The Challenge of Democracy, 12th Edition, Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey M. Berry - Test Bank

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The Challenge of Democracy, 12th

Edition, Kenneth Janda, Jeffrey M.

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Sample Test
CHAPTER 3: The Constitution

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Please define the following term.

Declaration of Independence

2. Please define the following term.

social contract theory

3. Please define the following term.


4. Please define the following term.


5. Please define the following term.

Articles of Confederation


6. Please define the following term.

Virginia Plan

7. Please define the following term.

legislative branch

8. Please define the following term.

executive branch

9. Please define the following term.

judicial branch

10. Please define the following term.

New Jersey Plan

11. Please define the following term.

Great Compromise

12. Please define the following term.

electoral college


13. Please define the following term.

extraordinary majority

14. Please define the following term.


15. Please define the following term.


16. Please define the following term.

separation of powers


17. Please define the following term.

checks and balances

18. Please define the following term.

enumerated powers

19. Please define the following term.

necessary and proper clause

20. Please define the following term.

implied powers

21. Please define the following term.

judicial review

22. Please define the following term.

supremacy clause

23. Please define the following term.

The Federalist Papers


24. Please define the following term.

Bill of Rights

25. The 2007 European Reform Treaty did all but

A. plan for an EU president.
B. create a diplomatic service under a single foreign-affairs head.
C. create a centralized debt-refinancing agency for indebted countries.
D. drop state-like symbols and terminology.
E. reduce the number of areas requiring unanimity among member nations.

26. By 2012, members of the European Union (EU) agreed to greater central
authority over their respective economies, with the exception of
A. Sweden.
B. France.
C. Germany.
D. Great Britain.
E. Italy.

27. The U.S. Constitution contains about _________ words.

A. 4,300
B. 11,500
C. 17,500
D. 36,000
E. 52,000

28. A major event that led to greater British taxation of American colonies
A. the Feudalism Act.
B. the increased success of cotton as an American export.
C. the growth of the American slave trade.
D. the increased industrialization of the Northern colonies.
E. the Seven Years’ War.

29. The Daughters of Liberty opposed British rule by

A. organizing large public protest marches.
B. dumping tea into Boston Harbor.
C. refusing to marry, date, or associate with British loyalists.
D. engaging in violent guerilla actions.
E. spinning their own cloth and using colonial products rather than buying
imported British products.

30. The American colonists’ first claims to the rights of “life, liberty and
property” date back to the
A. Mayflower Compact.
B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
C. First Continental Congress.
D. Second Continental Congress.
E. Declaration of Independence.

31. The Declaration of Independence was based on input from many people,
but its primary author was
A. James Madison.
B. John Quincy Adams.
C. Benjamin Franklin.
D. George Washington.
E. Thomas Jefferson.

32. The idea that the people agree to establish rulers for certain purposes, but
they have the right to resist or remove rulers who violate those purposes, is
also known as
A. socialism.
B. social contract theory.
C. republicanism.
D. the revolutionary right.
E. confederalism.

33. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson’s statement that

“all men are created equal” is similar to which theorist’s belief that
government is based on the “consent of the governed”?
A. James Madison
B. John Adams
C. John Hancock
D. Joseph Ellis
E. John Locke

34. Which document proclaimed, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights”?
A. Locke’s Second Treatise of Government
B. The Treaty of Lisbon
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. The Articles of Confederation
E. The Constitution

35. The “unalienable rights” identified by the Declaration of Independence are

A. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
B. freedom of speech, press, and assembly.
C. life, liberty, and property ownership.
D. the right to own property and bear arms to protect it.
E. equality, liberty, and equal protection.

36. The original draft of the Declaration of Independence

A. did not mention slavery.
B. condemned slavery but did not call for its end.
C. specified that slaves did not count as human beings.
D. called for the end of slavery everywhere.
E. condemned the king’s support of the slave trade.

37. A result of the Second Continental Congress was

A. the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
B. a plan for the Boston Tea Party.
C. a brief reconciliation with Britain.
D. the decision to create thirteen colonies.
E. increases in colonial taxes paid to England.

38. The punishment for losing the Revolutionary War, for the signers of the
Declaration, would have been
A. death by firing squad.
B. hanging and drawing and quartering.
C. exile.
D. drowning at sea.
E. crucifixion.

39. A greater percentage of the United States population died or was wounded
during the Revolution than in any other U.S. conflict except
A. the Seven Years’ War.
B. the War of 1812.
C. the Civil War.
D. World War II.
E. the Vietnam War.

40. An estimated _________ American colonists remained loyal to the British

A. one-half of
B. one in three
C. one in five
D. one in ten
E. one in twenty

41. Which of the following factors contributed to the British loss during the
A. America was too large a country to subdue without total military rule.
B. Britain had to transport men and supplies across the Atlantic.
C. The American colonists received vital aid from Germany.
D. Options A and B are true.
E. Options A, B, and C are true.

42. A republic is a government
A. resting on the consent of the governed through their representatives.
B. based on majority law.
C. ruled by two political parties.
D. ruled by a monarch.
E. divided by two opposing cultures but ruled by one ruler.

43. A confederation can best  be described as

A. a loose association of independent states.
B. a government without a monarch.
C. a government ruled by a dictator.
D. a form of socialism.
E. smaller units of government controlled by a larger government unit.

44. Which document proclaimed, “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom,
and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not ¼
expressly delegated to the United States”?
A. John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government
B. The Treaty of Lisbon
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. The Articles of Confederation
E. The Constitution

45. To amend the Articles of Confederation required a

A. majority vote.
B. three-fifths vote.
C. two-thirds vote.
D. three-fourths vote.
E. unanimous vote.

46. TheArticles of Confederation failed because

A. they did not provide an effective means for the government to raise money.
B. they did not include an independent leader to direct the government.
C. they did not give the government the power to regulate commerce.
D. Options A, B, and C are true.
E. None of the above is true.

47. Shays’s Rebellion consisted of
A. Massachusetts residents protesting New Hampshire’s import tax on their
state’s products.
B. farmers trying to prevent foreclosure on their property for debts and taxes
C. Massachusetts residents protesting the national government’s tax on
D. Bostonians throwing British tea into Boston Harbor.
E. tobacco farmers protesting tariffs on their crops.

48. Shays’s Rebellion indicated the

A. urgent need to maintain domestic order.
B. unpopularity of the new national taxes.
C. inability of the British to maintain a border presence.
D. continuing threat to the United States from the Native Americans.
E. ongoing religious conflicts between American Protestants and Catholics.

49. Originally, the Constitutional Convention’s purpose was to

A. eliminate the power of the Second Continental Congress.
B. overturn articles amended by the Second Continental Congress.
C. revise the Articles of Confederation.
D. file a formal tax protest with England.
E. adopt a new constitution.

50. Which state legislature sent no delegates to the Constitutional

A. Delaware
B. Massachusetts
C. Georgia
D. South Carolina
E. Rhode Island

51. Which of the following statements concerning the framers of the

Constitution is correct?
A. One hundred delegates were present at some point during the Convention.
B. They possessed only an average level of education.
C. They lacked much practical political experience.
D. They believed “experience must be our only guide, reason may mislead us.”
E. All of the above are true.

52. A group of delegates to the Constitutional Convention proposed a powerful

national government to replace the weak confederation of states. This was
known as the
A. Marshall Plan.
B. Virginia Plan.
C. New Jersey Plan.
D. Connecticut Compromise.
E. Grand Compromise.

53. A key component of the Virginia Plan was

A. equal legislative representation for all states.
B. that essential powers would be kept within the states.
C. a strong national legislature.
D. an executive who would have absolute veto power over legislative actions.
E. strong states’ rights.

54. One similarity between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was that
both plans
A. provided for a legislature with two houses.
B. based representation on state population.
C. specified the creation of a system of national courts.
D. left unspecified how many people the executive might have.
E. gave the executive the right to veto legislation.

55. According to the New Jersey Plan, how was representation to be

structured in Congress?
A. There would be population-based representation in both houses.
B. There would be one house, and representation in it would be based on
C. States would have equal representation in one house and population-based
representation in the other.
D. There would be one house, and all states would have equal representation
in it.
E. Representation was to be based on the three-fifths compromise.

56. The Great Compromise provided for

A. a two-chamber legislature with equal representation for all states.
B. a two-chamber legislature with equal representation for all states in one
chamber and population-based representation in the other.
C. a one-chamber legislature with representation based on population.
D. a two-chamber legislature with representation based on population.
E. upper-house members elected separately from lower-house members.

57. The original procedure for selecting the vice president, under the electoral
college, was
A. the vice president would be selected by the Senate.
B. the vice president would be selected by the House.
C. the candidate with the next-greatest number of votes would become vice
D. the president would select a vice president after being elected.
E. None of the above is true.

58. Republicanism is a form of government in which power

A. is divided between the state and national levels.
B. is concentrated in one political party.
C. is divided among three branches.
D. is separated between some elected and some appointed government
E. resides in the people and is exercised by their elected representatives.

59. The idea of republicanism may be traced to the philosopher

A. Socrates.
B. Plato.
C. Aristotle.
D. Heraclitus.
E. Zeno.

60. Federalism, or the division of power between a national government and

regional units, stands in contrast to
A. pluralism.
B. unitary government.
C. republican government.
D. autocratic government.
E. majoritarian government.

61. Under separation of powers, the U.S. system keeps power among
branches balanced by enabling one branch to counter the actions of another
by the use of
A. federalism.
B. republicanism.
C. authority.
D. economic manipulation.
E. checks and balances.

62. The power of the president to veto laws is an example of

A. federalism.
B. implied powers.
C. checks and balances.
D. separation of powers.
E. enumeration.

63. The assignment in the Constitution of lawmaking, law-enforcing, and law-

interpreting functions to the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
respectively is known as
A. judicial review.
B. direct democracy.
C. inherent powers.
D. a separation of powers.
E. None of the above is true.

64. Article I of the Constitution refers to the

A. Preamble.
B. legislative branch.
C. executive branch.
D. judicial branch.
E. None of the above is true.

65. The power of Congress to charter a bank is an example of what type of

A. Inherent
B. Implied
C. Derived
D. Reserved
E. Enumerated

66. A constitutional clause that allows for a broad interpretation of implied

powers is known as a(n) __________ clause.
A. earmark
B. reciprocal
C. rudimentary
D. elastic
E. ornate

67. Congress exercises a potential check on the judicial branch through its
constitutional power to
A. create or eliminate lower federal courts.
B. appoint federal judges.
C. remove federal judges that declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
D. eliminate the U.S. Supreme Court.
E. None of the above is true.

68. Which of the following is not a power granted to the president under the
A. The power to make treaties
B. The power to appoint government officers, diplomats and judges
C. The power to declare war
D. The power to veto
E. The power to convene Congress

69. If a state’s drinking laws allowed eighteen-year-olds to drink alcoholic

beverages in violation of the federal government’s age requirement of twenty-
one, the federal government’s age restriction would supersede the state’s law
based upon the
A. hold harmless clause.
B. elastic clause.
C. establishment clause.
D. implied law clause.
E. supremacy clause.

70. Unless they are impeached, federal judges serve

A. for two years.
B. for ten years.
C. for twenty years.
D. for life.
E. on the grace of the executive.

71. The text of the Constitution deals with slavery by

A. prohibiting it after 1807.
B. abolishing it.
C. requiring the individual states to decide the issue for themselves.
D. not mentioning it directly.
E. making each state responsible for its own policy.

72. According to the first national census, in 1790, about _________ of the
American population lived in slavery.
A. 2 percent
B. 9 percent
C. 18 percent
D. 25 percent
E. 35 percent

73. The three-fifths formula that was used in regard to representation in the
A. left the South with a majority of seats in that chamber.
B. was adopted as the result of a 7–6 vote.
C. was a compromise first suggested by John C. Calhoun.
D. was created by the Committee on Detail in Philadelphia.
E. had been used in 1783 under the Articles to allocate government costs
among the states.

74. Under the Constitution, the slave trade

A. was banned.
B. was guaranteed only for Southern states.
C. could be ended after twenty years.
D. was not mentioned.
E. was initially condemned, but this language was removed to win support
from Southern delegates to the Convention.

75. Supporters of the Constitutionnamed themselves
A. Republicans.
B. Democrats.
C. Sons of Liberty.
D. Antifederalists.
E. Federalists.

76. Before it could take effect, the Constitution had to be ratified by __________
A. 13
B. 8
C. 10
D. 9
E. 5

77. The Federalist papers were written by

A. Alexander Hamilton.
B. John Jay.
C. John Adams.
D. James Madison.
E. Options A, B, and D are true.

78. The primary contribution of the Federalist  papers is

A. they serve as the collective writings of theorists.
B. to assert independence from England.
C. their insights into the roots of the American Revolution.
D. their ideas supporting the Bill of Rights.
E. their insight into the reasons for constitutional provisions.

79. Antifederalists attacked the proposed Constitutionon the grounds that

A. it was not democratic enough.
B. the national government it created was too weak.
C. the national government it created was too strong.
D. it created an independent judiciary.
E. it created too many enumerated powers for the states.

80. The primary goal of Federalist  No. 10 was to demonstrate that the new
A. would not fall under the dominance of any one faction.
B. would, if unopposed, become a tyranny.
C. would eventually overwhelm the states.
D. would honor the Bill of Rights.
E. could be abolished if England chose to ignore it.

81. The chief obstacle to ratification of the Constitutionby the states was
A. the power it granted to tax.
B. the omission of a bill of rights.
C. its failure to abolish slavery.
D. the lack of court structure below the Supreme Court.
E. inclusion of the plural executive.

82. According to Madison in Federalist No.10, the most common and durable

source of factions has been
A. religious disputes.
B. monarchy.
C. slavery.
D. democracy.
E. unequal distribution of property.

83. The main argument against the need for a bill of rights was that
A. the national government would be weakened if limits on its powers were
B. states could use the power of nullification if national laws violated
individual liberties.
C. the Constitution established a government of limited powers; because the
government was not given the power to regulate individual liberties, no bill of
rights was necessary.
D. the states could easily withdraw from the Union if the national government
violated individual liberties.
E. the design of the institutions of government would preclude them from
abusing rights anyway.

84. TheBill of Rights consists of the first __________ amendments to the

A. five
B. ten
C. fifteen
D. twenty
E. twenty-two

85. The _________ Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and

A. First
B. Second
C. Fourth
D. Eighth
E. Thirteenth

86. The _________  protects against excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel
and unusual punishment.
A. First Amendment
B. Second Amendment
C. Fourth Amendment
D. Eighth Amendment
E. Thirteenth Amendment

87. The constitutional amendment process requires

A. the exercise of judicial review.
B. extraordinary majorities.
C. a simple majority.
D. the exercise of executive privilege.
E. unanimity in the proposal phase.

88. Including the Bill of Rights, __________ amendments have been added to the
A. ten
B. nineteen
C. seventeen
D. fifty-four
E. twenty-seven

89. Which amendment does the text categorize as “disastrous”?
A. First Amendment
B. Tenth Amendment
C. Fifteenth Amendment
D. Eighteenth Amendment
E. Nineteenth Amendment

90. The __________, which prevents members of Congress from voting

themselves immediate pay increases, was submitted to the states in 1789, but
was not ratified until 1992.
A. Sixteenth Amendment
B. Twenty-first Amendment
C. Twenty-third Amendment
D. Twenty-seventh Amendment
E. None of the above is true.

91. The Supreme Court first  declared that the courts have the power to
overturn government acts that conflict with the Constitution in
A. Marbury v.  Madison.
B. Hamilton  v.  Burr.
C. Hammer  v.  Dagenhart.
D. Barron  v.  Baltimore.
E. McCulloch  v.  Maryland.

92. The key principle argued in the case Marbury  v. Madison was

A. national supremacy.
B. slavery.
C. the application of the necessary and proper clause.
D. judicial review.
E. the application of the elastic clause to the federal government.

93. __________was heard from some 20,000 protesters, many of them women, in
October of 1932 as they demanded repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment.
A. “Stop the war”
B. “No taxation without representation”
C. “Let women vote”
D. “We want beer”
E. “Impeach Hoover”

94. The framers of the Constitutionintended _________ to be the strongest

branch(es) of government.
A. the executive branch
B. the judiciary branch
C. Congress
D. the executive and the judiciary branches
E. None of the above is true.

95. When compared with the U.S. Constitution,most American state

A. are longer and more detailed.
B. are shorter and less specific.
C. have been amended less frequently.
D. vary greatly in text and subjects.
E. provide more enumerated protections.

96. After the Constitutionwas amended to permit the federal government to

levy a progressive income tax, government could more effectively further the
goal of
A. social order.
B. social equality.
C. economic freedom.
D. minority rights.
E. redistribution.

97. The _________  guarantees that citizens’ right to vote cannot be denied “on
account of sex.”
A. Thirteenth Amendment
B. Fifteenth Amendment
C. Nineteenth Amendment
D. Twenty-sixth Amendment
E. None of the above is true.

98. The _________ guaranteed citizenship to all persons, including blacks.

A. Thirteenth Amendment
B. Fourteenth Amendment
C. Nineteenth Amendment
D. Twenty-sixth Amendment
E. None of the above is true.

99. According to the text, “it is hard to imagine a government framework

better suited [than the Constitution] to __________.”
A. the majoritarian model
B. the pluralist model
C. procedural theory
D. substantive theory
E. republican theory

100. Compare and contrast the work and challenges facing the founding fathers
at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia and the creators of the
European Union over two centuries later.

101. Describe the conflicts between the colonists and the British that led to the
American Revolution.

102. What is social contract theory, and how did John Locke’s view on this
topic impact Thomas Jefferson?


103. Summarize the objective of the Second Continental Congress, and identify
some of its accomplishments.

104. Explain the principles underlying the Declaration of Independence.

105. Explain how the Revolutionary War imposed agonizing choices on


106. Explain what a republic is.


107. Identify four reasons why the Articles of Confederation failed.

108. Discuss Shays’s Rebellion, and explain its historical significance.

109. Identify five to six features of the Virginia Plan.

110. Identify three to four features of the New Jersey Plan.


111. Explain the Great Compromise concerning how representation would be

determined for each state in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

112. Explain the structure of the electoral college and why it was a
compromise solution for the authors of the Constitution.

113. Explain the difference between enumerated and implied powers, and cite
some examples of each.

114. Describe how the Constitution’s treatment of slavery reflected life at the
time of the Constitutional Convention.


115. Summarize Madison’s Federalist No. 10 definition of factions and his

argument for how the Constitution would control them.

116. Describe the impact that the Antifederalists had on the Constitution.

117. Explain how Madison’s Federalist No. 10 and Federalist No. 51 reflect

the pluralist model of democracy.

118. Explain the manner in which the Constitution can be amended.


119. Describe some of the amendments to the Constitution that have expanded
political equality since the Civil War.

CHAPTER 3: The Constitution Key

1. Please define the following term.

Declaration of Independence

Answers will vary.

2. Please define the following term.

social contract theory

Answers will vary.

3. Please define the following term.


Answers will vary.

4. Please define the following term.


Answers will vary.

5. Please define the following term.

Articles of Confederation

Answers will vary.

6. Please define the following term.

Virginia Plan

Answers will vary.

7. Please define the following term.

legislative branch

Answers will vary.

8. Please define the following term.

executive branch

Answers will vary.

9. Please define the following term.

judicial branch

Answers will vary.

10. Please define the following term.

New Jersey Plan

Answers will vary.

11. Please define the following term.

Great Compromise

Answers will vary.

12. Please define the following term.

electoral college

Answers will vary.

13. Please define the following term.

extraordinary majority

Answers will vary.

14. Please define the following term.


Answers will vary.

15. Please define the following term.


Answers will vary.

16. Please define the following term.

separation of powers
Answers will vary.

17. Please define the following term.

checks and balances

Answers will vary.

18. Please define the following term.

enumerated powers

Answers will vary.

19. Please define the following term.

necessary and proper clause

Answers will vary.

20. Please define the following term.

implied powers

Answers will vary.

21. Please define the following term.

judicial review

Answers will vary.

22. Please define the following term.

supremacy clause

Answers will vary.


23. Please define the following term.

The Federalist Papers

Answers will vary.

24. Please define the following term.

Bill of Rights

Answers will vary.

25. The 2007 European Reform Treaty did all but

A.plan for an EU president.
B. create a diplomatic service under a single foreign-affairs head.
C. create a centralized debt-refinancing agency for indebted countries.
D. drop state-like symbols and terminology.
E. reduce the number of areas requiring unanimity among member nations.

26. By 2012, members of the European Union (EU) agreed to greater central
authority over their respective economies, with the exception of
B. France.
C. Germany.
D. Great Britain.
E. Italy.

27. The U.S. Constitution contains about _________ words.

B. 11,500
C. 17,500
D. 36,000
E. 52,000

28. A major event that led to greater British taxation of American colonies
A.the Feudalism Act.
B. the increased success of cotton as an American export.
C. the growth of the American slave trade.
D. the increased industrialization of the Northern colonies.
E. the Seven Years’ War.

29. The Daughters of Liberty opposed British rule by

A.organizing large public protest marches.
B. dumping tea into Boston Harbor.
C. refusing to marry, date, or associate with British loyalists.
D. engaging in violent guerilla actions.
E. spinning their own cloth and using colonial products rather than buying
imported British products.

30. The American colonists’ first claims to the rights of “life, liberty and
property” date back to the
A.Mayflower Compact.
B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
C. First Continental Congress.
D. Second Continental Congress.
E. Declaration of Independence.

31. The Declaration of Independence was based on input from many people,
but its primary author was
A.James Madison.
B. John Quincy Adams.
C. Benjamin Franklin.
D. George Washington.
E. Thomas Jefferson.

32. The idea that the people agree to establish rulers for certain purposes, but
they have the right to resist or remove rulers who violate those purposes, is
also known as
B. social contract theory.
C. republicanism.
D. the revolutionary right.
E. confederalism.

33. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson’s statement that

“all men are created equal” is similar to which theorist’s belief that
government is based on the “consent of the governed”?
A.James Madison
B. John Adams
C. John Hancock
D. Joseph Ellis
E. John Locke

34. Which document proclaimed, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights”?
A.Locke’s Second Treatise of Government
B. The Treaty of Lisbon
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. The Articles of Confederation
E. The Constitution

35. The “unalienable rights” identified by the Declaration of Independence are, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
B. freedom of speech, press, and assembly.
C. life, liberty, and property ownership.
D. the right to own property and bear arms to protect it.
E. equality, liberty, and equal protection.

36. The original draft of the Declaration of Independence

A.did not mention slavery.
B. condemned slavery but did not call for its end.
C. specified that slaves did not count as human beings.
D. called for the end of slavery everywhere.
E. condemned the king’s support of the slave trade.

37. A result of the Second Continental Congress was

A.the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
B. a plan for the Boston Tea Party.
C. a brief reconciliation with Britain.
D. the decision to create thirteen colonies.
E. increases in colonial taxes paid to England.

38. The punishment for losing the Revolutionary War, for the signers of the
Declaration, would have been
A.death by firing squad.
B. hanging and drawing and quartering.
C. exile.
D. drowning at sea.
E. crucifixion.

39. A greater percentage of the United States population died or was wounded
during the Revolution than in any other U.S. conflict except
A. the Seven Years’ War.
B. the War of 1812.
C. the Civil War.
D. World War II.
E. the Vietnam War.

40. An estimated _________ American colonists remained loyal to the British

Crown. of
B. one in three
C. one in five
D. one in ten
E. one in twenty

41. Which of the following factors contributed to the British loss during the
A.America was too large a country to subdue without total military rule.
B. Britain had to transport men and supplies across the Atlantic.
C. The American colonists received vital aid from Germany.
D. Options A and B are true.
E. Options A, B, and C are true.

42. A republic is a government

A.resting on the consent of the governed through their representatives.
B. based on majority law.
C. ruled by two political parties.
D. ruled by a monarch.
E. divided by two opposing cultures but ruled by one ruler.

43. A confederation can best  be described as

A.a loose association of independent states.
B. a government without a monarch.
C. a government ruled by a dictator.
D. a form of socialism.
E. smaller units of government controlled by a larger government unit.

44. Which document proclaimed, “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom,
and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not ¼
expressly delegated to the United States”?
A.John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government
B. The Treaty of Lisbon
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. The Articles of Confederation
E. The Constitution

45. To amend the Articles of Confederation required a

A.majority vote.
B. three-fifths vote.
C. two-thirds vote.
D. three-fourths vote.
E. unanimous vote.

46. TheArticles of Confederation failed because

A.they did not provide an effective means for the government to raise money.
B. they did not include an independent leader to direct the government.
C. they did not give the government the power to regulate commerce.
D. Options A, B, and C are true.
E. None of the above is true.

47. Shays’s Rebellion consisted of

A.Massachusetts residents protesting New Hampshire’s import tax on their
state’s products.
B. farmers trying to prevent foreclosure on their property for debts and taxes
C. Massachusetts residents protesting the national government’s tax on
D. Bostonians throwing British tea into Boston Harbor.
E. tobacco farmers protesting tariffs on their crops.

48. Shays’s Rebellion indicated the

A.urgent need to maintain domestic order.
B. unpopularity of the new national taxes.
C. inability of the British to maintain a border presence.
D. continuing threat to the United States from the Native Americans.
E. ongoing religious conflicts between American Protestants and Catholics.

49. Originally, the Constitutional Convention’s purpose was to

A.eliminate the power of the Second Continental Congress.
B. overturn articles amended by the Second Continental Congress.
C. revise the Articles of Confederation.
D. file a formal tax protest with England.
E. adopt a new constitution.

50. Which state legislature sent no delegates to the Constitutional

B. Massachusetts
C. Georgia
D. South Carolina
E. Rhode Island

51. Which of the following statements concerning the framers of the

Constitution is correct?
A.One hundred delegates were present at some point during the Convention.
B. They possessed only an average level of education.
C. They lacked much practical political experience.
D. They believed “experience must be our only guide, reason may mislead us.”
E. All of the above are true.

52. A group of delegates to the Constitutional Convention proposed a powerful
national government to replace the weak confederation of states. This was
known as the
A.Marshall Plan.
B. Virginia Plan.
C. New Jersey Plan.
D. Connecticut Compromise.
E. Grand Compromise.

53. A key component of the Virginia Plan was

A.equal legislative representation for all states.
B. that essential powers would be kept within the states.
C. a strong national legislature.
D. an executive who would have absolute veto power over legislative actions.
E. strong states’ rights.

54. One similarity between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was that
both plans
A.provided for a legislature with two houses.
B. based representation on state population.
C. specified the creation of a system of national courts.
D. left unspecified how many people the executive might have.
E. gave the executive the right to veto legislation.

55. According to the New Jersey Plan, how was representation to be

structured in Congress?
A.There would be population-based representation in both houses.
B. There would be one house, and representation in it would be based on
C. States would have equal representation in one house and population-based
representation in the other.
D. There would be one house, and all states would have equal representation
in it.
E. Representation was to be based on the three-fifths compromise.

56. The Great Compromise provided for

A.a two-chamber legislature with equal representation for all states.
B. a two-chamber legislature with equal representation for all states in one
chamber and population-based representation in the other.
C. a one-chamber legislature with representation based on population.
D. a two-chamber legislature with representation based on population.
E. upper-house members elected separately from lower-house members.

57. The original procedure for selecting the vice president, under the electoral
college, was
A.the vice president would be selected by the Senate.
B. the vice president would be selected by the House.
C. the candidate with the next-greatest number of votes would become vice
D. the president would select a vice president after being elected.
E. None of the above is true.

58. Republicanism is a form of government in which power divided between the state and national levels.
B. is concentrated in one political party.
C. is divided among three branches.
D. is separated between some elected and some appointed government
E. resides in the people and is exercised by their elected representatives.

59. The idea of republicanism may be traced to the philosopher

B. Plato.
C. Aristotle.
D. Heraclitus.
E. Zeno.

60. Federalism, or the division of power between a national government and

regional units, stands in contrast to
B. unitary government.
C. republican government.
D. autocratic government.
E. majoritarian government.

61. Under separation of powers, the U.S. system keeps power among
branches balanced by enabling one branch to counter the actions of another
by the use of
B. republicanism.
C. authority.
D. economic manipulation.
E. checks and balances.

62. The power of the president to veto laws is an example of

B. implied powers.
C. checks and balances.
D. separation of powers.
E. enumeration.

63. The assignment in the Constitution of lawmaking, law-enforcing, and law-

interpreting functions to the legislative, executive, and judicial branches
respectively is known as
A.judicial review.
B. direct democracy.
C. inherent powers.
D. a separation of powers.
E. None of the above is true.

64. Article I of the Constitution refers to the

B. legislative branch.
C. executive branch.
D. judicial branch.
E. None of the above is true.

65. The power of Congress to charter a bank is an example of what type of

B. Implied
C. Derived
D. Reserved
E. Enumerated

66. A constitutional clause that allows for a broad interpretation of implied

powers is known as a(n) __________ clause.
B. reciprocal
C. rudimentary
D. elastic
E. ornate

67. Congress exercises a potential check on the judicial branch through its
constitutional power to
A.create or eliminate lower federal courts.
B. appoint federal judges.
C. remove federal judges that declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
D. eliminate the U.S. Supreme Court.
E. None of the above is true.

68. Which of the following is not a power granted to the president under the
A.The power to make treaties
B. The power to appoint government officers, diplomats and judges
C. The power to declare war
D. The power to veto
E. The power to convene Congress

69. If a state’s drinking laws allowed eighteen-year-olds to drink alcoholic

beverages in violation of the federal government’s age requirement of twenty-
one, the federal government’s age restriction would supersede the state’s law
based upon the
A.hold harmless clause.
B. elastic clause.
C. establishment clause.
D. implied law clause.
E. supremacy clause.

70. Unless they are impeached, federal judges serve

A.for two years.
B. for ten years.
C. for twenty years.
D. for life.
E. on the grace of the executive.

71. The text of the Constitution deals with slavery by

A.prohibiting it after 1807.
B. abolishing it.
C. requiring the individual states to decide the issue for themselves.
D. not mentioning it directly.
E. making each state responsible for its own policy.

72. According to the first national census, in 1790, about _________ of the
American population lived in slavery.
A.2 percent
B. 9 percent
C. 18 percent
D. 25 percent
E. 35 percent

73. The three-fifths formula that was used in regard to representation in the
A.left the South with a majority of seats in that chamber.
B. was adopted as the result of a 7–6 vote.
C. was a compromise first suggested by John C. Calhoun.
D. was created by the Committee on Detail in Philadelphia.
E. had been used in 1783 under the Articles to allocate government costs
among the states.

74. Under the Constitution, the slave trade

A.was banned.
B. was guaranteed only for Southern states.
C. could be ended after twenty years.
D. was not mentioned.
E. was initially condemned, but this language was removed to win support
from Southern delegates to the Convention.

75. Supporters of the Constitutionnamed themselves
B. Democrats.
C. Sons of Liberty.
D. Antifederalists.
E. Federalists.

76. Before it could take effect, the Constitution had to be ratified by __________
B. 8
C. 10
D. 9
E. 5

77. The Federalist papers were written by

A.Alexander Hamilton.
B. John Jay.
C. John Adams.
D. James Madison.
E. Options A, B, and D are true.

78. The primary contribution of the Federalist  papers is

A.they serve as the collective writings of theorists.
B. to assert independence from England.
C. their insights into the roots of the American Revolution.
D. their ideas supporting the Bill of Rights.
E. their insight into the reasons for constitutional provisions.

79. Antifederalists attacked the proposed Constitutionon the grounds that was not democratic enough.
B. the national government it created was too weak.
C. the national government it created was too strong.
D. it created an independent judiciary.
E. it created too many enumerated powers for the states.

80. The primary goal of Federalist  No. 10 was to demonstrate that the new
A.would not fall under the dominance of any one faction.
B. would, if unopposed, become a tyranny.
C. would eventually overwhelm the states.
D. would honor the Bill of Rights.
E. could be abolished if England chose to ignore it.

81. The chief obstacle to ratification of the Constitutionby the states was
A.the power it granted to tax.
B. the omission of a bill of rights.
C. its failure to abolish slavery.
D. the lack of court structure below the Supreme Court.
E. inclusion of the plural executive.

82. According to Madison in Federalist No.10, the most common and durable

source of factions has been
A.religious disputes.
B. monarchy.
C. slavery.
D. democracy.
E. unequal distribution of property.

83. The main argument against the need for a bill of rights was that
A.the national government would be weakened if limits on its powers were
B. states could use the power of nullification if national laws violated
individual liberties.
C. the Constitution established a government of limited powers; because the
government was not given the power to regulate individual liberties, no bill of
rights was necessary.
D. the states could easily withdraw from the Union if the national government
violated individual liberties.
E. the design of the institutions of government would preclude them from
abusing rights anyway.

84. TheBill of Rights consists of the first __________ amendments to the

B. ten
C. fifteen
D. twenty
E. twenty-two

85. The _________ Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and

B. Second
C. Fourth
D. Eighth
E. Thirteenth

86. The _________  protects against excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel
and unusual punishment.
A.First Amendment
B. Second Amendment
C. Fourth Amendment
D. Eighth Amendment
E. Thirteenth Amendment

87. The constitutional amendment process requires

A.the exercise of judicial review.
B. extraordinary majorities.
C. a simple majority.
D. the exercise of executive privilege.
E. unanimity in the proposal phase.

88. Including the Bill of Rights, __________ amendments have been added to the
B. nineteen
C. seventeen
D. fifty-four
E. twenty-seven

89. Which amendment does the text categorize as “disastrous”?
A.First Amendment
B. Tenth Amendment
C. Fifteenth Amendment
D. Eighteenth Amendment
E. Nineteenth Amendment

90. The __________, which prevents members of Congress from voting

themselves immediate pay increases, was submitted to the states in 1789, but
was not ratified until 1992.
A.Sixteenth Amendment
B. Twenty-first Amendment
C. Twenty-third Amendment
D. Twenty-seventh Amendment
E. None of the above is true.

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