Of, by With, by Of, by With, At, by at With, by By, About About, by About/at With/at

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Week 11

scared of, by
bored with, by
frightened of, by
annoyed with, at, by
bad at
satisfied with, by
embarrassed by, about
concerned about, by
angry about/at somethnig
angry with/at someone

1. I was getting bored with the movie.
2. She is annoyed at herself for involving in fight.
3. I am satisfied with your choice.
4. She is very angry at the government for not helping her.
5. The list of things he is bad at is pretty long.

Page 23

1. I've been working (work) here for/since two months.
2. How long have you been travelling (travel) on your own?
3. Scott has been writing (write) books for/since he left university.
4. He has written (write) three books so far.
5. They haven't been playing (not play) tennis for/since very long.
6. I have known (know) my best friend for/since we were kids.
7. How long has your sister been (be) an actress?
8. We haven't had (not have) a holiday for/since three years.
Page 31
1. I went (goto the shop for some bread, but they had sold out (sell out).
2. The meeting had finished (finish) by the time I got (get) there.
3. I invited (invite) Tim to dinner, but he had already arranged (already arrange) to do
something else.
4. When I got (get) to the airport, I realised I had forgotten (forget) my passport.
5. Erica asked (ask) me to go to Spain with her, but I had already booked (already book) a
holiday in Italy.
6. I saw (see) Gary Dale when I was (be) in town. I hadn't seen (not see) him for ten years!

On March 1st 2002, Ann Daniels, Caroline Hamilton and Pom Oliver flew (fly) from England to
Canada to walk to the North Pole. They were (be) all experienced explorers and they had
already walked (already walk) to the South Pole two years earlier. By the time they left (leave)
the UK they had trained (train) for months with the British army and they had put on (put on)
16 kilos in weight. However, as soon as they set off (set off) they started (start) having problems
because of bad weather and iemperatures of -50°C. Pom soon got (get) frostbite and by day 47
her feet had become (become) so painful thất she couldn't continue. By the time Ann and
Caroline arrived (arrive) at the North Pole they had walked (walk) 750 miles in 81 days. When
they arrived back in England they recieved (receive) a hero's welcome. No other women had
ever walked (ever walk) to both Poles before.

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