Student Budget Worksheet-2

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Nora Frederick

Monthly Income
Your Main Job Amazon Employee
Your Other Sources of Income None
Totals 3000

Monthly Expenses
Rent/Mortgage 200
Condo/ Association Fees 200
Heat/Electric 0
Phone 100
Water 0
Property Taxes 50
Home Maintenance 25
Cable TV/ Internet 20
Car Payments/ lease 55
License/ Registration/Maint 0
Gasoline 35
Auto Insurance 10
EZ Pass 0
Groceries/ Dining Out/ Takeout 100
Personal Care 200
Clothing/Shoes 150
Exercise/ hobbies/ clubs 50
Vacation/ LEISURE 50
Education 500 4500
Debts 0 4000
Charitable Donations 10 3500
Gifts to Children 0 2500
Gifts to others 0 2000
Savings 2500 1500
Federal Income Tax 250 500
State Income Tax 200 0
Out of pocket medical 15 e ne ce int ss es on en ax ns
ag n a o r T
Out of pocket perscriptions 0 tr g Pho ena /Ma Z P /Sh cati ild me iptio
o t n E g du Ch o cr r
/M ain atio th
in E to Inc rs P
Out of pocket eyecare 0 ent M tr l o fts ral t pe nce
R e s Gi ede cke ura
in home care 0 m egi C
Ho / R F po Ins
Health Insurance Premiums 25 s e f h
en t o alt
Life Insurance Premiums 25 Lic Ou He
Disability Income Insurance 20
Other 0
Totals 4650
Column B

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a l e ti
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h in E to Inc rs P
ot l e e
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Gi ede cke ura
F po Ins
f h
t o alt
Ou He

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