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A Physician’s Guide to
Navigating a Bureaucracy
To get what you need to create a more
ideal practice, you must learn to navigate
the bureaucracy of your organization.
Here’s how.

© M I K E AU S T I N


Dr. Drummond is a family physician, CEO of, and author of Stop Physician
Burnout: What to Do When Working Harder Isn’t
B ack in 2018, we reached a significant tipping point in
medicine. For the first time, physician practice owners
were not in the majority. Instead, most practicing physi-
cians reported being employed, with family medicine
having the highest share of employed physicians.1
Loss of autonomy is a major frustration for many employed
doctors, particularly those who used to practice independently.
Working. He is an author, speaker, and consultant on Suddenly, you are not “the boss” or “in charge” because this is not
the subject of physician burnout. Author disclosure: your practice. The practice exists inside an organization that is a
No relevant financial affiliations disclosed.
vast bureaucracy, and you are smack in the middle of the org chart
© 2020 Dike Drummond, MD, CEO, with several layers of bosses above you. These individuals often

26 | FPM | May/June
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2020 Copyright © 2020 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one
individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact for questions and permission requests.

are not doctors, but they have the power the quality of your relationship with your
to dictate the specifics of your practice boss is a huge factor in the quality of your
and possibly decrease your job satisfaction life. A good relationship can boost you to a
unless you figure out a way to have some thriving practice. A poor relationship can
influence over their decisions. lead to burnout and is one of the top rea-
For example, let’s say you are spending sons employed physicians quit their jobs.
one to two hours each night doing pajama- If you don’t know who your boss is, your
time charting at home, and you would like to first assignment is to figure that out. This
try working with a scribe to ease your docu-
mentation workload so you don’t burn out.
You make a great case to your administrator,
who shoots down the idea, saying, “If I give These individuals have the power to
you a scribe, I have to give everyone a scribe.”
dictate the specifics of your practice and
Here’s another example: Your organi-
zation uses centralized scheduling with possibly decrease your job satisfaction
inflexible templates, and you are want-
ing some control over your schedule. You unless you figure out a way to have
would like to be able to schedule two
10-minute walk-in visits after lunch each some influence over their decisions.
day to unload your afternoon. It would be
good for patients too, but your boss says no.
In both examples, you disagree with may be a challenge in your organization,
the decision and feel your organization’s especially if the structure has changed
bureaucracy is causing harm. It’s not a mat- recently. Is it your chief medical officer,
ter of life and death, such as a pandemic, someone in the administration area, your
where you might be asked to do things that practice manager, the chairperson of your
put your life in danger and need to say “No!” executive committee? Who does the orga-
In this article, we’re not talking about cri- nization see as your immediate supervisor,
sis or emergency situations. We’re talking or who in your organization sees himself or
about routine circumstances, but there’s herself as your supervisor? If the position
still real harm involved — inefficiency, of your boss is missing or vacant, that is not
overworked doctors, unhappy patients, etc. a good thing because there is no one to rep-
So what should you do? resent you, no one who has your back, and
A. You could leave the organization and no one to advocate for your requests. It is in
go work somewhere else, but you’ll likely your best interest to clarify this role. Then,
encounter a bureaucracy wherever you go. you can proceed with the following steps.
B. You could say nothing, keep your head 1. Understand your boss. It is vitally
down, and accept the bureaucracy, which important to understand your boss on
will eventually lead to job dissatisfaction, several key levels. First, know your boss’s
resentment, burnout, or worse. personality, communication style, and
C. You can learn how to navigate the
bureaucracy and gradually take back some
control over your practice. KEY POINTS
Option C involves developing two essen- •A
 n organization’s bureaucracy can cause real harm — inefficiency,
tial skill sets: 1) managing your boss and 2) overworked doctors, unhappy patients, etc. — but physicians can
maintaining a position of influence in your influence it by learning to manage their boss.
organization. Here’s how to do both.
 nce you’ve built a positive balance in your relationship “bank
account” with your boss, it’s time to ask for what you need; pick
the highest priority change you want to make to your practice.
Why is this important? Your boss is your •A
 s you relate to your boss and others in the organizational
support inside the organization — the hierarchy, work to build influence by being patient not urgent,
source of the “yes” you will need to move bringing solutions not just problems, and being curious not
from “the way we do things around here” accusatory or disruptive.
toward your ideal practice. Like it or not,  May/June 2020 | FPM | 27

decision-making style. Is your boss an What is your personality, communication
action-oriented person who wants the bul- style, and decision-making style? Notice
let points and then makes a quick decision, the way you communicate naturally and
or is your boss a detail-oriented, intro- how that either matches or conflicts with
verted “engineer type” who takes time to your boss’s personality and style. In most
make decisions — or something completely cases you will need to modify the way you
different? Study them and their communi- communicate to connect effectively with
cation style carefully. Pretend you are an your boss. Remember you are striving for
anthropologist, carefully observing your the “Platinum Rule”: Treat people the way
boss as a key member of your “tribe.” How they want to be treated. So if your boss
do they schedule their days? How do they likes all the details and time to consider a
prefer to be contacted — by email, text, decision, give them just what they want —
phone, in person? How do the people who details and some time.
have the best working relationships with You also must understand what your
your boss relate to this person? What suc- own goals and needs are, as well as your
cess factors can you identify and emulate? ideal job description. If you’re continuously
Next, practice the “Platinum Rule”: Treat trying to improve your practice toward
people the way they want to be treated. the ideal, you will probably have requests
Match your boss’s communication style for your boss every month. Winning your
and personality when the two of you are boss’s support is often key to making
together. Give them the information and the practice changes you require. Know
time they want, just the way they want it, exactly what you want from your boss. Do
especially when you are making a request your best to align your needs with one of
for change to your work structure. your boss’s goals, and create a win-win that
Get to know your boss as a person too. pleases both of you. Then ask for what you
Do they have children, outside interests, want. You may need to negotiate back and
or hobbies? Where do the two of you have forth and be willing to compromise, but do
common ground? Take great notes, just like not let that stop you from getting clear on
you would with a patient. Always be adding what you want and asking for it.
to your knowledge base and building your 3. Manage your relationship. Let’s face
relationship. it, you can’t actually manage your boss.
Finally, you need to know their goals You are not in the position on the org chart
and priorities. Your boss almost certainly for that. What you can manage is your
has a boss. They have their own goals and relationship. Most physicians miss this
point altogether. They see their boss only a
couple times a year, and most often that is
Once you’ve built a positive balance when their boss stops by to tell them there
is a problem. That is the absence of a rela-
in your relationship bank account, tionship. You can’t manage a vacuum. The
chance of you getting something you need
it’s time to ask for what you need. from your boss when this is the nature of
your relationship is close to zero. You must
manage the relationship proactively.
orders from above. Do you know what their Think of it this way: Your relationship is
key objectives are for this quarter or this like a bank account. Every positive interac-
year? The easiest way to find this out is tion makes a deposit of goodwill into this
to ask them directly. Then ask how you account. You can draw on this balance of
can help. What role do they see you playing goodwill if there is a conflict or problem.
in reaching these goals? It will be much If the only time you see your boss is when
easier for you to get what you need from there is conflict or a problem, you have no
your boss if your request aligns with one goodwill to draw on. It will drive the two of
of their own goals. This is the essence of you even farther apart.
a win-win solution. The solution is simple: regular collegial
2. Understand yourself. You must meetings with your boss to make sure
understand yourself on these same levels. you are on the same page. You will need

28 | FPM | May/June 2020


to schedule these meetings. Arrange this practice, try using these three magic
meeting as a regular get-together in the words: “innovation pilot project.” Bosses
absence of any problems or crisis, by love being able to report innovation in
saying something like this: “I would like their area to the higher-ups, so propose
to buy you a cup of coffee and get to know an innovation pilot project. This can be
your goals for me — and the larger orga- a powerful way to get permission to try
nization — so we are always on the same out your idea and, eventually, expand it if
page.” Then, make a habit of scheduling it’s successful.
your next visit with your boss before this
one is done so you always have a relation-
ship-building meeting on the books with
them. Quarterly is great. Monthly or every
If you need something that does not
other month is better. require more money or more staff,
Here are some initial questions to ask at
your meetings: does not violate policy, and is consistent
• What are your goals for this quarter
and this year? with the mission, just do it.
• What role do you see me playing in
those goals?
• How else can I help you get there? FIVE POWER TIPS FOR MAINTAINING
• How do you evaluate my performance, A POSITION OF INFLUENCE IN YOUR
and what are the most important numbers ORGANIZATION
for you? As you relate to your boss or others in the
• How am I doing at this time? organizational hierarchy, keep these tips
• How can I improve? in mind.
• What is something you see on the hori- 1. Stop acting like a doctor. When you’re
zon that I can start preparing for now? trying to get what you need from your boss
Down the road, you will also use these or your boss’s boss, resist the urge to act
conversations to ask for what you need like a doctor. Doctors give orders, expect
to keep creating your ideal practice. But compliance, and demand urgency. Instead,
early on, keep working to make deposits in ask questions, observe carefully, make
your relationship bank account with your requests, and be patient.
boss. Shoot for a ratio of 5:1 — five positive 2. Know when to ask for forgiveness vs.
interactions for every negative or uncom- permission. Administrators have several
fortable interaction. This way, your balance concerns you must honor: money, staff,
will always be in positive territory. policy, and mission. If you need something
Once you’ve built a positive balance in that does not require more money or more
your relationship bank account, it’s time staff, does not violate policy, and is consis-
to ask for what you need. Pick the high- tent with the mission, just do it. If anyone
est priority change you want to make to objects later, beg forgiveness (or ask to be
your practice. Look at it from two perspec- an innovation pilot project).
tives — yours and your boss’s. Put yourself 3. Don’t be a whiner. The typical
in their shoes now that you know more employee will point to a problem and ask
about them and their situation. Create a their boss “What are you going to do about
solution that will be a win for both of you, this?” This will destroy your relationship
and prepare to present this request at your and make you adversaries immediately.
next meeting. It’s a good idea to rehearse Instead, any time you bring your boss a
your presentation with someone you trust. problem, bring a solution too. Ideally your
(Your significant other is a great person to solution is a win-win that accomplishes two
play your boss; they usually participate things at once: It gives you more of what you
with gusto.) Never go in cold. Expect the want, and it meets one of your boss’s objec-
best, but prepare for the worst. Be flexible tives. You do not want your boss to see you
and willing to negotiate. as “just another whining doctor.”
If you meet resistance and you know 4. Remember the “continuation rule.”
your request is a good thing for the Every interaction you have with your boss  May/June 2020 | FPM | 29

sets the stage for your next encounter. If and use it to your advantage, showing how
you end on a positive note, your next meet- a current process or policy is incongruous
ing will continue on that same positive tra- and should be changed. For example, “I was
jectory — even if your discussion is about wondering … The mission statement says X,
a problem. If this meeting ends badly, you but we’re doing Y. Maybe you can help me
will start the next one in the pits as well. out here.”
Do everything you can to avoid ending any
meeting in a negative fashion. Never storm A SURPRISING RESULT
out of a meeting with your boss. When physicians I coach apply these skills,
5. Avoid the “disruptive” label. Never they are often surprised at the flexibility,
lose your cool. When you feel negative emo- support, and positive working relation-
tions rising up inside you, use your mind- ships that result. In many cases, things they
fulness skills — breathe and release — or thought were impossible — such as going to
table the conversation until you can gather a part-time schedule, getting additional cler-
your thoughts and emotions. When you ical support, or getting needed equipment
need to point out a problem or hypocrisy, — were immediately made available when
don’t accuse or assert. Instead, channel they presented a reasonable request to their
the 70s-era TV detective “Columbo,” and boss. What requests should be at the top of
use phrases such as “I’m curious …,” “I’m your list? In an upcoming issue of FPM, we’ll
confused …,” “I was wondering …,” or “Maybe delve into the process of creating your list
you can help me out here.” This is where it of what you need or want, which starts with
is helpful to know the mission statement identifying your ideal job description. 

1. AMA. Employed physicians outnumber

Send comments to, or self-employed. May 06, 2019. https://www.
add your comments to the article online.


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