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QUESTION: ​what struggles do single mothers face, and how is the child overall affected and what can we as

society do to empower these women?

3385 Whitehaven Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

January 22, 2020

Topic Approval Committee

Northgate High School
425 Castle Rock Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Dear Sir and Madam:

In my Research Paper, I hope to answer the question:​ ​what struggles do single mothers face, and how is
the child overall affected and what can we as society do to empower these women?​ I​ want to focus on
how these women face everyday struggles and how we can lift them up and feel that they do matter. I am
very passionate about this topic and hope to bring awareness to this topic and open the public to the
struggle and events these single mothers go through. What problems are the children really facing. All
societies work differently and have different perspectives.

The Experimental Project that relates to my question within my paper, is to fundraise money and make
mommy care packages for the girls at crossroads who have given up all their personal needs to focus on
the baby, and remind them that they matter. I hope to empower these women by making them realize
their own worth. I will also be interviewing members of certain movements that all take part in the feminist
movement to see their perspectices and ideas . My goal is to find out how different societies view single
mothers and how they can fix it to empower them.

Women’s status has always been lower than mens, making single mothers look worse to some people,
but I hope that my project and research paper will bring awareness to the harsh reality that these women
and their children face and to gain insight on their perspective. I hope to share more about the experience
different mothers have in society and how certain movements and resources can be sought out to
empower them.

I hope this meets your approval.


Madison Hayes
English Teacher: Mr. Wood Period 3

Question: Yes___ No___ Project: Yes___ No___
Community Service: Yes___ No___ Academic Relevance: Yes___ No___
Print Name: ___________ Signature: _________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________

Approval Committee: Approved ______ Not Approved_______

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