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Running Head: Genre Analysis

Genre Analysis

Jonathan Rocha

University of Texas at El Paso

Genre Analysis

The product called iPhone 11 has been a world-famous product since its technology is

advanced. In the first generation it is a billboard that was made by the company called apple and

is located in Hollywood. El Segundo generated that it is a video that was published on September

10, 2019 on the YouTube platform. The two promote the same product but with a different


Structure and Delivery

The iPhone 11 billboard that is located in Hollywood shows only one image of a product

that we know is high technology and that the society takes as a primary level in that branch

which is the smartphone branch. The structure can physically be visualized very minimalist but

at the same time the tendency of colors and the flash of water is somewhat intrigued to know

what its functionality is in it. On such a large avenue, many people turn to their surroundings and

when they come across this, they generate doubts and find out if what the billboard really says is

real. The video clearly shows the functionality of the product that really interests us, since it

explains in detail the new trends that continue each year so that it leads you to acquire it or

simply be renewing for its new functions. The video can be spread by different platforms more

easily since it has the option to share it.

Audience and Purpose

The two genres that are the billboard and the video show information for a community

that always looks for the new technology. In this case, the iPhone 11 that recently went out to the

market is shown in a high trend since the apple brand is very well positioned in the world of

technology. As technology continues to advance this product always tries to be on the sidelines

in its competition. So, the audience is waiting for this product to be the best there is in the market
Genre Analysis
to meet the need for technology. The billboard is in the most exclusive places in the United

States and that means that the company (Apple) is trying to convince that the product is the best

and has the best quality. Young people are closest to this type of product because they are

looking for more technology to take better quality photos or to access applications that they need.

People of the middle ages very little follow the example of the jovones since it is a necessity for

the fact of the work. The least interested people are the elderly as they do not seek technology

because many of them are already retired from work for medical reasons and also because they

do not know how to handle this type of phone.

Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

In the first genre that is the billboard it is difficult to express what they really want to

verify but at the same time with a simple factor as in this case the water can lead you to

understand that it is a check. The emotion cannot be clearly perceived as very simple because

only the technology ever. The logic is that it tells you the name of the cell phone (iPhone 11) the

apple brand and its logo (apple bite). In the number two genre that is the video, it has a hundred

percent credibility since it shows us visually and in all its angle, its great functions making us

clear and proving how each one of its new trends works, we believe that it is true and we can

reach the decision to buy it. The emotion of the video is action and sometimes drama because

with the sound of the song that makes you pay more attention to the product that is clearly its

purpose. The logic of the video is that you know instantly that you are talking about the new

iPhone and its new options as well as the marketing that makes you constantly change cellphones

and thus generate more profits for the company.

Genre Analysis
Conclusion and Synthesis

In conclusion, these two genres are very similar since they are giving the information of

the same product but in a different way. The most effective of these two genres is the video since

it has more credibility because it shows the product as it works and its options. At the moment of

having the option to share, it makes it easier for the person to send the information with details

and this fulfills what Apple wants to consume its product. Complete all expectations of ethos,

logos, and pathos as it is something that we can relate to because today smartphones are very

important in any type of situation.

Genre Analysis

Entry 1 Apple. (2019, September 10). Introducing iPhone 11 — Apple) [Video]. YouTube.

Entry 2 Apple iPhone 11 Holidays 2019 billboards... (n.d.). Retrieved from

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