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Research articles, sometimes referred to empirical or primary sources, report on original

research. They include sections such as an introduction, methods, results, and discussion
2. Review articles, are also called secondary sources or literature reviews, synthesize or
analyze research already conducted in primary sources. They summarize the current state
of research on a given topic.
3. When the dependent variable is binary in nature, and we cannot use simple linear
regression. Binary logistic regression is used to predict the relationship between
independent variables and the dependent variable.
4. Findings of this paper is when employees experience value fit with their immediate
supervisor, they tend to be more expressive and raise voice in organizations. Employee
voice partially mediated the effects of value congruence on citizenship behaviors,
commitment and psychological well-being.
5. This paper examined the influence of both value congruence between employees and
supervisors as well as the important role of employee voice for optimal outcomes in
organizations. This is one of the very few studies that have considered the employee
consequences of this value congruence.
6. Self-determination theory (SDT) focuses on the motivation of individuals, with an
emphasis on intrinsic motivation and several variations of extrinsic motivation. In this
case, intrinsic motivation, with its internal locus of control and emphasis on interest and
enjoyment is particularly relative to our conceptualization of employee voice. Promotive
voice focuses on making suggestions for improving how the organization will run, in an
effort to improve the organization overall.
7. Value congruence, is the employee’s perception that their leader shares a similar set of
8. The survey was completed at a single point in time using self-report measures. These
measures included a mixture of managerial perceptions, self-assessments, and
descriptions of behaviors, but the limitation remains. This survey is also limited by the
use of a snowball sample. Common method variance is also a limitation.

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