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Inversion merupakan suatu pola kalimat di mana subject terletak di belakang verb, dengan syarat
tertentu. Ada tiga jenis inversion, yaitu inversion on place expressions, negative expressions, dan
conditional sentences.

Apabila keterangan tempat mengawali sebuah kalimat, maka pola penulisan inversinya:
Adverb of Place + Verb + Subject

(a) Here comes the bus. Bentuk inversion dipakai dalam

(b) There goes Sally. kalimat yang diawali dengan
(c) Nowhere does the article mention the names of the keterangan tempat seperti pada
people involved. contoh di samping, yaitu: here,
(d) Down the hill rolled the children. there, nowhere, dan keterangan
(e) Round the corner was a nice café. tempat yang menyatakan
(f) Located at the edge of the Hill Country is Austin, Texas. tempatnya, seperti down the hill,
round the corner, dan located at.

Apabila kata-kata negative mengawali sebuah kalimat, maka pola penulisan inversinya:
Negative expression + auxiliary + S + V.

(a) Never will I do that again!

Yang termasuk negative words
(b) Rarely have I eaten better food.
adalah: no, not, not only, only after,
(c) Hardly ever has he come to class on time.
barely, hardly, never, neither, rarely,
(d) Not until a person has had a medical checkup should
nor, scarcely dan seldom.
he or she start an exercise program.

Inversion bisa juga ditemukan dalam conditional sentence, yaitu apabila kalimat tersebut
mengandung auxiliary had, should, atau were dan kata if dihilangkan. Pola kalimatnya adalah:
Auxiliary + Subject + Verb

(a) If he had taken more time, the results would have been better.
Had he taken more time, he results would have been better.
(b) If you should arrive before 6:00, just give me a call.
Should you arrive before 6:00, just give me a call.
(c) I would help you if I were in a position to help.
I would help you were I in a position to help.

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