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The skyscraper is very tall building that was built for the first time in United States the

term of
skyscraper was applied for buildings with 10 or 20 stories but in the late 20th century it the
described the buildings that have 40 stories and more. In the United States in the second half of the
19th century the installation of the first safe passenger elevator make possible to build
constructions with more than four or five stories tall and it helped with more city business spaces.
The earliest skyscrapers was rested on very thick mansory walls so architects start to use the cast
iron and the wrought iron framework to support the weight of the upper floors. In 1860 In the USA
where architects start to use steel frame but make possible to build or truly tall constructions.
be'cause of population density and urban area increased the skyscrapers start to be used for
residential purpose. Another factor that influenced the design and construction of skyscrapers was
the need for energy conservation

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