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Ita Febriantika ( 207 201 878 )

Hernawati ( 207 201 858 )


Pair Report Of The Debat


In education male more high get score in the classroom but not all male high get score in

the classroom, i think many aspect to support it such as: environment and they have skill in

study. In fact, upon entering school, female perform equal to or better than male on nearly every

measure of achievement, but by the time they graduate high school or college, they have fallen

behind. The socialization of gender within our schools assures that female are made aware that

they are unequal to male, everytime students are seated or lined up by gender. Teachers are

affirming that female and male should be treated differently, i think teacher need to changes can

be made to create a more equitable learning environment for all children? First, teachers need to

made aware of their gender bias tendencies. Next, they need to be provided with strategies for

altering the behavior. Finally, efforts need to be made to combat gender bias in education


In our country still many the viewed female with one eye, althought female emancipation

to show by some a personage, such as money minister as Sri Mulyani, that view one eye because

female more low in other male and many people thinking about female that female cannot

become a leaders, and they more judgment as house wife, beside that have many female

something but the not male have.

In my opinion that female more use feeling and male more use logic, many opinion

people male more stronger but know female important for lifes because male without female it’s

impossible. Based on of research that female student would move from a position of relative

deficiency toward more equity in total interactions and this demonstrates that teachers who are

made aware of their gender bias teaching behaviors and then provided with strategies and

resources to combat bias are better able to promote gender equity in their classroom.

Many argument people that male in better in science from female, i think i don’t agree

because not all male better in science there are a some male not understand or knowing about

science, and then until know females a good management aspect of the structure. Female are

praised neat, quiet, and calm, whereas male are encoureged to think independently, be active and

speak up. Female are socialization schools to recognize popularity as being important, and learn

that educational performance and ability are not as important.

Gender bias in educatioanal is an insidious problem that causes very few peole to stand

up and take notice. Male and female today are receiving separate and unequal education due to

the gender socialization that takes place in our schools and due to the sexist hidden curriculum

students are faced with eveeryday. Many male more simple from performance, style, and female

more specific from all peformance.

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