Data Representation Worksheet 1 Storage Units Binary Numbers PDF

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Worksheet 1 Storage units and binary numbers

Unit 3 Fundamentals of data representation

Worksheet 1: Storage units and binary numbers

Task 1

1. How many bytes are there in:

(a) 3KB? 3000

(b) 2.5MB? 2,500,000

(c) 2GB? 2,000000000

(d) 4Kb 4000

2. For each of the binary values below, write down the decimal equivalent. Use the grid below
to help you.

(a) 1101 13

(b) 1111 15

(c) 00100110 38

(d) 10110111 179

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1 1 1

1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
3. What binary value is represented by the switches in the following circuit?


Worksheet 1 Storage units and binary numbers
Unit 3 Fundamentals of data representation

Task 2

4. For each of the decimal values below, write down the binary equivalent.

(a) 18 00010010

(b) 57 00101111

(c) 163 10100011

(d) 255 11111111

5. How can values greater than 255 be represented? none

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