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-) De acuerdo a las preguntas dadas, aplique los WH QUESTIONS (Escribir y responder en inglés
con sentido lógico y coherente).

1. Qué piensa usted a cerca de la situación de cuarentena?. Está de acuerdo con ella. Si o No y

R/= I think it was a very strong change in my life for not being able to go out with my friends and
family. I agree with her because it is a way of taking care of ourselves with responsibility.

2. Por qué cree usted que hay más conflicto intrafamiliar a consecuencia del confinamiento?

R/= I think that for being so long without being able to work I think they get stressed and want to
be fighting at all times and for everything

3. Cuándo cree usted que será el regreso a nuestro Colegio?

R/= I think that as things are going there is still a long time to go but I would like it to be soon it is
not the same to study at home and be with my friends

4. Dónde cree usted que se inició esta pandemia a nivel mundial y por qué?

R/= The pandemic arose from China because its culture is to eat animals that in other countries
are not eaten because they ate a bat.

5. Quiénes serán los posibles creadores de la vacuna COVID – 19

R/=the possible creators of the vaccine against coved 19 are United States, china and United

6. Cómo ha estado usted en su casa con sus parientes?

R/= very well we have known how to carry this with calm and responsibility We have all the
implements so that we do not have problems later

-) Crear diez oraciones por cada estructura de los tiempos gramaticales vistos, estas pueden ir
intercaladas en forma afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa, con sentido lógico y coherente.



1) we play in the park every day

2) she does the work of two people

3) we come to school by bus


4) we do not play in the park every day

5) you do not work very hard

6) we do not come to school by bus


7) do you go to school every day ?

8) what time do you wake up ?

9) do you go to bed early at night?

10) does he sleep during the day ?



1) he worked in his garden yesterday

2) she lived in japan last year

3) I painted my house last weekend


4) he didn’t work in this garden yesterday

5) she didn’t live in japan last year

6) I didn’t paint my house last weekend


7) did he work in his garden yesterday ?

8) did she live in japan last year ?

9) did you watch television every night ?

10) did he walk to school ?



1) will you be home for dinner

2) the doctor will see you now

3) they will never guess the answer


4) we will not come to school by bus

5) he will not walk to school

6) we will not play in the park next week


7) will we have exam tomorrow ?

8) will the dancer give us class ?

9) will they study French ?

10) will Anne eat her lunch ?



1) she is leaving tomorrow morning

2) she is playing volleyball this afternoon

3) peter is leaving outside


4) it is not raining

5) we are not playing soccer

6) she is looking for the book


7) is she playing the piano ?

8) what are you doing

9) is it being noisy

10) what are you doing

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