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1. Life is the sum of you choices. – Albert Camus
Reflection Question: What can you do to help yourself make good choices
in your life, starting today?

2. Happiness begins where selfishness ends. – John Wooden UCLA men’s

basketball coach, whose teams won a reconrd ten nation chapionships
Reflection Question: Why are we happier when we are unselfish?

3. No one makes a greater mistake than the person who does nothing
because he could do only a little. – Edmund Burke
Reflection Question: Why is it a mistake to do nothing because you think
you can only do a little?

4. Words go into the body. – Maya Angelou

Reflection Question: What does this mean? – Have you experienced this?

5. Better Safe than Sorry. – proverb

Reflection Question: What does this mean?

• Write a positive note to a teacher,

peer or adult in your family. In
your note, tell something about
that person that you appreciate or
• Write a short paragraph about
one positive choice you made
during this school year and how it
affected your life. Share it with a

Watch: “Principals we can learn from an Eagle” (They are listed on last page.)
Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

►Lesson 1 Eagle Fly Alone At High Altitude - Eagles don't fly with sparrow, ravens and other small
birds. Meaning - Stay away from narrow minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with
eagles. Keep good company.

►Lesson 2 Eagles Have An Accurate Vision - They have the ability to fucos on something as far as
5km away. No matter what's the obstacles, the eagle will not move to his fucos from the prey until he
grabs it. Meaning - Have a vision and fucosed no matter what's the obstacle and you will succeed.

►Lesson 3 Eagles Do Not Eat Dead Things Meaning - Do not rely on your past success, Keep
looking for new frontiers to conquer, leave your past where it belong in the past.

►Lesson 4 Eagles Love Storm - When clouds gather, the eagles get excited, the eagle uses the
storm wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to
lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the
meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree. Meaning - Achievers are
not afraid of challenges rather they relish them and use them profitability.

►Lesson 5 When A Female Eagle Meets A Male Eagle, She test him for commitment. Meaning -
Whether in private life or in business, one should test the commitment of the people intended for

►Lesson 6 Eagles Prepare For Training - They remove the feathers and the soft grass in the nest
so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies when it
becomes unbearable to stay in the nest. Meaning - Leave your comfort zone, There is no growth

►Lesson 7 When The Eagle Grows Old, They Hurt Themselves For New Feathers Meaning -We
occasionally need to shed off old habit no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value
to our lives should be let go.


Resilience and Courage --- Self-Management Character Counts Book p. 23

If you PERSEVERE, you will PREVAIL.

Obstacles are not there to stop you, they are there to challenge you.

1. What are the most important ideas in the quote? _____________________________________

2. What does it mean that if you persevere you will prevail? _______________________________
3. You are walking down a road and a big rock is blocking the way. How could you get past it?
(check all that apply)
___ Climb over it. ___Walk around it.
___ Grab a hammer and try to break it apart. ___ Dig a tunnel and go under it.
4. Give an example of what this means to you when facing something that you feel is too hard. ___

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