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The Brief American Pageant A History of

the Republic 9th Edition by David M.

Kennedy – Test Bank

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Sample Test

Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

1. John Calvin

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

2. Anne Hutchinson

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

3. Roger Williams

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

New England Spreads Out

4. Henry VIII

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

5. William Bradford

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

6. Peter Stuyvesant

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

7. Martin Luther

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

8. Thomas Hooker

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New England Spreads Out

9. William Penn

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

10. John Winthrop
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

11. Metacom (King Philip)

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

12. William III

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

13. Squanto

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

14. Charles II

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

New England Spreads Out

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt
New Netherland Becomes New York

15. Michael Wigglesworth

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

16. Massasoit

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

17. Sir Edmund Andros

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

18. Mary II
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

19. Henry Hudson

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

20. Duke of York

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

21. James I

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

22. the “elect”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

23. calling

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

Building the Bay Colony

24. predestination

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

25. freemen

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

26. “visible saints”
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

Building the Bay Colony

27. conversion

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

Building the Bay Colony

28. doctrine of the covenant

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

29. banishment

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

30. antinomianism
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

31. “city upon a hill”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

32. heresy

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

33. Calvinism

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

34. majoritarian

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

35. autocratic

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

New Netherland Becomes New York

36. passive resistance

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

37. asylum

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

38. patroonships
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

39. ethnically mixed

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

40. “blue laws”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

41. Protestant Reformation

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

42. Pilgrims
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

43. New England Confederation

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

44. English Civil War

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

45. Massachusetts Bay Colony

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out

46. Dominion of New England

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

47. Institutes of the Christian Religion

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

48. Navigation Laws

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

49. Great English Migration

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

50. Glorious Revolution
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

51. Puritans

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
New England Spreads Out
Puritans Versus Indians
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

52. General Court

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

53. Dutch West India Company

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

54. “salutary neglect”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

55. New Sweden

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

56. Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

New England Spreads Out
REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

57. Wampanoag

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians


58. Protestant ethic

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

59. Mayflower Compact

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

60. Fundamental Orders

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New England Spreads Out

61. Separatists

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

62. New Haven

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New England Spreads Out

63. Plymouth Bay

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

64. Congregational Church

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

65. “Bible Commonwealth”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

66. “Penn’s Woodland”
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

67. Pequot War

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

68. King Philip´s War

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

69. Puritan “praying towns”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

70. Which term best summarizes the primary motivation

shared by the founders of the New England colonies?
  a. Ethno-cultural

  b. Economic

  c. Social

  d. Religious

  e. Adventurousness

ANSWER:    d

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

REFERENCES:    The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out

71. Match each item on the left with the correct definition:

A. predestination 1. the belief that from the momen

B. conversion 2. the belief that faith and repent

C. antinomianism 3. the sign of the receipt of God’s

    4. the belief that those whom God

  a. A-1, B-3, C-2

  b. A-3, B-2, C-1

  c. A-1, B-3, C-4

  d. A-4, B-l, C-3

  e. A-2, B-4, C-3

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

72. Why were the “Puritans” known by that name?

  a. They washed obsessively to purify themselves of sin.

  b. They wanted to purify the Roman Catholic Church of its southern European tendencies.

  c. They wished to purify the Church of England of all remnants of Roman Catholicism.

  d. They sought to purify the English nation of its recent influx of Irish immigrants.

  e. They viewed purification of sin as the paramount calling of all Christians.

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

73. In the Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) Calvin

argued all of the following EXCEPT that

  a. God was all powerful.

  b. God was all good.

  c. God was all knowing.

  d. humans, through free will, could earn their salvation.

  e. humans were weak and wicked.

ANSWER:    d

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

74. In Calvinist theology, the “converted” were expected

  a. become missionaries and try to convert others.

  b. participate in crusades against the Catholic Church.

  c. withdraw from political and economic life.

  d. be above ordinary moral codes.

  e. demonstrate holy, “sanctified” lives and behavior.

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

75. In Puritan doctrine, the “elect” were also referred to as

  a. Separatists
  b. “patroons”

  c. “visible saints”

  d. Pilgrims

  e. Anglicans

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

76. Henry VIII aided the entrance of Protestant beliefs into

England when he

  a. allowed Martin Luther to journey to England.

  b. broke England’s ties with the Catholic Church.

  c. removed himself as the head of the Church of England.

  d. ordered John Calvin to go to Switzerland.

  e. supported the Puritans.

ANSWER:    b

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

77. What was King James I’s policy toward Separatists who
broke with the Church of England?

  a. To try to drive them out of England

  b. To enlist them as allies in his struggles with the Anglican bishops

  c. To force them into indentured servitude

  d. To try to prove they were wrong through his “King James” translation of the Bible

  e. To try to mobilize the less radical Puritans against them

ANSWER:    a

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

78. Why did the Separatists migrate from England to Holland?

  a. To avoid the coming war with France

  b. To gain wealth

  c. To foster Calvinism as an international religion

  d. To practice their purified Protestantism without persecution

  e. To escape the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company

ANSWER:    d

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth


79. Match each colony on the left with its associated item:

A. Plymouth 1.

B. Connecticut 2.

C. Massachusetts Bay 3.


  a. A-3, B-2, C-4

  b. A-2, B-3, C-1

  c. A-4, B-1, C-2

  d. A-1, B-4, C-3

  e. A-3, B-2, C-1

ANSWER:    b

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

Building the Bay Colony
New England Spreads Out
New Netherland Becomes New York

80. The Mayflower Compact can be best described as

  a. an agreement to follow the dictates of Parliament.

  b. a document that allowed women limited participation in government.

  c. the first American constitution.

  d. a complex agreement to form an oligarchy.

  e. a promising step toward genuine self-government.

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

81. What was significant about the document known as the

Fundamental Orders, developed by Settlers of the
Connecticut River colony?

  a. It marked the beginning of the colony of Connecticut.

  b. It established a regime democratically controlled by “substantial” citizens.

  c. It set up a military alliance in New England.

  d. It pleased King Charles I.

  e. It supported a government controlled by all people.

ANSWER:    b

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New England Spreads Out


82. Which statement is NOT a characteristic of the

Massachusetts Bay enterprise?

  a. It was well equipped, with eleven vessels carrying nearly a thousand immigrants.

  b. It started out on a larger scale than any of the other English settlements.

  c. It experienced additional immigration due to continuing turmoil in England.

  d. It merged with the Plymouth Bay Colony in 1691.

  e. It began when Charles I dismissed Archbishop William Laud, a sympathizer with Puritanism.

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

83. Which phrase best describes John Winthrop?

  a. A reactionary English archbishop who persecuted Puritans

  b. A stern clergyman from Geneva associated with the doctrine predestination

  c. A strong leader who served as the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

  d. A believer in religious toleration and supporter of Indian rights who was banished from Massachusetts

  e. A wise, self-educated man who led Plymouth Colony in its early years

ANSWER:    c
POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

84. Who held the franchise in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

in its early years?

  a. All adult males who belonged to Puritan congregations

  b. All regular churchgoers

  c. All adult males who owned at least forty acres of land

  d. All those chosen by Governor Winthrop and his cabinet

  e. All married adult males

ANSWER:    a

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

85. In the Massachusetts “Bible Commonwealth,” clergymen

  a. could be elected to political office.

  b. could not be fired by their congregations.

  c. were not allowed to marry.

  d. were barred from holding formal political office.

  e. could not have children.

ANSWER:    d

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony

86. Why was Anne Hutchinson accused of antinomian dissent

and banished from Massachusetts Bay?

  a. She believed that predestination was not a valid idea.

  b. She held that the truly saved need not obey the laws of God or man.

  c. She took up the native religion of the Pequot.

  d. She insisted that direct revelation from God was impossible.

  e. She confessed to practicing witchcraft on the leaders of the colony.

ANSWER:    b

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

87. Which statement about Roger Williams, a popular Salem

minister, is FALSE?

  a. He believed that Puritanism was still the preferred method of dealing with the Church of England.

  b. He denied the legality of the Bay Colony’s charter, because it was unfair to the Indians.

  c. He denied the authority of the civil government to regulate religious behavior.

  d. He founded a Baptist Church in Rhode Island in 1636.

  e. He believed in complete freedom of religion, even for Jews and Catholics.

ANSWER:    a

POINTS:    1

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

New England Spreads Out

88. Which statement best describes the first stage of contact

between Indians and English colonists at Plymouth?

  a. The Wampanoag immediately attacked the new arrivals, decimating the colonists´ ranks and slowing colonizatio

  b. Tensions quickly escalated into King Philip´s War, which resulted in the weakened local tribes conceding to relo

The earliest relations between the thriving local Indian tribes around Plymouth Bay and English colonists were p
shared prosperity.

  d. Already allied with the French through the fur trade, the Wampanoag tried unsuccessfully to prevent any settle

  e. Already severely weakened by disease, the Wampanoag initially sought peaceful accommodation with the settl

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

89. After the Pequot War, Puritan efforts to convert Indians

to Christianity can best be described as
  a. vigorous but unsuccessful.

  b. more zealous than those made by Catholics, but still unsuccessful.

  c. filling “praying towns” with thousands of Indians.

  d. feeble, and not equaling that of the Spanish or the French.

  e. very successful.

ANSWER:    d

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

90. What was the New England Indians’ best hope for

resisting English encroachment?

  a. Acquiring English muskets

  b. Enlisting the aid of the French

  c. Having intertribal unity against the English

  d. Building fortifications

  e. Allying themselves with the Dutch

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

91. What was the end result of King Philip’s War?

  a. The lasting defeat of New England’s Indians

  b. France’s moving into Canada

  c. The formation of a powerful alliance among the Indians to resist the English

  d. The last victory for the Indians

  e. The rapid expansion of English settlement throughout New England

ANSWER:    a

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

92. Which factor represented a first tentative step toward

colonial unity in the mid-seventeenth century?

  a. Dominion of New England

  b. New England Confederation

  c. Fundamental Orders

  d. Institutes of Christian Religion

  e. Mayflower Compact

ANSWER:    b

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt


93. During the early years of colonization in the New World,


  a. closely controlled its colonies.

  b. maintained an excellent relationship with the Indians.

  c. paid little attention to its colonies.

  d. made sure all the colonies had royal charters.

  e. began the importation of African slaves in large numbers.

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

94. The Dominion of New England

  a. included only some of the New England colonies.

  b. was created by the colonial governments to centralize military issues.

  c. was designed to bolster colonial commerce.

  d. eventually included New York but not New Jersey.

  e. was established by the English government to centralize administration of its colonies.

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

95. Which phrase best describes the Dutch colonizing effort

in North America?

  a. An attempt to “Dutchify” the New World and spread the Dutch Reformed Church´s values

  b. An experiment in democracy

  c. An economically motivated venture, inspired by but secondary to Holland´s profitable empire in the East Indi

  d. A bid to challenge Spain, Holland´s former oppressor, for dominance in the New World

  e. A utopian scheme to provide refuge for various religious minorities

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

96. Which feature of New Netherland endured after the

English gained control?

  a. The autocratic spirit

  b. Commitment to democracy

  c. Widespread landholding among the laboring classes

  d. Fierce defense of religious freedom

  e. Theocratic government

ANSWER:    a

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    New Netherland Becomes New York

97. William Penn’s thoughts turned to the New World for

several reasons. What is NOT one of these?

  a. He sought to establish an asylum for his people.

  b. He wished to flee the persecution of the Quakers in his native home of England.

  c. He hoped to experiment with liberal ideas in government.

  d. He wished to make a profit in the New World.

  e. He wished to set up a society based on complete equality.

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

98. What enabled Pennsylvania to grow and succeed so

quickly compared to other American colonies?

  a. Conservative land policies attracted a large influx of immigrants.

  b. Religious tolerance drew immigrants from overseas as well as nearby colonies that were less tolerant.

  c. Founder William Penn widely advertised the opportunities available in his new colony, especially recruiting sk

  d. Quakers proved shrewd and successful in business generally and avoided conflict with native peoples.

  e. It enabled the cultivation of a cash crop.

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

99. Which colony offered the most religious toleration?

  a. New York

  b. Massachusetts Bay

  c. Plymouth Bay

  d. Rhode Island

  e. Connecticut

ANSWER:    d

POINTS:    1

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
REFERENCES:    New England Spreads Out
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

100. What was NOT a factor leading to the persecution of

Quakers in England?

  a. They refused to pay taxes to support the established Church of England.

  b. They were egalitarian and refused to acknowledge social differences by tipping hats or using conventional titl

  c. They spurned all money-making activity, choosing to live in poverty and rely on charity.

  d. They worshipped in simple meetinghouses without paid clergy, and any member could speak up in church if s

  e. They refused to take oaths, which frustrated and enraged government officials.

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

101. Which statement about English Separatists is FALSE?

  a. They were more radical than most Puritans.

  b. They included the Pilgrims who founded Plymouth Bay Colony.

  c. They authored the Mayflower Compact.

  d. They sought to reform the Church of England from within.

  e. Some sought refuge from English persecution in Holland.

ANSWER:    d

POINTS:    1
The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism
The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

102. Which Indian tribe allied with the English in the

colonization of New England?

  a. Powhatan

  b. Lakota

  c. Iroquois

  d. Algonquin

  e. Narragansett

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

103. One of the reasons that Roger Williams got into trouble

with Massachusetts Bay authorities was because he

  a. called for the introduction of female clergy.

  b. sought to convert Indians to Roman Catholicism.

  c. proclaimed that the colony’s civil government should not regulate religious behavior.

  d. claimed to have direct revelations from God.

  e. advocated harsh treatment of the Indians.

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth

104. What set New York apart from other middle colonies?

  a. Widespread use of African slaves

  b. A more hierarchical society inherited from the earlier Dutch colony of New Netherland

  c. The profound imprint of Quaker beliefs on culture and politics

  d. Strong interest in religious toleration and diversity

  e. Rapid growth from immigration, due to the abundant opportunities for landholding compared to other colon

ANSWER:    b

POINTS:    1

New Netherland Becomes New York

The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

105. What came about as a result of the Pequot War of 1637?

  a. The abolition of Indian “praying towns”

  b. The  triumph of the Pequots over the English settlers

  c. Four decades of uneasy peace between the Puritans and the Indians
  d. English restrictions on colonial expansion

  e. Better relations with the remaining Indians

ANSWER:    c

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians

106. What is NOT a feature that distinguished the middle

colonies from the other colonies in New England and to the

  a. Deep and fertile soil and easily navigable rivers

  b. A modest amount of industry, less than in New England but more than in the southern colonies

  c. Apart from New York, the size of landholdings was generally intermediate – smaller than southern plantations,

  d. The population of the middle colonies was more ethnically mixed than in the other colonial regions

  e. Settlers in the middle colonies proved far kinder to native Indian tribes than in New England or the southern co

ANSWER:    e

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

107. Compare and contrast the motives of their founders,

religious and social orientation, economic pursuits, and
political developments of TWO of the early colonial
settlement areas: Southern Colonies, New England Colonies,
or the Middle Colonies.

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

108. Why did one group of religious refugees — the Puritans

— establish a colony that did not tolerate dissent, while
another persecuted group — the Quakers — made religious
toleration a core value of their colony? What distinguished
their beliefs and historical experiences? How different were
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania socially and religiously as a

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
REFERENCES:    Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

109. To what extent did colonists endorse the idea of the
separation of church and state?

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

110. Some historians have argued that Puritanism was

especially suited for life in the wilderness of seventeenth-
century America. Do you agree? Why or why not?

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth
The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out

111. Compare and contrast the Confederation of New

England and the Dominion of New England. Be sure to cite the
date of the founding, state the reasons for their creation,
describe how they functioned and what they accomplished,
and explain why they were ultimately abandoned.
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

112. To what extent did the idea of the “Protestant ethic”

emerge from Calvinist theology? How did this idea shape the
history of New England and later other American colonies?

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth
The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
REFERENCES:    Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

113. Which of the New England or middle colonies would you

have preferred to live in? Explain your answer by discussing
your selection’s social, economic, political, religious, and
ethnic characteristics.

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

114. In your opinion, which three of the twelve colonies

founded in the seventeenth century made the most
significant contributions to the perennial American values of
democratic self-government, educational opportunity,
religious toleration, social plurality, and economic
materialism? Explain your choice.

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out
Puritans Versus Indians
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

115. Assess the validity of the following statement:

“Although colonists both north and south were bound
together by a common language and a common allegiance to
Mother England, they established different patterns of
settlement, different economies, different political systems,
and even different sets of values.” Do you agree or disagree?
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
New England Spreads Out
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

116. In what ways did Pennsylvania attempt to develop a

kind of ideal Quaker society? In what ways did the Quakers’
original idealism flourish, and in what ways did it fail? How
did the Quaker ideal in Pennsylvania compare with the
Puritans’ experience in New England?

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
New England Spreads Out
Puritans Versus Indians
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

117. Is the colonization of America better understood as the

extension of European civilization into the New World, or as
the gradual development of a uniquely American culture?
ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
New England Spreads Out
REFERENCES:    Puritans Versus Indians
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

118. Consider the historical precedents set by the following:

the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders, the New
England Confederation, and the Dominion of New England.
Which had the most profound impact on the future
development of the United States, and why?

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

REFERENCES:    New England Spreads Out
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt

119. How thoroughly English were the New England and

middle colonies? To what extent did Dutch and Swedish
settlement also shape the culture and politics of the middle
colonies? What lasting impact did Indian peoples have on
these regions?

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
REFERENCES:    New England Spreads Out
Puritans Versus Indians
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

120. Which had the greater influence on subsequent

American history: the New England idea of America as a “city
on a hill” with a special mission to the world, or the middle
colonies’ experience of ethnic diversity, religious toleration,
and democratic control?

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
Building the Bay Colony
New England Spreads Out
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Revolt
New Netherland Becomes New York
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies

Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

1. Jonathan Edwards

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Great Awakening

2. Benjamin Franklin

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

Schools and Colleges

REFERENCES:    A Provincial Culture
Pioneer Presses

3. John Trumbull

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Provincial Culture

4. George Whitefield

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1
REFERENCES:    The Great Awakening

5. John Peter Zenger

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Pioneer Presses

6. Phillis Wheatley

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Provincial Culture

7. John Singleton Copley

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Provincial Culture

8. Charles Willson Peale

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Provincial Culture


9. Lord Cornbury

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Great Game of Politics

10. Andrew Hamilton

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Pioneer Presses

11. Pennsylvania Dutch

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Potpourri of Peoples

12. Great Awakening

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Great Awakening


13. “praying towns”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Potpourri of Peoples

14. “jayle birds”

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Structure of Colonial Society

15. “established” churches

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Dominant Denominations

16. new lights

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Great Awakening


17. triangular trade

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Workaday America

18. Molasses Act

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Workaday America

19. Scots-Irish

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Potpourri of Peoples

20. Poor Richard’s Almanack

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    A Provincial Culture


21. New York slave revolt

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Africans in America

22. Zenger trial

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Pioneer Presses

23. Yankee seamen

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Workaday America

24. taverns

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    Horsepower and Sailpower


25. royal colonies

ANSWER:    Answers will vary.

POINTS:    1

REFERENCES:    The Great Game of Politics

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