K
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1970
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 15-03-1983/ 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1983:001

Name Henrik Krogh Jørgensen

Company Stockvad & Kerstens A/S
Address Haraldsvej 60, 8960 Randers SØ
Education Diplomingeniør
Year of education 1998
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 24-02-2005/ 08-06-2010/ 08-06-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2005:001

Name Henrik van Tol Jørgensen

Company Mogens Balslev Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Vestre Stationsvej 23 5000 Odense C, 5000 Odense C
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1985
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 22-04-2008/ 22-04-2008/ 22-04-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2008:001
Name Holger Karlsmose
Company Teytaud Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address C.F. Richs Vej 107 A, 2000 Frederiksberg
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1960
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 22-02-1973/ 03-02-2009/ 03-02-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1973:002

Name Niels Ole Karstoft

Address Teknikerbyen 34, 2830 Virum
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1977
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 02-12-1986/ 17-06-2008/ 17-06-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1986:003

Name Niels Kjeldgaard

Company MT Højgaard A/S
Address Knud Højgaards Vej 9, 2860 Søborg
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1981
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 17-05-1991/ 07-11-2011/07-11-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1991:001

Name Gert Christian Klavsen

Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1982
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 03-04-2000/ 08-06-2010/ 08-06-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2000:001

Name Lene Rohde Kristensen

Company Sloth Møller A/S
Address Carl Jacobsensvej 25D, 2500 Valby
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1988
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 21-05-1997/19-04-2012/19-04-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1997:004

Name Niels Bo Krusell

Company Klaus Nielsen, rådg. Ingeniørfirma F.R.I. A/S
Address Gammel Strandvej 18, 2990 Nivå
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1967
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 16-06-1989/ 08-06-2010/ 08-06-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1989:001
Name Per Kaas-Rasmussen
Company Lyngkilde A/S, Rådgivende Ingeniører
Address Præstøvej 39, 4700 Næstved
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1983
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 09-07-1999/ 27-10-2009/ 27-10-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1999:003

Name Jakob Bonde Langelund
Company Midtconsult
Address Viborgvej 1, 7400 Herning
Education Diplomingeniør
Year of education 2002
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 04-10-2010/ 04-10-2010/ 04-10-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2010:002

Name Hans Larsen

Company Rambøll Danmark A/S
Address Englandsgade 25, 5100 Odense
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1977
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 24-03-2004/ 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2004:001

Name Bent Lind

Company Danakon A/S Rådgivende Ingeniører FRI
Address Taastrup Hovedgade 22, 2630 Taastrup
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1964
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 18-09-1981/ 06-02-2013/ 06-02-2018
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1981:001

Name Peter Lind

Company PL Consult Køge ApS
Address Galosche Alle 4, 4600 Køge
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1976
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 11-12-1987/ 17-06-2008/ 17-06-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1987:003

Name Karsten Lindberg

Company Viborg Ingeniørerne A/S
Address Fabrikvej 4, 8800 Viborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1987
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 09-02-1998/ 03-02-2009/ 03-02-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1998:001
Name Jens Erik Lorenzen
Company Sloth Møller Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Møllegade 56, 6400 Sønderborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1984
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 26-03-2001/ 25-04-2011 / 25-04-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2001:002

Name Torben Bernholdt Lund

Company Carl Bro Byg A/S
Address Granskoven 8, 2600 Glostrup
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1968
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 11-11-1975/19-04-2012/19-04-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1975:001

Name Anders Gutmann Madsen
Company EKJ A/S Rådgiv. Ingeniører
Address Blegdamsvej 58, 2100 København Ø
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1983
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 14-05-1998/ 17-06-2008/ 17-06-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1998:003

Name Hardy S. Mikkelsen

Company hamiconsult A/S
Address Sakskøbingvej 2, 7400 Herning
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1972
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-03-1983/ 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1983:002

Name Alfred Mortensen

Company Rambøll A/S
Address Kullinggade 31 E, 3. sal, 5700 Svendborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1984
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 03-05-2004/ 12-06-2009/ 12-06-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2004:003

Name Henrik Mørup

Company NIRAS A/S
Address Sortemosevej 2, 3450 Allerød
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1971
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 01-03-1984/ 08-09-2009/ 08-09-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1984:001
Name Henrik Storm Nielsen
Company Jørgen Wessberg A/S
Address Herlev Bygade 14, 2730 Herlev
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1977
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-05-2002/ 21-08-2012/21-08-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2002:001

Name Torben Erik Nielsen

Company NCC Danmark A/S
Address Tuborg Havnevej 15, 2900 Hellerup
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1982
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 19-04-2001/ 25-04-2011 / 25-04-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2001:003

Name Carsten Olsen
Company Orbicon A/S
Address Lautrupvang 4B, 2750 Ballerup
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1976
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 09-08-1995/ 09-02-2011/09-02-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1995:001

Name Rasmus Thorup Olsen

Company Rambøll Danmark A/S
Address Bag Haverne 32, 4600 Køge
Education Diplomingeniør
Year of education 2001
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 04-10-2010/ 04-10-2010/ 04-10-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2010:003

Name Carsten Rodal Pedersen
Company midtconsult a/s, rådgivende ingeniører
Address Viborgvej 1, 7400 Herning
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1988
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 23-05-2000/ 15-12-2010/15-12-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2000:002
Name Erik Pedersen
Company Erik Pedersen ApS Rådgivende Civilingeniører FRI
Address Greveager 3, 2670 Greve Strand
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1960
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 28-08-1969/ 25-04-2011 / 25-04-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1969:003

Name Gert Thor Pedersen

Company Wissenberg, Rådgivende Ingeniører F.R.I
Address Valdemarsgade 14, 1665 København V
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1984
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 03-01-1994/ 09-02-2011 / 09-02-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1994:001

Name Per Lønborg Pedersen

Company Lønborg Rådgivende ingeniør- og planlægnigsfirma A/S
Address Strandvejen 89, 2., Lønstrup, 9800 Hjørring
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1985
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-01-1997/ 06-02-2008/ 06-02-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1997:002

Name Flemming Petersen

Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1973
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 01-03-1984/ 09-02-2011/09-02-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1984:002

Name Jens Plambech

Company EKJ A/S Rådgivende Ingeniører
Address Blegdamsvej 58, 2100 København Ø
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1974
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 16-02-1990/ 09-02-2011 / 09-02-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1990:001

Name Conny Riisberg

Company Jens-Peter Madsen ApS
Address Stenløse Center 95, 3660 Stenløse
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1985
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 12-06-2001/ 30-08-2011 / 30-08-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2001:005

Name Carsten Schrøder
Company Oluf Jørgensen A/S
Address Bygholm Søpark 21, 8700 Horsens
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1991
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 17-12-1998/ 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1998:005

Name Niels Skibsted

Company Rambøll Danmark A/S
Address Kolding Åpark 1,2.th., 6000 Kolding
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1978
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 16-02-1998/ 22-04-2008/ 22-04-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1998:002

Name Mikael Arnold Skouby

Company NIRAS A/S
Address Sortemosevej 2, 3450 Allerød
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1973
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 25-02-1994/ 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1994:002

Name Jørgen Skovmand

Company Jørgen Skovmand rådgivende ingeniør
Address Gefionsvej 4, 3400 Hillerød
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1968
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-03-1978/ 09-02-2011/09-02-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1978:001

Name Bent Stie

Company Wissenberg A/S
Address Valdemarsgade 14, 1665 København V
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1970
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 10-12-1982/ 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1982:001
Name Hans Strøyberg
Company Ingholt Consult ApS
Address Chr. X's Alle 168, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1990
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 09-09-2008/ 09-09-2008/ 09-09-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2008:003

Name Bernt Suikkanen

Company COWI, Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Jens Chr. Skous Vej 9, 8000 Århus C
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1979
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 16-09-1999/ 08-09-2009/ 08-09-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1999:005

Name Finn Olaf Precht Sørensen

Company EKJ A/S
Address Blegdamsvej 58, 2100 København Ø
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1980
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 28-10-1988/ 12-06-2009/ 12-06-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1988:004

Name Kjeld Thomsen
Company ISC A/S Rådgivende Ingeniører
Address Øster Alle 31, 2100 København Ø
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1960
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 08-05-1972/ 08-11-2012 / 08-11-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1972:001
Name Henrik Thorup
Company Thorup Rådgivende Ingeniører
Address Frødings Alle 24, 2860 Søborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1983
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-11-2006/07-11-2011/07-11-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2006:003

Name Per Mohr Thygesen

Company Torkil Laursen Aps
Address Klovtofteparken 2, 2630 Tåstrup
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1973
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 07-01-1997/ 21-08-2012/21-08-2017
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1997:003

Name Henrik Tinning

Company Moe & Brødsgaard A/S
Address Tørringvej 7, 2610 Rødovre
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1990
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 16-12-1999/ 08-06-2010/ 08-06-2015
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1999:006

Name Kåre Tinning

Company NIRAS
Address Åboulevarden 80, 8100 Århus C
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1992
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 22-04-2008/ 22-04-2008/ 22-04-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2008:002

Name Niels Jørgen Toftegård

Company Moe & Brødsgaard A/S
Address Tørringvej 7, 2610 Rødovre
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1976
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 14-09-1995/ 09-02-2011/09-02-2016
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1995:002

Name Stig Tomasson

Company NIRAS A/S
Address Sortemosevej 2, 3450 Allerød
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1997
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2009/ 15-04-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 2009:001
Name John Torpegaard
Company Rambøll
Address Prinsensgade 11, 9000 Aalborg
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1974
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 20-06-1988/ 02-12-2008/ 02-12-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1988:003

Name Torben Truelsegaard

Company Dirks Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Nørregade 10, 6330 Padborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1976
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 01-07-1999/ 27-10-2009/ 27-10-2014
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1999:004

Name Frode Vedsø
Company Rambøll
Address Bag Haverne 32, 4600 Køge
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1970
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 25-11-1977/ 17-06-2008/ 17-06-2013
Status of certification/certification review Aktiv (active)
Certification no. 1977:003

Fortegnelse over ophørte statikere

Name Peter Ambs
Company NCC Danmark A/S
Address Tuborg Havnevej 15, 2900 Hellerup
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1960
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-06-1980/ 09-07-2004 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Svend Ammitzbøll

Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs Lyngby
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1969
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 13-09-1979/ 25-04-2006 / 01-01-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Helge Skov Andersen

Company Moe & Brødsgaard Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Gasværksvej 24, 2., 9000 Aalborg
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1976
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 10-06-1985/ 09-02-2006/ 09-02-2011
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)
Name Mogens Bastrup
Company E. Pihl & Søn A/S
Address Nybrovej 116, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1968
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 03-10-1974/ 24-02-2005 / 24-02-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Poul Linnemann Bech

Company Guntofte & Bech
Address Lundevangsvej 15, 2900 Hellerup
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1968
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-10-1975/ 25-04-2006 / 26-02-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Sigurd Brandt

Company Sigurd Brandt ApS
Address Rengevej 27, 4660 Store Heddinge
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1957
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 28-02-1969/ 09-02-2006/ 22-11-2011
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Aage Vagn Christensen
Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1967
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 17-04-1991/ 07-11-2006 / 04-11-2011
Status of certification/certification review Stillet i bero (suspended)

Name Søren Bak Christensen

Company MT Højgaard A/S
Address Knud Højgaards Vej 9, 2860 Søborg
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1980
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 29-09-1989/ 19-04-2007/ 19-04-2012
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Arne Christiansen

Company MT Højgaard A/S
Address Danalien 1, 9100 Aalborg
Education Akademiingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1969
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 20-06-1988/ 10-11-2003 / 12-02-2009
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)
Name John Christiansen
Company c g teknik 90 ApS
Address Dyrhave 43, 6200 Åbenrå
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1960
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-06-1977/ 30-10-2002 / 04-12-2008
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Helge Dalsgård-Sørensen
Company Dines Jørgensen & Co. A/S
Address Kirsebæralle 9-11, 3400 Hillerød
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1967
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 27-02-1990/ 09-02-2006/ 09-02-2011
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Lars Friis Eriksen
Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs Lyngby
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1991
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 02-05-2001/ 25-04-2006 / 25-04-2011
Status of certification/certification review Stillet i bero (suspended)

Name Lars German Hagsten
Company Ingeniørhøjskolen i Århus
Address Dalga Avenue 2, 8000 Århus
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1995
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 02-09-2005/ 02-09-2005 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Charlotte Halling

Company Beredskabsstyrelsen
Education Akademiingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1991
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 09-02-1998/ 20-05-2003 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Anders Savsø Hansen

Company Dansk Arkitekt og Ingeniørkontor A/S
Address Ballevej 2 A, 8600 Silkeborg
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1975
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 20-07-1981/ 19-03-2002 / 09-03-2009
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)
Name Torben Steen Hansen
Company Sloth Møller Rådgivende ingeniører A/S
Address Møllegade 54-56, 6400 Sønderborg
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1990
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 08-03-1999/ 06-04-2005 / 12-02-2009
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Knud Hellerung

Company Aksel V. Jensen, Rådgivende ingeniører
Address Teglgården 1, 3400 Hillerød
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1962
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 13-03-1975/ 30-01-2007 / 30-04-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Niels Jørn Jensen
Company Construct Consulting Rådgivende Ingeniører
Address Mariehøj Allé 38, 2970 Hørsholm
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1956
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 02-04-1970/ 09-02-2006 / 01-01-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Lars Dines Jørgensen

Company Lars Dines Jørgensen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma ApS
Address Ødamsvej 87, 3400 Hillerød
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1974
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 26-07-1982/ 24-06-2004 / 17-03-2009
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Eric Kjærulff
Company Grontmij Carl Bro A/S
Address Granskoven 8, 2600 Glostrup
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1975
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 09-10-1987/ 22-07-2003 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Ole Klinting

Company OBH-Gruppen A/S
Address Islands Brygge 43, 2300 København S
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1963
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 27-11-1975/ 25-04-2006 / 16-10-2009
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)
Name Peter Korsbæk
Company Korsbæk & Partnere Rådgivende Ingeniører KS
Address Postboks 61, 9100 Aalborg
Education Akademiingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1970
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 18-07-1978/ 18-12-2003 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Morten Lichtenstein

Company OBH Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Agerhatten 25, 5220 Odense SØ
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1985
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 15-09-1998/ 27-10-2009/ 27-10-2014
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Birger Lund

Company Birger Lund A/S
Address Damhus Boulevard 5, 2610 Rødovre
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1961
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 02-04-1970/ 25-04-2006/ 25-04-2011
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Lasse Nielsen
Company Leif Hansen Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S
Address Lautrupvang 4 B, 2750 Ballerup
Education Akademiingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1971
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 28-10-1988/ 07-11-2006 / 30-04-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Jens Meldgaard Pedersen
Company Midtconsult A/S
Address Viborgvej 1, 7400 Herning
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1975
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 21-06-1989/ 09-02-2006/ 31-12-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Lars Peder Pedersen

Company Rambøll
Address Oluf Palmes Alle 22, 8200 Århus N
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1985
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 15-05-1998/ 01-07-2003 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)
Name Knud Petri
Company MT Højgaard A/S
Address Knud Højgaards Vej 9, 2860 Søborg
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1972
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 14-08-1987/ 17-06-2008/ 28-02-2011
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Bruno Rasmussen

Company DK.BYG A/S
Address Engholmvej 5, dør 6, 3100 Hornbæk
Education Teknikumingeniør
Year of education 1971
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 06-03-1992/ 22-04-2008/ 11-05-2012
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)
Certification no. 1992:001

Name Else-Marie Ramsing

Company Carl Bro A/S
Address Granskoven 8 2600 Glostrup
Education Akademiingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1977
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 21-05-1997/ 12-04-2007 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Erik Severin
Company COWI A/S
Address Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Education Civilingeniør
Year of education 1983
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 21-05-1996/ 25-04-2006/ 28-02-2011
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Henning Stokbro

Company Vejdirektoratet
Address Thomas Helsteds Vej 11, 8660 Skanderborg
Education Civilingeniør (M.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1975
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 23-09-1980/ 22-03-2001 / 01-03-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Arne Svenstrup

Company Bascon Arkitekt- og Ingeniørfirma A/S
Address Åboulevarden 21, 8100 Århus C
Education Akademiingeniør
Year of education 1976
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 30-05-2002/ 21-08-2007/ 30-07-2012
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)
Certification no. 2002:002
Name Jens Toftgård
Company NIRAS
Address Åboulevarden 80, Postboks 615, 8100 Århus C
Education Teknikumingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1966
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 20-11-1979/ 20-04-2005 / 01-05-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

Name Jørgen Wolf
Company Rambøll
Address Bredevej 2, 2830 Virum
Education Akademiingeniør (B.Sc.(Eng.))
Year of education 1970
Date of certification/renewal/expiry 28-10-1988/ 02-12-2008 / 30-06-2010
Status of certification/certification review Ophørt (ceased)

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