Self Driving Cars

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Self-Driving Cars

Fikayo Ariremako, Joseph Gudger, Oluwatomisin Olutimehin and Dr. Jawad Drissi
Cameron University

Abstract: This presentation describes the that self-driving cars fall into. Even though
implementation of autonomous vehicles we are not fully autonomous yet, some self-
(AVs) or self-driving cars into our society driving or autonomous cars have already
from developments in the past, the present been allowed on the roads, but fully
and the expected safety of self-driving cars autonomous cars are yet to be authorized.
technologies. Remote controlled vehicles Self-driving cars have come a long way
have been around since 1926. In 1980, from initially being controlled by radio
major advances in autonomous vehicle transmitters to now being equipped with
technology was made by Mercedes-Benz cameras that tracks the objects around the
with the advent of its vision guided car and incorporated in-car computers that
Mercedes-Benz robotic Van with the focus interact with the environment to study and
being on the vision guided systems using make decisions on behalf of the cars.
LiDAR (radar, GPS and computer vision) to
II. Past of Autonomous Vehicles
control the vehicle. The technology
developed from this autonomous vehicle
help advance the technologies in the present
modern semi self-driving cars like adaptive
cruise control, anti-locking braking system,
blind spot vehicle detection, steering assist,
lane parking, and other new features. In this
presentation, we also describe some safety
issues dealing with how AVs must learn
how to negotiate driving pattern involving
both human drivers and other AVs, the
decision-making systems, and cybersecurity
concerns. Figure 1: The Linriccan Wonder

Keywords: Self-Driving Cars, autonomous In August 1925, the Huodina Radio Control
vehicles, AVs, LiDAR, algorithm. company operated a 1926 Chandler
nicknamed “The Linriccan Wonder”. This
I. Introduction would eventually become one of the earliest
A self-driving car is a car that can sense its prototypes for autonomous vehicles. It was
surrounding and navigate without any radio operated, the 1926 Chandler was
human input. Self-driving cars are also modified with a transmitting antenna, the car
known as autonomous cars, driverless cars, received radio signals from another car
or robotic cars. When talking about self- which followed it closely with a transmitter.
driving cars there are five different levels The radio signals received controlled small
electric motors that in turn controlled the Lincoln Nebraska. This utilized detector
movement of the car. The demonstration circuits embedded in the pavements which
would take place in the presence of heavy sent out impulses that helped the car
traffic, with the car impressively turning determine the presence and speed of any of
corners, speeding up, and even honking its any other metallic vehicle on its path.
horn (Bimbraw, 2015). According to the
In the 1980s, Germany’s Ernest Dickmanns
New York Times, the demonstration would
would lead the Promtetheus Project which
eventually end whenever it crashed into
created a robotic Mercedes-Benz van named
another vehicle that was conveying
the VaMoRs that was equipped with
photographers who were documenting the
cameras and sensors. The van worked by
observing the white lines on the world and
the color disparities in mages received.

Figure 3: The VaMoRs

By the late 1990s, the Defense Advanced
Research Project Agency introduced
challenges in which a lot of research teams
from top universities such as Carnegie
Mellon University, the University of
Maryland, etc. participated in (Baude et al,
Figure 2: Newspaper publication on the
Linriccan Wonder
In 1926, The Phantom Motor Car, which
also implemented the Radio Control system
was also showcased. It was reported that it
could be operated from as far as five miles
In 1939, during the New York FUTURAM
Exhibition by General Motors, electric cars Figure 4: DARPA Challenge Poster
powered by circuits embedded in the
roadway and controlled by radio would be III. Self-Driving Cars Levels
demonstrated. When talking about self-driving cars, some
In 1953, the RCA Laboratories would people think that they all fall into one
develop a prototype which was guided by category. But they do not. Vehicles that are
wires laid in a pattern on a laboratory floor. on the road today all fall into different levels
It would later be tested on a larger scale in when it comes to self-driving vehicles. The
figure below illustrates the different levels In figure 5 is a list of hardware and software
of vehicles and what makes it a self-driving that are needed that a self-driving car would
vehicle or autonomous vehicle. use to operate on the road. GPS helps with
the accurate location and positioning of the
vehicle on the ground. The Ultrasonic
sensors measure how close other objects are
to the vehicle and their positions. LiDAR
monitors and build a 3D map of the
vehicle’s surroundings to include the roads,
pedestrians, bicycle riders, and other
vehicles. Data connectivity provide updates
Figure 4: Levels of Self Driving Cars for IoT through cellular networks for maps
of software. Radar sensors also help other
There are five level that self-driving cars can sensors monitor the vehicle’s surroundings.
be divided into. Level 0 no features. Level 1 Then the most important hardware would be
can handle one task at a time like ABS the Central ECU (Engine Control Unit),
braking. Level 2 would have at least two along with NVIDIA graphic cards. The
automated function like ABS brakes and Central ECU analyzes all the sensors
basic cruise control. Level 3, 4, and 5 are the information and compare them to the
levels were self-driving cars start to evolve. algorithm and applies the rules of the road to
Level 3 can handle “dynamic driving tasks” operate all the functions of the vehicle.
like lane changing and object detection.
Level 4 are officially a driverless in a The LiDAR stands for Light Detection
geofenced area. All level up to now still Ranging. LiDAR was first used in 1960 to
need drivers to be alert in case of system measure the distance between the earth and
failure. Level 5 is fully self-driving with no the moon. LiDAR serves as the eyes of the
human driver, steering wheel, brakes, or self-driving car by sending 150,000 pulse
joystick. Currently we are level 3, but in per second and covers 200-220 meters of
some areas with geofencing, level 4 and a distance in a 360 degree of direction. As you
small amount of level 5 cars are being can see in figure 6, the laser and detector are
tested. two of the major components, with the use
of the principal of time of flight, from which
III. Hardware and Sensors the distance is calculated. Plus, with the use
Self-driving cars use all kinds of hardware of timing electronics, accurate timing is of
and software to help it operate on the road. the essence in the LiDAR system as the
entire operation is built on time.

Figure 5: Hardware and Sensors Figure 6: LiDAR process

LiDAR timing electronics represents the
sub-system that record the exact time the
pulse leaves and returns to the scanner as
illustrated in figure 7. The Central ECU
serves as the brain of the system and
manages the input from all the other
components and aid the LiDAR in creating a
3D map of the surroundings.

Figure 8: Time of Flight Scanning LiDAR

The second LiDAR is the coherent LiDAR.
Its laser transmitter emits light and the light
reflected from the object helps with object
location. The direction of the object is
measured by the angle at which the signal is
returned. It is more effective than the Time
of Flight LiDAR because it offers a unique
range of high dynamic range, high
sensitivity and total interference rejection.
Figure 7: How LiDAR works The high dynamic range lets the sensor
There are two types of LiDAR pictured in identify dim or bright objects without
figure 8 and in figure 9. The first one in necessarily having to adjust the detector
figure 8, is the Time of flight scanning gain.
LiDAR, by contrast to a scanning lidar, a
flash lidar is a truly "no-moving-parts"
solid-state lidar that disposes of the scanning
process altogether and operates more like a
flash camera. A laser beam is expanded to
illuminate the entire scene, in a series of 2D
flashes or 3D flashes. The time of flight
point cloud is thus constructed either one
horizontal plane at a time or the entire 3D
point cloud in one flash, as opposed to the Figure 9: How the LiDAR works.
point-by-point construction in a scanning
lidar. This clearly presents the advantage of IV. Algorithms Implemented
eliminating timing issues raised by rapidly One of the main tasks of any machine
changing target scenes due to either motion learning algorithm in the self-driving car is a
of the target or motion of the lidar unit itself. continuous rendering of the surrounding
It measures the roundtrip time travelled by environment and the prediction of possible
the proton from the laser to the target and changes to those surroundings. In figure 10,
back, and then converts it to distance you can see that the vehicle in the middle is
(Rablau, 2019).
scanning the surrounding environment for Pattern recognition is the automated
any changes as it is traveling down the road. recognition of patterns and regularities in
data. The Advanced Driver Assistance
System supplies images. This data needs to
be filtered to relevant images which contain
a specific category of objects. This process
rules out datapoints which are not necessary,
it reduces dataset edges, lines and circular
Figure 10: Car scanning surrounding. arcs to edges. It helps to recognize familiar
patterns quickly and accurately. It is also
These tasks are mainly divided into four useful in recognizing objects that are not
sub-tasks: Object detection, Object familiar.
identification or recognition, Object
classification, Object localization and Decision matrix algorithms use
prediction of movement. independently trained multiple decision
models whose predictions are combined to
generate the overall prediction while
minimizing the possibility of errors. They
help to recognize, classify and to predict the
next movements of objects, this influences
the decision a car makes, whether to brake,
Figure 11: Algorithms Implemented accelerate, or to make a turn.

There are four sub-tasks or classes of V. Conclusion

algorithm implementation. Self-Driving cars are the future. But we are
Regression analysis is a powerful statistical not there yet. The highest level of self-
method that allows you to examine the driving cars to date is level 4 that is being
relationship between two or more variables tested in curtain areas that uses geofencing.
of interest. It is useful for predicting events. More and more companies are trying to be
When used repeatedly in an environment, it the first to have autonomous vehicles on the
can create a statistical model of the road and available to the public. The
relationships between the positions of the hardware and software are becoming less
given objects in an image. This statistical expensive as technology evolves and
model enables faster image detection. making buying a self-driving car more
affordable to own. Knowing more about
Clustering is the task of grouping a set of self-driving cars will help you in the future
objects in such a way that objects in the with deciding on if self-driving cars are for
same group are more like each other than to you.
those in other groups. Whenever the car
acquires images, those images might not be
clear, this makes location and detection of
object difficult. The probable reasons for
this are discontinuous data, very few data
points or low-resolution images.
[1] Bimbraw, Keshav. (2015). Autonomous
Cars: Past, Present and Future - A Review
of the Developments in the Last Century, the
Present Scenario and the Expected Future
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