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Madison Hayes

Mr. Wood

English IV Period 3

14 May, 2020

Senior Project Reflection

The main goal for me to get through to people with my senior project was to bring

awareness to a group of people that face challenges everyday that are not in the spotlight too

often. I chose to focus on single mothers and their children’s affects because I personally grew

up with a single mother and wondered if that added to my mental illnesses. I struggle with

bipolar disorder, general anxiety, and have experienced anorexia, and depression. My childhood

was rough, and wanted to see, is this everyone's reality or just mine. I want to be the voice for the

people that cannot speak up for themselves. I gained a new perspective on my senior project, a

new sort of way to empathize for people, because you never know what someone is personally

battling. I unfortunately did not get to accomplish much, but I had a plan for what I wanted to. I

tied my project together with Crossroads High School because I find their program inspiring.

Their main goal as a program is to inspire these pregnant or teen moms to take a hold of their life

and learn to adapt to their new life based on the previous choices they have made. They want to

empower these young girls, to remind them of their worth, and that is exactly what I wanted to

do for my project. To remind these girls, just because you have a baby it does not mean that your

life is over, you matter to, and you have worth. Alongside my mentor Meridoth Lyons, and

Crossroads High School principal, we came up with the idea to fundraise money by me making

jewelry, and then with the money make mommy care baskets to pamper the moms at their
mother's day brunch. If I needed extra volunteer hours, I was going to help around the campus. I

am really bummed that I was unable to do these things, because I really wanted to see the girls

expressions and watch the emotions they felt while receiving the baskets.

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